Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (10 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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She looked at him and suddenly became overwhelmed. This was just too much for her to handle. She started to sob. Besh rushed to her bedside. She fought him, punching his chest as he tried to comfort her. Eventually, she gave up, her body trembling from the emotions running through her.

He was as nude as she was, but she sensed no desire in him to do more than be at her side. Besh carefully slid under the sheets with her and pulled her into his arms, tucking her head under his chin. He rubbed her back and neck, rubbed her head and just let her cry into his arms. It felt so good to be comforted by his warmth.

Reaching across to a vase of foreign flowers next to her bed, he plucked a small pink one which looked similar to a daisy and tucked it over her ear.

“My beautiful flower, get some rest. I will hold you for as long as this dream allows.”

She rested her head and body closer to him, reveling in the heat of his muscular body. Kaya knew this was just a dream, but it seemed so real to her. The cry was exactly what she needed, and she finally felt at peace for the first time in days. Months actually. Her business took so much out of her, and Lord Fatel had been right in his comments about her personal life. She had no family, few friends, and only work. And she had been driving herself to insanity working as hard as she did.

Kaya felt at home in her dream man’s arms. She drifted off to sleep and for the first time in much too long, slept peacefully.


Sunlight started to peek through the room as morning broke over the small village. Kaya awoke feeling more rested than she’d felt in a very long time. She stretched her arms above her head and sat up in the soft bed.

She scuffled to the bathroom to take care of her morning ablutions. She turned to the mirror to check her appearance before returning to the balcony for the plentiful breakfast which would soon be there. She nearly fainted again when she saw the dainty pink flower tucked above her ear.


Lord Fatel walked onto the balcony as Kaya was eating her breakfast. He whipped around the corner and caught her basking naked in the sun yet again, feasting on her breakfast. He smiled and headed toward her. He suddenly stopped cold in his tracks and turned quite pale, especially considering his normal tanned complexion.

“Fatel? Are you alright?” Kaya looked at him warily.

“I am fine, Princess. I am more concerned with how
are doing. After passing out yesterday afternoon, I was worried you were ill,” he said, looking very out of sorts.

She eyed him for a second, realizing he was covering something which was making him feel quite uncomfortable. Should she press him, try to find out what the problem was? But she was supposed to be creating space between them, pushing him away, not calling him to her. Deciding it wasn’t worth it to force him, she switched gears. “When can I take a look at the research material from the experiments?”

“As soon as you finish breakfast and get dressed for an outing.”

“Dressed for an outing?”

“Well, yes, some of your dresses have arrived from Madame Sook Nu. I saw them on your bed as I was coming in the door to your room. I also saw jewelry boxes along with them. Evidently the General wants to spoil you.”

Kaya’s eyes lit up, and she jumped from the table, running into the bedroom to look at her new goodies. Regardless of what she’d said about rejecting the general’s gifts, she couldn’t help herself.  It felt like Christmas morning, and she, a delighted child. She had a good life with her single mother and they had always had enough, but an overabundance was a rarity. She was not used to being spoiled, and even though part of her did not want to be excited by the mountains of boxes on the bed, another girlie part of her was elated. She felt like Cinderella, going to the ball.

And she also felt like the kept woman she apparently was.

She opened the first of the boxes to find a beautiful silk-like gown in a beautiful color she could barely explain. It was sheer and ever changing, slightly translucent, but instead of changing as the piece moved in the light, the fabric changed without movement. The colors swirled together on the super soft cloth and felt like heaven to her fingertips. She pulled it close to her body and reveled in the feel of it.

Looking closer at the dress, she realized it was almost two pieces, and it would bare most of her midriff. She’d noticed ladies in the markets wearing dresses similar to this. The high-necked top would be tight to her body and bare her arms with two thin straps of material through the middle of her stomach and back to hold the skirt in place. The skirt would dust her hips tightly, but lay loose to the floor.

“How about this box next? I think you will find it somewhat complementary to the dress,” Lord Fatel said as he handed her a smaller box.

She grinned and opened it up to find the most beautiful necklace, totally covered in gems. There were mainly two types of gems. One resembled a pearl, but its translucence was like the material of the dress, with colors swirling in and around the orbs. The other was something like a diamond, only brighter and slightly pink. Finally, there were small touches of a pale blue gem dispersed here and there. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

“I think you should wear that dress today. It definitely becomes you.” Be'in surprised them both, hovering in a corner, delight showing in her face at the dresses and jewels. “Usually there are matching arm bands for fine pieces like this.”  Be’in opened a smaller box closest to where Lord Fatel had lifted the necklace box, and sure enough, there were four bands in the pearl-like material, all swirling color.

“Why are there four?”

“Two for your ankles. You are meant to walk barefoot in this dress.”

“One more box goes with this outfit.” Lord Fatel handed her a very small box. Kaya opened it to find a string of the long pearls connected to fabric. She wasn’t sure what she was looking at, so she asked what it was.

Be'in blushed heavily. She almost whispered, “You may call them underwear, my lady.”

It was then Kaya’s turn to blush.


Be’in and J’Halle bathed and dressed Kaya after the mountain of gifts was opened. They again pulled her auburn hair back away from her face, allowing ringlets of curls to fall from the back. J’Halle had found pearl combs in the basket which had been supplied when Kaya arrived. They dusted a white sparkling translucent powder to her face and put on minimal makeup, except for a hint of blue and pink around her eyes. They dressed her in the wonderful fabric and helped her into her
which would be the end of Kaya, she was sure. They added the beautiful jewelry to her neck, arms, and ankles and then turned her to the mirror.

Kaya stood looking at herself, tears stinging the backs of her eyes. She’d never felt beautiful in her life until she had come here. Inwardly berating herself for being such a weakling, she gathered up her wits and exited the dressing room into her bedroom.

Lord Fatel was waiting on the bed, looking lost in thought. His mouth dropped open a bit when she came into the room and he slowly rose to his full height. He could not take his eyes from her. For the first time, she didn’t see the lust in his eyes. There was something different she couldn’t quite comprehend. He took her hand and led her through the door to the outside.

Almost instantly, the pearls of the underwear rubbed against her pussy, making it impossible to walk comfortably. Yet there was pleasure from the movement as well. She felt wetness flood between her legs, coating the pearls, which also made it easier to walk.

He passed her hand to J’Halle’s and disappeared from view. As she strolled down the street with her maid, she again felt the hundreds of eyes on her, but this time, they didn’t bother her. She held her head high, confidence filling her. They traveled in the opposite direction of Madame Sook Nu’s shop, toward all the beautifully colored houses that lined the street she’d seen from the hall. The scents of all the exquisite flowers hit her before she saw the first bloom.

Children played and they, along with the parents who gathered by doors and windows, all stopped to look at the curious Earthling walking down their street. Some of the young were even taller than Kaya, she noted, almost with a laugh. She’d been this height since she was eleven and was not in the habit of being dwarfed by children, even when she was a child.

She noticed many more smiles coming from the people she passed this time around, or maybe it was her imagination. Maybe it was just the pleasure of the pearls at her pussy which made everything look happy to her. The pleasure she was receiving was overwhelming; the friction of the beads rubbing against her with every step came at her in waves. She feared she would orgasm right there in the middle of dozens of people, and humiliation flooded her cheeks.

J’Halle stopped in front of a large building near the end of the road. It was very old looking and fashioned of old gray stone.

“This is what you would call a library.” Her maid shepherded her inside, and a rush of stale, cool air hit her as she entered. Libraries must all be the same, no matter what planet one was on. Lord Fatel entered the space moments after her.

The elderly man who seemed to work in the building nodded warmly, and once Lord Fatel quietly asked the man for what Kaya wanted to see, he ushered them to a smaller room off the main hall. Kaya and Lord Fatel sat at a long trestle table in the center of the room awaiting the material the librarian brought. No one else seemed to be inside the library; every sound echoed up to the dusty ceiling.

After a few minutes, the older gentleman came in with a cart full of books and what looked like flat computer screens. “My lady, my name is Eetu, and I will be forever in your service. The older documents are bound in written form between animal skins. Are you familiar with this type of tome?”

Eetu held an ancient
looking book before her.

“Familiar? Quite.” Kaya laughed.

The librarian smiled in delight, and then handed them the screens and books, laying them across the long table. Kaya had a lot of reading ahead of her.

“Is there any one piece which summarizes all of this material in any way?” she asked the librarian before he left them alone in the room.

“Yes, my lady.” He shuffled back toward the table and sorted through the books and screens until he found the screen he wanted.

He handed it to her. “This is the report turned in to the Emperor once the researchers had gathered most of the information on the Earth experiment. It should give you an overall description of most of the data, and give you a spot to start from.” He smiled again, and it was contagious. She smiled back warmly at the man before he turned to leave them.

“Well, here goes nothing.” Kaya turned on the screen after Lord Fatel showed her how to use it, and she began her arduous duty of gathering information on the Aegarians. She hoped what she found here would help her make a very hard decision.


After hours at the library, Kaya’s neck was in pain, and she’d only managed to get through fifty pages of the dreadfully boring material on the screen of the report, and there were hundreds more pages to go. Kaya looked up to see Lord Fatel engrossed in another screen, looking as handsome as ever. She smiled and thought four hours sitting here reading was plenty.

“Can we check-out material?”

“Do you mean take the items with you?”


“Some screens, yes. Being that these are research materials, I am not sure. We will have to ask.” Lord Fatel looked as tired as she felt.

The screen she wanted was one not allowed to be removed. Fortunately, the librarian, Eetu, seemed smitten with her and allowed her to take the screen home, as long as she promised to bring it back in a couple of days, adding the Daya N’goul of the General was always welcome to come back. She promised she would with another grateful smile to the warm man, and they exited the building to feel the warm afternoon sun on them. J’Halle met her at the door once more. They walked back, Kaya again feeling the effects of her underwear and walking with difficulty.

By the time they arrived back at Kaya’s room, she was nearly at orgasm from the pearls.

“My lady, you look faint, are you alright?” a seemingly nervous J’Halle asked.

“I’m fine, but did we not open a gown for sleeping?”

J’Halle nodded her assent. “Please start a bath for me. The library was dusty, and I feel tired. A bath might relax me, and then I would like to dress in the sleeping gown.”

“Yes, my lady.” J’Halle exited to the bathroom with a smile on her face.

“Well, Princess, you are definitely getting used to having lady’s maids at your beck and call.” Lord Fatel moved into her room.

“Was I being too demanding?” Kaya shuddered, realizing it was the first time she’d ordered her maids to do anything. It had just come out with no thought, as if Kaya was used to being waited on by servants.

“No, you performed brilliantly. And from the smile on J’Halle’s face, she was quite pleased as well.”

“Why would she be pleased to be ordered around? I certainly wouldn’t.”

“J’Halle and Be’in are artificial intelligence. They are programmed to serve and protect you. If you do not stay, they will have to be re-programmed for another. They want you to stay and be their lady, to boss them around and tell them what to do. J’Halle is obviously pleased you have begun to accept them in their roles.”

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