Healing Hands

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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Sophie was entranced; in fact all the female students were fixated on the guest speaker that had
been invited to talk to the MBA graduates the week before they were released into the world of
business. Jasper Bonavia son of a millionaire business man had followed in his now politically
powerful father’s footsteps and become a wealthy CEO, himself a millionaire in his own rights,
despite a drug fuelled life as a student and frequent brushes with the law, Jasper was a shining
example of a young man turning his life around. Now in his late twenties extremely delicious to look
at, the world was his oyster and his smug but alluring smile told Sophie he knew each and every
female in the room was practically drooling over every word. For some inexplicable reason Mr
Bonavia appeared to be making regular eye contact with Sophie not unnoticed by her friends, Sophie
was known as the clever shy redhead who never partied with the others she was the brightest
student in their class and was set to graduate as the highest graded student in the universities
history. Sophie herself was beautiful she didn’t see herself that way she wore little or no makeup
kept her auburn hair natural and very long, wore comfy clothes and was in fact probably the only
virgin left on campus.

After the loud applause that followed his talk, Sophie was astounded to see Jasper marching her
way, she looked behind to see if he was looking elsewhere but then suddenly he was stood in front
of her smiling holding out his hand “Miss Merchant I have been desperate to make your
acquaintance” she stared shocked and shook his hand weakly, her knees giving way, he was truly
stunning to look at, “please let me take you out for dinner tonight, I have to excuse myself to butter
up the dignitaries but if you allow I will send a car for you at 7pm” Sophie nodded automatically, “
well that’s wonderful Sophie, until tonight” he kissed her hand and walked away. “Wow” said Sophie
“what the hell was that all about?” Sophie was swept off her feet over the next few weeks, gifts
galore weekends away, lavish meals and she was so touched at his restraint with her after she had
told him she was a virgin, he had hardly lay a finger on her treating her like a precious gem. The fact
was she was beginning to think he didn’t find her attractive at all, she had bleached her hair at his
gentle request, she had started wearing makeup and he had taken her to Selfridges and kitted her
out in the most stunning clothes. Sophie was changing herself to please him without realising it ,her
mother Diane, a powerful figure in the media world and fiercely independent saw all the warning
signs of a control freak, the arguments they had about him gave Jasper just cause to encourage
Sophie to break free of the power her mum had over her, he insisted she have a year’s sabbatical
after her graduation to “find herself” she thought that was so sensible of him but her mother
insisted it was his way of taking more power off her and keeping her isolated, Sophie was so
blissfully happy she saw none of the warning signs and cut ties with Diane over it. Friends had drifted
off feeling neglected and Sophie herself lost her ability to think for herself she lived to make Jasper
need and want her. A couple of months later Jasper asked her to move into his luxury penthouse,
Sophie was thrilled and thought this was the next step in their relationship, that was until she
discovered she had a separate bedroom.

Gradually Sophie became more confused Jasper withdrew most of his attention and became quite
harsh in his manner towards her she had isolated herself from her loved ones and had nobody to


reassure her, her strength had always been her independence and now she was solely dependent on a man

who appeared to be treating her like a pet rather than an equal, she was so angry she confronted him one
night after his poker game with his seedy looking business friends. “Jasper why do you want me here do
you love me?” he stared reproachfully at her “did I ask you to speak!” he growled Sophie was astounded “ I
beg your pardon who do you think..” before she had finished her sentence he had lunged at her and had
her neck in his hands, she instantly smelt the alcohol on his breath and noticed white powder residue
around his nostrils “shit” she thought he is still using Jasper grabbed her by her throat “ you need to lose
your virginity don’t you? I think you are ready now” he dragged her out of the living room Sophie was
terrified she knew in his sate he could be capable of anything so she tried to remain compliant so as not to
riel him. Jasper pushed her towards a locked door at the end of the hall, a place she had been forbidden to
enter he opened the door still half choking Sophie and shoved her in through the doorway. Sophie
stumbled across the hard slate tiled floor and coughed as she regained her breath, she could see stars and
she blinked hard to clear her head “take your clothes off and lie on the bed naked, if you haven’t done that
by the time I get back I will make you bleed” Jasper locked the door behind him. Sophie looked around her
the room looked like a medieval torture chamber she was shaking and searched for a way out but there
were no windows in the room at all, Jasper was obviously in to some fetish or other no wonder he hadn’t
touched her yet as there was no way she belonged in this world , it dawned on her at that moment he had
her exactly where he wanted her broken and trapped she had nowhere to go and no fight left in her, she
started to remove her clothes her fingers trembling dry sobs stuck in her throat, this was not the way she
had dreamt her first time would be and she knew this could be the start of a horror story with her as the
lead role she lay back on the black plastic sheets hoping tomorrow she could find a way out of this place
and then she recited the lord’s prayer as she heard the key turn in the door.

Chapter 1





Sophie woke up drenched in sweat, trembling and struggling for breath, words still ringing in her
ears “without me you are nothing bitch” she sat up and took deep breaths, she was safe here
nothing to fear. Sophie felt herself becoming centred again. “He can't find you here” said a voice
somewhere in the depths of her now clearing mind. She lay down slowly heart still pounding,
trying to hold back the tears, she had cried so much these past weeks she was amazed there were
any more left. It was time to move forward now and shake herself free of her past. “You can get
through this” she said to herself.
Three months had passed since Sophie had escaped from her old life, she had been living in
London for the previous two years, a life of luxury with the dynamic business entrepreneur Jasper
Bonavia, every woman’s fantasy “apparently” but for Sophie the glamorous life had been hiding
the real nightmare that had been her existence with the sadistic Mr Bonavia. The mogul was a
sexual deviant with an unhealthy obsession of Sophie; a desperate escape attempt had almost
ended her life. Sophie survived miraculously and had broken free and for now she had hidden
herself away in a tiny cottage on the remote island of Anglesey. The Island off North Wales had
been her holiday destination as a child, her mum had brought her every year to the same caravan
park in Benllech she had many happy memories, that is why she chose it as the place to recover
and to help wipe the past two years away and it was hopefully remote enough that Jasper would
not think to search for her there, and perhaps nobody will recognise her despite the unwanted
press that had surrounded their separation and her disappearance. Sophie closed her eyes and fell
into a restless sleep, the dreams stayed away this time.
Sophie was woken by the July sunshine streaming through her window, she was confused for a
minute then realised she had actually managed to sleep for a few hours, “well that’s an
improvement on the last few weeks!” Sophie looked out at the stunning vista outside her window,
she had been so thrilled to find a cottage up for rent that actually had sea views it was so much
more than she could have hoped for as being close to the sea was the closest thing to peace she
could imagine and walking along the beach every day was better than any therapy she could have
forked out for. An hour later after a shower and her drink of choice, a latte' plus shot of vanilla
made in her shiny new coffee maker. Breakfast was not something Sophie ever bothered with and
her appetite was minimal these days, she knew she needed to start eating properly again soon, she
could tell by her energy levels and the fit of her jeans that she had probably lost a stone in weight
already. Sophie was going for her regular ride at the local stables she dressed in her jodhpurs and t
shirt, brushed through her long red hair and it was really long now, Jasper had always insisted she
bleached it as he wasn't keen on “ginger” she had now restored it to its former glory and knew it
suited her better with her green eyes, she wasn't a classic red head it was more auburn really and
she had pale skin but it did tan deeply if she let it Sophie scraped her hair back into a braid and she
was ready she had been going riding for the past 2 weeks almost daily unless it was raining as she
hated getting wet, she texted Charlotte the stable manager to let her know to saddle up her
favourite mare called Alice, she was a dapple about 16 hands and loved to gallop on the sand,
throwing the last of her coffee down she grabbed her hat and keys.
Jumping into her red Audi TT a treat with the payoff hush money Jaspers solicitor had engineered
for her despite protestations from the mogul himself, one million was the least she deserved
Sophie pondered as she briefly glanced at the scars that still lingered around her wrists from
Jaspers favourite games she turned Heart FM on and drove off with Bon Jovi massaging her ear
The stables were 30minutes away in Trearrdurr Bay, Alice was already saddled up and ready to go
“thanks Charlie” she shouted into the yard as she noticed she was busy loading feeders with their
daily hay supply “no problem Sophie I knew you would be here today, its stunning isn't it, enjoy the
ride be firm with her though as she has been skittish this morning, the wind last night has
unsettled her” Sophie stroked Alice's nose and gave her a sneaky sugar lump to sweeten her up,
“come on sweetie lets burn off some steam”
The beach was deserted, perfect to let the reigns out and just let Alice go forward, she lifted up
from the stirrups and clung to her mane “come on girl lets go” Alice was thundering along the
shore the sea lapping at her feet sending spray behind her Sophie let her body flow with her and
felt her muscles powering up beneath her she relaxed and closed her eyes as Alice snorted in
Noticing a sudden tension in the horse's posture Sophie opened her eyes just in time to see a
beautiful horse and rider coming in the opposite direction, she recognised the horse it was a new
arrival at the stables and apparently belonged to a wealthy doctor from Bangor, she appraised the
horse thundering towards them he was a beauty Sophie had looked him over yesterday, she
quickly took control of the reigns and pulled Alice back into a canter as they drew close to the pair
but at that moment a seagull swooped straight over head and spooked Alice, she reared up and
kicked out at the same time sending Sophie crashing onto the sand flat on her back totally
winded and mortified “shit”.
Marcus was enjoying his relaxing ride when he spotted a girl on a grey mare heading his way, he
was preparing to say good morning when a stupid seagull dived at her horse and she was suddenly
thrown off the back, Marcus first instincts were as usual his trained medical ones and his first
concern was spinal damage as the fall looked quite hard, so he dismounted quickly and ran over to
the girl, as he bent down to help her he paused he took in the huge pair of green eyes looking up
at him beneath long lashes, she had bright red cheeks and looked painfully shy, she was older than
he had first thought and actually had potential to be stunning but covered in sand with a riding hat
on he couldn't tell but he held her down to stop her sitting up and ran his hands over her briefly to
check her legs and arms, Marcus noticed her solid but slight frame meant she was not a novice
rider so should have absorbed the fall well and relaxed a little and was drawn immediately back to
her green eyes.
Sophie looked up at the tall man, he had raced straight over to her after her landing flat on her
back and she felt the heat rush up her face and she tried to get up “don't move let me check you
first please, don't worry I am a doctor” Sophie allowed herself a peek at her rescuer as his healing
hands ran over her legs and arms, she noticed a pair of deep blue eyes and full sensual lips on a
broad set of shoulders and as her eyes glided down she was drawn to the tight fit of his riding
trousers and she forced herself to look away, “it’s fine please I just feel a bit winded and my ankles
a bit sore nothing to worry about ”Sophie noticed Alice had drawn alongside the man’s ride to
have a sniff so at least she didn't have the embarrassment of trying to catch a horse in front of him.
Marcus squatted beside her with a concerned look on his face the moment he met her gaze he
faltered and stopped the hand that was about to help her get up, she had recoiled from him and in
her expression a look of almost terror, he wondered what had scarred her so badly she couldn't
accept the touch of kindness. Sophie scrambled to her feet gingerly using his arm to pull on and
brushed herself off, it was a pointless exercise as she was soaked through and filthy, thanking him
she hobbled to Alice he gave her a leg up to remount her and she trotted off as elegantly as she
could manage, a few seconds later she was aware of the stranger riding alongside her matching
stride for stride she smiled hesitantly at him and they rode in silence back to the stables.
Marcus handed his new thoroughbred jewel to one of the stable girls and wandered round the
yard hoping to get a glimpse of the girl she had intrigued him and he wanted to check she could
get home alright her ankle had looked tender. He saw her as she came out of one of the blocks and
watched her as she removed her hat and shook out her long red hair she was truly stunning he was
slightly dumbstruck but then he noticed her yelp as she started putting weight on her ankle.
“hey there wait” he shouted, she paused and turned to him blushing as he came closer to her,
“please wait let me check your ankle, the nearest hospital is Bangor and you might not be able to
drive by the looks of you, I'm Marcus by the way or Dr Taylor if you prefer” Sophie looked closely at
the dark handsome man whose gorgeous face wore a concerned expression, maybe she could
trust him so she introduced herself “I’m Sophie, so you are a doctor then and that wasn't just a
cheesy chat up line ?” he laughed and she noticed he had a real sparkle when he smiled it was
hard for her to drag her eyes from his. She let him help her to a bench where she could sit then he
lifted her leg gently she was conscious of her mucky boot but he gently removed it not caring that
his hands where now covered in sand and God knows what else, he examined the swelling and
twisted carefully noticing it was already starting to bruise definitely not broken ,he decided it was
just a bad strain “you should be OK driving home but I want to strap it up for you I need to go and
fetch my bag and follow you home if that is alright with you” Sophie was heartened by his concern
after all he was a doctor there was no reason she should read anything into his motivation
although quietly she wouldn't have minded him having an ulterior motive, and that emotion was
one Sophie had thought may never arise again she was quite shaken maybe she had banged her
head without noticing. They parted after Sophie had given him her address he needed to call at a
pharmacy first to pick up some anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers for her, Marcus drove unable
to concentrate it had been a few years since any female had made an impression on him, the loss
of his beautiful young wife 5 years ago had left him so empty he had shut down that side of his
heart completely a pang of guilt struck him at that moment and he resolved to put on his doctor
face dress her ankle and drive away but part of him had flickered to life and he was looking
forward to seeing a little more of Sophie.

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