Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (19 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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She decided she would not show him her fear and turned to gaze directly at him. Then she looked into his face and saw the most beautifully warm green eyes she had ever seen. His face was wizened with age, like his wife’s, and when he smiled at her, she understood this giant would not harm her. Eetu went about greeting the giant and then explained what he had already told Escra.

“Have you gone to the Senate?” the giant boomed, his voice coming from deep in his throat.

“Yes, they did not have a call to action, but few arguments were raised. I think they were listening; at least, that is what I hope.”

“There is no time to waste. I will put up the call to the Aegarian West and put them on high alert. Maybe Aataar can begin to send troops to cover this planet and the Outer Rim. The west has been a calm place recently, with no Bel Tak attacks. I knew it was the calm before the storm.”

“Can you contact the North and South to put them on alert?”

“I will ask Aataar to do so.”

“Good, good. Well, Princess,” Eetu turned to look at Kaya, “that is all I can do until the Senate takes action.”

Escra stood up. “I am sure you both could use food and drink, and Princess, I think you might like some clothing. I think I have some of my granddaughter’s dresses downstairs. They may be small enough for you to fit.”

Kaya looked up at the kind woman. “Please call me Kaya. I feel odd being called Princess.”

Escra smiled down at her. “I will call you Kaya if it pleases you. You had better get used to being called Princess, though. For what you are doing right now makes you earn the title more than if you had been born to it.” Escra squeezed her hand and her shoulder in an embrace.

Since coming to the Empire, she had been given nothing but kindness from nearly every person she encountered, and she realized if she had to return to Earth, if this was unsuccessful, she would miss this place, these people, almost as much as she would her love.

Escra set up a delicious platter of meats and cheeses for the two of them to eat and then went to hunt some clothing for Kaya. A little while later, Escra brought her a plain muslin-like dress, which, when Kaya held it up, looked like it would just about fit. Escra led her to an empty room for her to change. She used a water pitcher and basin to wash her face and quickly washed her body and pulled the soft dress over her head. Amazing how the simple act of cleansing one’s self could impact one’s whole attitude. Kaya walked back into the main rooms of the house, ready to do whatever needed to be done.

“Princ … Kaya, Mente has left to contact his son, Aataar, who is a lieutenant in the Aegarian West. We should have word soon. For now, why don’t you rest in one of the upper rooms? You may need your strength.”

“There is no way I can sleep.”

Escra led her back to the room she had washed in and closed the door behind her. Kaya lay back on the large pillow in a corner of the room and closed her eyes. Sleep was impossible. She tossed, wondering what Besh was enduring right now. She kept tossing on the pillow, unable to sleep. The last thing she saw before she drifted off to sleep were the suns beginning to set and Besh’s face in her mind’s eye.


Besh lay on his bunk inside the cramped cell, imagining what he would do to Dak Jin if he could just get his hands around the traitor’s neck. He hoped and prayed Kaya had reached his parents and was safe. Dak and the rest of the soldiers refused to tell him anything, and he was afraid he would go insane with worry over the month-long journey.

A food plate was dropped through the etron bars of the cell, filled with the slop they fed the cattle on Ditruis 6. Besh would rather starve than eat the swill. Unfortunately, he would have to eat something; he could not survive the month without some sustenance. He grasped the plate and pulled out what foods he thought he could recognize and downed those pieces, trying not to gag on his food. He must survive this for Kaya, he must survive to see her again, to hold her in his arms again, to see her filled with his child.

After a few more bites, he set the plate aside and climbed onto the mat laid out on the floor, which was intended to be his bed for the month. Hard and dirty as it was, he did his best to get comfortable. There was nothing else to do in this hell except sleep, eat and worry about Kaya. He had already done the latter two, so maybe sleep was due. He was exhausted from struggling with the guards, so he allowed his body to relax some and drifted off to sleep.



Besh turned his head when he heard Kaya’s voice ahead of him. He looked around and noticed he was back in her rooms on the Inoc planet. He was lying in her bed, and she was standing at the foot, naked and beautiful as ever.

“Kaya!” He jumped from the bed, grabbed her by the arms and hauled her into his body with force, almost taking her breath away. “I thought I might never see you again. My love, are you alright? Are you safe? Please ease my mind.”

“Unfortunately, the situation is worse than you probably think.”

“Have they hurt you?” His hackles rose, and Kaya rubbed her hands on his chest to calm him some.

“No, I’m not hurt. But Dar Jin and his soldiers have captured your whole family. And Bel Tak ships are on the Inoc home world. It looks like they are trying to destroy the Empire.”



you?” Besh ground out through gritted teeth.

“I’m on Hara D’Noll with Eetu.”

“The librarian? On our home world? How did you get there so quickly?”

“He helped me to use Brox Catha to get here before you and Dar.”

“Brox Catha is for experienced warriors. You could have been killed!”

“I wasn’t. Eetu helped me and then we went to the Senate to warn them, and Eetu thinks they actually listened. Afterwards we went to a friend of his, the father of Aataar, in the Aegarian West. He has warned the troops throughout the Empire.”

“I can’t believe you have done all this, so quickly.” He smiled at her, his heart flooding with love for her. “Aataar is a good man, as is his father Mente. They will help us. But there is even more. It was not Dar Jin leading this, but his father Dak Jin. He has aligned himself with the Bel Tak and plans on blaming our family for the death of the Senators. They plan on taking over the entire Empire and destroying Earth.”

“My God, what are we to do?”

“At this point, there is little we can do but hope your trip to the Senate worked and they will aid us. If they do not, promise me you will allow Aataar to smuggle you to Qu’ Trey. There, you can stay with Ta Hall. He was a warrior who served with my brother and has recently walked away from his military service. He is a good man, and he would find a way to keep you safe. If I die, I want to know you will be safe. Are you safe now?”

“I am. I’m staying in Mente and Escra’s home, sleeping while we wait for word if the Senate will raise the army.”

“Damn. I cannot believe I am stuck here while the entire Empire is in danger. I have spent most of the day trying to find a weakness in the cell they have me in, but so far I have no plan for escape.”

“Then use this night as escape. We will succeed, and we will be in each other’s arms again, and soon. But just in case … make love to me one more time, Besh. I need you.”

Besh growled and took possession of her lips with his own. He looked down at her glorious body and smiled when he recalled all the wicked things he planned to do to her. But looking at her face, it reminded him of his feelings for her, and he decided then she would know the height of those feelings by night's end.

He cuddled close to her naked body, her creamy soft skin, wanting to cover every inch of her with his body. He enveloped her with his warmth, his heat, his heat for her … only her. She stirred slightly and moved even closer to him, if that were possible. She craved his warmth and his body, and a little moan escaped her lips.

He slowly began to caress her with innocent little touches, on the face, the neck, the ear, feeling the incredible silkiness of her flesh. He followed the spots his hands had just caressed with his tongue, tasting the sweetness he knew lay beneath. Then he grazed her hip, the curve of her waist, and slid his hand along the smoothness of her back and around to her backside, pulling her already damp core closer to his hot, hard self. The feeling of her soft body beside him was almost too much for him to bear.

He had tried to make this slow, but his patience was losing the battle, and he grasped her body to him, as close as two people can be without being joined, and his lips sought hers out again. He started slowly, swallowing her quiet moan of pleasure, and soon he was ravaging her mouth, plundering it, giving a hint of the passion building inside him.

Her eyes fluttered closed once his kisses started to become needy, deep, penetrating kisses full of his ardor.  She was his drug, and he was highly addicted and had a wealth of emotion to share with her. "I need you, I love you," was all he could say before he grabbed her and started his plundering kisses all over again.

While his lips performed magic with her mouth, his hands again roamed all over her body. Sliding over her ass, her thighs, her hips, her back ... all the while, she demanded him to touch her breasts and her wet, hot cunt, but he avoided those two areas, driving her insane with the need for his touch there. She grasped his hand and moved it to her pussy, but he freed his hand from her grasp. He wanted to raise her desire to the pitch where his had already formed. He needed her to want him as much as he wanted her. He hoped he could keep his sanity and not rush himself before he fanned the flames of her desire. It was difficult with this hot, needy, wanton woman in his arms.

She breathed a pleading moan that begged for him to go further, to touch her where she needed it most. He felt the wetness against his hardness. She was so excited and so needy—she was where he was—finally. So he grasped one breast in his hand, feeling its weight, pulling on the tight, hard nipples ... never pulling his mouth from hers, until the last second when he dipped down to pull the pink bud into his mouth. She moaned loudly as he enveloped her breast with his lips. His mouth pulled at her breast, suckling her deep, and she arched under him, pleading for more. After minutes that felt like hours, he released one beautiful breast and moved to its twin, suckling the pink rosebud. Finally his fingers moved within her channel, with her pink bud firmly in his mouth as he slid his fingers into the damp curls of her core.

She moaned as he slipped a finger into her pussy to test her wetness, and then moved her onto her back and glided down her body, releasing her nipple with a pop. He opened her legs wide, not touching, not tasting ... just looking at the beautiful woman she was. How wanton and wet ... how ready for his touch, his taste. He slowly inserted a finger between her nether lips, and the feeling caused her to arch her back in pleasure. He kept the finger in, not moving, just allowing her to get used to the feel of him invading her body. Then he bent and covered her clit with his mouth and suckled it like he’d suckled her nipple ... hard, licking, nipping ... making her thrash on the bed. He then began to move his once still finger, simulating the movement his cock would soon make. 


The fiery heat of his mouth and the motion of his fingers built Kaya toward her climax. She felt the pressure building in her body. Three fingers, pressing in and out, were creating a dizzying rhythm within her channel. He lapped up the hot wetness flowing from her pussy then covered her clitoris again. The pressure built more, four fingers, in, out, a burning heat. She felt her body stiffen. She screamed her pleasure, arching her body, crashing on the rock that was her husband. He continued to suckle her, riding out her body's pleasure. She lay slack against the pillows, trying to regain her sanity, trying to capture her breath, all the while, he went about his business, suckling her clitoris, fingering her wet, hot pussy, not giving her the time to gain the breath into her body before the pressure built again.

She climaxed not a minute before, but her body was ready again, his ministrations not allowing her a moment’s respite. He continued the motions he used to bring her to her first orgasm, and within minutes she screamed her passion for the pleasure he had wrought. And again, he gave her no time for respite. He continued his assault on her pussy, with his tongue, teeth, and fingers. He tortured her cunt in an experiment of sexuality.

How many orgasms can he render from my body?

He lapped up her cream and penetrated her slit with four of his long fingers. After two mind-shattering orgasms, her body was open, wet and flowing, so he eased his hand deeper inside her, adding his thumb to the fingers already deep in her wet sex. He slowly eased his hand in deeper still, feeling her body stiffen and resist, but she wanted the pressure and the pleasure
pain his hand would rend. She moaned and breathed yes, giving him his leave to do what she wanted him so desperately to do. She wanted him to press on, so he slipped his whole hand inside her body. Arching her back, Kaya screamed out again with her pleasure.

He slipped his hand out and brought the hand to her face. She held his wrist while she cleaned his hand with her lips and tongue, tasting the sweet passion he had ripped from her.

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