Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (8 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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Dinner is booked for six thirty so we are leaving at six. Tia is swinging past to pick us up,” Jemma tells Dylan informatively.

I see Dylan texting on his phone, obviously to Charles, so when it beeps back pretty quickly it
’s a good sign.

Okay so Charles is going to be playing poker at his place tonight with a few guys so I’ll be heading there too. You were right Roxy, I am looking forward to some male company,” Dylan tells me smiling.

Oh awesome, I hated the thought of you being here by yourself,” I state and give him a kiss on the cheek.

I grab a quick shower and run the straightener through my hair, trying not to put in too much effort for Dylan
’s sake.

Who are you trying to impress Roxy?” Dylan asks me as I apply my foundation and powder.

Just the comment I was trying to avoid.

“No one babe. I look this smoking hot for myself, not even for you,” I joke to him. I add a light purple eye shadow and black liquid eyeliner, then light mascara and lipstick. “I should probably get out of this robe,” I say when I realise I’m still in my not so sexy coral bathrobe.

No I want you to wear that to the club, it hides those sexy curves from the monsters that will be eyeing you off,” he tells me now sounding annoyed.

I grab my dark denim skinny jeans and brown wedges, choosing a chocolate brown halter neck top and denim vest to go over it unbuttoned, pretty casual. Well for now…

I strip to my cotton underwear and start to put on my jeans. Dylan hops off my bed and heads over to me grabbing me and pulling me against him.

You look hot in next to nothing Roxy, do you know that?” he tells me seductively. “Thinking of another guy even looking at you makes me furious. I would rip their heads off,” he tells me now fuming.

Don’t be silly, I will be enjoying dinner with the girls, no guys just us. Okay babe?” I reply to try and calm him down.

You better not drink too much Roxy. You turn into a flirty slut when you drink too much,” he tells me hurtfully.

That’s fucking rude Dylan,” I reply sick of his shit.

Sorry baby, how bout you just have three drinks and we’ll all be happy, and home by eleven Rox,” he orders me and I feel so angry, smothered and sick to my stomach. I feel like a school kid again. But I know he won’t stop this bullshit, so I nod like a good little girl.

I will only have three, I promise.”
I really wanna call him on his bullshit and tell him to get steppin’ but it’s not worth the drama or the lecture he will give me…

He leans in and gives me a long hard passionate kiss. I can feel my lips bruising from his roughness.

“Okay, well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Roxy. You better do the right thing by me, and I love you more than my own life,” he tells me squeezing my hand as he turns to walk out the front door.

Bye Jemma, don’t let anything happen to my girl,” he tells her.

Don’t worry; I am just so happy to have my bff for the night. We will stay at the restaurant till closing and enjoy a few girly drinks, maybe even karaoke,” Jemma adds, and it makes me laugh as I know just the club we are going and its hard core podiums, half naked men and women and it will be a very messy night.

Bring it!

I darken my foundation and eye make-up to a smokier look, straighten my hair some more and change my top to my purple halter neck, the beads accentuate my bust. A girls gotta look her best after all.

Giving myself a once over in the mirror and adding my black stilettos, I am much happier with this choice. I smile at myself and feel happier than I
’ve felt in weeks.

I feel like a bird let out of her cage and how sad is that at twenty-five. I am in such a controlling relationship that I may as well be married. Panic is hitting, it
’s too much too soon and damn it the walls are closing in.

I sit on my bed and take some deep breaths; I need a drink or ten that
’s for sure!

This girl
’s night could not have come at a better and more needed time in my life.

Dylan has healed my heart break yes, but he has caused it to now feel trapped and no matter how hard I try to free it, it just isn
’t budging.

I need a night out to forget the drama, let loose, drink,
dance and have fun!

We jump in Tia
’s sporty Mirage and zoom though the city. She is a demon on the road, zipping in and out of traffic so I put down my window and enjoy the wind in my hair

So this is what freedom feels like again…

Earlier today I sent a text to Jeremy to see where he and his band are playing tonight.

Hey bro, I
’m having a girls night. Do you and the band have a gig on tonight?

He replied hours later, typical Jeremy.

No sis, next Friday we are at the local. You will have to come, spread the word!

Will do
Jez. I will be there in the front row.

We get to EXTREME! the hottest dance club in the city right now. The DJ is imported from the US and has won awards all around the world, and now I know why.

The music is mesmerising and so catchy with a great rhythm and beat, even the worst dancer could rock it.

Drinks first!” I call to the girls and they all nod agreeing with me as we head to the bar. “Four Vodka and Raspberries, please,” I order and pay for the first round of drinks.

It goes down so nice and easy and sends a warm sensation to my legs. I can
’t remember the last time I had vodka.

I need another,” I tell Jem laughing and she nods, squeezes my hand and orders more drinks.

Four again please, Mr Bartender,” Jemma says flirting innocently with the bartender.

You got it gorgeous,” he replies flirting back.

Throwing back my second drink, I am relaxing and my body is moving in time with the music.

“Four Slippery Nipples,” Jemma orders seductively to the bartender again. I crack up laughing at her audacity. This girl has no shame but keeps me entertained.

Nice choice,” he tells her winking. As he places the shots on the bar he tells us smirking, “Enjoy ladies. I may have given a little extra for you beautiful women.”
Got to Love extras

Oh thanks dude,” I tell him feeling happy and relaxed as I pick up my shot glass. “Let’s do this my sexy ladies,” I tell them and they all grab their glasses before we clank them together.

“Cheers,” we say in unison. Downing my drink easily, it feels and tastes amazing.

Let’s hit the dance floor now!” I scream to the four of them.

Let’s go,” Jem tells me leading the way swaying in her sexy way to the music.

We make our way into the middle of the floor and get into the beat. I
’m feeling euphoric and totally buzzing from my drinks.

’m swinging my hips to the music, my arms are in the air and it feels amazing. I feel alive! I had forgotten what that felt like to be honest. We smash it dancing for the next twenty minutes.

We need more shots!” I yell to Jemma or slur for the matter.

Anything for you whorebag,” she tells me jokingly. As she heads to the bar, I stay with Tia and keep dancing.

I suddenly feel like I
’m being watched... I look around the room, not sure if it’s someone I know or not. Stuff it; you are paranoid Roxy and drunk. So I just keep on busting a move and relax into it.

Jemma brings the shots over. Tequila with lime
and salt. “Woo hoo Jem, nice choice,” I tell her feeling happy.

Lick, sip, and suck let’s do it,” Tia adds as she grabs her shot glass.

Here’s to three fucking drinks, Dylan you motherfucker,” I cheer to my girls and they all laugh hysterically as I down my shot.

’m letting party girl Roxy out for the night. She is always lurking inside waiting to let her hair down and fuck that is what I will do! I’ve been feeling a bit contained and imprisoned and I don’t like it one bit.

How can I go from feeling happy, somewhat content and feeling safe to now being scared and confused? I
’ve heard of bipolar but this is insane. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is Dylan without a doubt.

We head to our table to have the rest of our shots, planning on cabbing it home later and collecting Tia
’s car tomorrow. I am starting to get quite intoxicated and damn it feels amazing.

“When was the last freaking time I had this much fun?” I ask Jemma slurring my words a little.

She smiles and tells me,
“It was too long ago to remember my gorgeous friend, but I’m making a pact with you to do this more often. Just like the old days.”

A toast to the old days,” I say as we down our next shots and I slam down my shot glass then suck on my lime.

I am stopped in my tracks as I look up into the most magnificent chocolate brown eyes. I remember them so
well; I would know them in a prison line up.

What the fuck, is my immediate
thought. My breath hitches, my heart rate intensifies and I feel sweaty.

Hi,” he says to me.

Removing the lime and wiping my mouth, I know I must look a sight.

“Hi,” I manage to say back still in shock that he is here, at the same club, and also that he came over to me.

Ladies,” he says to the girls who all say hi back.

Let’s go and dance some more,” Jemma tells the others and I know it’s to give us space. Her eyes find mine and she gives me the ‘I’m here if you need me’ look.

As they head to the dance floor, I look back into his almond shaped eyes. He is staring at me, his eyes never leave mine and I can
’t help but stare back. If I remember that look correctly he wants what I think he wants. And there goes my mind wandering...

Damn he is as scrumptious as ever, dressed up in a dark blue button up shirt and smelling edible of aftershave. The bulges of his biceps show me how hard he must be training for the surfing pro tour.

“How are you Roxy?” he asks me with that husky voice that instantly creates a wetness in my groin.

How am I? Um turned on right now, a little drunk, talking to myself

But honestly I am still heartbroken. Seeing Kade
’s face again is bringing up a lot of emotions. Then it hits me.
He deserted you Roxy, remember?
My emotions turn to anger.

I’m fine thanks. Here with my girlfriends so if you’ll excuse me,” I say abruptly and stand and turn to walk away.

I feel his strong hand grab my arm, instantly I feel the spark radiating up my forearm. It never left, just been sitting dormant for a while, but never really gone. It sends goose bumps along my skin. I stop trying to walk
away; it feels like I’m in quicksand as I feel Kade move closer behind me. His hand still on my arm, sending warmth and tingles all over my body.

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