Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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Now he looks shocked. “You don’t believe me?” He narrows his eyes at me. “Do you know
about him?”

His question stings me, making me feel like the village idiot. And as much as I want to know more about Luke, this guy doesn’t strike me as my best source of information.

His removes one hand from his pocket and scratches his chin trying to recall something. “Well, we grew up together... were best friends.”

I notice he has used past tense.

He continues. “I’ve seen him treat women like shit. Once he gets them into his bed he has no further need for them. End of story.” He leans in close to me, his voice cold as ice. “Get out while you can. Don’t-”

He does not get a chance to finish what he is saying.

“That’s enough, Mason!” Luke’s angry voice booms from behind Mason. My gaze shifts behind Mason’s broad shoulder and I see Luke as he comes bulldozing down the corridor towards us. Oliver is with him and glancing at the two of them I can see the dark dangerous look on both their handsome faces. They look ready to go into battle... ready to bring down an army.

“Just telling her the truth, man. It hurts, doesn’t it?” Mason spits out without turning around to look at Luke.

I’ve never seen Luke move so fast. In a split second he shoves Mason up against the cream wall pinning him in place with his forearm against the guy’s neck.

“Shut the fuck up!” Luke shouts into Mason’s face and I see the veins bulging out in his neck. “Or so help me God-”

Mason cuts him off making it obvious he has a death wish what with Luke looking as deadly as he does. Oliver stands at Luke’s side shooting daggers at Mason. “Why so she can become another statistic...
Like. My. Sister?
” Mason’s voice is full of pain.

Luke releases his death grip on Mason only to reposition himself and lands a heavy blow across Mason’s flawless face.

I scream as Mason ducks Luke’s next strike and lunges forward punching Luke in his ribs.

I continue to watch the two of them unable to move... my body frozen. My mind is spiralling through a flood of emotions. I can see the rage in Luke’s dark eyes as his fist connects with a quick punch to Mason’s gut.

Oliver moves in fast getting between the two of them and grabs Mason around his throat pinning him against the wall. “Enough, Forrestor!” He spits. His hands tighten their grip on Mason before growling into his face. “You know nothing! Get the fuck out! Now!” He roars before releasing him.

Mason shrugs his shoulders. He straightens out his jacket and takes a few steps backwards. “Yeah... I know nothing about New York’s most notorious playboys.” He spits out, his voice full of venom. He smiles smugly at Luke and Oliver before turning around and walking down the corridor away from us.

Luke is seething as he comes to stand in front of me putting his arm around my trembling shoulders and looks into my shell shocked eyes. “Are you okay?” His voice is vibrating with anger.

“Yes.” I whisper.

He pulls me into his body wrapping his arms around me and presses my head snug into his chest where I can hear his heart hammering in his chest.

Taking a step back he cups my face with his hands, his thumbs stroking down my cheeks. He looks at me with worried blue eyes. “What did he tell you?”

I lick my dry lips glancing behind Luke just in time to see Oliver walking away down the corridor.

“Tell me what that fucker said. Now.” I hear the desperation in his voice.

I’m not sure I should tell him. He looks mad enough to murder someone - in this case Mason. But he continues to push me to tell him. “Tell me!” He growls. His face is impassive and his blue eyes are as hard as ice.

Removing his hands from my face he shakes his head, his dark eyes drilling into mine.

I blink back the tears that are threatening to fall.

His eyes remain locked on mine, his nostrils flaring as he spits out his next words. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.”

“Luke! No!” I scream at him, my hands grabbing at his arms. “Let it go.” I plead with him.

I’ve never seen this side of him. The deep rooted anger in his eyes as he looks at me. Grabbing me tightly at my waist, his fingers digging into my skin, he pulls me close as he strides down the corridor past the restrooms turning into another hallway. He yanks open a dark wooden door and pushes me inside following behind before shutting the door closed.

It is a small room with a single desk. Two office chairs on one side and a computer facing the opposite end of the mahogany desk. Before I can get a better look at my surroundings, Luke backs me up against a cold hard wall next to the side of the door.

His hands continue to dig at my sides, gripping me tight so I am unable to move. I place my hands flat on his chest feeling his hard tense muscles beneath his white shirt and the erratic beat of his heart.  His handsome tormented face leans down to mine, his hot breath fanning my face. His lips crash down on mine in a starved kiss. He is kissing me with such force and hunger, driving his tongue into me moaning into my mouth. And Luke can kiss – I definitely don’t want to think about how much practice he had.

His knee pushes open my thighs. With his hips pressed flat against mine, his raging hard on is flush against me as he presses himself into me pinning me flat against the wall. He begins to skilfully roll his hips into me making me moan.

My hands go to his shoulders then up to his head where I fist my hands in his soft black strands, tugging at it. He groans as his tongue slides out of my mouth down my neck. His hot strong hand grabs my breast and he teases my nipple through the black fabric of my dress making my knees go weak.

He struggles as he breaks our kiss, his breath loud and heavy. Looking down at me, his hands gently go to my hips. “Tell me you’re mine.” His voice is soft but shaky, making me feel like he needs some kind of reassurance.

“I’m yours Luke. Always.” I pant. Sometimes I wonder how a confident guy like him needs constant reassurance.

“Promise me you will never leave me?” He grunts.

And here he goes again.
I get the feeling that he is worried that Mason has poisoned him in my eyes. Its time he realises that I’m a grown woman capable of making my own decisions. Surely he must know that I’m with him because it is what I want.

Smiling up at him, I do my best to reassure him. “I’m not going to leave you.”

His eyes soften at my words and he tilts his head towards mine leaning in for a softer gentler kiss. He looks at me sadly studying my face.

“What. Did. He. Tell. You?” Punctuating each word, expressing his frustration at not knowing what Mason told me. I don’t miss the warning in his tone.

Struggling to stabilise my own erratic breathing, I let the words come tumbling out of my mouth. “That you use women. And toss them aside after getting them into your bed.”

He curses under his breath. “Do you believe him?” I can hear the sorrow in his voice.

I look into his blue tormented eyes. “I don’t even know him. Why will I believe him?”

“People have opinions. Promise me you won’t let what he said come between us?” His hands gently brush down the sides of my arms creating delicious tingles throughout my body.

“I promise.” And I mean it. Even though my subconscious is screaming at me, informing me that Luke did not deny what Mason said about him.

Just then his mobile buzzes. He rakes his hand through his ruffled hair. He takes it out of his pocket and reads the text. This time his family commitments save him.

“We got to go back inside. There’s a bathroom through that door.” He points to a door on the opposite wall. “You can fix your make up in there.”


Chapter Eighteen

“So who was that jerk? If he was a she, I’d guess a former jilted lover.” Brit roars with laughter at her own joke.

Smiling at her, I poke her in the arm. Brit insists I spill every detail about what happened yesterday. She was asleep when I got back late last night so we play catch up now.

We are by ourselves this afternoon. Travis has driven over to Manhattan to visit his parents and Luke is spending the morning with his brother... probably trying to think of a way to keep Mason away from me. And who knows how many others there are out there that I need to be kept away from. He didn’t say anything about Mason after we went back to join his parents in the ballroom. It was as if I never met Mason at all.

I stretch out on my bed reaching over Brit to grab another slice of pizza.

“He said Luke and him
to be friends. And then Luke slept with his sister and Mason blew a gasket. They are definitely no longer friends.” I shake my head at her and take a bite into the cheese drenched slice.

“Whoa! That is hectic. I take it things did not work out between Luke and Mason’s sister.


“Has he mentioned anything else about his life back in Manhattan? I guess if you run into more of his
you should be able to gather enough of his history to figure out his story.” Brit teases.

I swat her on the arm. “I’m seeing him later for dinner. I’m going to get some answers from cool hand Luke.” I wink at her. I mentally promise myself that I will not let him get away with changing the topic this time.

She places her pizza down on her napkin. “You do that girl. He needs to start talking or else you will learn his dirty secrets from other people.”

I nod.


I am all psyched up by the time Luke comes over to pick me up. I love spending time with him but he needs to trust me enough to tell me about his past. I not only have to worry about Miss Jameson but also his other past indiscretions. Whatever they may happen to be.

Luke feels tense as he threads his fingers through mine as we step into the cosy Italian restaurant. The waitress eyes him like she’s been starving and is irritated when he doesn’t even glance at her instead wrapping his arms around me drawing me in for a chaste kiss on the lips before pulling out my chair.

We are seated at a secluded corner table far away from the rest of the patrons which is ideal for the conversation we are about to have.

After taking our drink and meal order the disgruntled waitress moves away quickly tending to her other customers.

I lick my lips as I get ready to tackle the elephant in the room. “You realise I do not know much about you before you moved to Midland Falls. Tell me about your life in Manhattan?” I ask him, mentally preparing myself for a change in topic.

He swallows, shifting around nervously in his chair. He places his elbows on the small table that is covered with a red and white check tablecloth and steeples his slim elegant fingers under his chin. He sighs. “Exactly what is it that you want to know?”

My subconscious beckons me on. “What did Mason mean by referring to you and your brother as notorious playboys?” My heart is beating so loud I am sure he hears it. I prepare myself mentally for his answer praying to God it will be something I can handle.

Shaking his head, he lets out another sigh, clearly not liking my question. “Can we talk about this later? I’m starving. Where’s that damn waitress?” His blue gaze roams around the restaurant.

Oh no, he’s not getting away that easily!

Looking around he catches her attention which I know was probably not all that hard to do considering she has not taken her greedy eyes off him since we entered. He motions for her to come over.

She gladly sashays her hips towards us putting everything she has into her walk - strutting as if she is on the runway. She pouts at Luke the entire time it takes her to set our meals before us and manages to get away without me killing her.

The nerve of her knowing he is mine... yes all mine... every delicious inch of him belongs to me... forever.

Rolling my eyes at him, he is not getting away this time. “Luke, don’t change the topic.” I say in my best neutral voice. I don’t want to sound like I’m pushing. But I need to know this if we are to in a relationship.

He looks at me with annoyed blue eyes, and his voice is tired. “Let’s eat first. I promise I’ll answer all your questions later.” And almost immediately his tone softens. “Please, princess
Not here, not now.” He pleads with me.

“Fine. Later.” I grumble as I pick up my fork and dig into my creamy pasta.


We just make it in time to enter the cottage before the dark black sky opens up. Rain comes crashing down in buckets outside, hitting hard against the windows and I pray that this is just a passing storm. I have always hated storms and Nanny Beth used to do her best to keep me calm - reading me my favourite story or telling me about her early life. It used to help pass the time.

Luke switches on the lights before coming to stand in front of me. I can sense that he is tense and almost fearful. Of what, I’m not sure.

All throughout dinner his expression was sad while he tried his best to maintain small talk to lighten the atmosphere. But here we are and he’s damn right he is going to answer all my fucking questions... right here, right now.

Taking my hand in his, he plants a soothing kiss on the inside of my palm.

I melt. But I’m not calm. And the storm outside is not helping.

Exhaling loudly he leads us over to the gray couch pulling me down onto his lap. Holding me close I rest my head on his chest as his warm hands stroke my back up and down in a soothing manner almost like he can sense my anxiety. His mouth goes to my ear and he gently sucks on my lobe.

I groan. From somewhere deep inside of me, my subconscious kicks me in the gut startling me. And my common sense returns reminding me what he is trying to do... change the fucking topic.


Breaking free of his hold, I jerk my head up from his warm chest. His hands move to bring me closer to him. My hands fly up to his shoulders to keep him in place. Now it is time to talk.

“It is time you answered my question, Luke.” I look at him and see a flicker of worry in his eyes.

Taking in a deep breath, his voice is tender. “First promise me something?” His face looks pained and his slim fingers tuck my long brown strands behind my ear.

“What is it?” I croak.

He caresses my jaw with the back of his fingers. “Don’t ever leave me?” His voice sounding so scared it is almost unrecognisable. “
... don’t leave me.” He begs, gently planting a kiss on my quivering lips.

“I promise you. I’ll never leave you.” The words fall out of my mouth as tears prick my eyes. This cannot be good. I realise I may have opened up a can of worms that has the power to destroy our relationship.

He tilts his head back resting it on the back of the couch and clenches his eyes shut. Opening his eyes he looks at me with those beautiful pools of blue. After a few seconds he speaks. “I came here to Midland Falls because I wanted a fresh start. It was part of the reason I accepted this scholarship.” He exhales loudly, the words falling fast from his mouth. “Mason was right... I used women. Slept with them and threw them out. I’ve changed since coming here. “Princess, I’m not
that guy
anymore. And it is all because of you.” His voice is soft and tender and I can feel his anguish. His hands tighten around my waist.

I lick my dry lips waiting for him to go on. Hearing Mason say that about Luke was one thing but hearing the words from Luke himself is something else.

“I have never slept with the same girl twice. I was a real asshole and I never cared.” His neck rolls to the side and he frowns as if recalling something painful from his past.

“Mason and I were best friends. We had each other’s back, you know. But I made the terrible mistake of sleeping with his younger sister. She had a boyfriend but still she fell for me... and being the jerk that I was, I told her she was nothing more than a quick fuck. She told Mason and the two of us got into a fight. She eventually left to go study in Europe. I can’t blame the guy for hating me. He was only trying to protect his sister’s honour. I fucked women including his sister and then tossed them out. He swore he’d get even. And he did.”

By trying to destroy my relationship with Luke.
I release the breath I hadn’t realised I was holding.

Releasing his own shaky breath he looks at me and I see the agony on his face... in his eyes. His hand caresses my back delicately as if he is afraid I might break.

So now I know. He left Manhattan after his big blow out with Mason to start over. To become the person he is today... my sweet caring adorable blue eyed Luke. That is not as bad as I expected, not at all. A big blow out with your best friend is sure to mess you up – I mean what would happen to me if Brit and I had a fall out? I don’t even want to think about that.

His soft voice continues. “I tried so hard to stay away from you at first. You are so perfect... so incredibly beautiful. Something happened to me... you changed me completely. You know I fell in love with you the second I saw you that very first day in the cafeteria. And I haven’t stopped loving you since... never will. You are my life.”

Blood rushes to my head. And my heart springs out of my chest.
He really loves me.
Oh God!

Heat comes rushing in through my body melting me like hot lava. This beautiful scared man loves me. Words tumble out of my mouth - an obvious sign of the filter malfunctioning between my brain and mouth. “Why do you love me?”

He looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head. “What do you mean?

“You can have any one you want-”

He cuts me off before I can finish, his blue eyes looking intensely at me. “I. Love. You. Forever.” He tilts his head lower and places a soft kiss on my lips. “Get used to it, lady.” He presses his cheek close to mine. “You are all I want. All I need. Forever.”

I am deliriously happy as he moves me to straddle his hips and kisses me. “Now and forever.”

I know I love him with all my heart but I’m afraid I might jinx it if I say the words out loud. I told my parents I loved them... they left me. I told Ethan I loved him... he left me. How do I tell Luke I love him when I don’t want him to leave me? I want to be with him forever.

He takes his lips off mine. “Hey, what is wrong? Did I scare you by declaring the depth of my feelings for you?”

I nervously swallow the lump that has wedged itself in my throat. I shake my head unable to speak.

“I didn’t expect this kind of reaction from the first girl I ever wanted forever. What’s wrong, princess?”

I lick my bottom lip. “I... I don’t want you to leave.” I stutter.

“Sorry princess, but you are stuck with me. Better get used to it.” He smiles his boyish grin. “Now show me some love, my lady.” He starts to nuzzle my neck and I realise that he hasn’t asked me if I love him. I appreciate how patient he is with me.

As usual I show him how I feel. My hands go to the button of his jeans, popping it open and lowering the zipper freeing his hot hard erection. I pull myself off him and slide down the couch until I’m on my knees and I take his length between my hands letting my thumb slide over the tip. I gently circle him and let my fingers trail his hard length.

“Yes,” he hisses. I look up and see him watching me, his eyes burning bright.

I take him into my mouth feeling the hot soft satin flesh on my tongue as I take him in deep.

“Fuck.”  His hand goes to my head, grabbing fistfuls of my hair.

Sliding my lips over him I let him thrust into me taking him deeper each time. Releasing him I let my tongue slide over every swollen vein, feeling him shiver before taking him into my mouth.

“Ah! Jesus!”

I feel him growing bigger and thicker as he quickens his thrusts into my mouth. I take in a deep breath. my cheeks hollowing, and I take him in as deep as I can until I feel him at the back of my throat.

“I’m going to come. Fuck! I’m going to come hard.” He grates out through his ragged breath as I suck on him greedily. My fists pump him. I feel his thigh muscles tense and see the veins in his neck pop out.

One more jerk and he comes inside my mouth spilling his saltiness down my throat. I quickly swallow every bit of his creamy delicious cum savouring the taste of him in my mouth. His entire body is vibrating and I hear his heavy breaths as he twitches inside my mouth the last bits of his release.

His strong hands grab my shoulders yanking me up the length of his hard tense body as his lips find mine in a forceful kiss. His tongue sliding in and out of my tender mouth as his hands impatiently undoes my jeans and removes it quickly together with my panties.

Stopping his kisses to get rid of our T-shirts and my bra, he lays me with my back against the couch.

His husky voice breaks as he speaks. “I need to be inside of you.
” I hear the unmistakable sound of a foil wrapper being ripped.

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