Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty Eight

“How did lunch go? I hope that asshole behaved himself?” Brits laughs as she continues to comb through her long blonde hair.

I stand just behind her, looking at her blue eyes reflected through the mirror and sigh. “He still wants me back.”

Her hands stop moving mid-comb and she turns around to face me. “Is he fucking blind? Does he not see how much in love you are with Luke? He should go crawl back under that snow covered rock he came from in the Swiss Alps.” She tugs on my elbow. “You did tell him to go to hell?”

“Of course, Brit!” I whine. “He insisted Luke is my rebound guy and that I don’t love him. Argh!” I scream out loud.

“Serves him right every time he sees you guys all loved up together.” Pulling me in front of her closet, she gestures at her vast collection of clothes. “What are we wearing tonight?”

“Why do we have a hot date?” I assume she and Travis are doing something special later this evening.

“The boys called earlier when you were out. They have made reservations for us at some new place. Luke tried to get hold of you but your phone kept going to voicemail.”

I pull open my black purse that is still hanging around my shoulder and look for my phone. Checking it I see three missed calls from Luke. All of them were made when I was having lunch with Ethan. Oh shit!

I need to call him back but he beats me to it when I hear Lifehouse singing to me.

“Hi,” I say cheerfully.

“Hey, you. Are you okay?” He sounds a bit off.

“Yeah.  I just got back from having lunch with a friend of mine from high school.” I lie as I look at Brit who shakes her head clearly showing her disapproval.

“Okay.” He doesn’t sound very convinced and for once I am glad when he changes the topic.

“Well, I guess Brit told you about dinner tonight? Dad’s got his new place near Bryant Park and I thought we could go check it out.”

“She did and it sounds great.”

“I love you, princess. Forever.”

I can tell there is something wrong with him but I am not sure. I know Mason would not have told him about our meeting today because they are no longer friends. But something is just not right and I can’t put my finger on it.

“I love you too. Forever.” I tell him.

He holds on for a few more seconds before hanging up. Almost, like he didn’t want to end the call.

That familiar hot heavy feeling is back in my tummy with a vengeance. Moving towards my bed, I lay myself flat down on my pink duvet as I stare up at the ceiling, my phone still cradled in my hand.

Brit scampers over, takes my phone from me and places it onto the drawer beside my headboard then lays down beside me. “Okay, what’s wrong?” her voice sounding worried.

I rest my head on her shoulder. “I ran into Mason just as I was leaving the restaurant.”

“Mason as in Luke’s public enemy number one?
Mason?” Her blue eyes are wide.

“Yes. And he asked me what I was doing with Ethan.”

“How do they even know each other?”

I shrug. Damn if someone tells me.

She continues. “I mean if they did, surely you and Mason would have met up earlier. Hell, in fact you and Luke would have met up earlier.” She nudges my shoulder.

She is right about that. However, I would have met Luke during his partying boozing days and nothing would have come of it. Though, I would have been attracted to him for sure. But he would have just wanted a quick fuck before moving on. Or, I would have met married Luke. I shudder and push that thought to the back of mind.

“Ethan used to date his sister. The same one Luke slept with. The strange thing was Mason insisted I should stay away from Ethan.” I blurt out.

“Whoa! Hold up! I need time to digest this. Mason’s sister is the one Ethan wrote to you about after losing his heart to her?”

“The one and only.”

“Damn. That chick’s got it bad. Both guys ditch her and end up in love with you.” She laughs.

I shake my head in response. Yes, only Brit can lighten tense situations.

“You are going to tell Luke?”

“If I don’t surely Ethan will have the pleasure to let him know. I have to find a way to let Luke know without him going bat shit crazy on Ethan.”


The place Luke’s family owns is a popular eating house with an amazing view of Bryant Park visible through the glass floor-to-ceiling steel framed windows. The décor is very earthy with all wooden tables and chairs including the floors. Small round globes dot the high pale blue ceiling like stars in the sky. We are whisked off to a table already reserved in the packed restaurant.

Luke seems in a better mood as he rests his elbows on the table, waiting for everyone to place their orders with the smiley young waiter who seems quite taken with Brit, much to her amusement and Travis’s disgust.

As soon as the waiter disappears, Luke smirks at Travis. “Should I ask my dad to fire the poor dude for having good taste in women?”

“I guess not. Nah! Not when you put it that way.” Travis grins back at him and then engulfs Brit into a hug. “I’ll just have to get over the fact that my baby’s got admirers.” He chirps.

Luke seated to my right of the square table, moves his chair closer to me. “Hey, you okay? You very quiet tonight.” He twirls a lock of my brown hair around his fingers.

“I’m fine.” I lie. I am still thinking about Mason’s sister. What could have happened between her and Ethan? I mean people get dumped all the time and yet they move on. Nobody keeps grudges like what Mason has towards Ethan. Mason hates Ethan.

However, Mason’s attitude towards Luke sleeping with his sister is an entirely different matter all together. Sleeping with your best friend’s sister is a definite no and bound to ruin relationships.

Brit, who knows what happened earlier today, bails me out. “Luke, when did your dad purchase this place?” I mentally thank her for changing the topic and shifting his attention away from me.

She is always so perceptive.

“A couple of months back. He’s been after it for a while. I guess it pays to be patient.” His warm fingers stroke my bare arms as he looks at me lovingly. “Right, princess?”

I smile back at the man I love with all of my heart and blow him a kiss.

Moving his head closer to mine, he whispers to me. “I know something is wrong. What is it?”

Obviously Brit’s trick of getting him to forget about my pensive mood did not work.

His blues are on me as he suddenly stands grasping my hand in his. “Come with me.” It is more of an order than a question. Turning towards Brit and Travis he speaks with all the grace of a charming host. “Excuse us, guys.”


Luke leads me through a black door behind the bar emblazoned with the words ‘Staff Only’ painted across in white. We enter a brightly lit corridor and then he opens another black door on the left. He steps aside for me to enter and closes the door behind us. Once inside I realise we are in somebody’s office.

A wooden desk accompanied by two black chairs in front and a black leather swivel chair behind. The desk is equipped with a computer, printer and a telephone. To the side of the desk are two metal cabinets pushed against the white wall.

He tugs me to sit down on one of the black chairs in front of the desk. And he sits down on the other one opposite me. He leans his elbows on his thighs and looks intensely into my eyes.

His warm hand is still holding mine, his warm thumb gently rubbing over my knuckles. “Please, don’t shut me out.” He begs me. His normally bright blue eyes are now looking sad and lost. “I love you. Forever.”

I take a deep breath. I don’t want to keep any secrets from him but I really don’t want him to flip out over my lunch with Ethan or his confession of wanting me back. I remember how he reacted in the cafeteria when he saw Ethan for the first time. So I pick my words carefully as I reply.

“I love you too. Forever. But please don’t be mad with me.”

His eyes search mine as if he is looking for something.

“I had lunch with Ethan today.”

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He exhales loudly and slowly opens his eyes. “Did he try anything?”

I can see the anger pooling in his eyes and it makes me shiver.

“I’m over him but he still loves me.”

He releases my hand and places his palms flat on my thighs. I can feel the heat transfer onto my skin, burning me. “Did. He. Try. Anything?” He grates through clenched teeth.

“He… he tried to kiss me.”

Luke pushes his chair back noisily as he stands up. “Fuck! Shit! Does he have a death wish?” he spits out angrily.

I look down at my tangled fingers lying in my lap. Looking up, I watch him as he walks to the end of the wall.


He punches his fist into the hard plaster of the wall.

“Luke!” I jump up from my chair.

He turns around to face me. “Sorry.” He places his hands on his hips, looking like he wants to murder Ethan. “What else happened?”

“As I was leaving, I ran into Mason.” And I wait for him to explode. He doesn’t… surprising me.

Luke takes a step closer to me, putting his hands on my shoulder.

I continue, hoping that he can shed some light on my strange encounter with Mason. “He was acting all weird. He warned me against Ethan.” I shake my head.

Somehow Luke seems to handle this bit of news better than I expected. “What else did Mason say?”

“Ethan dated his sister when he was living in Switzerland but dumped her just before returning to New York. But I’m confused by the hatred Mason has for Ethan. Mason should not hate someone with that much passion because things didn’t work out for his sister. There’s something more but-”

“Not your business,” Luke cuts me off. “Let it go. Okay.”

No, it’s not okay.
I need him to clear this up for me. “But something else that bothers me is why Mason would want to warn me about Ethan when he hates you too. Surely he could have ignored seeing Ethan and me together and had a good laugh behind your back.”

Luke chews his lower lip, considering what I have just said. “Mas, is a good guy. He always does the right thing. And I’m glad he had the decency to call...” He stops mid-sentence.

And a light bulb goes off inside my head. I look at him with a questioning look. “Mason told you about my lunch with Ethan, didn’t he?”

“We don’t speak. But he and Oli do... and Oli told me. Mason is right baby. Ethan is bad news. I don’t want you to see him again. It upsets me. You need to stay away from him. Promise me?” His fingers dig into my shoulders.

“I promise. But will someone tell me what the big deal about Ethan is? I mean, he was my boyfriend for two years.” I cringe wanting to desperately forget that part of my life.

“Nothing!” His voice bounces off the walls. He shoves his hands through his hair. “Just let it go.” This time he sounds softer as he pleads with me. He takes my hand, threading our fingers and walks me to the door. Gripping the round metal knob, he turns to me. “And thank you for telling me.”  He lowers his head to kiss me on my forehead. “Come on, you know it is rude to keep our guests waiting.” He manages a small smile.

My mind is still preoccupied with the situation regarding Ethan. I now know why Mason hates Ethan. But what I don’t know is why Luke hates Ethan. I know there is something more to Ethan dating Mason’s sister and then dumping her. I cannot seem to figure it out.

As soon as we get back to our table, the overly smiley waiter magically appears with our food.

Brit looks at me questioningly. I nod at her and smile. She smiles back knowing that I told Luke about what happened today.

As Luke cuts a piece of steak, he speaks addressing us all at the table. “Hey guys, do you want to join me at Bad this Friday?”

“Hell yes!” Travis high fives Luke. “Count us in.” Travis is a total party animal and must be in heaven knowing his friend Luke owns a club.

Brit looks at Luke with genuine love, not the kind I feel for Luke, more of a brotherly kind of love. “Have I told you how glad I am you are dating my best friend?” She is another party animal which is why she and Travis are so perfect for each other.

Luke stops to stare off into the distance, frowning as he contemplates what she said. “Come to think of it, no.” He shakes his head and winks at me.

“No really, Luke, I mean it. You guys are perfect for each other and I love you both. Not to mention… you do come with a lot of perks.” She chuckles.

“Thanks, Brit.” He winks at her.


We return to the cottage a little after ten. After a great dinner with my best friends and love of my life, I feel much better. As soon as we inside behind closed doors, Luke whisks me around for a passionate kiss.

“I have been waiting to do that all night.” He tells me, his voice soft and tender.

I melt. “Uh huh.” I murmur.

“And I’ve been waiting to do this too.” He slips his T-shirt off. “And this.” His fingers slide down the zipper on my dress, pulling the soft fabric away from my shoulders, down my hands, until it spills onto the hardwood floor. “And most of all
.” He scoops me up, carrying me over to the couch, laying me down carefully before undoing his jeans and climbing over me.

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