Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (4 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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“You are supposed to be fighting for my mate, correct. You don’t seem to be much of an advocate. Maybe someone else should be charged with the position of tutoring me?”

The annoyance that roiled in Lord Fatel’s eyes and face scared Kaya for a moment, but it was gone in an instant.

No other will teach you but me
. You have no choice but to spend your days in my presence. I will hold on to my control the best I can.” With that, he rose as gracefully as he had sat and stalked to the door. Turning to gaze at her, he smiled, opened his mouth to say something, but paused. He closed his mouth, smiled again and turned to leave. She watched his back exit through the balcony doors, and then sat back down on one of the large pillows, stretching her body to rid it of some of the tension he had caused in her.

She had not felt so attracted to a man in her life, and her desire could only be attributed to her circumstances, she was sure of it. She could not fall into the arms of her captors. She had to put up a defense so they would truly allow her to go home again. If she showed this man how vulnerable she was to his advances, he might use and abuse her body at his leisure. And no matter how erotic he made her feel, she needed to fight the sensation and stand strong.

Kaya had spent the past few years focused on her café, her baby. She had conceived the idea and built the business herself, spending every waking hour working toward its success. She had no time for friends, no time for what little family was left, and definitely no time for a relationship or even the arms of a lover. She’d allowed her body to grow, her love of food and her lack of time to blame. She hadn’t felt sexy in some time, so why attempt a lover?

She had neglected the passionate side of herself for so long she had forgotten what it felt like to be wanted and to want so deeply in return. If she gave into this man, she might not be able to pull herself back to her life, the life she knew and desperately wanted to go back to.

She only hoped she could.


Lord Fatel returned to his rooms near those of Kaya, throwing open the elegantly carved doors and stalking down the short flight of stairs to his bedchamber. He fell backwards onto the top of the bed, replaying the scene he had just encountered with the beautiful Earthling.

Her scent still lingered and inflamed his senses, along with the feel of her fevered skin on his fingers. His dick was still painfully erect, as he was unable to forget the look of passion in her eyes. She had wanted him almost as much as he wanted her. How would he ever control his urges and not plant himself deep inside her sex, a place he craved even now?

He lowered his hand to stroke his hardness through the thin material, and his cock pulsed in his hand. He lifted his hand to his stomach and lowered it below the waistband of the soft pants. Not since he was an adolescent had he stroked his penis to find his pleasure, always able to find a beautiful woman fully able to sate his lust from the time he had entered manhood. He knew the only woman who would be able to sate this lust was but a few doors away, yet he knew it was impossible. He had to learn control around her.

He stroked his cock from base to tip, imagining Kaya’s fingers around him instead of his own, seeing her face in his mind’s eye. He gripped himself harder, pulling his passion from the engorged flesh, unable to control the emotions running through his body. Her scent still filled his nostrils as he continued to pump away at his flesh with his own hand, driving himself into a frenzy of lust and craving.

Thrusting his hand over the turgid flesh, he saw her naked form in his mind’s eye and imagined her mouth, her hands, and her cunt wrapped around his cock. The sights behind his lids brought him to the point of eruption. His seed spilled out over his hand, but once it was complete, his erection still swollen, he realized his lust would never be satisfied. His need for her was massive, and he knew he could not have her.


Kaya slept fitfully, confusion and fear twisting her into knots. And even for those emotions which tore through her, there was a sense of rightness she could not comprehend. She felt with every fiber of her being that she was exactly where she was supposed to be.
Was she crazy?

She continued to toss and turn until she was finally able to sleep, fatigue winning the war in her beleaguered body. She still was not completely at ease, the line between sleep and wakefulness a precarious one.

Feeling a presence more than hearing it, she awakened immediately. She could not see well in the room, but sensed she was not alone. Looking along the walls, she saw nothing but deep shadows and wondered if she imagined the swirling motions she thought she saw within them. After a few moments of tense surveillance, she lay back down and tried to sleep again.


The whispered words were barely audible, but she felt them as much as heard them, like a shiver along her spine, but there was no fear in the sensation.


Rising from the bed, she looked around the room and found no one there with her.


She screamed as she felt a strong hand grasp her wrist and was still screaming when she sat up in the bed, awakening from her dreams. Still feeling the touch at her wrist, she also heard the sound of her name whispered over the breeze.


Chapter Three


Early morning light began to filter into the room. Kaya, not having slept all night after being awakened from the dream, decided she might as well start her morning. She rose from the bed and began her ablutions. Looking into the mirror above the small washbasin, she noticed dark circles under her eyes, proving to anyone who gazed upon her that she had passed a sleepless night.

Kaya sat in the outdoor space and watched as two suns began to show themselves on the horizon. The clear sky was beautiful, the play of colors similar to Earth, but showing an array she’d never seen. Hours later, Be'in found her still sitting in the same spot, wrapped in a sheet, watching the sky, a look of wonder on her face. “Oh, Be'in, the sunrise is incredible on Earth, but here it is like watching the heavens open up and spread across the sky.”

Be’in smiled at her and began setting up a breakfast platter. “You should see the sunset on Kronus 4; it has colors you probably have never even imagined.”

“How many planets have you been to?”

“I have visited only six, but there are over one hundred fifty in the Empire. You will have the opportunity to visit as many as you want. I am sure before long you will have to see Hara D’Noll.”

“And which planet is Hara D’Noll?”

“Why, the Aegarian home world, the seat of the Empire.”

“Is it beautiful?”

“Like most, it has its beauty and its ugliness. The cities are too crowded, but the large open spaces are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. I am sure Lord Fatel would take you there if you but asked.”

Kaya thought for a moment, wondering just how far down the rabbit hole she really wanted to go. The more she saw and interacted with their culture opened her to the possibilities of becoming captivated within their web. But this was also an opportunity like no other, so why not take full advantage of it? She now had the chance to see different worlds, and considering she hadn’t been to more than a handful of states in her whole life, the prospect of touring other galaxies was one too tempting to not consider.

“I will have to ask Lord Fatel that very question then.”

“Ask me what?”

Kaya turned in her chair to see Lord Fatel casually resting against a doorframe to the balcony looking far too delectable for words.

“If you would take me to Hara D’Noll.”

He smiled. “I think I can arrange a trip in the future, if it is your wish. But for now, we have our lessons to continue. There is much to learn before we travel.”

With a groan, she turned back to her breakfast and began picking at the morsels she found there. Small pastries were coated in a honey-like substance and what appeared to be fruits abounded on her plate. She picked at the food with her fingers, coating them with the sticky honey. Lord Fatel approached her and grasped her hand, bringing her fingers to his mouth, sucking all the essence from her fingers.

“You taste delightful, Princess.” He closed his eyes as if savoring her.

She blushed and pulled her hand away, wiping her hand on the damp cloth Be'in had provided. “Are all men on this planet so presumptuous, or is it just you?”

“I can’t help it if you affect me so. Are you ready for the story now?”

“What if I’m not?” she asked with an arched brow, still unsure if she wanted to hear more.

“You need to hear it eventually.”

“Then, by all means, proceed,” she spat out sarcastically, her fingers still tingling from his hot mouth.

“I believe in our last conversation we left off with your race and mine being related.” He paused for a moment, and then began, “About two million years ago, a group of Aegarian scientists were working on a project similar to the DNA and cloning research your scientists have been working on in the last few decades.”

“Wait a minute. Two million years ago?”

“Our civilization is much, much older than yours.”

“Okay, sorry. It’s just mind
boggling to hear.” Her head was already reeling, and he had barely begun. She hoped she could follow along without a headache.

“Those scientists had taken their research a step further. Our people had already achieved inter-galaxy travel and had been exploring space for many years. Our scientists found a planet which had life, plant vegetation, and a species they found would fit their research. Our scientists used Earth as a huge science experiment. They took matter and spliced it with every creature on the planet over the course of many, many years, trying to mutate a life form and basically jumpstart a new branch of evolution to be able to record the results.”

He took a long breath, checked Kaya’s face as if to see if he had lost her, and then continued, “After many failed attempts, the researchers finally found an organism which would bond with the matter they used. They started creating hundreds of creatures, creating a whole new species.”

“So your people came to Earth two million years ago and started some warped experiment?”

“If it was not for this warped experiment,
might not be here today.”

“What?” She lifted her eyebrows, almost expecting the answer which was to come.

“The creature they used was what your people have termed Homo Habilis, a primate-like early human
Once they used Aegarian DNA as the splicing matter, the Habilis stood up and walked on two legs, which then led to what you call Homo Erectus, the predecessor of Homo Sapiens. Present day Earth humans have progressed from the combination of Homo Habilis and Aegarian genetic material. Over the course of thousands of years, your people have slowly evolved to be more and more like us and less like your primate beginnings. With a few subtle changes, you basically are us.”

Kaya felt numb at his words. It was like she was caught in some warped Sci-Fi flick and couldn’t get out.

Lord Fatel paused, eying her as if trying to gauge her reaction. “And then that leads us to Daya N’goul. Because you are part Aegarian in a way, I suppose it is why our General was attracted to your scent. Your race is now a sister one to our own. We have incorporated many worlds into the Empire, and no female upon them has ever been the mate of an Aegarian male. Not because we feel them inferior, but because their scent is wrong; it does not contain the same chemicals. With your DNA and ours being so similar, I suppose it is possible for our people to find a mate on Earth.”

Kaya sat reeling, dumbfounded by the story he related. “I can’t believe this,” she whispered, waiting to wake up from this dream. “Your story can’t be the truth. You have effectively destroyed what humans hold dear to them, our history, whether it is based in creation or evolution, either way. Suddenly for us to become the result of a strange science experiment will rock our world to its core.”

“It is a lot to take in. To be honest, it took a long time for our own people to believe it; some still don’t completely. And for now, we do not plan on making this history known to the rest of your world because we know how strongly your religions affect some humans. We aren’t sure how your people would react.”

“What do you mean some of your own don’t believe this?”

“We are still now trying to determine everything that occurred during the experiment and the years which followed. For some reason, the whole experiment was almost lost in our history. After a few tribes of mutated primates were created, a huge civil war broke out between the Empire and the planets of the Inoc galaxies, and the war lasted over two hundred years. By the time the war was over, the researchers and scientists on Earth had died, and as secretive as this experiment was, few knew of it. The project was forgotten in our history until a group of our historians discovered information about the ancient project about ten of your Earth years ago and pieced everything together.

“They approached the Emperor with the findings once they had figured out most of what had happened, and he sent a scouting party soon after. The scouts returned with a plethora of knowledge, all of your histories, your languages, and enough information about your societies to show how far you had evolved. And that you look almost exactly like us.

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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