Healing Hands (15 page)

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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When Sophie came too, she was tied up gagged and blindfolded in a boot of a car, “shit shit shit”
why had she followed the stranger, he had a uniform, she didn't understand had he hurt Hobbs?
She had no idea how far they had driven or how long she had been unconscious, what she did
know was that Reynard was a huge hairy man with fag ash breath and now he had his true love he
would probably not want to share. Sophie blanked her mind and excepted her fate she had been
through worse she just had to hold out, Marcus would find her they knew who he was now it
would only be a matter of time, she closed her eyes and cried softly, “please no more burns please
no more scars, I can't heal any more” she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket “Marcus help me
please she prayed”
Marcus was on alert Sophie was due back soon but hadn't called to confirm she had left the
hospital he had rang Griffin who said Hobbs hadn't checked in with him yet so he ordered him to
go and find them, Griffin ran into the hospital and got directions to Sally's office, as he got nearer
he heard someone screaming, he rounded the corner and saw a young nurse staring into a store
room of some sort. He got there and saw Hobbs inside lying on the floor stripped to his underwear
blood oozing out of his head. “Fuck!” he radioed the other two in the Range Rover to ask if they
had seen Sophie leave the back exit and they hadn't, he rang Marcus to let him know she was
missing and then Detective Collins, Hobbs was pulled out of the store room he was knocked
unconscious but would be OK, he left him with the nurses. Hospital security then took him to the
CCTV control room to see if they could spot her, they saw Sophie running after a large man
wearing Hobbs uniform “shit there she is following that guy down the stairs, where does that go?”
it went to the underground staff car park they switched to the camera there and they got a perfect
shot of Reynard dumping Sophie into his boot. Griffin gave the police the registration plates and
then set off back to meet with Marcus.
Marcus was furiously pacing round the hallway “where the fuck has he taken her Jesus Christ did
nobody think to introduce her to the new guys so she didn't go off with the wrong man,?” Griffin
stood with the other two ashamed “we never knew the guy was out sir or we would have taken
more precautions, we got the call as we arrived at the hospital so we had little time to prepare,
what can we do sir to help” Marcus had no idea, Collins called at that minute “Dr Taylor we have a
sighting the Mercedes was seen driving through Beaumaris CCTV caught him turning up past the
castle and down a back street, we have checked the apartments along there and one was rented
out yesterday to a Mr Prince!” Marcus signalled to Griffin and the others to follow him they got
into the car as Marcus was still talking to Martin, “ you will get there before us, wait for us Dr
Taylor no heroics please” Marcus hung up and directed Griffin where to go and they squealed out
of the driveway headed for Beaumaris.
Sophie had been carried gently up a flight of stairs and into what felt like a large empty apartment,
he placed her onto what felt like a blanket on a bed Reynard removed her blindfold and she
blinked hard trying to focus after being in the dark, she was on an old bed in the corner of a huge
bare room, it had huge sash windows, she could hear seagulls and smell the sea, she had an idea
where she was, if she could escape she would know where to go. Reynard sat on a wooden stool
holding a small pistol he lit a cigarette and watched her avariciously like she was the most exciting
thing in the world, he had an enormous erection and she drew her legs to herself praying he
wasn't going to unleash it on her, he smiled at her “princess I have you all to myself at last, you
have had me so turned on imagining you caving his head in after he raped you, I wanted to do that
one day, who would have guessed my little fantasy was made even better by visualising my
princess doing it instead, did it feel good smashing his skull one blow for every strike of that cane
hey” he rubbed his groin and licked his lips “ I hated him for putting those marks on you, that's
why I gave you my own, I tried to kiss you better but he was a vicious shit and he made your skin
ugly.” he stood up put out his cigarette and then walked up to Sophie and turned her on her front,
he lifted her T shirt “it’s all gone the marks the cuts, you can hardly see them, what have you
done?” he lifted her skirt and roughly parted her legs he instantly relaxed “my marks are still there
so I still own you princess”. He sat back down and lit another cigarette, Sophie righted herself and
sat up a little, the gag was making her feel sick she grunted at him, he leaned over and yanked it
out “what’s up princess you need a drink?” he held a bottle of water to her mouth and gently
poured it she swallowed gratefully, it had a strange taste but she was so thirsty she didn't care.
Seconds went by him watching her silently she noticed her legs were tingling and her arms a little
she tried to speak but she couldn't make her lips move so she just grunted again, he smiled and
watched. Sophie felt her body fall lifeless and she suddenly couldn't feel anything or move
anything except her eyes, Reynard stood up and untied her wrists and ankles he removed her
clothing apart from her bra and pants. Sophie was paralysed unable to fight him now she waited
for the inevitable, at last she wouldn't feel anything that was kind of him!
Reynard began to pace the room he was huge to look at almost 7 feet she reckoned and so hairy it
was gross, his cock looked huge in his trousers she was terrified of the damage he would do to her
with it. He marched over to her and sat beside her he stroked her breasts and licked his lips, he
lowered his hands her panties, he ripped those off her too, Sophie wanted to scream he was
touching all of her burn scars, then kissing them one by one. “I have dreamt of this moment for so
long princess I wants to savour every moment” he pulled her down the matress a little then
climbed on to lie above her, this was it she closed her eyes and prayed, there was a thudding from
outside and before Reynard could react the door had been kicked in 4 men barged in and knocked
him flat to the ground he was a huge weight but they managed to wrestle him to the ground
Marcus entered behind them and ran straight over to her relieved to see her look unharmed, he
untied her and threw the ropes over to his men and they tied Reynard up ready for the police.
“Sophie can you hear me say something he patted her cheek squeezed her hand nothing just
empty eyes staring at him, for a moment he thought she was in shock, but she blinked hard at him
he rested his ear on her chest and felt her heart beat, it was strong, he guessed she was drugged
with something so he wrapped the blanket she was on around her then lay next to her holding her
close he until Detective Collins arrived with an ambulance.
It wasn't far behind and there was a lot of commotion getting the prisoner outside Reynard was
still struggling and shouting expletives as they dragged his butt out to the car and took him back
where he belonged, Sgt. Freeman was with Detective Collins and she came and took charge of
Sophie she helped lift her onto a stretcher, Marcus and she went with her in the ambulance,
Sophie just stared at Marcus all the way as he stroked her hair.

Chapter 29

Sophie was put back on a drip for dehydration, Reynard had given her rohipnol but a large dose
and she had gradually lost consciousness on the way to Bangor, they believed it would take at least
24 hrs for the drug to leave her system so they kept her sedated to help her body recover quicker.
Diane was back again fed up of visiting her child in a hospital; she hoped to God this would be the
last time with the only exception being the birth of a child. Marcus had gone home for a shower
and a change of clothes for Sophie she would be well enough to go straight home once the drugs
had worn off. Reynard had been put in a high level security prison awaiting trial Sophie would have
to testify unfortunately and that meant more publicity, the press had been camped outside for the
last 12 hours so Diane had given them a press release to keep them happy for now.
Marcus arrived back early next morning he swapped today for a night shift so he could settle
Sophie home before having to leave again, Diane was flying back after lunch, she had fabulous
news about Sophie's dad but between them they were planning a surprise for her birthday on the
September just a few days away. It was quite exciting and they were giggling and whispering
when Sophie started coughing, “Sophie its mum I'm here with Marcus you are at the hospital now
but safe and well” Sophie looked at the two of them smiling, she felt groggy but physically fine, she
was starving and desperate for a drink, “water please” she croaked, Marcus helped her while she
sipped it slowly, remembering the last time she had drank water this way, she shivered at the
memory. She looked up at Marcus and grasped his hand pleased to have the use back, “thank you
for stopping him any longer and I would have been in trouble I love you so much I can't believe you
have put up with all my drama's and are still here” he smiled down at her,” it’s all over now baby
Reynard won't ever get out, they’ve got his hard drive so that is now the full and complete photo
collection destroyed you can start to breathe again Sophie” she grinned suddenly” I can’t wait to
get home I am starving in more ways than one” Diane coughed “erm excuse me mother present,
honey I have to fly back soon so I will leave you in the healing hands of our super hero doctor and
will be back for your birthday next week.
Diane was excited to get back to London, She was due to meet Saul tomorrow for the first time in
over 20 years. When he contacted the advert she Skyped him immediately and they had been
chatting almost daily, he had been a successful novelist down under and now owned his own book
publishing company over there, once he had found out about Sophie he arranged time off and
booked a single flight to come and meet her, Diane was thrilled he was keen to get to know her but
it wasn't just that she was happy with, they had clicked again like the old days, chatting like best
friends. Saul still looked hot in his late forty's never married, she smiled at his mop of red curly hair,
Sophie would see instantly where her colouring came from. Australia had agreed with him he was
athletic and tanned, as far as she could tell anyway Skype wasn't as clear as she would like, she
couldn't wait to bring him over to Sophie's birthday dinner next week it would put the icing on the
cake for her, it would be difficult when Saul arrived telling him her history but hopefully he would
be strong enough to deal with it before he met her.
Sophie got dressed a little wobbly on her feet, the weather had cooled down so Marcus had
brought her skinny jeans Uggs and hoody. Some help was needed getting her to the car and
unfortunately the press managed a few shots of her leaving, they had to drive themselves as
Samuel was taking Diane back to Liverpool airport. The Aston Martin roared away from the
hospital and Sophie hoped that was her last visit to A&E. Sophie insisted on a drive thru breakfast
first, she was ravenous and the sausage and egg muffin was possibly the best eating moment of
her life so far. Marcus watched her with a grin “the server was practically drooling at the car, I bet
they don't get many Astons at the drive thru” she giggled the ride was short but thrilling the Aston
handled so well on the windy roads although her stomach didn't handle it quite so well, “pull over
quick” she said just outside the gates Sophie fell out of the car on her knees on the grass and lost
her tasty breakfast, Marcus ran round to her and helped her up “shit Sophie I'm sorry I should have
thought driving too fast on these roads may upset you, the drugs always leave you nauseous, let’s
get you home come on” He levered her back in the car. He drove slowly up the drive way, Sophie
needed to lean on him walking back to the house she was a bit shaky and felt totally weary now,
but starving again, he picked her up for the stairs as she didn't look capable of making them on her
own, he sat her down on the bed, “you clothes off pj’s on and then bed!, I will fetch you a fresh
orange to cleanse your mouth, what do you think you feel like eating?” Sophie had a hankering for
Florence’ s Scrambled eggs but maybe without the eggs as the nausea came back when she
thought of them “toast and Marmite please” He looked horrified “ yukk Soph do you eat Marmite?
That disgusting clean your teeth before you ask for a kiss then!” they laughed and he left her to it,
twenty minutes later she was sat up munching on hot buttered toast with a thin spread of
Marmite, she closed her eyes and savoured every mouthful, Marmite reminded her of breakfast
with her mum as a child they both loved Marmite and had it every morning when she was young.
Marcus watched her eat and when she had finished he noticed her eyes drooping, it was 12pm he
was working the night shift and had to leave at 5.30. “honey I am going to grab a few hours kip
with you before work,” he stripped to briefs and got under the duvet with her, she mumbled a
vague response, “I have asked Charlotte to spend the night here so you are not on your own, she is
bringing a few DVD's if that OK no alcohol yet though for you, Sophie?” she was flat out, he smiled
and drew her close so he was buried in her neck he kissed her lightly and she moaned happily at
him, Marcus had his first decent sleep in days.

September 21

Marcus had slipped out of bed sneakily, today Sophie was 25 he had the whole weekend off and
tomorrow the family would arrive for a dinner party including Diane’s extra guest whom Marcus
had been introduced to on Skype, he was the perfect surprise and he knew she would be totally
shocked as her hopes of finding her dad had faded since Diane had not mentioned him at all. The
last few days had passed smoothly Sophie had all her appetites back she was riding Alice every day
then working the same hours he did so they could be together as much as possible, she had filled
out again much to every ones relief and her dreams had been the only shadow over her recovery,
it seemed the trip with Reynard had released all her blocked memories and they all came back to
her during her sleep, she was having counselling daily by video link so she could off load her
dreams on the same day to her counsellor, he was a brilliant psychiatrist and had done wonders
with her. Sleeping pills were still necessary but they had been reduced to just 1 and Sophie refused
to take it until they had made love, she insisted the love making was making her stronger; each
time he made love to her it erased some of the shame of her past so he happily obliged. Marcus
prepared breakfast on a tray, he had wrapped up her presents and they were in his wardrobe but
he had a very special envelope to give her first.

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