Getting Close to the Omega (25 page)

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Authors: Lisa Oliver

Tags: #gay erotic romance, #gay erotica, #wolf shifters, #gay shifters

BOOK: Getting Close to the Omega
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serious, but failing miserably. Damn his mate was so cute

when he was happy. “It’s making it really hard for me to

concentrate on food preparation. Now go and set the table for

me, please.”

The two men starred at each other, just one moment in time,

lust and so much more in their eyes. Then Dean very

deliberately fluttered his eyelids, and Matthew couldn’t help

himself. He laughed.

“Okay, little one,” he said, dropping a quick kiss on Dean’s

hair. “I’ll set the table. You finish the dinner, and later…”

“Later, we can work out how to circumnavigate the laws of

physics and biology,” Dean said with a grin, turning back to his



Dean ate his dinner although he didn’t really taste it. He

listened to the lighthearted chatter from the rest of the pack,

but didn’t really hear anything. Fortunately no one really

expected him to join in, although Troy gave him a few funny

looks as though wondering if he was all right. As Dean thought

about his day, he realized he was okay. Sure, it had been really

hard sharing his abuse with Matthew, and then alluding to it

when he spoke to the rest of the pack. The last thing he

wanted was pity from his pack members, but they had all been

really good about things. He supposed he should also be

freaking out over the fact that his ex-Alpha wanted him back.

He really didn’t want to be in that situation again, claimed or

not. Dean knew damn well that his ex-Alpha wouldn’t let a

simple thing like him being claimed, stop him from abusing him

again. And if he thought about it, that was a scary situation.

Dean could think about was fucking Matthew – shagging

him, making love to him, being the top for the first time in his

life. With that sort of opportunity within his grasp, when he

never imagined in his life it would ever happen, was it any

wonder that he really couldn’t think of anything else. The fact

that Matthew could pick up his thoughts, and was looking

forward to their evening together as well, was simply amping

up his anticipation. He just didn’t know how much longer it was

going to be until they could make their excuses and go


Matthew didn’t seem to have a problem with that side of

things. As soon as Dean had finished eating, Matthew said to

Kane, “Can you get someone else to clean up tonight? Only

Dean has had a long day and needs his rest.”

Oh the big shit. Put all of the focus on him, when it was plainly

obvious what Matthew was really talking about. The grin on the

big mug’s face made that side of things really obvious. Dean

thought he was going to combust with embarrassment.

“I can do the cleaning up,” Dean muttered, standing up and

grabbing hold of his and Matthew’s plate.

“No leave them Dean,” Kane said, and Dean knew that his

Alpha was trying to keep the grin off his handsome face.

“Matthew’s right, and you have had an emotional day. I’m sure

some time with your mate will help.”

The smug look on Matthew’s face did not help Dean’s

embarrassment one little bit. He followed his mate out of the

room, to his pack member’s good natured calls of “good night,”

and “Make sure you get plenty of rest.”

But all thoughts of being embarrassed or shy went right out of

Dean’s head when they got to his room, and Matthew locked

the door behind them.

“You have no idea how much I want you right now,” Matthew

growled, looming over Dean and pushing him up against the


Dean ran his fingers over Matthew’s denim covered erection,

surprising himself with his bold move. “I think I have a pretty

fair idea,” he said, tilting his head up for a kiss, which it

seemed Matthew was more than happy to give him.

Dean groaned into Matthew’s mouth. His mate was always

keen to show him what a centuries worth of experience was

like, and Dean loved the fact that all of those delicious kisses

were now his sole property. He had never thought he would

ever be possessive, even if he did find his mate, but damn he

had to admit that knowing his mate would never be with

another, was enough to ignite a slow, permanent burn in

Dean’s cock. This gorgeous hunk of man was his, and Dean

would fight to the death to keep him.

“I think we need to take the edge off,” Matthew gasped,

breathlessly breaking the oral delights that Dean was enjoying.

Dean was about to complain, but when Matthew sank to his

knees in front of him, the sight of his powerful Alpha mate

kneeling before him, quickly divesting him of his jeans, and

then Oh. My. Fucking. God. Wrapping Dean’s cock in his more

than capable mouth was almost enough to send Dean over the

edge, and Matthew hadn’t even started.

Leaning back against the door with a thud, Dean tipped his

head back. He could hear a series of moans filling the air, and

quickly realized he was the one making all of the noise. Unable

to help himself, he looked back down at where Matthew was

currently deep throating him. For a brief moment, Matthew

looked up and met his eyes, and that was all it took for Dean.

With a sharp yell, that he was sure the whole pack house

heard, but who the heck cared, Dean climaxed into the warmth

of Matthew’s mouth.

Fuck, his knees were jelly, and Dean slid to the floor, gently

tipping Matthew to his side, so that Dean could strip the man of

his jeans and t-shirt. When Matthew was naked, Dean pushed

him so he was laying on his back, flat on the floor, his cock

lying against his abdomen, red, angry looking and sticky wet

with pre-come. Without thinking about it, Dean leaned forward

and took as much of Matthew’s shaft into his mouth as

possible, moaning at his mate’s taste.

Dean felt Matthew’s hands in his hair, not pushing or gripping,

just guiding him and the feeling of his head being encased in

Matthew’s huge hands was enough to get him hard again. Not

that Matthew was doing much better. One swipe of his hand

across Matthews’s heavy balls, and Matthew groaned long and

loud, as hot, salty cream poured into Dean’s mouth. Dean

swallowed every drop and then took his time, licking and

mouthing Matthew’s cock until he was absolutely sure his man

was clean. Then he struggled to his feet and tugged on

Matthew’s hand.

“Come on big fella,” Dean said, trying ineffectively to get his

solid mate to his feet. Matthew laughed, then groaned as he

flopped back on the floor.

“Give me a minute, little one,” Matthew said. “I think you

sucked all of my strength out of my dick.”

Dean smirked, shrugged and sauntered over to the bed. Yes,

he was surprised at the sauntering part, because he didn’t

think he had ever done that in his life. But that was how good

and confident his mate made him feel. Good enough to strut

his stuff, knowing his mate was watching. He climbed up onto

the bed and lay flat in the middle of it, his head propped up on

pillows, slowly stroking his cock, which was now more than

ready to go again.

He could tell the instant Matthew was aware of what he was

doing. With a growl, his mate leapt up and headed for the bed.

He was in such a hurry, that his foot hit the corner of the bed

post and Matthew collapsed in a heap at the foot of the bed,

clutching his toes. Dean couldn’t help himself. He started to

giggle and when he started, he just couldn’t stop. Matthew

glared at him with a pained expression, and that made Dean

giggle that much harder.

“It hurts,” Matthew whined, rubbing his toes frantically. Dean

tried to cover the smile on his face, and look sympathetic, but

there was something rib-ticklingly funny about his big bad

Alpha scrunched on the edge of the bed, rubbing his toes.

Matthew looked positively mournful now and Dean sighed, and

patted the bed beside him.

“Come on up here, you big baby,” he said, “and I’ll kiss them

better for you.”

Okay, there couldn’t be too much wrong with his mate, if the

man could move that fast. One moment Matthew was

scrunched up in apparent pain. The next he was laid flat out,

like a gourmet buffet at a restaurant. All those miles of muscles

just made Dean want to drool, but he quickly remembered his

promise and crawled down to the foot of the bed and gently

picked up Matthew’s sore foot.

Hmmm, those toes did look a little red. Dean slipped

Matthew’s middle toe into his mouth, and gently sucked on it,

twirling his tongue around the whole digit. Matthew moaned,

and gripped the bed sheets tightly. Dean pulled off quickly, but

kept hold of the foot.

“Did I hurt you?”

“Fuck, no.” Matthew purred. Yes, his big Alpha wolf actually

purred. “That feels absolutely amazing – no one has ever done

that before.”

Dean felt his face flush red at the unexpected compliment,

before going back to what he had been doing. He lovingly

kissed and sucked every one of Matthew’s toes, licking and

nibbling the undersides, before sucking them in whole and

swirling his tongue around the base of each one. Matthew

moaned, and gasped and thrashed the top half of his body on

the bed, but he was careful not to move his feet or legs.

Deciding that Matthew’s feet had enjoyed more than enough

attention, Dean started nibbling and licking his way up each

inner leg. By the time he had reached Matthew’s inner thigh,

his mate was damn near babbling. Reaching down with his

hands, Matthew pulled up his legs to his chest, and this time it

was Dean’s turn to moan. He would swear on the Fate’s

themselves that he had never seen anything more beautiful, or

wickedly decadent as the sight of his mate exposing himself

like he had.

Matthew’s cock was leaking hard on his abdomen, his balls

were tight against the base. And there, below it all, was

Matthew’s cute little hole, just begging to be licked. And Dean

was just the man for the job. Ducking his head down, Dean

licked a long line from the head of Matthew’s cock, down his

shaft, down between those two big balls and then further

down, across the perineum, swiping Matthew’s hole, and going

down the crack as far as he could reach. Then he reversed the

whole thing, taking the extra time to lick around Matthew’s

hole, before heading up to his cock.

Over and over, Dean’s tongue continued its quest, but

shortening each route so that eventually he was centered

directly on Matthew’s opening and nothing else. Licking and

nibbling the outer sphincter muscles, Dean tried to remember

what Matthew had done for him. It’s not as though this was

anything he had done before. When he finally dared to actually

dip his tongue inside, Matthew damn near leapt off the bed.

“Please, little one, please,” Matthew begged, and although

Dean wasn’t one hundred percent sure what Matthew was

begging for, he cautiously added a finger alongside his tongue.

The groan and the whispered, “oh yeah,” was enough

encouragement for Dean to know he was doing something


Not daring to use more than one finger without lube, Dean

lifted his head looking for some. Matthew dropped one leg long

enough to reach under the pillow and grab the tube – he must

have stashed some there earlier, because Dean definitely didn’t

remember leaving it there. Smiling his thanks, Dean got to

work spending time with first two fingers, and then three. He

couldn’t believe how easily Matthew opened for him, but from

the sight of the hard cock that his mate was still sporting,

Matthew was clearly enjoying himself.

When he thought Matthew was ready, Dean sat up and looked

his mate nervously. “Are you sure you want me to do this?” He

said, not sure how he would feel if Matthew said no, but

prepared to stop anyway.

“I’m more than ready, little one,” Matthew assured him, and

Dean was sure that it was love he saw shining from his mate’s

eyes. Dean had expected many things, when he first breached

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