Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (8 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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Kaya’s maids had covered her in the twisted contraption of a dress, fixed her hair and makeup, so she looked very much like she did the first time she was prepared for a meeting. She sat numbly through the whole process, still reeling over the dream of the night before.

Lord Fatel watched the whole process, his erection evident in the tenting of his pants. He just smiled at her each time he caught her looking at it through the mirror. Once she was done, he offered her his arm and escorted her to the balcony for her lunch. She sat at the table, warmed in the sun, and began to pick at the platter in front of her. All she felt like she’d done here was eat. But their produce was so delectable she struggled to stop.  Lord Fatel took nibbles of fruit, tonguing them and suckling them as she watched. Each lick and nibble of his mouth sent shock waves through her body, and a warm wetness pooled in her sex.

“Little one, you look in need of attention. Do you feel well?”

“Of course, I’m well. You purposely bait me.”

“And how have I baited you?” he asked in mock surprise, the knowing smile indicating he knew he was titillating her with every move he had made.

Kaya rolled her eyes, refusing to rise to his bait. He continued his nibbling, eyeing her while deeply sucking the fruit nectar from his fingers.

“Stop that!”

“What have I done? I am just eating some fruit,” he said with a mocking smile.

“You know damned well what you are doing, so just stop it.”

“I like making you wet. I can’t get enough of the scent your cream makes. I want to lap it up all day long.” With that, he ducked under the table and rested his head between her legs. She jumped up from her seat, and he crawled after her on his knees, pinning her against an outside wall.

Trapped, she began pushing him away, but he overpowered her, pulling her down onto his lap and then turning her over in one quick move, so she was again pinned below him.

“Damn it, I don’t like you overpowering me!”

“I can’t help it. I feel your need, your desire, and it makes me insane. And I told you not to lie to me. You do like it. You love when I use my strength on you.” Grasping her lips in a kiss, he began causing her to spiral into insanity right along with him.

His kisses set her body ablaze and made her mind shut down all logical thought. When his kisses began to trail down her neck and chest, she gasped in delight. He seized each nipple in a deep suckling kiss, one after the other. Then his mouth moved down her stomach, pulling her thighs apart, until his face rested level with her pussy. Jerking her sex apart with two fingers of one hand, he used the other hand to test her wetness and then brought those fingers to his mouth to taste, causing her womb to clench in a pre-orgasmic wave. A hint of what was to come.

Lord Fatel began a delicious attack of her pussy, licking her slit with urgency, lapping her cream like he was a starving man. His fingers invaded her sex, diving in as far as he could reach, while he centered his tongue on her clit, swirling it on the hard little nub.

Kaya felt the pressure build with each lick of his tongue, with each thrust of his finger, with each nibble of her clit. She was approaching a deep orgasm, and he was driving her hard toward the edge. Never before had she felt such insane need spiraling through her body, as he pushed her further than she had ever been. She squealed her pleasure after he suckled her clit deeply.

“My, my, little one. I imagined you would be responsive, but I never imagined just how reactive you would be. All women should dare to be so open to receiving pleasure.”

Lord Fatel stood up and walked briefly back into her rooms, giving her a moment’s respite, before walking out with the next phallus from the case, the one just slightly larger than the one she’d used previously.

Kaya’s eyes grew large, not expecting him to assault her sex again so soon after bringing her to orgasm. He kneeled beside her and wet the phallus by rubbing it against her aching sex, before plunging it into her. She arched her back and sucked in a deep breath, the intensity bringing her body up what felt like a foot from the floor.

He paused a moment, allowing her body to adjust to the invasion, and then began the movement which brought her the most pleasure. Kaya slid her hands along his chest and pulled his massive frame closer to her. Wanting to feel his heat and his hardness, she slipped her hand under the waistband of his pants. She searched for the hard cock she had spied tenting his pants, proving his lust for her.

He was lost in his desire for her touch, and he eased his pants down, giving her better access to his aching flesh. She gripped his engorged cock in her fingers, not able to completely encircle its massive width with one hand, caressing the hard muscle covered in silky skin. Starting at the base, nesting her fingers in the soft curling hairs found there, she pulled tightly along the excessive length to the bulbous purple tip.

She was curious, needing to see the difference between him and a human male. There seemed little, other than overall size. Both were thick and heavily veined. The broad head was larger and wider. But overall, it was close to what she was familiar with.

Soon, they were both lost in the whirlwind of desire, him pumping the phallus into her wet pussy, his tongue mimicking the movements inside her mouth, all while she pulled pleasure from his cock. She caressed his feverish skin with her other hand, and neither had noticed the guest arrive in the midst of their pleasure.

“Well, isn’t this uncomfortable?”

Both looked up to see a man standing in the doorway of one of the glass doors, staring at the two of them entangled in each other’s arms, a wide smirk on his face.

Lord Fatel growled at the man and asked, “What are you doing here, Dar Jin?”

“I came to see what had fascinated our
so much he insisted on abducting the girl. I was intrigued, and felt a compulsion to come and introduce myself to her.”

Kaya tried to cover herself and pull away from Lord Fatel, afraid they had been compromised and were possibly in trouble. She felt something uncomfortable about the man staring at her, but she considered her embarrassment, knowing that was enough of a reason to feel the unease. Lord Fatel turned a furious glare to her, meeting her chocolate brown gaze, whispering to her, “Do not move. He is an interloper, and he will leave.” Lord Fatel placed a pillow over her body to give her some modesty.

“Dar Jin, this is Kaya. Kaya, this is Lieutenant General Dar Jin of the Aegarian East.”

“Then you work for General Besh?”

Dar eyed Lord Fatel. “Yes, I work for General

“Now you have met her. Leave.” The impatience and anger showed in his words and his stance.

“I am sorry to have interrupted you,” Dar Jin said, smirking, offering a low bow. “Good day to you both.”

They both watched Dar Jin’s back disappear from view and turned to look at each other, neither wanting to say anything.

Finally Kaya spoke. “Who was he, and what just happened here?”

Lord Fatel took a deep breath, weighing what he was about to say.

“I am not allowed to enter you with my body. Your Daya N’goul will enter you, claim you, when you Join with him.”

“Then why pursue me as you have?”

Lord Fatel strode up to her, kneeling, his hands grasping her upper arms as he pulled her close to him. “Because you drive me insane, and I cannot control myself.”

His bold declaration sent a ripple of pleasure through her body, but ultimately, she knew what she must do.

“Then I suppose I will have to control us both.” With that, she stood and removed the phallus. “I think now would be a good time to go to the dressmaker, don’t you?”

Lord Fatel stood, eyed her briefly before finally reaching down to right his clothing. He then offered her his arm again, and they left her glorious prison for the first time.


Dar had just reached his guest room when his comm unit went off. He turned on the screen, answering the call. As soon as he laid eyes on the face the screen, he felt a knot in his throat and bile began to churn in his stomach.

The man smiled, reveling in the fact he made Dar quite uncomfortable. “Lieutenant, how nice it is to see you again. It has been far too long since I have had the opportunity to speak with you.”

Dar paused, looking the man squarely in the eyes. “What do you want? You only call on me when you need something.”

“Oh, come now, boy. I wanted to call and make sure you had not suffered any ills from the invasion of that wretched planet.”

“Do not attempt to show care and concern at this point, old man. It does not wear well on you. So why not just go ahead and say what you want and get it over with. I already tire of you.”

“Are we finally growing a set, boy? You would think the boy who killed his best friend would be more careful in what he said to me.”

“Dammit, you continue to use that against me! You know full well it was an accident.” Dar shook violently as emotion roiled through his body at the remembered events. “He was like a brother to me. I would never have wanted harm to come to him. Yet you would take my grief and my pain and twist it into a story of vengeance and deceit so you could force me to do your will. I have been the slave to your dangerous game for far too long, and I grow weary. Perhaps I will go forth and admit to my sins so I will no longer have to be at your mercy.”

The man sat calmly listening to Dar’s tirade as if it were nothing more than a dissertation on the weather. “Are you quite done now, my boy?”

Dar rolled his eyes and turned his back on the screen. He squeezed his hands into fists, trying to curb another eruption which obviously would do no good in making this man set him free. Dar was coming to understand there was only one person who could set him free. Himself. Yet he could not find the courage to own up to his mistakes. The respect he’d earned, the distance he’d set from his traitorous family, had been hard won. Any admission on his part would have him exiled or worse.

“If you are done, then turn around and listen to me. I think this may just be the last time I demand your help, and then we can close the book on your little indiscretion once and for all.”

The offer of freedom perked Dar’s curiosity, and he turned to face the man. Would freedom ever truly be his? Even if he no longer had to do this man’s bidding, he would never be free of the pain he had caused. It haunted him every single day.  “What is it you would have me do

“The tendrils of these Earth bitches are wrapping around yet another man in control of this Empire. There is always the chance the realm will embrace the human whore and cause me to have to work harder to discredit the race. So, I think the best thing would be for her to have an unfortunate

“I will not kill her. I refuse to destroy another person, regardless of how you feel about her race. You will just have to hope for the best and leave this woman be.”

“Well, since you have experience with
unfortunate accidents
, I felt you were the perfect man for the job.”

Dar winced, the remembered pain still great, the weight of it still crushing his soul.

“Dar Jin, this will be the last thing I ever ask of you. With her gone, I can proceed with my plans, and you can get on to living your life without my shadow following you. And the threats of the Empire finding out you were the one to kill its greatest son will be over.”

Tears formed in Dar’s eyes. He could not face the world knowing what he had done. He could not even face looking at himself in the mirror since that fateful day. But to kill this innocent woman just to save himself? She did not deserve this.

Yet, the thought of losing everything he had, the position he had worked hard to reach, the trust of those around him, the love of the only real family he’d ever had was too much. He had made a rash decision and a heated argument had turned deadly, killing the one person who had been his greatest advocate and friend, which ate at him.

“I will
kill her. There has to be another way. There will not be any more blood on my hands.”

The older man looked thoughtful. “Then make her disappear. Ensure she will never darken our Empire again. The Crimeon fields would do the trick.”

“And have her sanity taken from her? She’d be as good as dead. What’s the difference?”

“It wouldn’t be death by your hands, and you would be free of me.”

“I will never be free of you. And who’s to say Besh won’t find a way to save her before any real damage is done to her brain. She would just tell him who had taken her and left her there to rot.”

“Not if he isn’t there to find her.”

Dar looked up with fright in his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Do not worry your weak little head, boy. There is no plan to kill him. Just move him out of the way for a while. You will do this.”

Dar closed his eyes, his heart heavy in his chest, knowing there was little choice.  His head fell forward as he realized he would submit to his final duty.

“Weakness becomes you, boy.”


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