Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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His soft warm lips kiss me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth devouring me.

“Hmm.” I whimper against him.

I feel his hard male body over mine, skin on skin. And his rock hard erection teases my throbbing clit. His mouth slides down my neck to my breasts, where he teases each of my nipples until they are hard buds under his expert lips. His mouth continues further down my body, leaving a trail of warm moisture where his lips suck and lick, reaching the apex between my thighs that are screaming to have his mouth on them.

My fingers dig into his shoulders, leaving marks, as I move my legs further apart to accommodate his broad shoulders between my thighs. I gasp when his tongue flicks into me, driving me wild with frenzy.

“Wet already. And delicious as usual.” He whispers.

I want him now. I cannot wait any longer to have him inside of me. “I need you now. Please.”

He licks my folds. Once. Twice. And then plunges his tongue back into me. My back arches sending him deeper into me. His hands move to my waist and hold me down so I can’t buck my hips.

“Oh God!” I scream as my hands fall onto the couch and my nails claw into the fabric.

Again his slippery warm tongue licks my folds. Once. Twice. And plunges into me… this time going in much deeper.

“Oh fuck!” I yell in frustration as my one leg slides off the couch, my feet on the cold hardwood floor doing nothing to cool down my burning body.

His tongue slides out slowly only to move back into me fast. I’m seeing stars in a variety of colours. My hand flies over my face, covering my eyes. The sensations he causes in me almost too much to bear.

“Eyes, baby... I want to see your eyes. Or I will have to start all over again.”

Removing my hand, I find him watching me, his blue eyes blazing intensely at me.

“That’s my girl.”

I feel the familiar wonderful feeling building up in me like waves of desire crashing on my body. Luke removes his tongue from me, leaving me feeling empty and I cry out in frustration.

He slides up my body using his hand to guide his hot hard erection to my blistering throb. My hips buck but he heaves himself higher so he is out of reach.

“Luke!” I shout in exasperation.

“Control it, princess.” Slowly he lowers his body over me... I feel like I’m drowning as his sweaty body touches me. He groans as he fights his desire. His tip is on my pulsing clit and oh so slowly does he enter... only to stop midway.

I am panting like a dog and I want to grab him and slide him into me. Instead I look at him with pleading eyes.

His hands on my hips prevent me from raising my body higher to get him in deeper. Sliding out, he kisses me furiously. He slips in again... midway.

This is too much for me to bear. I want to throw him over the couch onto the floor and straddle him myself, taking what I want from him.

“Tell me you want me.” He grates out through clenched teeth.

“Yes I do!” I scream.

“Tell me you need me.”

“Yes! I do!”

“Tell me you will never leave me. We will be together. Forever.”

Yes! Damn it!”

He smiles his boyish sexy grin and enters me deeply... satisfying every cell in my body as he starts to pound me with sweet sharp thrusts.

I am delirious in pleasure as the storm of desire builds up taking us both higher than we have ever been before. Releasing as if a hurricane has swept through us, we gasp as our wet bodies come slowly back to earth leaving us entirely spent and satisfied.

Oh God... what did I do to deserve this man?


Chapter Twenty Nine

I’m content with myself and my life as I look around me. Surrounded by all the people I love – the people who matter most to me - as we eat our dinner together. With the exception of Ethan who is sitting at the end of the table scowling at his meatloaf. I am not complaining as long as he leaves me alone.

And thankfully he has been doing that ever since Luke cornered him on Tuesday. I could tell how it went when Ethan showed up the next day with a bruise on his cheek. According to Luke, he just asked the guy very politely to stay away from me. His explanation of the bruise was that Ethan may have slipped in the shower which was funny because that was what Ethan told everyone.

After their altercation, the days rolled by rather smoothly without any further interference from Ethan.

I am still curious about what it is about Ethan that has gotten Luke and Mason all worked up. If only there was some way I could speak to Mason without Luke finding out of course.

Or perhaps I should ask Ethan?

Hell no!

Luke would have a heart attack. Maybe Travis might know something. After all they have been friends for a long time. They even kept in contact after Ethan left.

I look up at Luke and admire his beautiful face. A smile tugs at my lips when he looks up and catches me.

“Penny for your thoughts?” He whispers to me.

“Just thinking how much I love you.”

“Forever?” He winks.

“Forever.” I need to clarify that with him. I am not sure what he means and I don’t want to get my hopes up. Luke and I have only known each other a few weeks but it feels like I have known him my entire life. When he says forever, I hope that he means we will never part because I cannot imagine my life without him in it.


On Friday, Brit and I finish our classes early. We are about to leave our dorm to do some shopping before we leave to go to Luke’s club tonight. She needs some new lingerie and I tag along hoping to find something for myself or rather for Luke, to enjoy as he peels it off me later tonight. My mobile rings. Pulling it out of my bag, I groan when I see it is my mom calling.

What now?

“Mother,” I answer. I wish she could see me rolling my eyes.

Brit looks at me and shakes her head in annoyance. She still hasn’t gotten over how my parents tried to set me up with Ethan at dinner. And she was just as pissed when I told her how they treated Luke when I introduced them.

She ignores my indifferent attitude. “Hello darling. How are you?” My mom sounds as cool and calm as ever.

I don’t have time for pleasantries. “I’m about to leave to do some shopping with Brit.” I inform her.

She is silent for a few seconds, probably shocked with my demeanour. I glance at my mobile screen to make sure the call didn’t drop.
Unfortunately not.

“Darling, your father and I are deeply sorry about the other evening.” She says with her voice soft and fearful.

She sounds like she means it, totally blowing me away. My eyeballs pop out and roll onto the carpet, glaring up at me. Although her apology shocks me, I need to let her know just how far they went. How much chaos they have caused. You don’t meddle in your ‘child’s life’ and try to take over, especially when she is a grown woman. You don’t tell her what to do or arrange her future according to what makes you happy. And most of all you respect the loved ones in her life.

“What you guys did was absolutely wrong. Who I decide to date is totally my decision. You may not accept it but you learn to respect it.” My voice sounds cold and I don’t care.

“We know that, darling. But that’s not how it happened. We were under a different impression. Ethan told us that you were still together even though you were in different countries. So naturally we assumed you wouldn’t mind having him join us for dinner.” She no longer sounds as cool and calm as before.

What the fuck?
Ethan told them we were still together... damn asshole. I shake my head. No wonder they wanted to have dinner with him, thinking we were still a couple. But that still does not let them off the hook. They were downright rude to Luke... when they knew Ethan and I were no longer together. And they still tried to interfere. I really don’t care about any of the shit that Ethan fed them, what angered me was the way they treated Luke. That was not called for. They have no excuse for their behaviour.

“I don’t care about all that nonsense about Ethan... he and I are over. But you disrespected me when you showed no respect to Luke. He is my boyfriend and a little courtesy would have been nice.”

“Darling, that was a rather unfortunate situation. We just want what’s best for you. And we didn’t mean to insult your feelings toward Luke. He seems to be a fine young man. We are sorry but we are not to blame...” She trails off.

Blah, blah, blah! It is never their fault. I have heard it all before. Nope they never meant to leave a toddler alone at home in the care of the nanny. Never meant to ship me off to boarding school. Never meant to visit their only child twice a year. I have heard all this fucking shit before. Been there, done that. She will continue laying blame on someone else until she is blue in the face. And right now I don’t have time to wait for her to turn into a Smurf.

Brit is wearing down the carpet in our room with her continuous pacing. I need to wrap this up. I don’t care whose fault it is. They can continue blaming Ethan and I don’t give a damn if he is at fault. I have my best friend waiting for me so we can go buy ourselves some sexy lingerie. And I have an amazing gorgeous boyfriend who is going to strip that sexy lingerie off me later tonight.

“Okay, fine. Apology accepted.” I tell her just so she shuts up and we can end this call. But some things are not as easy as I find out. Like getting rid of my interfering parents.

“Your dad would like a word with you. Good bye, sweetheart.”


I wonder what my dad wants to say. Has he not said enough? Probably not. Did not get his chance to say all that he wanted to say to Luke before we stormed out of the restaurant. Or he wants to dish out the same shit she did. We are not to blame... blah, blah, blah! Not our fault we were influenced by an alien that has infiltrated Ethan.

My dad’s voice cuts through my thoughts. “Emma, sweetheart, how are you?” His voice is soft but edgy.

“Fine. And you?” I reply coolly, waiting for him to repeat what she said about Ethan pulling the wool over their eyes.

“Luke seems like a nice young man.”
But you are still not over Ethan.

“Yeah. He is.” He is the best.

“And I can see how much he loves you.”
But Ethan and you were together for two years and you still love him.

“And I love him.” Forever.

“Sweetheart, please accept our sincerest apology. We were totally out of line the other night.”
Really, I never noticed.
“You know, Ethan led us to believe you two were still together. We had no reason to doubt him. Emma, we are leaving for London tomorrow. And your mom and I would like to have dinner with you and Luke tonight. If you don’t have any plans?”

I mentally high five myself, knowing my parents so well - they successfully dumped all the blame on Ethan, because ‘darling we are not to blame’.

And there’s no way in hell I’m going to put Luke through another round of humiliation at their hands. They already blew that opportunity. Luke deserves better... much better. “We have plans tonight.” I inform my dad.

“Okay. But next time we are in New York we will get together. Okay, sweetheart?”

Can’t wait.

“Love you my darling.” He sounds sad but I am not caving in. I don’t even feel guilty about it.

“You too, dad.” I hang up. Glad we got that over and done with without any wounds.

Brit smirks, having heard most the conversation. “So, do they finally approve of the love of your life?”

“Yeah.” I grin at her.

“You did make it clear that that person is Luke?” She cocks her eyebrow.

I look at her in shock. “I thought the love of my life was Travis.”

“Oh, shut up! You all wasted enough of my shopping time. I might have to go without panties and bra tonight.” She shoos me out of the room as we giggle.


Chapter Thirty

As soon as we arrive at the club, we are ushered upstairs towards the red leather couches - the slightly smaller cosy area which Luke informs me is the VIP area. Already waiting for us are Oliver, Kate, Chloe and Jason. After making quick introductions, everyone is getting on as if they have known each other for years. Laughing and joking like old friends.

A smartly dressed dark haired waitress in a chic black shift dress comes by to take our drink orders. And I’m impressed when she doesn’t bat her eyelashes at Luke... or Travis... or Oliver. Even Jason is spared. I like this place. No need to bitch slap any waitresses here.

However that does not apply to the females flocking this place. I turned positively green when we entered a few minutes ago. Every female - whether single or with a squirming date by her side - feasted their greedy eyes on Luke, drinking him in like thirsty vultures. Having his hand tightly wrapped around my waist did not even faze them.

Now here upstairs, it is the same. I see their admiring glances at my man... some blatantly staring at him watching his every move with nothing but sex on their mind. No fucking way will they get what is mine... and Luke is mine. These bitches better watch out or I’ll be clawing out some eyes before I leave. But at the same time I cannot fault them in their excellent taste.

Luke looks positively edible in his snug black jeans that show off his finely sculptured ass and black T-shirt stretched across his broad chest and black boots. He looks every bit the hot sexy delicious club owner that he is and I can’t wait to get my hands on him later tonight. Or rather when he gets his hands on me. I was able to find a sexy red silk bra and a matching pair of red silk barely there panties with garters.

Luke is attentive as usual, constantly making sure I am comfortable and enjoying myself. He extends the same courtesy to our friends and his family. And by the looks of them, they are all enjoying themselves.

Chloe wastes no time and hits the dance floor as soon as introductions are made, dragging a red faced Jason with her. He looks as nervous as when I first met him... probably due to being in the presence of the two broad imposing Greyson brothers who are watching him like a hawk.

Luke and Oliver crack up when the Jason disappears into the crowd obviously enjoying making the poor guy squirm in their presence. Kate, who is looking stunning as usual, smacks Oliver playfully on the arm before he whisks her off to dance as well.

Jamie comes up to have a word with Luke so Brit and I take our drinks and make our way to stand at the metal railing - its bright blue fluorescent light burning brightly against the club’s low lights. Looking down at the dance floor below us, I am not surprised the place is swarming with throng of dancers on the dance floor. No doubt this is a rather popular nightclub.

“Wow!” Brit exclaims. “I had no idea this place was so cool. And how on earth have I not discovered it before?”

Strong warm hands wrap around my tummy and I’m sure I whimper. “That’s because I only opened it a few months ago.” Luke answers her. He brings his lips to my neck and nibbles just below my ear. “Let’s dance, princess.” Luke whispers behind me, his breath tickling my ear. His fingers touch me tenderly behind my ear. Immediately I get goose bumps on my body. I follow him as he laces our fingers and leads me towards the smaller more intimate dance floor. Placing his hands on my hips we move along to the beat of Cool by Alesso. Within seconds we are joined by Brit and Travis.

The heady mix of Luke’s sexiness and the loud tempo of the pounding music make me hot and sweaty in minutes. His hands travel down my back until he cups my ass, pulling me towards him until we are flush together. The short black skirt I’m wearing slides dangerously high up my thigh and if it goes any higher I will be flashing my new red panties at everyone around me.

He dips his head to my ear, licking me just below my ear. “Having fun, princess?”

“Yes.” I whisper and moan when his tongue darts out and licks my earlobe sending sparks flying.

“I have an office in the back if you want to have some more fun.” His voice is a low seductive whisper. His head goes lower and his warm tongue flicks over the hollow at my throat.

My hands fist in his black inky hair and I’m spellbound by him.

Luke straightens up as the deejay starts talking over the music and grins at me.

“This special song goes out to our man, Luke, and his gorgeous girlfriend, Emma.” Luke grins as Jason Derulo’s Want To Want Me comes on. I laugh at my romantic boyfriend.

Luke’s hands tighten their grip on me and our bodies sway to the music as desire seeps out of me. The scent of his minty freshness mixed with his sweat is wreaking havoc with me. My body is flaming I’m flush against him and I have no doubt he is as affected. I feel his tense muscles under his clothes and the rapid beat of his heart pounding furiously in his chest. But most of all I feel it in his rock hard erection that is pressed against me. I feel the electrical currents shooting out from both of our bodies.

With one hand on my behind, his other hand grips the back of my neck and he pulls me closer. His lips find mine and he kisses me passionately as he grinds himself into me. Oh God, I’m going to shirt circuit.

I’m hungry with desire and just want to swallow him whole. We need to get to that office he mentioned soon because I can’t wait for tonight.

“How about you show me that office of yours?” I pant.

“Somebody’s very impatient.” He smirks.

I lick my lips. He brings his mouth down to mine and licks my lower lip, biting it softly. “I want to dance some more. Consider it foreplay.”

We dance for a few more songs all the time he drives me crazy with his kissing and touching until my feet beg me to stop. My feet are killing me and I mentally yell at myself for not wearing more comfortable shoes. My black wedges are all of a sudden feeling like a ton of lead is strapped around my ankles.

Luke notices my discomfit. “Come on, let’s get something to drink.”

I nod. My mouth is parched. We make our way back to our table and immediately a waitress appears with a fresh round of drinks for us. She places a cold beer in front of Luke and a glass of wine for me.

Taking a sip of my chilled wine, I sigh.

“So what do you think of my club?” He says after taking a big gulp of his beer.

I smile. “Never knew what I was missing by not coming here.”

His blue eyes twinkle devilishly at me. “I can make you come any place, baby.” He runs his fingers gingerly down my arms. His fingers are cold from holding chilled beer bottle, creating goose bumps on my arms.

My brain turns to mush. He looks so incredible, radiating sex appeal making my mouth water. Suddenly I’m thirsty - not for a beverage but for him.

“No doubt you have the special touch.” I tell him. He only has to glance my way and I melt.

He lowers his head and kisses me slowly and tenderly on my lips. “I. Want. You. Now.” He punctuates his words slowly in a soft whisper, keeping his dark eyes fixed on mine. He stands up and holds out his hand to me.

I take one last sip of my drink before standing up. I take his offered hand, ready to follow Luke into his office.

We are interrupted by Brit and Travis. “I need to pee.” Brit shouts over the music.

And for some strange reason that I can’t explain, I suddenly feel the need to pee as well. I groan. “I’m coming.” I yell back at her.

“Never without me, baby.” Luke whispers seductively in my ear.

I laugh out loud. “You’ll get your chance to prove that to me later.” I wink at him.

He winks back. “There’s a private restroom just around the side of the bar. It is for staff only. Nick is there. He will show you.” He points me in the direction.

“Thanks.” I whisper to him. I gently suck just below his ear and I hear him growl.

“Hurry.” He orders me before shoving me towards the restroom.

Using the one reserved for staff will save us from following the standard long queue outside the ladies’ room... perks of being the owner’s girlfriend.

Brit and I follow Nick down a small brightly lit corridor that leads us to the restroom. We scream our delight. There’s no queue... we have the room entirely to ourselves.

After peeing and touching up our makeup, we giggle as we make our way back to our guys. Just before we get to the door that opens into the club, I freeze as I see a familiar face walking towards us.


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