Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (9 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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He moves in closer again almost touching me, I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

“Roxy please wait,” he whispers and it sounds amazing and surprisingly comforting to hear him say my name. I’ve longed for it so many times, yearned for him.

I need to keep walking, need to get away from the one who broke my heart, away from him. But I feel glued to the spot. I
’m so close to him, his hold on me is radiating heat. His thumb starts to rub along my skin, his coarseness sending stimulating vibrations, making me wetter and more aroused. His breathing gets faster. I know he is feeling turned on too… should I turn around, push him away? I feel so giddy but I need to see those chocolate eyes again so I can’t help but turn my body around to face him. I feel his fingers slide along my arm, and then his hand is on my hip. I feel so heated I may implode.

His eyes are on mine again, such intense eye contact that never ceases, his gaze lowers to my cleavage and I see him lick his lips. What I would give to taste those lips again. My eyes are on his lips and my tongue darts out to lick my own lips instinctively. His hand grips the material of my top and tugs it, pulling me hard into him.

“Hmmmmm,” I moan unable to stop the sound escaping my mouth, betraying me. My hand is now touching his elbow, I rub my thumb along his rough skin and his eyes darken with lust. He adds his other hand to my left hip and rubs his fingers up so close to my breast, then back down to my jeans and pulls me in tighter. I feel his arousal as my body is flush against his, my breasts pushed against his chest.

Roxy,” he says my name again and it’s so hot. I swear I can see into his soul through his eyes right now. “I miss you so bad,” he tells me never losing his stare, holding me so tightly.

I am stunned, shocked, totally blown away. He actually said he misses me and not just a little, he misses me badly…

Our hallmark card moment is disrupted.

Shit Roxy, I just saw Dylan walk in we better try and hide or go out the back,” Jemma says to me running up and grabbing me. It snaps me out of my daydream and my perfect moment with him.

I pull back from Kade.
“I-I have to go,” I say to him stuttering, unsure of what else to say.

His face shows disappointment and his large shoulders slouch.

“No don’t go,” he pleads with me.

I grab my bag and turn to head out the back exit feeling so confused, elated, and still hot from the moment back in Kade
’s arms, but what does this mean?

Good question, what the fuck does this mean?







Chapter 10

Sparks Rekindled


“Kade pack your things, we are going back,” dad tells me as he walks into the lounge room of our rented apartment in Byron Bay.

“It’s time son. We have had time away, I feel calmer and have come to terms with your mum leaving me and being with Malcolm. There are lose ends to wrap up,” he adds.

Are you serious old man? There isn’t anything back there for either of us,” I say to him frowning, thinking of only the negatives that can come from heading back.

“Yep, we are leaving tomorrow, our holiday is over. It’s time for us to face the music and for you to get serious with your surfing practice too,” dad states to me in his raspy tone.

The next day we are packed up and on the road in record time.

Turns out the woman I once knew as mum, but is now only Vicky to me, wants to sell the house. The god damn family home that we have had birthdays and Christmas in for the last twenty-five years, so we will be sorting out shit there.

It has been four months away and hiding never solves anything.

I never heard from Roxy when I sent that drunken message on Valentine’s Day so I drank tonnes more and ended up in Stacey’s bed. That damn surfer chick had me in her sights from the second we met according to Chase. Thank god I woke up before her and crept out. Fuck. It was just sex right. Meant nothing to me, and I don’t remember half of it. Except that it wasn’t Roxy’s body I was caressing and her tits were smaller than Roxy’s. Damn I can’t even get my dick wet without thinking of her.

I know Roxy met someone, Ebony told me that he treats her well. That bastard better treat her like the queen that she is.

So why can’t I just move on if she has?

I never believed in meeting your soul mate or that there was one true love for everyone, but Roxy was mine. I know that one hundred percent.

So why did you abandon her?

Home sweet home,” dad tells me as we pull up into the driveway of our house Vicky is living with Malcolm at his place the thought of it makes me wanna throw up. Scum.

Him and her, they deserve each other.

“It is nice to be back on home turf. I bet the dogs are sick of Ebony fussing over them,” I say to dad as I punch him on the arm and climb out of the car.

For some reason your own bed just feels amazing when you have been away, it will still be lonely but better than one in an apartment that you know hundreds of others have been on. That was the joys of renting an already furnished place in Byron Bay.

We unpack my Ute and open some windows to air out the place; it’s been closed up for too long.

I head into my room, dive onto my bed and it feels like I never left. Oh yeah that dreaded day that I left…

How could I forget when I left my gorgeous girl heartbroken and alone?

Kade I’m heading to get some groceries, do you wanna come or need anything?” dad calls to me as I’m having a lay on the lounge flicking through the TV. It’s good to have normal channels back and not the Byron Bay weird ones.

Nah I’m just gonna hang here. Can you grab me a few salads and PowerAde for training?” I answer back to him with my requests.

Okay, see you later,” he tells me and heads hastily out the door.

Peace and quiet, with that I close my eyes for an afternoon nap.

I hear dad pull up and realise I have slept for the last hour, so I jump up and head to have a shower before he can hassle me for sleeping on the job…

I shower quickly and search for some clean clothes.
I must remember to throw my pile in with dads if I want them washed… Screw doing it myself.

You are back,” I call to the kitchen as I can hear dad putting away the groceries.

Yep, your sister called, she will be over in about thirty minutes with the dogs,” he replies.

No problem, I’ll be here till surf squad this afternoon,” I tell him and I must admit I’m looking forward to seeing the guys again and intensifying the sessions.

I grab the newspaper dad purchased from the shop and sit at the table to catch up on the local news. I skim through the weather, movie cinemas, and then the positions vacant as I just don
’t know if I want to stick with the building trade. Something catches my eye.




How awesome would that be running a surf school? Teaching others how to ride a board, creating little surfer dudes. A large grin spreads across my face.

Is this fate or what? What are the chances of something like this popping up?

I decide to send a quick text message showing my interest but have every intention of speaking and meeting up with the owner sooner rather than later.

Hi there,

Just saw your ad about your Surf School for sale.

I am definitely interested. I am an avid surfer myself, heading to the Pro in Hawaii for the
championships. I am also from Manly.

Please phone me for an interview.

Kade Thomas

Coming back to Manly might not be so bad after all.

Thirty minutes later I get a reply to my text message.


Are you free
around twelve midday tomorrow to meet up and discuss a few details? We are located at the south end of the esplanade.

Laine - Surf School Director

I reply immediately.

Yes I can meet up tomorrow.

See you then.

I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, this is such a great opportunity for me. Shit, could I really run a business myself though?

I decide to call up Pete to chat and tell him I’m back. “Yo Pete, guess who is back in town?” I say to him casually.

Oh awesome dude and you are just in time, we are going out tonight. You have to come!” he tells me, well orders me actually.

Yep sounds good, I got nothing better to do,” I say stirring him.

What hangin’ with your old man for another Saturday night is really an option?” he says back and cracks up laughing.

Ha ha,” I say back sarcastically.

Can you get to my place by six thirty?” Pete asks.

I’m sure that can be arranged bro,” I reply casually as I’m sure dad won’t mind dropping me there.

I feel like maybe I should ask him along but hell, it
’s been forever since I’ve been out with Pete. And well dad has been living in my shadow for months so I quit feeling guilty pretty quickly.

We pull up in a cab outside a modern looking building with a flashing sign saying EXTREME! I guess that
’s a pretty cool club name. It makes me think of Roxy and the places she used to frequent and this was exactly the type.

Straight to the bar Pete,” I tell him as the bouncers finally let us in thanks to Johnno and a mate he works with. If I’m gonna relax in a place like this is I need to be pretty plastered.

Yep, beers then shots bro,” Pete states as he orders our drinks.

I am on my fifth drink, laughing at Johnno and his jokes. The music is much more modern than I
’m used to, the strobe lights are intense while I watch the dancers mesmerised by them.

What the hell?

I am looking at the dance floor and I see the sexiest body grinding it on the dance floor. I know that body by heart, it’s etched forever in my brain.

The curves, perfect tanned skin, tits that bounce with every movement and that arse.

I love the way she is lost in the music, enjoying the moment looking so free spirited, just the girl I remember and fell in love with.

I drink my beer and order a round of shots, downing the first one before I order another round.

“Shit Kade you are gonna be wasted,” Pete calls to me but I can’t take my eyes off her, his eyes follow mine.

Oh hell, now I know why you are slamming them down,” he tells me. “Do you wanna go somewhere else bro?” I shake my head, no way, this is my chance.

I stand and walk slowly toward her.
It’s now or never Kade
it’s a sign she is here - now go and do something about it.

I see her heading to a table with Jemma and two other friends where she downs a shot. Looking sexier than I remembered, then she sucks the lemon and my dick hardens instantly. Sexy.

My legs keep taking me over to the goddess. I stop at the table watching her continue to suck on the lemon as she looks up, I see her bright blue eyes the colour of the ocean and my heart stops beating. I feel my breathing intensify, then my heart picks up rhythm faster and harder than before.

Hi,” I say shakily to her as that is all that I can manage after being so close to her after all this time.

I see her eyes widen obviously shocked to see me.

“Hi,” she says back, and fuck that sexy voice so husky and addictive. I can’t help but stare.

How are you Roxy,” I manage to say.

Then I figure they aren
’t the best words as the last thing I said to her was I’m leaving and goodbye. Whoops. Judging from her comment I’m right. Fuck. She grabs her bag and tries to walk past me.

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