Good Girl (Playroom) (23 page)

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Authors: Erica Chilson

BOOK: Good Girl (Playroom)
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She sputters while Kieren throws his head ba
ck and barks a laugh- I think Kieren just moved up my friend list- it’s a short list, but he’s no longer on the bottom.

“Your chest is so flat, do you even have nipples,” she growls.

I laugh, trying to say, “Is that the best you can do,” while Kieren murmurs, “I can attest to that.”

“Devon wi
ll never want you. You’ll be his little friend because Devon has a hero complex. You’ll never satisfy him like a woman would. Fucking you would be like fucking his kid brother.”

… Her assessment is too close to reality- the reality of my life. It can be applied to any male in my life.

“Harsh, but oh so true. I won’t disagree with you. Yeah, I’m shaped like a kid, so what? I can’t do anything about it. It doesn’t make me a bad person. I’d rather live my life on my merits, not on how well my legs spread. Having a stretched out pussy isn’t a badge of honor, and I bet yours is soggy
and sloppy.”

“I can attest to that, too,” Kieren snickers.

“Eewww…” I hiss “Gross. Great reminder of why I’ll never sleep with you. You really need to take greater care of where you stick your dick.” Kieren’s face whips back as if I hit him.

“Sorry,” I whisper underneath my breath. I’m not in a position to judge.

“Don’t bother fucking Devon then,” Tina condescendingly brags and this time my head whips back like I’ve been struck. “Ren, don’t flatter yourself. You were the worst lay I’ve ever had. You should stick to your innocent virgins. They’d never question your faking it,” she bites out.

“Oh, I only faked it with you, bitch. Willow’
s right, your pussy is so sloppy loose that I couldn’t feel a thing.”

“It wasn’t my size. It was yours,” she taunts.

“Oh, Darlin’, there’s nothing wrong with my cock.” Kieren hitches up his pant leg and tightly grabs his bulge.

“I can a
ttest to that.” I chuckle and Kieren looks at me like we’re partners in crime. The look infuses me with warmth, and I flash him a shit-eating grin.

“Like you’
d know the difference, little boy,” she taunts me. “Who in their right mind would ever fuck you?” She arches a perfect eyebrow and condescendingly stares at me.

“Oh, Willow
’s had a big one, alright,” Kieren snickers. “Anyway, Tina, Willow has your thong in a twist for a reason. I’m guessing it’s a six-foot tall reason that wears a uniform and can be a total dick. Quit the shit. You’re scared Devon wants Willow for something other than a quick fuck. And we all know you’ll never be anything other than a quick fuck,” Kieren’s lips pop every time he says the word fuck. “I also know what Devon really wants you for,” Kieren ominously says, his voice twisted with anger.

Before I can reason out what Kieren
’s hinting at…“Ah!” I yelp when my face and chest are covered with stale beer. The skank threw her drink on me for Kieren’s insult…
What the fuck, bitch?

“Oh! You’re lucky that didn’t get into my mouth, skank. I won’t lose my sobriety because some plastic whore tosses beer on me. If I fall off the wagon
, it’s gonna be for the good shit,” I growl and flick my hand to get the metallic smelling shit off my fingers.

Tina stares at me in shock. Evidently that was
n’t the reaction she was hoping for. “Fuck it! Being an adult is overrated, anyway!” I give Tina a half-second warning.

fly at Tina like I’ve been doing with Violet since she could talk. I may be in the feather-weight class, but I’m a scrapper. I ride Tina’s body to the ground while my fingers twist in her perfectly bleached hair. I wrap the tendrils around my finger and yank with all my strength. She screams bloody-murder like a little bitch and erratically flings her hands around. Must be Tina was an only child. Anyone who has siblings knows how to throw down.

Ball-catching hands that I’d know anywhere pull me away. My fingers take the skank’s fake hair with me, too. I stare down at it in satisfaction with
a shit-eating grin on my face.

“Jesus, Spanky, where’d you learn to fight like that?” Kieren mumbles in wonder as he sets me on my feet.

“I’d avoid Violent Violet at all costs. Her mother and I taught her all we know. I can take down Auggie if I had a mind to,” I proudly brag. “Sam wanted his girls safe.” My fingers seek out Kieren’s front pocket. He grunts when my hand brushes his erection. I chuckle as I pull the pack of smokes free from Kieren’s too tight jeans.

“Oh, that’s smooth,” I purr as I take the first drag to light my
cherry. I shudder in delight. I toss the pack and lighter back to Kieren and shock the shit out of myself. My hand moves on its own accord. I palm Kieren’s bulge and tighten my fingers until he groans. “Bitch, don’t ever talk about this cock again. As far as Devon and you, if he’s that fucking stupid, I wouldn’t want him to touch me. Hell, just looking at you makes me want to shower- twice.”

I take another strong draw and look to the eyes I feel boring into my skull. Essie and Devon stand frozen and speechless. I have no idea how long they’ve been watching, but it was long enough to see the majority of the action. I give Kieren’s throbbing bulge another sque
eze and release him. I walk over to the skank lying prone on the frozen ground.

“Thanks for the drink,” I
sarcastically say. I turn on my heel and stalk back to the car. I decide right then and there, that no man is worth fighting over. It’s up to them to step in and end it. If Tina is Devon’s chick, he should control her better than that. I’m Devon’s friend, not his ego-fucking-booster.

I look at D
evon over the top of the car as I take another drag off my smoke. I don’t analyze his expression because I could give a shit less at the moment.











~Chapter Eighteen

I knew you wouldn’t behave,” Auggie disappointedly accuses from his position in the middle of his bed. His irate, cold and calculated voice slaps me in the face the second I walk into the loft, and it gets my already rankled hackles up. I immediately go on the defensive.

“And I knew you’d automatically think the worst of me,” I angrily counter. “You’re not my fucking dad, so quit fucking parenting me.”

“What the hell, Willow? What’s your problem?” Auggie abruptly lunges off the bed to stand in front of me. He leans his six and a half feet over me, trying to intimidate me into compliance.

“You want me to be an adult and make my own choices, yet you treat me like a toddler. At the same time
, you want me to act my age. Well, which is it, Auggie? Am I a kid that needs parented or am I an adult who is supposed to make their own mistakes. You can’t have both!”

speechlessly stares at me in wonder. His eyes track my face, trying to figure out where this anger came from. I wish I knew… I wish he’d tell me where it came from so I could deal with it.

“It has to be both because you’re still young, but you’re an adult. I want you to make mistakes, but I’m trying to save you for the future. You’re addicted to drinking and doing drugs, and from what I smell on your clothes and hair, cigarettes
, too! Do you want me to stand by so that in the future we have to toss your ass in rehab? Make smart choices and I’ll stop parenting you.”

“I was under the impression that I was making smart
er choices, Auggie. I walk in here wanting to shower after having a shitty night, and instead of asking me how my night was, you accuse me of breaking your rules. I get the drinking. I know I could become an alcoholic. You think I don’t feel the cravings, that I don’t fucking deal with it every waking moment of every day. It tickles my mind like an itch I can’t scratch. I don’t need your shit, I need your support!” I scream in Auggie’s face, trying to get him to back the fuck up out of my space.

was your night, Willow,” Auggie sarcastically hisses while tugging on my beer saturated sweatshirt. I can see the silent judgment screaming out of his green, scrutinizing eyes.

“Fuck you, Auggie!” I scream in his face. “I don’t need a dad.
I need a friend. I had a man that I wanted to call dad and he died on me. That position will never be refilled!”

“Fuck…” he sighs heavily and drags his finger through is auburn curls. “Willow

“I don’t want your damned pity, Auggie. Go the fuck to bed. I’m showering.” I yank the saturated sweatshirt from my body and toss it at him.
It hits his chest with a plop.

“I swear to God, Willow, I’m going to tan your ass if you keep this shit up. Calm down and be reasonable.”

“Reasonable? You want reasonable? How about you standing in front of me, tempting me with a punishment that would mean you’d actually have to touch me… that you’d play with me. I’m not invited to the
, remember, Auggie? Reality and the
aren’t at the same time, either. Which means you can’t punish me for reality, Auggie,” I twist his name until it sounds like
fuck you

“Quit being
a bratty fucking bitch, Willow, and grow the hell up. I can’t take your fucking shit,” Auggie bellows right back at me.

Deflated- my body loses its fight. I hang my head in shame. Clover’s words rattle around my mind, but their spoken in my voice.
No matter how hard you try, Willow, it will never be good enough for a man like Auggie. He’ll want to control you, consume you, until you no longer exist.

“Thanks, I’m glad that that’s finally out in the open. Thanks for calling
me a bratty fucking bitch!” Standing before Auggie, I strip down until I’m completely naked. Satisfaction slams into me as Auggie’s eyes track across every inch of my exposed flesh. I strut over to the shower, feeling Auggie’s penetrating gaze the entire way. Just as I enter the shower, I turn and look over my shoulder. Auggie stares at me with a gobsmacked expression on his face.

I hit Auggie
square in the nuts. “I thought you’d like to know, some chick dumped a drink on my sweatshirt, and then I kicked her ass. No need to be concerned, I can take care of myself…”

I take my sweet-ass time showering while Auggie paces the loft like a caged tiger. When the hot water runs out, along with all of my fury, I give up and towel off.

I walk over to my bed- the sofa. After Auggie rescinded my dubious invite to the
I refused to sleep with him. I was disappointed to see the relief in Auggie’s eyes when I settled down to sleep on the sofa because he didn’t have to tell me to get the hell out of his bed.

“We need to talk,” he
roughly says as he drops to the floor near my feet, and then turns to face me.

It takes everything in me not to reply with
you think!
“You start. I’ll pretend to be an adult for a few minutes,” I sarcastically say.

A lo
ng-suffering sigh expels from Auggie’s lungs in a rush, “I’m so sorry, Willow, so fucking sorry. I didn’t mean to say those things to you. I don’t know why, but our attitudes have been feeding off each other. At first, I thought it was frustration, but you hold deep-seeded anger and resentment and I don’t know how to help.”

“I don’t need your help- guidance, yes. I don’t know where I stand with you anymore, but I do know I don’t need another
father. I have a shitty father. I love him, but he was sorely lacking in that department- he’s a perfect grandfather, though. Sam was my dad, and no one will disagree with that. I need to grow up, and I’m trying, but you parenting me is stifling my growth.”

“I don’t k
now what to do, Willow! AH!” Auggie yells and pulls his hair in self-torture.

“I just want you to be Auggie. I can see you’re struggling with what box to put me in. I
’m not your girlfriend or lover. But you want to fuck me, and you feel guilty about it. You don’t want me at the
, so I’m not your pet, but you want to order me around as your employee. I’m just as confused as you. I’m an eighteen year old idiot feeling her way through life. I just need you to pick where we stand. If you want to brother me, I’m fine with that. Just don’t touch me like a man does a woman. If you want to be my friend, then don’t parent me.”

I don’t know how to do that,” Auggie whines.

“Do you want to touch me, kiss me, and fuck me,” I ask with false bravado.

Green eyes bulge in shock. “You know that I do,” he hoarsely whispers.

“I guess being my big brother is off the table then, so knock that shit off. You’re my boss, so you can tell me what to do at work. You don’t want me to play, so no treating me like a pet. You already told me I’m not enough for you sexually or mature enough to be your girlfriend, so that’s out. Friends, how about we just call us friends,” I offer the only solution that makes sense.

Auggie stares at me for an eternity and doesn’t respond- I don’t know if I should take his non-answer as affirmation or rejection. The silence is deafening, so I go for broke.

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