Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (10 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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Roxy please wait,” I plead to her and grab her arm refusing to let this amazing woman walk out of my life again. She pauses, stops in her tracks still with her back to me. Her shiny straight blonde hair smells edible, and I just want to touch it.

I rub my thumb along her satin soft arm and from the goose bumps and her shiver I know she is enjoying it. Her skin is so silky and smooth just the way I remember it. I breathe heavily onto her neck and I see her shoulders hitch from the warmth of my breath. I continue to rub in a circular motion.

She moves slightly and to my pleasure she turns her body to face me. I slide my fingers along her velvet arm and down onto her hip. I lock my eyes on her shimmering midnight blue irises, the stare is so intense I can’t look away I am lost in her twilight. I finally lower my gaze to her cleavage; fuck this top shows her tits off so well. They are so hot. I lick my lips, what I would give taste those tits again.

I see her amazing blue eyes follow my gaze, I know her turned on look well and I watch as she flicks out her tongue to lick her own lips, fuck that is hot. I seductively grab the material of her top and tug it, pulling her hard into me. I feel her breasts bounce against me.

“Hmm,” she moans causing my dick to stiffen to the hardest it’s been since it was last inside her wetness months before. I may come from that sound alone.

Her hand is touching my
elbow, and she rubs her soft fingers along my rough skin. I feel my dick throb just from her small movement. I graze her left hip and rub my fingers up so close to her breast, then back down her jeans watching her squirm before I yank on it to pull her in tighter. My arousal pushes into her core as my body is now flush against her body, causing her full breasts to push against my chest.

Roxy,” I say softly to her and I swear she gazes into my soul through my eyes.

I try but I can
’t stop the words that come out of my mouth.

I miss you so bad,” I tell her never losing my stare on her and holding her tight.

She looks stunned at what I said. How could she not know I missed her? I am so close to kissing those ruby lips when Jemma comes running up to us. I
’m so lost in the moment then all I hear is. “We have to go, Dylan is here.”

Oh yeah Dylan must be the motherfucking boyfriend…

Roxy looks shocked and puzzled as she pulls back from my grasp. “I-I have to go,” she tells me in a panicked voice.

No I can
’t let her go…

No don’t go,” I plead to her not wanting to be away from her a minute longer than I have been. Giving me one last look, she turns and runs off with Jemma.

Out of my life yet again…

I wake the next morning so fucking pissed off. I can’t take it anymore! I hate myself so fucking much for ending it with Roxy and walking away from her. I’m still unsure how the hell I did it, making her think I wanted us to be over, it was a monstrous mistake.

Being so close to her last night in the club, caressing her velvet skin, feeling the goose bumps I was creating from my touch, it ignited my desire for her. I want her
, I need her back and from her reaction she feels the same way.

I need to show her I
’m worthy of her forgiveness. Show her that I won’t leave again and that I want to be with her forever.

I grab my board and jump in my Ute. It is sounding like it needs a good service, having been to Byron Bay and up the coastline the last few months.

I pull up at my beach, where I learnt to surf, joined the squad, and trained for the tour.

Today this surf is all about clearing my mind.

I paddle out enjoying the coolness of the water as I increase speed to get moving. The waves are small but I will still get up. I inhale the breeze; it’s cool, salty and fresh. I straddle my board as I watch the waves and wait for my one to appear.

’m staring into the waves, breathing in and out deeper, I close my eyes to clear my mind. Feeling relaxed, focused. It comes to me.

I need to see her again, tell her I still love her and can
’t go another day without her by my side.

What have I got to lose? I
’ve already lost her once. No fucking way am I losing her again!

Chapter 1

’s Birthday

I can
’t help but wonder to myself if Dylan has noticed the distance I’m keeping from him. I’ve even gone as far as lying about anything and everything to avoid sex.

I just can
’t get Kade out of my head, not since our heated moment at the club. Damn if the guy can get me that hot from a little touch. It’s showing me the love and passion I still have for him.

After a long busy week at work, it
’s finally Friday night.  We order pizza and watch
Fast & the Furious
just relaxing on the lounge. Dylan being his smothering self has his arms firmly around me.

I am secretly admiring the sight of Vin Diesel, he is one hot dude!

Jemma is staying at Dan’s as per usual and picking me up for shopping in the morning. I head quietly into bed just before the end of the movie to ensure I’m snoring soundly before Dylan comes in, success as I don’t even hear him climb into the bed.

I wake still feeling sleepy and roll over spreading out in my bed enjoying the extra room. But wait, it
’s only three am according to my flashing alarm clock.

Dylan did stay over, so where is he?

My guess is in the bathroom? I creep out as my curiosity gets the better of me. Nope he’s not in bathroom.

Hmm he
’s not here, it’s the middle of the night where the hell is he?

I sit on the lounge for the next ten minutes wondering where he
’s gone, when I hear the front door creak open. I see Dylan creep in the doorway.

Where have you been?” I demand angrily.

His head jerks backwards as he jumps.
“Shit you scared the crap outta me Roxy! I heard noises so I went to check them out, he replies with a ‘where do you think I was’ kind of look.

Oh god really? Must be the burglar Mrs. Quinten mentioned,” I answer him shocked and now a little frightened with the thought of a creeper around the apartment.

Did you see anything?” I ask him eager to know the details.

No nothing, they must have taken off. It was definitely a loud noise though,” he informs me.

Shit, I think maybe we should get the police involved. I’ll go see Mrs. Quinten in the morning and the other tenants that live here and see if they heard or saw anything,” I say anxiously.

Dylan pulls me in for an embrace obviously noticing my scared reaction.
“It’s okay Roxy I am here. I will protect you and beat the crap outta anyone who tries anything baby, I promise,” he tells me sincerely and kisses my forehead.

It does make me feel safe and protected. Damn it now I feel guilty about my feelings. Fuck. If he could just stay this way each day and not have those wacky mood swings I might just keep him around.

I wake feeling toasty warm from the glorious sun shining through my blinds.
Thank god it’s Saturday

After a much needed and leisurely sleep in I enjoy a casual brekkie of Orange Juice and vegemite on toast. Dylan has already left for work so the house is nice and quiet.

I take a minute to recall what happened with the noise last night, still worried about the possibility of a burglar roaming around. Now I’m a little bit on edge.

Thirty minutes later I shower and dress in
capris and a V-neck top, black cardigan and my black thongs, nice and casual.

“Yo bitch, I’m home,” Jemma’s sweet and not so innocent voice comes from the front door as she unlocks it and enters.

Hi hunny,” I call out to her. “Just let me grab my bag and put my shoes on girlfriend and we can go”

I lock up the apartment, and climb into Jemma
’s sporty hatchback as we drive to the mall to buy the last minute items for her Seventies fancy dress party. Tonight is the night finally.
I swear if I have to listen to Jemma’s daily countdowns any longer I may be institutionalised.

I fill her in on the noises Dylan heard last night and we both decide to chat to the others in the building when we get home, safety in numbers right.

“I’m so freaking excited Roxy. You know how much I love parties, especially with the focus on me and costume parties are so much more fun!” Jemma squeals as we head into the fancy dress shop to pick up our fabulous outfits.

Dancing and drinks with all my favourite peeps. This will be a birthday to remember, what more could a girl like me ask for?” she adds squeezing my shoulders tightly with her fingers.

I really admire all the qualities in my best friend, she is gorgeous without a doubt, but her friendly personality and bubbly nature is what makes her sensational. It is contagious.

We walk enthusiastically through the doors of Dazzling Fancy Dress and are greeted by a young blonde employee with a wide smile.

Good morning ladies, how can I help you?” the young blonde asks us with her cheerful grin and joyous demeanour.

Hi there, we are picking up costumes for Jemma Donovan and Roxy Thorne,” Jemma announces to her and from the pitch in her voice I can tell she is just itching to see her outfit again.

Nodding her head and grinning showing
us her pearly white teeth the blonde who’s name tag reads Rosie answers Jemma, “Sure ladies give me a sec and I’ll grab your outfits from the back,” And off she goes bouncing through a well-lit hallway.

I find myself gazing around the bright and colourful store, taking in the amazing costumes from witches to angels, clowns and even a Michael Jackson dress ups.

My mind wanders when I see the Hawaiian shirts and leis, fake palm trees and blow up surfboards. Taking my thoughts ironically back to Kade and our intense moment at the club. That fresh saltiness of his aroma, the sparks his touch ignited in every ounce of me…

Then my thoughts are brought back to reality and to Dylan Mr Schizophrenia himself.

“Do you think they have a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide costume for Dylan?” I joke playfully to Jemma and I watch as her smile beams and she breaks into a hysterical laughter.

That is brilliant Roxanne. That sums him up alright, let’s ask the girl,” she replies sarcastically and winks at me.

Rosie walks out holding four large black bags all on hangers, obviously our costumes.

“Okay here are the two for Jemma Donovan, we have Sandy and Danny from Grease,” she tells us as she places them on the glass counter next to the cash register.

They are mine, show me show me. I can’t wait to put this on again.” Jemma answers her gleefully and it makes me smile, knowing how happy Jemma is about being able to be in character for the night.

Jemma pulls out the black satin pants, black off the shoulder top and belt to match, then the red heels while smiling like a little kid.

“If you could just check the sizing is right and all items are in there I’ll get you to sign for them,”

Rosie tells us informatively.

“These two must be yours,” she says looking in my direction as she hands me the outfits.

Yes, thank you,” I say as I unzip them and check it is correct and as ordered.

I do love the bright array of colours in my hippie dress. It
’s pink with purple and green flowers of all different shapes and sizes. Then I see the yellow knee high boots again.

Okay Jem, now I’m excited. Look at these funky god damn boots!” I squeal to her and do a little hip wiggle.

We sign the forms and head out to the car smiling and eager for the night
’s events to start, after one more stop to pick up some more mirror balls and two lava lamps we head to the club to decorate.

’m hoping the night is a success but I’m also feeling a little apprehensive with my stomach doing backflips. I’m just waiting for the next stunt Mr. Unpredictable is going to pull.

’s wealthy parents have hired out the spacious function room at North Sydney Leagues Club for her party, this is their gift to her and she is beyond thrilled about their present. With a thousand dollars of alcohol on the bar and all food catered for.

Jemma has been spoilt over the years. She has her fair share of name brand clothes, nice bags, jewellery - you name it, so a tangible present makes better sense.

We arrive promptly at the club at two pm like the event co-ordinator requested with the awesome decorations and centrepieces Jemma let me use my imagination and choose. The room is so spacious and modern looking with around ten round tables and chairs that surround the dance floor in the middle.

The long rectangular table is positioned against the side wall and will be for the caterers to put the food and cutlery.

“I will start decorating with the tablecloths Jem.  I’ll get that out of the way first okay,” I tell her and get to work as I’m planning to make this as stress free for her as possible.

Pink, blue, green, and purple are the colours of choice with of course black and they certainly brighten the place up that
’s for sure. I alternate with the coloured tablecloths, showing the seventies vibe of the more colour the better.

I carefully pull the shiny glass flutes out of the box for each table centrepiece. I fill them with multi-coloured tissue paper and silver tinsel and finish them off with a silver mirror ball to the top as a feature.

Looks awesome so far.

Roxy what in the hell would I do without you girlfriend?” Jem asks rhetorically and kisses my cheek while admiring the tables so far.

An older looking black haired lady in a skirt suit comes over to where I am busily working.

“Lovely to see you again Jemma. Come into my office and we will take care of the paperwork,” she tells her and proceeds to lead her through a navy blue door.

I smile at her and give her the nod.
“I’ll have all this done before you know it.”

My main job is to finish the tables and make the room come to life for her special night, and challenge accepted. Oh I do love a good challenge…

Onto each circular table I sprinkle a bright pattern of glittered confetti and arrange four more mirror balls evenly around the centrepiece. Lastly I finish off the tables with black napkins that I folded into fans the night before, and each place setting has a little jar of bubbles for later on.

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