Healing Hands (8 page)

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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Sophie was tugging on her joggers when she heard her mobile, “mum I expect” she muttered she
was surprised to see Charlie’s name on the screen
“Charlie hi how are you? are you wondering why I’ve not been in?”
“No I was ringing to tell you off for not telling me you had such a sexy brother, wow he is stunning
he wanted to know how often you rode and whether you had made friends here, he was so sweet
I made him a cup of tea” she was excitedly giggling away while Sophie’s heart stopped completely,
“Charlotte I don't have a brother what exactly did this guy say to you?” the phone went quiet
“oh no have I done something wrong? He wandered in here yesterday he said his name was Jason
and that he was looking for his sister, he had a photo and everything, said he wanted to surprise
you as he had been abroad but your cottage was empty and he had let himself in and waited but
you never showed up, so I told him you would be with Dr Taylor, oh my God Sophie is he bad news
have I dropped you in it?”
Sophie took a deep breath “it’s OK don't worry I will sort it but if he turns up again do not speak to
him he is trouble Charlie and when I can I will tell you the whole story but now I have to go” she
hung up and sat down “shit shit” reasoning it out she knew he would want to be in Chester at the
meeting so she was in no immediate danger he may have turned up last night as he would have
worked out where she was maybe the security here had stopped him for now, she shuddered at
how close he had been to getting her, she sent a quick text to Marcus telling him the latest so he
was aware Jasper could try something, she finished dressing and ran downstairs “I'm off Barbee
just an hour max I promise”
She jogged out the back way and headed for the bottom of the garden near the Boat house, it was
a long way from the main house and a good place to start a perimeter run, she was glad Marcus
had left his ipod behind she preferred running to music and this dance album he had on it had a
perfect beat for running she was soon lost in her rhythm and out of breath, as she neared the boat
house she noticed a motor boat moored to the jetty, she didn't know Marcus had a boat how fab “I
must get him to take me out in it” she thought to herself just then a shadow shot out of the trees
she turned but had no time to react as she saw Jasper grinning at her before she could even turn
he had struck her straight across the head and she fell into a heap on the grass struggling to stay
conscious. He dragged up her by her hair towards the boat house clamping a hand across her
mouth to stifle her screams, Sophie was barely aware of what was happening but she knew once
he got her into the in there she was at his mercy, she found an inner burst of strength and clamped
her teeth down on his hand, he yelped and let go of her hair for just long enough she could start
to run and she turned to run back towards the house, but he was too fast he dived for her ankle
and twisted her to the floor she was writhing around trying to avoid his grip but then she saw the
look of desire and glee on his face, she was doing exactly what he enjoyed, fighting, she was
feeding his desire and making his game more exciting instantly she went still and let him get hold
of her, he looked shocked but didn’t miss his chance to throw her over his shoulder and carry her
in the huge wooden building, Sophie knew this could be the end for her and she closed her eyes
praying he would make the end a quick one.

Chapter 15

The boat house was just a really big wooden shed but with a jetty in the middle so the boats can
be worked on under shelter, Jasper placed her on a work bench that was set in the middle he used
some rope that was underneath the bench to tie Sophie’s ankles so her legs were splayed apart,
she was used to this he liked her helpless he left her hands free as there was no more rope, he did
a quick check to make sure she was secure. She watched his face as he worked on the knots he
had changed since she last saw him he looked thinner more lined and had dark circles under his
eyes, the way he kept sniffing made her think his drug habit had got worse.
“Sophie Sophie did you really think I would not return to finish the job? Strangulation was
obviously not the death for you, this time I will take you apart so that Doc of yours has nothing left
to bury” he smirked at her showing his yellowed teeth
“you stopped getting your teeth whitened then Jazz and your tan has faded, its not like you to let
yourself go!”
he snarled at her, “you are back as a ginger I see!” he was a vain man and didn't take criticism well
especially about his looks, she knew she was asking for more pain goading him like this and she
soon took her first punishment when he took a large knife from his pocket and slashed her running
shorts off her body, she held her breath and watched as he took the point of the blade and
dragged it down her thigh creating a nice neat cut, it hurt like hell so it must be deep, she
screamed out and lashed at him with her hands catching her arms on the blade and causing
herself more damage. She whimpered softly, more scars didn't matter if she was dead but the pain
was making it hard for her to concentrate and she needed to think, as he carried on removing her
panties and top with the blade she noticed a wrench to her right hidden under a tarpaulin just
beyond her reach but with some effort she may just be able to grab it as long as he was distracted.
“you are having fun Jazz but I have had a real man lately so nothing you have to show me or do to
me will be as impressive, and he gives me orgasms you could only dream of” Jasper slapped her
across the face “I will show you bitch I get the orgasms not you the pleasure was all for me and
only me I bet his cock can't rip you apart like mine can”
Sophie watched as he unzipped his fly his erection sprang out she now realised all the pain and
damage he had done inside her was because he didn't arouse her beforehand so she would be dry
on penetration. It looked like he was just going straight for it and he placed the tip of his cock at
her opening dug his fingers into her cuts and rammed himself home, Sophie bit down on her lip to
block the pain she knew he didn't last long and when he was done he would kill her quickly so it
was now or never, his eyes closed and he worked himself harder into her she stretched her arm
back as far as it would go her muscles splitting with the tricky angle she had to reach, the tip of her
fingers brushed the end of the wrench, just enough to dislodge it and make it easier to grab, she
checked on Jasper and he was still lost in his pace she scratched at him with her other hand
screaming out so he wouldn't check what she was doing just as he was about to ejaculate she
grabbed the wrench swung as hard as she could and smashed it into the side of his skull. There was
a loud crack and his eyes flew open in horror the blood poured out of his head he immediately
dropped like a stone dragging out of her as he fell, she sat up and started to try and free herself
but the cuts down her legs were bleeding so much she couldn't get a grip on the knots she was
terrified he was going to get back up, she didn't know if the blow had killed him or just knocked
him out, she freed one leg and was just about to free the second when she heard him groan she
managed to scramble free grabbed the wrench and got down to him “you will never ever touch me
again you worthless peace of crap I hate you I hate you so much”
he stared at her shocked as she swung the wrench back and smacked it into his temple again and
again and again she was battering at him lost in the frenzy when she felt gentle hands pull on her
waist a jacket was placed around her shoulders and she was pulled backwards away from the
disgusting remains in front of her and was led outside.
Sophie looked up at the kind face of Samuel, Barbee was stood at his side frantically talking on the
phone Samuel picked her up carefully like she was a child and carried her back to the house with
Barbee following still on the phone, it was farther than she remembered and she was shaking hard
by the time they got back to the living room he placed her on the settee Barbee fetched a blanket
and sat next to her holding her hand and rubbing her back “its OK Sophie an ambulance is coming
Marcus is on his way back he will be here in a minute its OK he's dead honey he won't hurt you

Chapter 16

The next few hours went in a blurr Marcus arrived just before the ambulance he went straight to
her and held her against him kissing her hair sobbing hard apologising for leaving her alone
begging forgiveness he didn't let her go until the paramedics took over and he insisted on carrying
her himself and travelling in the ambulance with her, the police had arrived and were in talks with
Don, forensics and had gone to check out the body. Marcus was concerned that as yet Sophie had
not said a word in fact hardly blinked, she was just shivering and pale, the paramedics decided to
sedate her as when she got to hospital the first thing they had to do was to examine her wounds
and take swabs, Marcus had no idea what injuries she had as she would not let go of the blanket
he could see blood seeping through and it made him shudder at how close she had come to death
and how he had almost lost her he couldn't believe how stupid he had been leaving her, they knew
something was wrong when he got her text about Jasper being at the stables yesterday, he had
known where she was when the meeting was arranged he had deliberately got them out of the
way so he could get to her. They turned back straight away but were too late, the fact he had
arrived in a boat meant he had checked the place out, if she had just stayed in the main house she
may have stood a chance, she walked straight into his clutches without even knowing. Marcus was
furious and needed someone to blame, he was mad at his mum, mad at Samuel but mostly mad at
When Sophie saw the needle she grabbed at Marcus “no please don't make me sleep I can't shut
my eyes I'm scared of what will be in my dreams she held back a sob, he raped me Marcus he
raped me you won't want me now I'm spoilt I'm so sorry I had to let him I had no choice I'm so
sorry” the damn she had been holding back burst and she sobbed hysterically whilst he held her
gently and whispered sweet words of reassurance “no baby no I will always want you please don't
shut me out baby I'm here I won't leave you please baby don't cry”
Sophie was taken straight into the women’s trauma examination room, the enormity of what she
had been through struck her and she looked at her angel holding her hand soothing her, nausea
rose in her stomach she retched Marcus grabbed a metal basin and held it in front her while she
threw up she emptied herself all the while being stroked and held, a kind faced nurse entered the
room concern flooding her face she wasn't much older than Sophie herself there was something
about her that made Sophie feel she could trust her, and that she was on her side, she took away
the tray from Marcus and wiped her face for her then helped her to have a drink of cool water.
“you know this examination is necessary after a rape don't you Sophie? We need to prove you had
no option but to kill that bastard OK?” she looked at Marcus who was pleasantly surprised by her
attitude “Dr Taylor maybe this is a good time for you to wait outside, you can read the reports after,
Sophie and I need to do this together alone some things we discuss may upset you and she needs
calm plus we need to move fast I can tell some of these wounds need stitching so the sooner I can
do the yucky parts the sooner we can get her cleaned up, resting and then you can sit with her
Marcus looked at Sophie she nodded her agreement she was safe here, he lent over her and kissed
her forehead tenderly then turned to the nurse “Sally you take care of her or I will give you hell
when I am back at work “she nodded at him her promise given.
Sally was wonderful she was so gentle but Sophie could see horror in her eyes as she pulled away
the blanket and Samuels jacket from her naked body, she wrote notes took measurements and
swabs took photos and all the time talking about trivia to distract Sophie from looking at herself,
Sally had never worked on such a violent rape case before and she had seen many, the knife
wounds were deep and malicious the bruising around her vagina was purple and black she could
make out old cigarette burns there too but didn't pry just made a note of all the prior injuries she
could see amongst the new ones, her back shocked her the most but Sally maintained her
professional composure
“Sophie did you report these old wounds honey I may need to check back”
“Not the burns or cane marks but I did have to visit Trafford General a few times for broken wrists
a broken jaw and a couple of concussions, they are on record but not as an assault just accidental
Sally made notes to obtain these as when this file was done Miss Merchant would be a miracle
survivor and justified in her actions tonight, no court in the land would prosecute after they saw
these files and photo's. When Sophie was settled in a private room and comfortable Marcus
arranged a friend of his who was a plastic surgeon to tend her cuts so she could avoid extra
scarring, Raj was wonderful he looked at her old scars too and reassured her they would fade to
almost nothing, he prescribed a cream that would help fade the scarring if she used it daily, then
he requested a small dose of anaesthetic to put Sophie to sleep briefly for stitching as he didn't
feel her strong enough to cope with more pain, he smiled at her as she counted down from 10 to 1.
When she awoke she was hooked up to a drip she smelt clean and was wearing a fresh pair of
pyjamas that Barbee had brought in for her, she felt both her hands being squeezed, one side had
Marcus and the other her mother “mum oh mum I am so pleased to see you, I killed him mum I
am so sorry I couldn't stop hitting him mum” the tears began again.
“Sophie sweetheart you did what any one would have done and no one holds you responsible
including the police and the press are very supportive, don't worry honey everything is OK now”
she smiled over at Marcus, of course they had only just met each other she looked between them
trying to work out if he had met with her approval she seemed as entranced with him as she was
so she relaxed a little, Marcus leant towards her
“How do you feel baby do you need anything at all? everyone has been in checking on you
Charlotte has been sat outside crying desperate to ask you for forgiveness I had to send her home
she was disturbing the other patients! I promised her you would call when you were up to it”
“How long have I been asleep then?” Sophie was disorientated
“12 hours baby your body just needed to rest to recover we knew it was the best thing for you”
Diane stood up “I am going to stretch my legs make a few calls and then I will be back you rest
Marcus don't leave her side please” she winked at him kissed Sophie’s cheek and left the room
Sophie stared at Marcus and as he smiled at her she knew he said more with his eyes in that look
than he could say in words, he still loved her that was obvious but Sophie wasn't sure he could
really handle what had happened
“What happened with the files and photos? Are they all over the papers?”
“no honey Mr Proctor hadn't known what his client was capable of and basically stepped back and
gave us everything, his lap top has been recovered and house searched so we think everything is
under lock and key and I have had a cast iron guarantee from the police there won't be any
mention of them to the press so relax baby its all sorted”
Sophie visibly sagged into the covers, at least that was one thing she could put behind her.
“Duncan flew back last night he came straight here we had a talk and sorted things out he is
desperate to see you and apologise in person if he had thought you would end up in mortal danger
he would never have done it, I have finally forgiven him for Livvy, but we won't be best friends any
time soon, Beatrice has phoned every half hour from her honeymoon they send their love and
can't wait to come over for the weekend when you are home”
Home a word she never thought would mean so much to her but she couldn't imagine normal life
resuming for her any time soon, weekends with family meals out, all seemed impossible to think
about after her trauma, how can you move on after caving someone’s brains in, she retched
suddenly at the image of his head smashed in before her, Marcus jumped up to help her but she
pushed him away “I'm fine my stomach is empty nothing to bring up please its fine, I'm tired I think
I will have another sleep if that's OK, you go get a shower mum will be back in a minute I will be
He looked at her pale face and wanted to bury himself in her breasts and sob for her, a shower
would be good but he didn't want to leave her, Diane walked in the room and saw Sophie’s face
she read what was there, “Marcus go honey you need a break you have sat there long enough she
will be here when you get back “He kissed her gently and reluctantly left her as instructed.

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