Healing Hands (10 page)

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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Chapter 19

The next week was definitely a better one they began to touch each other naturally without
restraint, Marcus found ways of returning the pleasure to Sophie without intercourse and they had
lots of fun finding ways to reach orgasm one morning after Marcus had driven her wild with his
wonderful tongue! Marcus released her and stroked her face “I want to talk to you Sophie so stop
molesting me now and listen to every word I am about to say” she pulled her sarong back around
her and pouted at him sulking for stopping her play, he grinned then his face was serious
“ baby I love you more than life itself and I want you to finally believe that and accept that you are
loveable, we have had a tricky beginning but we belong together and here away from the press
and away from family we have built something strong, we are free now and nothing can hurt us
but I want you to feel safe and secure more than anything” he suddenly sank to his knees by the
sun bed “so I am asking you Sophie Merchant if you will do me the most amazing honour by
agreeing to become my beloved wife and being mine forever” he took a ring from his pocket and
held it out to her she looked at him then at the ring and was totally stumped she did not expect
him to do this not ever and she was in shock suddenly with tears in her eyes she jumped on his lap
allowing her heart to just take over her usual nagging doubts, she wanted him more than anything
too and sobbed!” yes yes yes yes I love you too I will marry you and I will stay with you forever”
Marcus placed the ring on her finger it was his grandmas engagement ring and was a huge solitaire
diamond, his granddad had exquisite taste far too opulent than Sophie’s usual tastes but she loved
it, it was a bit loose on her tiny finger she hugged her hand to her chest the sobs had turned into
shrieks as he picked her up and swung her round he then carried her up to bed so they could get
carry on exploring other ways to pleasure each other.
After two weeks of sunshine, talking, loving and relaxing Sophie decided that real life was calling
her, she had spoken to Marcus Uncle John about her consultancy position and was keen to put all
her ideas into practice and John was keen to get her on board as he saw her shrinking his tax and
overhead bills considerably and in a recession this could be the difference between sink or swim. It
was also time Marcus returned to his patients, the hospital were very understanding but she could
tell he was eager to pay back their generosity, Sophie broached the idea over a glass of wine that
evening. “are you sure you are ready baby, I admit you look fantastic, the sun has done you no end
of good and your nightmares are all but gone” he smiled at her, she did look beautiful her sun
kissed skin glowed she had recovered her appetite and her wounds had healed now, plus he would
love to get back and start planning their wedding they hadn't told anyone yet despite phone calls
to family every day, they had decided to throw a dinner party at Marcus home to make the
announcement, she hadn't worn her ring yet either, Marcus was going to get the ring sized for her
and she would wear it after they had made it all official. Marcus had not yet discussed with her the
fact he had taken over the rent of her cottage and taken some of their things there, he had wanted
to surprise her, it would only be temporary until the renovations were complete. The boathouse
had been demolished and the new Summer house would be completed in the next week and
Marcus had asked Duncan to convert it into office space where Sophie could go to do her
consultancy work with a view over the straights it would have a kitchenette for her coffee machine
and a little seating area to read, he wanted her to claim back the space and make it her own. He
hoped she would love it but part of him worried it may still hold too many ghosts for her to feel
totally comfortable.
Sophie broke into his thoughts” I am ready darling, I am ready to start my new life as the future
Mrs Taylor high flying accounts consultant married to a dream boat who also happens to be a
successful surgeon” she grinned infectiously and Marcus took her wine glass away and pulled her
to him, “I am excited to get you checked over by a gynaecologist and given the all clear to give you
a good seeing to!” they kissed passionately, they'd had a wonderful time but there was nothing like
the real thing and it had been so long since she had felt him inside her body it was becoming more
and more difficult not to just give in to the overwhelming desires. “I will make a few calls book
flights for late tomorrow and an appointment with Sally for Thursday so we can finally reacquaint
ourselves” he licked his lips suggestively and Sophie felt everything clench down below she pressed
herself into his groin and felt his length growing between them nudging at her through her sarong.
“Well now look what’s happened you are all ready with nowhere to go!” she giggled and dropped
to her knees much to his surprise then she proceeded to show him just how accomplished she had
become at fucking him with her mouth and of course he had to return the favour, their last night in
France was surely their most memorable.

Chapter 20

Sophie slept through the short flight as last night’s fun and games had prevented her getting any
quality sleep, the anticipation between them was building up to their first union and she couldn't
wait. Marcus watched her sleep and marvelled at how much they had learned about each other in
such a short time, they were closer than he had ever been with Livvy and he now realised sadly
that what he had thought he had with her was only a fraction of what they could have had if she
had not been taken so soon, he felt a pang of guilt then brushed it away, he wasn't going to feel
guilty for being so happy he had waited a long time after she had died to even look for anyone else,
he had dated obviously Marcus had a high sex drive and he needed that release or he would not
have survived the last five years, all those women were just a distraction though and all led him to
her. He was looking forward to all the things they could share together now she was free to be out
in the open, he had heard from Don last night who did warn him some of the email list they had
found on Jaspers computer were now untraceable they had been recipients of the photos and they
had no way of tracking them, they had to be prepared some may use them for financial gain or
worse, Sophie took the news better than he thought but still it cast a shadow over their new life
and he was angry she still may have to relive her past.
They landed at Liverpool to an awaiting Samuel with the Cayenne, he smiled warmly at them both
shook Marcus hand and Sophie’s meekly, she pulled him in for a hug much to his surprise, “Thank
you for taking care of me that night Samuel I will replace your jacket and I know you feel guilty for
not being there but we had no idea he had got hold of a boat or even knew where the mooring
was so please don't blame yourself, you were the first one to help me after and I will never forget
that” she squeezed his huge arms, Samuel looked quite overwhelmed but smiled at her relieved
she had cleared the air and freed him of the awful guilt he had been carrying.
The drive back felt long it was eight o'clock and she was hungry she had nodded off again in the car
and when she opened her eyes she saw they were on Britannia Bridge the link between Bangor
and Anglesey, she sat bolt upright “why are we going over the bridge Marcus what’s going on”
He beamed at her “I have had some of our things sent to your cottage to keep us going for a few
days, I thought you may not be entirely ready to revisit the house yet, don't panic it’s not for good I
am having the boat house rebuilt and a few other changes made so we are staying away until the
work is complete.”
Sophie sat back this was so like her wonderful fiancé to be so considerate she thought she had
hidden her nervousness at going back to the house from him but she should have known he could
read her so well, she looked across at him and held his hand “thank you” and that was all she
needed to say.
Florence had been to the cottage to prepare for their arrival, Sophie grinned as she inhaled a
wonderful smell of freshly baked bread and something that smelled spicy, the fire was roaring
there were flowers arranged on just about every available surface, it looked beautiful and felt very
homely, her TT was sat on the drive, it must have been brought across so Samuel could get back to
Bangor tonight there certainly wasn't space for him here. They waved him off and thanked him,
They would go over and fetch Marcus car tomorrow, Sophie had her appointment with Sally at ten
and Marcus would need his car to start back on his shifts Friday, the hospital had agreed to keep
him on day shifts for the near future as Sophie still couldn't bear to sleep alone.
They sat at her breakfast bar and shared the large pot of Moroccan lamb tagine left in her slow
cooker the fresh bread was heavenly and Sophie was so hungry she went back for thirds. Marcus
loved watching her eat with her newly developed love of food, he especially enjoyed seeing her
body benefit from a few extra calories she now had an incredible hour glass figure and much to his
joy her breasts had definitely increased a couple of cup sizes, she was spilling out of most of her
under wear in fact today she had decided to go bra less under her T shirt, she had covered it with a
jacket but now it was off he was mesmerised by the way they swelled and trembled as she ate, he
could practically explode just watching her eating. Marcus watched as she dripped some sauce
down her top, she grabbed a napkin to dab it but he beat her to it and scraped it with his finger
and licked it off she froze with the dripping bread halfway to her mouth then suddenly they
dropped what they were holding and flung themselves at each other he ripped the top over her
head so he could hold those beautiful breast in his hands he was totally absorbed in his task rolling
tugging massaging and licking, Sophie stood in front of him tugging on his hair desperate to feel his
mouth on hers but he was so engrossed in her breasts she let him carry on instead pulling his head
closer to her breasts enjoying the way he was making love to them his hand slid beneath the waist
band of her jeans and he stroked her wetness massaging her sensitive skin, she felt the heat rising
and a warm familiar sensation and before she knew it he had brought her to orgasm, it had built so
quickly it took her by surprise and she collapsed to her knees dragging him down with her both of
them panting and out of breath, he was grinning at her and looked down at his pants she saw
plainly that it wasn't just her who had been taken by surprise. “your tits baby they are my sexual
obsession and I don't think I will ever get enough of them, cover up quick they are begging for
more attention, and I need a shower.” she giggled and pulled on her top, Sophie went back to her
latest obsession, food, Marcus went to clean up, she hugged herself with glee oh the fun they
could have after tomorrow she could hardly wait, straight after her appointment she need to sort
out some new underwear urgently, she too loved her new curves she felt so sexy and loved the
effect it was having on Marcus, she had also noticed a lot of appreciative glances at the airport it
seemed curves were definitely a hit with the men!.

Chapter 21

Sophie was nervous as she arrived at the hospital for her check-up the staff were all very attentive
and she even received a few hugs from some, she was also relieved that she was in a different
room to the ones she had been examined in previously as that would have brought back some
unpleasant memories for her. Sally was thrilled to see Sophie, she was astounded at her rate of
healing the cuts to her thighs would be invisible soon, she knew Sophie was keen to hear the
results of her blood tests first, Marcus didn't know that Sophie had arranged blood tests for HIV
and STD’s but Sally had good news all the tests were clear so one down one to go. Sophie knew she
may feel some discomfort but was pleasantly surprised the procedure was basically a smear test so
not too invasive, Sophie got the go ahead for intercourse, she had completely healed, leaving it so
long had been the absolute right thing to do. Sally had one thing she needed to discuss with her
though that she may feel upset about, the rape had been so violent Sally feared permanent
damage had been done deeper than a smear could show and she had arranged an ultra sound to
check further, the implications were her ability to have children so Sophie was happy to get it done.
She sat in Sally's office waiting for her to come back with the results, it wasn't long to wait but she
returned with a doctor, “Sophie this is Dr Sidney she is our resident gynaecologist the best we have,
she will explain the scan results to you” Sally left them alone Sophie tensed immediately
something was wrong.
“Miss Merchant firstly don't be alarmed please the scan shows your womb and ovaries are
perfectly healthy, the only small issue we have is the amount of scar tissue you have accrued
around your cervix some from I feel prior incidents of sexual abuse” Sophie looked at her hands
and started to fidget she suddenly felt that familiar feeling of fear just before a panic attack, Dr
Sydney recognised this immediately and called Sally back in, she handed her a glass of water and
Sally calmed her with a hand on her back. “Miss Merchant please don't feel on edge a young
woman who has experienced the level of abuse and trauma that I have seen on your file and come
out the other side without suffering a complete breakdown is a miracle! I see you have seen a
counsellor for the past six months please continue this treatment I appreciate you have now a
support network around you but my guess is there are some things you would prefer not to
divulge to them, Your counsellor is based some distance away please allow me to recommend
someone based here for you we have an excellent team who have helped in cases similar to yours”
Sophie nodded and thanked her she was feeling OK to continue now “please Dr explain the
significance of the scar tissue.”
“well the issue is the journey of the sperm to your womb will be greatly hindered by this scar
tissue it has narrowed the tubes considerably, my recommendation is when or if the time comes
you wish to start a family you try the normal way but if you don't become pregnant after six cycles
then we can look at surgery and we can remove some of this blockage for you, I would prefer to
give nature a try first as I would like to avoid any further internal trauma on you I think you have
suffered enough down there, the other side of this is you will not be able to have a natural delivery
a C section is the only safe way for you, I know all this is a lot to take in perhaps yourself and Dr
Taylor would like to meet with me together some time in the future to discuss this in more detail”
“yes I think he would probably appreciate hearing the medical version rather than my abbreviated
She stood up and shook Sophie’s hand” it has been a pleasure meeting you, I will go and fetch a
card for you with the details of our counselling service and I look forward to meeting with you in
happier circumstances.” she smiled warmly and left the office. Sophie wasn't sure how serious
these results were, she hadn't considered until now the thought of being a mother but she realised
she would love nothing more than making a mini Marcus, she was suddenly angry again, after all
he had done to her whilst he was alive the worst could happen to her after he was finally dead she
didn't know how she would cope if that bastard had left her baron, Sally read her mind and
squeezed her hand kindly, don't you dare let this halt your amazing recovery Sophie you and the
doc deserve to be happy and if there is any justice you will have no lasting legacy from that piece
of shit, we can get over every obstacle, Dr Sydney is the best and I have never seen her so
compassionate with a patient if she was to pull all the stops out for anyone I think you would be
her choice” Sophie looked up at her gratefully and thanked her for her help this morning. Sophie
set off back to Marcus house they were preparing for the dinner party this weekend and Florence
wanted to go over menu's and table settings, she thought it amusing she was instructed by him
only to go to the kitchen Marcus wouldn't let her see the rest of the house until the party, she
wondered what else he could surprise her with she was still unsure how she would feel being at
the house but she wanted to overcome it because the cottage was feeling a bit snug and she
missed the master bathroom and the view of the straits, getting back to normal was a priority now.
First things first under wear, time to go shopping Florence would have to wait an hour or so,
tonight was going to be the best night she and Marcus had ever had and it would start with a
seduction in silk, she felt butterflies and had a big smile as she parked outside a boutique.
Florence had been so thrilled to see Sophie back at the house she had cried when she walked in
and hugged her until her ribs hurt ”oh my lass you look amazing last time I saw you my heart
nearly broke such an awful night that was, you looked so poorly, and now look at you it’s hard to
believe you are the same girl what a lovely sun tan you have I can't believe it and your hair so curly,
you have filled out a bit too oh lordy what a treat Mr Taylor is such a lucky man to have you”
Sophie ushered her into the kitchen with her still waffling on.
The menus and table décor had taken a while as Florence kept having to stop and have another cry,
Sophie was touched at how much the incident had affected the woman and also how fond she had
become of her, she handed her another tissue patted her arm and they carried on, once it was all
settled she enjoyed a freshly made cup cake and coffee, she actually felt reassuringly calm and
even happy here no sign of the fear she thought may creep in being in this house, it made her feel
confident that she would be fine when they moved back in at the weekend they were returning for
the night of the dinner party because Duncan was finished a week ahead of schedule, Marcus
thought it was too soon but Sophie had assured him she was ready, she sat talking with Florence
and then Samuel too as he joined them for his lunch break, she told them all about France and the
villa but didn't mention the engagement or her hospital tests today, they both hugged her as she
left and told her how pleased they were she would be living with them permanently from Saturday.
Sophie felt excited driving over the bridge and sang along to the radio for the first time in ages, the
sun was shining and she felt fine. The cottage had smoke snaking out of the chimney when she got
back which meant he was up and the fire was going she wanted to get inside and get the boring
hospital chat over with then a hot shower and prepare herself for him tonight. Marcus opened the
door for her he looked anxious she thought then she should have texted to say she was in the clear
just to put his mind at ease, she smiled reassuringly at him and took her shopping from the boot,
“ooh what have you been buying then” he teased instantly grasping it was underwear she had
brought and what that meant, he swept her into the house and went in for a kiss forceful enough
to start a little flame in Sophie’s stomach, she wanted to build the excitement so she pulled back
first. “now Mr Taylor none of that yet “ she giggled thrilled he seemed as anxious as her to get to
the sex. “ I want to tell you about the tests first then a shower then I am going to try on this
underwear for you and see which you would prefer me to seduce you in” he practically combusted
at the thought “baby you out of the underwear is what I prefer every time, but I quite fancy
unlacing you from something if it can be arranged” she gave him a knowing smile one of the
corsets she had purchased would be perfect for him to do just that.
He poured them a glass of wine and they sat holding hands, Sophie proceeded to relay everything
she could remember from her appointment this morning, he kissed her hand at the clear test
results then stroked it and looked intently at her during the next part. Sophie heard then as she
repeated Dr Sydney’s words just how serious it actually could be she withdrew her hand and
suddenly all her old insecurities flooded back she looked warily at him “Marcus if children is
something you desperately want maybe I am not the woman for you” he interrupted her with a
passionate kiss “baby I would rather just us than me and a dozen children, I have never thought
about offspring really until now and one thing I do know if we could have them together I would be
thrilled and one day I hope we will try but if we have none I will still be the happiest man on the
planet so stop looking so defeated and trust the love we have can get us through anything,
children or not we belong together and we will be happy” they held each other and Marcus felt
the tension leave her body. “Shower was next wasn't it? Get up those stairs gorgeous and shout
me when I can come and view the show” he patted her backside as she wiggled provocatively up
the staircase, and what a rear she had, Marcus was in full bloom down below and the waiting was
getting unbearable he couldn't wait to bury himself inside her and claim her as his own once again,
he was going to erase every trace of that man from her and leave his own traces behind instead.
Not being able to have children would be sad for Marcus he loved the idea of being a father but
what would be would be and he would take her any way he could she was his soul mat, she
completed him and he couldn't wait for Saturday a family party and the official declaration of their
Chapter 22

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