Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty Five

I wiggle my toes when the cold morning air greets them. Pulling my blanket higher up my neck, I make to turn and sleep some more. However, I cannot turn because something heavy is on my legs. Slowly opening one eye then the other, I wake up to find Luke straddling my legs.

“Luke!” I cry out. “I want to sleep some more.”

“No! Time for my breakfast.” He shouts. His blue eyes are twinkling with mischief.

“It is still dark outside.” I groan at him, taking in his sleep ruffled hair and the light stubble on his face. He looks so edible with only his boxers on and I lick my lips hungrily as I watch him contemplating his next words.

He looks at me with an evil grin on his lips as he yanks my blanket off me and throws it on my dorm room floor. “No need to go outside when my breakfast is right here.”

“I’m still sleepy.” I respond.

He lowers his hot hard body over mine, caging me in with his elbows at my side, grinning. “Are you going to deny me breakfast? Because I’m starving for you, princess.”

“Yeah. I think you need to lose some weight, baby.” I tease him while running my fingers over his ripped abs.

His fingers go to my hips, touching me on my sensitive spot making me to burst into a fit of giggles.

I curl around him as I try to wiggle myself free from his clutches. Tightening his hold on me with one hand, he holds me down while pinning both my wrists above my head with his other hand and looks at me with pure lust in his eyes.

Dipping his head low, he runs his warm moist tongue over my bottom lip, creating tremors all over my body. “Are you going to deny me?” He breathes out.

Hell no!
I’m as hungry as he is.

“Kiss me.” I tell him.

“I want to do more than kiss you, princess.” Releasing my wrists, he moves quickly to remove my vest, shorts and panties in one fluid move before pulling down his boxers.

His tongue licks my nipple, tugging the hard bud into his warm sweet mouth, pulling and sucking at it. My nails rake down his hard muscular back as I arch my breasts into him, my nipple pushing deeper into his mouth.

“Oh, Luke.” He feels so good, hard and pulsing against my body. I want him now.

I feel his tip nudge into my throbbing centre as his mouth moves across to my other nipple. His one hand grabs my wrists again holding it in place above my head. I protest. I want to touch him. His free hand wraps my one leg around his waist and he enters me. Slowly. He stills for a moment, looking down at me.

Pulling out of me he speaks his voice thick with desire. “My favourite meal.”

He arches his back as he drives into me. Holding my leg behind my knee, he thunders into me harder and faster than before while furiously bruising my lips with his deep passionate kisses.

I soar high up into the clouds – into the land of the angels - as my body grows with my need for him… more and more.

He licks the bead of sweat that has rolled down the side of my face and I cannot hold it in anymore as I climax, exploding all around him, releasing the raging fire that has been burning up in me.

He continues to go on, the machine that he is, slamming into me, our wet bodies slapping into each other. Looking into my eyes, I see the strain across his face as he battles to prolong his release, the veins on his neck pulsing. One. Two. Three. And he releases his sweet hot cum, filling me with everything that he has as he grunts out my name. It takes us longer to get our breaths under control before he is able to slip out of me and roll onto his back.

I can feel that he is tense. Actually now that I pick up on it, I realise that he never really relaxed since we got back from his dad’s place yesterday. He did his best to try and talk to me but I could sense his mind was elsewhere. And when we got back to my room he just wanted to cuddle in bed. No words were spoken and I felt like he was shutting me out.

That all too familiar hot heavy feeling is back in my tummy... this time hitting me with a bang.

He shifts us so that we are on our sides, facing each other.

I run my hand down his cheek, caressing his beautiful face. He leans his cheek into my palm.

His beautiful blue eyes are so distant… so very far away. And I feel for him. I know something is wrong. I just wish he would talk to me.

“What is it?” I ask him, expecting him to change the topic. He is quiet and I give up hope of him speaking. After a few seconds have passed he eventually does. “I’m sorry I did not tell you about my ex- stepmother.” His voice is hoarse. His words are not what I expect, surprising me because he is so good at changing the topic when the focus is on him.

“It is okay.” I have no idea how to respond. I understand that all the Greyson children hate Monica, hence his earlier reluctance to mention her. It was easier for him to pretend she was not a member of their family.

“She is no longer a part of our lives.” He clenches his eyes shut. When he opens them, I see the pain reflected beneath those blue eyes. “I never expected to see her again... she really hurt my dad… all of us.” He sighs.

“I know.” I remember Chloe mentioning the heartache Monica caused their family and how her actions nearly destroyed them all.

He sits up suddenly, his eyes wide with shock. “What?” He looks alarmed.

“Chloe told me she cheated on your dad.” I sit up and reach out to him, placing my hands on his chest where I can feel his heart hammering away. “She filled me in when your dad called you and Oli inside for a chat.”

He flinches as he looks at me, his face going pale. He frowns, suddenly looking way older than he is, like he has the world’s troubles on his shoulders. “What else did she say?”

“That she is not a nice person.”

One side of his mouth tilts up in a half smile. “I’m sure she used much more colourful words than that to describe Monica. Did she tell you who she cheated with?”

His question sends my mind into a tail spin. I wonder if it is someone I know. “No. Why is it someone I know?”

He shakes his head. “Dad’s two best friends.”

Holy fuck!
She cheated on their father with not one but two of his best friends. What kind of woman does that? The lady is a crazy fucked up bitch. “No wonder you guys hate her so much.” My heart goes out to him. He was so young when his parents split and divorce is not easy on children. It must have been traumatic for him. And just when things settled down with his dad and Monica, his entire world crumbled again. History repeating itself.

“I am sorry that I had you share air with that bitch. I never want you to be anywhere near her again.” He bends down to kiss me softly on my lips. “I love you so much. Forever.”

“I love you too. Forever.”

He stops kissing me. “Get dressed. I still need to eat my breakfast.” He winks at me as he climbs out of the bed. “Be ready in twenty minutes. We need to be there in an hour.” He quickly dresses himself in his very creased clothes.


“Where are we going?” I pick up my mobile to check the time. It is only eight, still so early.

“If you want to find out, you better start moving.” He orders me as he walks out of my room, closing my door behind him.


Bad is not like most of the nightclubs I have frequented. Looking around, I can see everything is state of the art and screams money. I remember Luke saying he used his trust fund money to buy this place. That must have been some shit load of money.

He comes up behind me and winds his arms around my chest tucking his chin over my shoulder. “So what do you think?”

“Wow!” I still cannot believe he owns a nightclub.

“You should see this place when we are open for business. I still cannot believe you never heard of Bad before.” His lips nibble at my neck.

Neither can I.

We are alone in the big room but not for long. I can hear feet scampering around somewhere close by and then I hear someone cough behind us. “Hi, Luke.” A smooth male voice calls out.

Turning us around, I find myself gazing at the biggest most deadly looking guy I have ever seen. He is taller than Luke and all muscle, with black tribal tattoos on both his large arms. His jeans sit low on his narrow hips and do nothing to hide the bulging muscles of his thighs. His deep intense dark brown eyes watch Luke and me while his thin lips twitch as he tries to hide his smile. He looks very amused as he watches Luke and me. I get the feeling he is not sure what to make of me. Like Luke’s family when they first met me... they were surprised to find out I was a real live person.

Luke lets go of me. “Hey, Jamie.” He greets the other man casually while strolling towards the guy who looks like he is in his middle thirties. The two men fist bump man-hug each other. “Meet my girlfriend, Emma. Em, this is Jamie. He manages the club for me.”

I shake hands with Jamie, who nods his buzz cut head at Luke, looking somewhat baffled.

Luke shrugs at him.
He asks him and I can hear that mischievous tone in his voice.

? Man, am I being punk’d?”

“Yes, she is
my girlfriend
. What’s wrong big guy, you having trouble hearing?”

Jamie shakes his head as he heads back behind the bar counter.

Luke shrugs his shoulders, chuckling. “What is it with you people? First, it was my family. Now, you.”

“Shit! She even met the family?” Jamie spins around facing us, looking ready to burst into laughter. He comes out from behind the counter with a clip board and stands in front of Luke.

I smile as I watch the easy going banter between these two guys.

“I am in love. Get over it big guy.”

“Never would have guessed it. You go off to college to get an education and what do you know... you come back so fucking whipped you could be used as dessert topping. Congrats, man!” They do some kind of weird man shake again with their hands and shoulders.

“Princess, I‘ve got some paper work to sort out with Jamie in the back office. You want to join us or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar?”

I decide it is best if I sit out here, leaving Luke and Jamie to head on back to the office at the end of the corridor. I don’t want to distract him so I decide to have a drink instead.

Taking a sip of my chilled wine, I look around the place, admiring the splendour of it all. Two massive dance floors on each of the two storey club. The bars on opposite ends are lit up in bright blue fluorescent lights. Along one side of the massive room is a seating area – round glass tables with very comfortable looking plush red leather chairs. I suppose that will come in handy after a couple of hours on the dance floor.

Draining the last of my wine and with no one in sight to get me a refill, I place the glass on the bar counter and set about exploring the dance floor upstairs.

I walk up the white marble staircase - thinking good thing it is white, makes it easier to notice when this place is crammed up with people... and when you are totally drunk and can’t see straight.

Climbing up the last step, club’s music system comes on and I’m welcomed by Gino Vannelli’s Wild Horses. Upstairs is way more luxurious than I expected. A plush lounge area is set up alongside one massive mirrored wall, couches in red leather – same as the ones below - are placed around low glass tables and there are big chandeliers hanging above the sitting area.

As I pass the lounge area, I see another slightly smaller cosier dance floor and bars on the opposite end. The bar counter top is loaded with boxes - some of them opened and numerous bottles of alcohol on the white counter. I walk towards the railing to have a look at the down stairs area. Placing my hands on the cold metal which is lit up in the same bright blue fluorescent lights, I take in how posh this place is and wonder what it must look like when open and packed to capacity.

I’m startled when a voice greets me. “Hello.”

Turning around I see a young man, about Luke’s age. He is closing a mirrored door, next to the red leather couches. From where I’m standing, it looks like he popped out from behind that mirror. It is probably a secret door.

Dressed in ripped blue denim, his white vest reveals his bulging muscles underneath. A dragon tattoo is inked on one side of his arm and he has way too many piercings in both his ears.

“Hello. I’m here with Luke. I was taking a look around.” I blurt out. Better to introduce myself before he thinks I am some kind of burglar here to steal his employer’s alcohol.

He smiles warmly at me, obviously relieved I am not a burglar. Slowly he scratches his chin. “No prob. So you must be, Amanda? Nice to meet you.”

A lightning bolt of jealousy shoots through me.
Who the fuck is Amanda?
The room spins for a few seconds as all the air is sucked right out of me. My fingers reach out and I grip the railing behind me tighter, thinking I might pass out.

He is oblivious to my reaction to his words as he moves towards the bar and pulls out more bottles, lining them on top of the bar counter.

Summoning up every bit of strength I have, I answer him. “Um. No. I’m Emma.” I correct him.

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