Healing Hands (4 page)

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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Sophie I am sorry to have crept away this morning but I needed to go home to get my suit and get
ready, as much as I could have watched you sleep forever duty calls and I will return for you as soon
as I can, and I promise this weekend will be the start of good things for you and for me too. xx

Immediately Sophie felt better made her drink then dragged her body back upstairs to get ready to
impress his family and pay back this wonderful man for all he had done for her, Sophie had
butterflies as today was like a proper date and after her open up session he still wanted her so life
was good and she allowed herself to feel excited. Three hours later and a lot of under eyebag
concealer and 2 cucumber slices! Sophie appraised herself in her full length mirror, the dress was
perfect this shade of blue contrasted well with the green of her eyes and she had let her hair dry
naturally into its soft curls she had made special effort with her make-up, not as much as Jasper
had insisted on but enough to enhance her lashes and gloss up her lips, her boobs looked fantastic
but not in a cheap way the cut of the dress made her waist look tiny and her bottom curvy and the
shoes gave her legs shape and length “You will do” Sophie stated to herself and then heard her
door go, “my prince has arrived”

Chapter 6

Marcus let himself in as Sophie had lent him her spare key for the dinner last night “Hi Sophie I'm
back” he wondered briefly if last night had spooked her and she would change her mind about
coming, he had checked his phone every minute this morning waiting for her to back out. Marcus
should not have worried at all as he watched her mesmerised when she walked carefully down the
stairs in her heels smiling shyly at him, as she got to the bottom he drank in all of her top to toe,
she was a vision in blue and wow what a body, his pent up desire from last night reared its head
again and he automatically pulled his jacket together to hide his discomfort, she was the most sexy
woman he had met and even more so as she was totally unaware of the fact, he waltzed up to her
held and out his hands taking her tiny hands into his own and twirled her around so he could enjoy
the full effect “wow girl you are hot” he said in a total none Dr like fashion.
Sophie was enjoying the look on her his face loving the fact he was expressing his pleasure in her
and that made her feel beautiful. Marcus looked amazing too, the slim fitting pin stripe suit made
him look striking and the grey enhanced the blue of his eyes, his brown hair was its usual floppy
self which she loved, he held out his arm she linked it with her own and he led her to his car. He
drove a Porsche Cayenne it was luxurious inside and that was good because they had a fairly long
drive ahead of them and it would have been a trial in her little TT, she slipped her shoes off and
enjoyed perusing his personal selection of music on his iPod, very eclectic she thought, she closed
her eyes and hummed away to herself to The Lumineers and then switched it to some Take That he
smiled over at her glad to see her so relaxed, he marvelled at her ability to recover after such a
disturbed sleep last night, determined that this weekend was the start of something good for both
of them, he wanted to start healing this girl and make her feel cherished and safe, he was curious
to see how his family would react to his little red head he knew his mum was excited to meet her,
she had been delighted when he called to add a guest to the list, she longed to see her son happy
again. The journey was relatively easy no roadwork’s for a change Sophie even dozed off for a
while enjoying the music. “Hey sleepy head we are here” Sophie sat up and took in her
surroundings. The venue was breath-taking the long driveway leading up to the Marquee and
stately home was in itself a treat, deer roaming freely and huge trees lining the road, a smartly
dressed valet opened the door for her and took the car keys off Marcus handing him a ticket,
Marcus noticed Sophie was looking a bit nervous so he took her hand in his “I will be introducing
you as my girlfriend is that ok with you?” Sophie stared at him in wonder she would be honoured
to be his girlfriend, maybe he just meant for the day “erm yes that’s fine in fact I like the sound of
that” she clung to his hand tightly as he led her towards the main entrance. The Hall was littered
with groups of smartly dressed people large hats and loud laughter chatting away in their family
groups, Sophie noticed a few surprised glances thrown their way and the ladies in particular giving
her a once over, “darling boy you made it finally” boomed a voice and a vision in aqua swayed
towards us stylishly dressed with an amazing hat topped with huge feathers, mother of the bride I
assumed, I pasted on my best smile awaiting the arrival of this formidable looking woman, “hello
mother, yes it was a long drive, you look sensational” he kissed her on both cheeks with genuine
“and you my darling girl must be Sophie, well son you under sold her to me, you are quite the
beauty young lady and it is a pleasure to see my boy with such a jewel on his arm” Sophie blushed
and smiled back at her revelling in her appreciation and feeling totally relaxed in her company. Mrs
Taylor Senior or Barbee as she liked to be known was only just 5ft tall but had such a vibrant
personality and strong character she appeared a lot taller, it was clear Marcus adored her and it
wasn't surprising as she wore the love and pride she had for him like a badge of honour. Barbee led
us to the front of the great hall to sit with her and a surly looking but handsome man who stared
unashamedly at them as they sat down “that’s Duncan” Marcus whispered but there was no time
for an introduction as the music began, Marcus threw him a begrudging nod and looked away. The
wedding march began and sister Beatrice glided down the aisle on the arm of a smart pleasant
looking man who had the same eyes as my angel, Marcus whispered” Don my father ex-military
can't you tell with the march!!” Sophie stifled a giggle because he was right you could see Beatrice
trying to pull her dad back a bit to keep in time to the music. Beatrice herself was stunning brown
hair like her brother all piled up on her head decorated with a stunning tiara her dress was
fabulous, though not something Sophie would wear, it was a huge sparkly frothy meringue, it look
wonderful on her tall willowy figure, she gave Marcus a wink as she drew close and threw Sophie a
mildly curious smirk. Marcus gave her a warm smile then said under his breath “remember Livvy
was her best friend she took a long time to forgive me after the accident and thinks I should wear
black for eternity so if she is less than gracious that will be the only reason” Sophie then saw the
groom step forward he appeared to be good looking, a very tall man with wavy blonde hair had a
public school boy look about him, she imagined him in a cricket jumper or rowing for Oxford. What
struck Sophie the most though was his look of total adoration at his soon to be wife he was
obviously head over heels and it was totally mesmerising to watch they both struggled to hold
back tears whilst exchanging their vows, she had a job not to cry herself it was so moving, Marcus
was watching them both with pride and passed his mother a fresh hanky as she was a total
blubbering mess.
The service was short and sweet that’s the beauty of a civil ceremony no pomp and circumstance
to deal with, the happy couple were dragged off to sign the register and the guests drifted to the
outer hall where champagne was being served. Marcus introduced Sophie to a few cousins and an
aunt who was in a wheel chair who reminded her of miss Haversham, then his father walked over
for an introduction “Sophie hi I am pleased to meet you I am Marcus dad Don” he greeted her
warmly with a cheeky nudge to Marcus “son you’ve hit the jackpot here she is a diamond, make
sure you save me a dance later Missy” with that he went off to his wife’s calling for photos. Sophie
was aware of eyes boring into her and noticed the brother was leaning arrogantly against the wall
openly staring but with a look of curiosity he smiled at her, it made her shiver Jasper had a look like
that it was rather unpleasant, he also watched Marcus with a look of regret on his face Sophie
wondered if he was sorry for their broken relationship.
“Marcus why hasn't your brother said hello” Marcus looked over to him and frowned
“We hate each other simple, he wants everything I have he always did he hates me because he had
this dumb idea that I was mum's favourite. I got the degree, a wonderful career and a beautiful
wife, whereas he ended up in juvenile detention for drugs and flunked uni and saw himself as a
complete disappointment to our parents, it was a shame because he was very academic, could
have been whatever he wanted but instead of taking responsibility for his failures he put the blame
on me, we just stay away from each other”
“Is he still doing drugs or did he get help?” Marcus explained he had done rehab got clean and
now runs a successful building company so he cleaned his act up but they still avoided each other.
They wandered outside to the lawns to watch the photo's Marcus was called up for a few family
ones, then everyone made their way to the marquee. It was decorated with silk and flowers fairy
lights and organza bows, it was beautifully done and they set about finding their table. Marcus
hadn't let go of Sophie’s hand throughout the event so far, she was grateful for that as she did feel
like a fish out of water with all these strangers and was anxious in case someone actually
recognised her. Dying her hair back to red had been a good choice as the blonde hair was what she
had been known for and it was the first thing everyone recognised due to its length. They had sat
down for the meal and were relieved that the guests at their table were lovely all family and very
welcoming Sophie held her own during the meal holding their attentions and she gained a lot of
respect when she spoke about her MBA in fact one man who turned out to be Uncle John, owned
a distribution company in Holyhead dealing with overseas exports and he was very interested in
some of her ideas for clever taxation issues. John gave her his card and asked if she would consider
meeting him for a chat next week with the possibility of becoming his tax advisor on a consultancy
basis. Marcus watched her gradually gain confidence and noticed the curious faces intrigued by
her beauty and brain combination, he was so proud of her and squeezed her thigh encouragingly
beneath the table cloth, she responded by placing her hand on his leg too, they smiled warmly at
each other Marcus could feel his pulse speeding with her hand being in close proximity to his groin
and it was distracting him. She was totally unaware of the effect her hand was having on him and
was innocently rubbing his thigh in stroking motions it was becoming unbearable especially when
she laughed and her hand absently brushed over the edge of his crotch, he felt her pull her hand
back and look at him with shock, a blush spreading from the top of her luscious breasts, she smiled
sweetly at him but started to lick her bottom lip with nerves or arousal he couldn't work out which
until her hand skimmed him again “Christ” he mumbled she gave him a quick smirk and excused
herself to use the powder room. Sophie was dizzy with desire and needed air fast before she
started nibbling his neck or dragging him under the table. As for Marcus he was trying to still his
libido and make it possible to stand up without displaying his obvious man hood to the uncles and
aunts around the table. “so Marcus how is the world of medicine?” phew a question to distract
him, he chatted to his uncle John for a while but then began to feel a little edgy as Sophie had
been quite a while and the ladies was not that far away he excused himself to check on her

Chapter 7

Sophie never got as far as the ladies as Duncan had blocked her way” Sophie is it?” Duncan shook
her hand firmly “well you are a find aren't you the boy done good, strange I recognise you, don't
know why but your face is so familiar what’s your surname?”
Sophie panicked and diverted the questioning back to him and avoided answering but Duncan
proceeded to grill her, where she was born what uni she attended, but he couldn't place her at all
it was beginning to annoy him until he saw his baby brother marching over to rescue her from his
evil clutches, he walked away before he got close enough to rip his head off, Duncan went outside
for a cigarette and then it came to him where he had seen her, his roommate in Oxford had
become a millionaire the bastard that was Jasper Bonavia was a devious bastard and always
showing off, he kept in touch for a while after they graduated, both into the same parties and
drugs he still couldn’t stand the bloke though. Duncan had followed Jaspers tumultuous love life
with amusement, however he was aware of Jaspers darker side and had a lot of sympathy for the
girl who he knew had almost died trying to escape his clutches, Jasper used to send pics to all his
mates of his fetish games and some of the photos were disgusting not his thing at all, he was sure
the Sophie he had seen in the pictures had been blonde but he would check it out later, Jasper was
offering a reward for her whereabouts and Duncan needed money but didn’t want this frail beauty
to be hurt anymore, an idea formed the money could get him out of the dark hole he was in with
some old acquaintances, so once he was certain it was her he would act fast, it was also possible
he could do his baby brother a favour at the same time, he knew things Marcus could use that
could get Jasper off their backs for good so maybe he could kill two birds with one stone!.
Marcus checked she was OK and gave his brother a warning glance he led Sophie back to the table
ready for the speeches. Marcus thought Sophie looked a bit pale and shaken after her encounter
but no matter how hard he questioned her she insisted Duncan had not said anything untoward so
he let it go. The speeches dragged on but once they were finished the lights dimmed and the DJ
started the music for the first dance, the happy couple looked divine together, Sophie had not yet
been introduced and was worried Beatrice was deliberately avoiding her, when others joined them
on the dance floor Marcus asked Sophie for a dance and they held each other lightly and glided
around the room as if they had danced together for years, Don cut in for one dance then Marcus
claimed her back, as their bodies got closer together and the music went on she inhaled his musky
scent and rested her cheek against his shoulder she was exhausted and was glad they were staying
at a hotel tonight she would not make it home without collapsing, last nights lack of sleep was
catching her up. Sophie listened to him singing along to the music and looked up into his eyes he
was so caught up in the song he didn't notice her watching, when he did he blushed “oops love a
bit of George Michael “she smiled he couldn't resist and he closed his mouth over hers they
swayed and kissed for the duration of the song tongues dancing cautiously together licking and
tasting each other over and over, Sophie was aware of his hardness and pressed herself closer to
him loving the fact she could affect him so deeply. He pulled away and held her face in his hands
“Sophie I really want to make love to you tonight I don't want to presume just because you
respond to my kisses that means you are ready for this tell me sweetheart truthfully if you want
me as much as I want you” Sophie pressed her finger to his mouth “Ssh I am ready I have been
ready since you pulled me off the sand 2 weeks ago I can't say what will happen tonight as I have
not been close to anyone since him” he cut her off then “one step at a time and baby any time you
need to stop then we do I would wait forever for your touch as it means so much more than I ever
would have imagined” they grasped each other and were about to kiss again when a vision in
white stepped in to their bubble it was his sister dragging her new husband behind her “hey bro
when are you going to say hi its my wedding and my own brother has avoided me all day” she
looked petulantly at him,” look I know you think I am going to be difficult cause of Liv” she cast her
eyes down sadly then faced him again, “I love you fool so anyone who makes you as happy as I've
seen you today is good enough for me” she hugged him roughly then turned to look warmly at
Sophie “ Hi Sophie I am Beatrice this is my husband Henry and we are delighted you came with
Marcus today, mum loves you already so that’s a start” she shook my hand then moved in for a
peck on the cheek “you really are lovely to look at every man in this room has had a peep at you
behind their wives back” she giggled and poked Henry in the side “ I hope you haven't though my
dear its only been 3 hrs. since you said I do” she giggled again “anyway you two we are
honeymooning for 2 weeks but we will be over for a visit soon I want to get to know this one
Marcus it looks like she may become a permanent fixture”
The happy couple bounced away and they were left open mouthed “that’s my sister no edit button”
they laughed then made their way outside and asked for the car to be brought round, Duncan
watched from the doorway, he watched them drive away very pleased with his nights work anxious
to get back to check out those pics and satisfy his curiosity and put his little plan in to action.

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