Getting Close to the Omega (11 page)

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Authors: Lisa Oliver

Tags: #gay erotic romance, #gay erotica, #wolf shifters, #gay shifters

BOOK: Getting Close to the Omega
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your skin and show you with my hands, and my tongue, and

my body just how beautiful you look to me.”

Dean’s hands skimmed the side of his cock and Matthew had to

stop for a moment, and force back his instant need to climax.

After the long slow build up and what felt like hours of delicate

touches, Matthew knew he was a powder keg ready to go off.

As he felt one strong hand grip around the base of his shaft,

while a teasing finger rubbed lightly over the head of his cock,

Matthew urgently fisted the sheets, determined not to stop his

mate’s deliberate exploration.

But nothing could stop the guttural moan wrenched from his

throat, when Matthew felt the unmistakable glide of Dean’s

tongue across his slit.

“Fuck, Dean, please.” He didn’t know what he was asking for,

but Matthew wasn’t ashamed to beg. Not when his little mate

was lapping at his slit as though he was trying to get every

drop of Matthew’s sticky wetness. His grip on the coverlet was

so tight he was sure he would rip it, but he didn’t dare move a

muscle in case his mate stopped. Dean’s tongue was now

working its way around his glans and then stopped as Dean

nibbled his frenulum.

Opening his eyes caused another flood of sensations. The sight

of his mate, his one and only, bent over his hips, gently

tonguing his cock was too much for Matthew’s control. “Little

one, I’m going to…” was all he managed before he felt Dean’s

warm mouth close over the head of his cock and that was it.

Moaning Dean’s name as pleasure rocked though his body

Matthew came in the most intense orgasm of his very long life,

his mate catching every drop.

Forcing his eyes opened, closed by the intensity of his orgasm,

Matthew said, “Come here little one.” Searching his face

quickly, Dean nodded and scrambled up the bed to drape

himself over Matthew’s chest and Matthew gratefully wrapped

his arms around him. Struggling to catch his breath Matthew

buried his face in Dean’s hair, loving the feel of Dean’s bare

chest against his, the man’s arms draped over his shoulders.

He just wanted the two of them to stay like that, forever if


That was, until he heard Dean say in a quiet voice, “I think I’d

really like it, if you wanted to touch me.” Yes, that was a good

enough incentive to move.

Chapter Eight

Dean hadn’t believed it was possible to bring a man to orgasm

with soft touches, and a light tongue. All of his past

encounters had been a mixture of rough hands on his skin, a

hard cock forced into his body and a fast pounding until

whoever it was at the time, had reached his climax. Then,

more often than not, Dean was shoved to the floor and left in a

messy heap, while his abuser left him alone in the cell he called


Matthew hadn’t grabbed him, hadn’t lost control of his huge

body, despite his urges. He had laid perfectly still and let Dean

take the time to touch as much of his body as Dean wanted.

That was a heady sensation. Dean had lost himself in his

explorations, his own desire coursing through his body. When

he finally dared to touch Matthew’s cock, he couldn’t help

himself and just had to taste his new mate. The fact that the

man climaxed with barely a touch left Dean feeling proud,

happy, and for the first time in his life he wanted some

attention in return.

It took every ounce of Dean’s courage to verbalize his request,

but he already knew that if he didn’t say anything, then

Matthew wouldn’t break his no-touch promise. But Dean was so

aroused that he knew he had to take the chance. He just

prayed that his mate would be gentle with him.

Two careful fingers raised his chin and Dean found himself

drowning in Matthew’s heated gaze. “Thank you,” Matthew

said, as he carefully eased Dean onto his back on the bed. For

a moment, Dean was nervous as Matthew loomed over him,

but when Matthew’s mouth met his, he lost all of his reserve

and opened up to Matthew’s questing tongue. Slipping his arms

around his mate’s neck, Dean gave up his body to the

sensation of touch and for the first time in forever, he allowed

himself to truly feel.

Dean didn’t think it was possible for a big man to be so caring,

and so gentle in his touch. Matthew’s hands were so large that

they almost spanned the space between Dean’s nipples, and

when they finally cupped Dean’s ass, he knew that his mate

held an entire buttock in one hand. Instead of making him feel

weak and insignificant, like similar actions had in the past,

Dean felt cherished and proud that Matthew seemed to take

such delight in a body he had pretty much ignored. Once Dean

had learned, from his Alpha of all people, that his ass was a

commodity that his pack could use, Dean shunned the thought

of anyone seeing him, and often dressed in bulky clothing to

hide his shape.

Matthew’s hands ran all over his body, swiftly followed by his

tongue. Dean felt momentary panic when Matthew turned him

over so he could explore his back, but his mate was quick to

soothe him, to reassure him that he wasn’t going to do

anything, but touch him. Still, nervous at anyone hovering over

his back, like Matthew was, and like it had happened for him so

many times in his past, it took a while for him to appreciate the

soft caresses, the nibbling kisses and the long lathes of

Matthews tongue across his muscles. He didn’t murmur a

protest when Matthew slid his pants from his hips, he was too

blissed out to care.

But the lack of pants alerted Dean to another problem. His

dick, which had softened with his anxiety, was now pulsing

hard and demanding, squashed into the coverlet, and he tried

to wiggle a bit, to get some friction. After one last little

massage of his buttocks, which Dean felt right through to his

balls, Matthew flipped him over and without any warning he

engulfed Dean’s cock in his mouth.

“Oh. My. God,” Dean screamed, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

Never, he had never, no he couldn’t make any sense of

anything. Not when he felt the most perfect friction, right

around his cock. Matthew’s mouth was warm and wet and

fucking hell, Dean was going to come because his body

wouldn’t let him do anything else.

“Fucking hell, MATTH…EEEEEEW,” Dean screamed again, as he

came in what felt like torrents, captured in his mate’s loving

mouth. Dean was sure he had passed out there for a little

while, because when he finally regained use of his senses he

was curled over Matthew’s chest with two big arms holding him

firmly. His mate was gently kissing the top of his head.

Feeling more than a little self-conscious, Dean tried to sit up,

but Matthew held him firm. “Sleep little one,” Matthew said

softly. “Sleep, and I will keep you safe.” Relaxing into the

arms of the one man Fate had deemed was his, Dean slept.


Earlier - Back at the pack house

“I can’t believe he walked out,” Kane said, sitting stunned on

the couch after Dean and Matthew had left the house. “I

honestly can’t believe he is prepared to lose his pack, for a

man he doesn’t know. What the hell is going on here?”

Shawn sat down next to Kane, but didn’t touch him. He had a

serious look on his face, and Kane was sure that somehow he

had upset his mate. And that was never a good idea. When

Shawn started speaking, his words confirmed Kane’s


“Honestly, Kane, haven’t you learned anything from the

matings in this pack? Dean was acting just like any other pack

member would if you threatened their mating. Just because he

is the Omega, why would you think he would be any different?”

“You don’t understand,” Kane said clenching his fists. “I have

every reason to be worried about him. You weren’t there when

I found Dean. It took me and Griff weeks before he would

trust us. Weeks before he stopped cutting himself. Shit, even

now he doesn’t like to shift in front of any of us, and he hates

going into situations with new people. As far as I know he

hasn’t had a hookup the whole time he has been here and you

know how weird that is for a wolf shifter. I have protected him

as best I could for more than five years. Why on earth would

he expect me to stop now?”

“Because he has met his true mate,” Shawn said calmly. “And

don’t get at me about things you think I don’t understand. I

know a lot more about Omegas than you do lover, and believe

me when Matthew claims Dean, then Dean will come into his

own power and you’d be a fool to lose that to any other pack.”

“Omegas don’t have power,” Kane snapped back. “They are the

weakest members of the pack. They are meant to be cared

about and protected, but they have no power of their own.

That’s why no pack really cared when the Omegas died out.

Dean is seen as a drain on this pack’s resources, not an asset.”

Shawn stood up quickly and angry power radiated from his

body. In that moment Kane remembered that his mate was a

Shifter Guardian and more powerful than anyone else he knew.

Was it wrong that his mate’s power turned him on in an

instant? Probably, given the look of scorn on Shawn’s lovely

face. Shawn was furious at him.

“I thought you were better than that. You are so stupid

sometimes, you can’t see past your own testosterone. The

decided that Omegas shouldn’t be born anymore,

because wolves with the same attitude you apparently have,

decided that they were put on this earth to be abused instead

of cherished. Think about your pack dynamics for a moment,

really think about it. You claim you protect Dean, but so does

every other member of this small pack. And because you

protected Dean, and taught him to be strong despite his size,

you had a pack full of harmony and love. Why do you think it’s

possible for so many Alpha’s and powerful shifters to live in one

group. Think about it dickhead.”

Kane might not have liked the way Shawn was talking to him,

but he wasn’t stupid enough to say so, no matter what Shawn

had said. Out of the ten current members of the pack, Kane,

Griff, Anton, and Matthew were all Alpha born. Diablo was a big

ass cat and apparently some form of cat royalty. Shawn was a

Shifter Guardian. No one except Diablo quite knew what Jax

was, but he had the Alpha vibe and he was another one who

could probably take Kane in a fight. Troy and Josh were both

beta wolves and Dean was the Omega.

As pack dynamics went, it was really unusual. In most packs,

there was one Alpha and when other Alphas were born into the

pack they were usually encouraged, one way or the other, to

leave and form packs of their own as soon as they were old

enough. Otherwise a lot of in-fighting went on, causing pack

disharmony and general unrest. A lot of Alphas, like Matthew

for example, roamed as lone wolves for years before they

found another pack who would take them in. A lone wolf Alpha

was usually a danger to any current Alpha. Kane had taken in

Matthew on Damien’s recommendation and Damien had

promised him that Matthew wasn’t looking for a pack to lead.

He just wanted to belong, so Kane had agreed. But this wasn’t

about Matthew, this was about Dean and his insubordination.

“Omegas were supposed to be the heart of a pack,” Shawn said

in a quieter tone, when he could see Kane actually thinking

things through. “Unfortunately, too many Alphas saw them as

nothing more than weaklings, and sexually abused them, as a

way of showing off their own power. Omegas weren’t allowed

to mate in most packs, and usually died very young,

sometimes from sheer despair, or through abuse. It takes an

Alpha of true strength, not one that believes simply in the

might is right theory, but one who is confident enough in their

own power, to let an Omega develop their own strengths.”

“But why were they so abused, if they have so much power of

their own?”

“Because until they are mated, an Omega’s power is more of a

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