Getting Close to the Omega (21 page)

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Authors: Lisa Oliver

Tags: #gay erotic romance, #gay erotica, #wolf shifters, #gay shifters

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below. The head of Matthew’s cock swelled and seconds later

Dean was swallowing a steady stream of his mate’s seed.

Happily taking every drop, Dean licked around Matthew’s cock

to make sure it was clean, and then glanced up at the clock.

“We still have five minutes left,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“Do you want to go again?”

A warm smile on his face, Matthew shook his head, and helped

Dean to his feet. “Not right now little one,” he said as he went

looking for his clothes. “Next time I want to take a lot longer

than five minutes.”

His blush, that heated Dean’s cheeks as he thought about what

Matthew meant, was still on his face five minutes later when

Shawn zapped them to the pack house.

Chapter Fifteen

Matthew stood back as he watched the members of the

Cloverleah pack hug Dean close, happy that he was safe, and

congratulating him on his mating. He was pleased, that no

matter what abuse Dean had suffered at the hands of his ex-

Alpha, and by his own admission, his own hands, that his little

mate had found love and acceptance among this small pack.

That love had helped Dean to grow into a wonderfully caring

young man, and Matthew thanked the Fates that he had been

blessed with such a wonderful mate for the rest of his life. It

was Matthew’s ambition to make sure that Dean never feared

another living being for as long as they both lived. Between

Dean’s new powers, and Matthew’s size and Alphaness he was

hopeful he could keep that goal.

Of course, no matter how much confidence Dean might

develop, Matthew wouldn’t do anything to stop that adorable

blush on Dean’s cheeks, which seemed to deepen as he gave in

to the good natured ribbing from his pack mates. Red-faced,

his mate grabbed his hand, sticking close to his side as Dean

pulled him to the huge dining room table that seemed to be

used as a combination communal feeding space, and a meeting

table, all in one. Settling into his chair next to Dean, Matthew

marveled at the food spread out over the table. Any high end

restaurant would be proud to host such a diverse buffet.

Realizing he was really hungry, given that he hadn’t eaten

much at all while Dean was missing, Matthew piled up his

plate, watching out of the corner of his eye to make sure his

little mate was doing the same thing. Dean needed to put on a

few pounds, and Matthew was pleased to see that his mate’s

plate was almost as full as his. He plowed into his food happily,

content to let the others talk around him.

When plates were emptied, and coffee poured, Kane sat back

and said to Dean, “Dean, do you think you could draw up a

couple of pictures of the Fae that helped you out?”

Dean looked at Matthew, and then back at Kane. “Shouldn’t be

a problem,” he said. “But can I ask why?”

Diablo spoke up from his place on Griff’s lap. “It was actually

my idea,” he said looking quickly at Jax, which didn’t make

sense to Matthew at all, but just as quickly Diablo focused his

attention back on Dean. “Shawn tells us the Fae mark on your

neck is a form of protection for you, and that you could

summon this Aelfric and Fafnir if you needed to. I just figured,

given what Kane had explained to us about their lack of scent,

and the problems they have had with wolf shifters before, that

if we all had an idea on what they looked like, then if they did

pop in for any reason, then they wouldn’t be attacked by any of


“They could never be mistaken for shifters, that’s for sure,”

Dean said. “And that’s aside from their lack of scent. Sure, I’ll

pop up to my room now and draft them up. I wanted to get

some pictures and supplies to take back to my place anyway.”

Standing up, Dean went to leave the room, but then came back

and dropped a quick kiss on Matthew’s cheek. Then, cheeks

flaming red again, Dean left the room and Matthew could hear

him hurrying up the stairs.

Thank you
he whispered in Dean’s head.

I didn’t embarrass you?

You could never embarrass me, precious,
Matthew assured

I’d love for you to be comfortable enough with me to be

as affectionate as you want to be no matter where we are, or

who we are with.

This is all still very new for me, I don’t want to do anything

Dean’s worry bled through their mind link and Matthew

was quick to reassure him.

I know it is, little one, but you do what you feel you want to

and I honestly won’t mind. I want to touch you all of the time,

so anything from you is a bonus.

You are so good to me – What did I ever do to get so lucky?

You bring out the best in me, and I figure that you deserve the

Matthew replied, knowing it was true. Everything about

his little mate made him want to be the best person he could


I won’t be long.

I’ll be here when you’re done. I have plans for you later.

Matthew grinned to himself as he saw a flicker of sexy pictures

running through Dean’s mind. Yep, he and his little mate were

going to be just fine.

“So I take it things with Dean are going okay?” Kane asked,

and Matthew looked up to see everyone around the table

looking at him. Guess his grin wasn’t that private after all.

“Yes,” he said out loud. “Well, as well as they can be with this

fucking Kyron on his case and the fact that he’s been abducted

twice since I’ve met him. What’s the story with this Kyron

anyway? Dean’s too kindhearted and wants to help him, but

what is actually wrong with him. And where the fuck is he?”

“He’s under a stasis shield, upstairs in one of the spare rooms,”

Shawn said. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with him exactly. I

know I’ve never seen anything like it before. It’s like some evil

force is killing his wolf spirit, and it’s sucking the life force out

of the man as well. I can’t get a handle on what it might be

though. I’ve contained his wolf for now, but I’m worried it’s not

enough to stop this magic coming through.”

“It’s not the Fae, is it? They told Dean that they were going to

mark Kyron too,” Matthew said, suddenly worried about the

permanent link that now existed between the Fae princes and

his mate. He didn’t know enough about the Fae not to be

worried about them, and figured he might have to rectify that,

real soon, seeing as the mark on his mate was permanent.

But Shawn shook his head. “No. Kyron wears a mark, like Dean

does. But it’s a warning, that’s all. The mark of the Fae don’t

have any power on the wearer – they are more of a

communication device that’s all. Kyron’s lets others know that

he has two angry princes after him, that he is a liar, and that

he is not to be trusted in anything he says or does. But that’s


“Whatever Kyron is subject too is draining him,” Kane said

gravely. “For something that can affect both the spiritual and

the physical is a real concern, and unfortunately it doesn’t lead

us any closer to why he wanted this pack, or why now he’s

fixated on Dean.”

“Could he be possessed? By a Demon, I mean,” Jax said, his

gravel voice sounding as though the man barely spoke. But

then Matthew thought back over the previous three days when

the pack had all been looking for Dean, and noted that yeah,

Jax barely spoke. Unless the pack were strategizing like they

were now.

“Demons are real?” Josh asked from his spot next to Jax. He

was giving his house mate an incredulous look and for a split

second Jax actually grinned.

“Yes, Demons are real,” Jax said. “But it is rare to find one, and

there aren’t many of them around. I’ve never heard of a

Demon interfering in paranormal affairs before. They prefer to

dally with humans and muck up their lives. They can easily

pass as humans themselves, but when they do shift into their

true form – yes, well, let’s just say you don’t want to meet

them in a dark alley somewhere.”

“I’m almost sure it’s not a Demon,” Shawn said slowly.

“Demons are clever and very powerful, but this isn’t their style.

Plus which a Demon goes for immediate gain – if he wanted

Dean then he wouldn’t send in Kyron to get him, or any of our

pack. He’d already be here. A Demon doesn’t stand to gain

anything from any of this.”

“Well, then what else can it be?” Troy asked from his position

next to Anton. Matthew still didn’t understand the connection

between the two men. Anton was as quiet as Jax, and from all

accounts just as deadly.

Troy, on the other hand, was friendly, also quiet, but a lot

more demonstrative with his mate, than Anton was in return.

Matthew gave a mental shrug. It wasn’t his business and

although Scott had told him a bit about Troy’s mating, he didn’t

think it was his place to pry. Dean considered Troy like a

brother, and that was how Matthew would view him too. He

already liked Troy’s twin, so that was a start.

Griff and Diablo shared a long look. “We think its magic based,”

Diablo said quietly. “Possibly a warlock or a coven. But if it is

magical, it’s dark magic and it is likely being done in

conjunction with another wolf pack. This is not something that

Kyron would have done to himself, so whoever is sucking the

life out of Kyron, is the actual threat against us.”

“Then, surely we need to talk to Kyron,” Matthew snarled. His

wolf couldn’t deal with an unknown. His wolf needed to find out

who was threatening his little mate and his pack, and he

wanted to do it right the fuck now.

“Yes, well we would…” Shawn started, but Matthew heard a

frantic yell in his head, followed by a yell and a thump which

everyone heard, but Matthew didn’t wait. He took off up the

stairs, taking three at a time.

Dean’s bedroom door was open, and as Matthew rushed in he

saw a manic Kyron trying to force Dean out of the window.

Dean was fighting hard, kicking and yelling, and trying to pry

Kyron’s fingers from his arm. Without thinking about it,

Matthew grabbed hold of Kyron and broke the arm that was

attacking his mate. Kyron let go long enough for Matthew to

get Dean free, and he pulled his mate behind him, watching

Kyron for any sign of movement.

“What the fuck?” Anton and Jax ran forward to detain Kyron,

but they jumped back, when a shot of electricity flowed down

Kyron’s body and out towards the two men. Shawn ran in and

raised his fingers, but seconds later he was hit by another bolt

of electricity and fell to the floor. Kane rushed in, ignoring the

pain as he backhanded Kyron, and although Kyron fell to the

floor, the electrical bolts from his body kept coming. Kane

collapsed on his knees, cuddling his mate close to protect him.

“I want the Omega,” a female voice came from Kyron’s mouth,

stopping all thought of attack immediately.

“Why?” Kane demanded, as he carefully stroked Shawn’s face.

Shawn’s eyelids fluttered and Matthew could see that the

Shifter Guardian was coming around.

“He is the only one,” the female voice purred. “That makes him

very special. We must have him for our own.”

“The Omega is my mate,” yelled Matthew, stepping forward.

“No one will take him from me.”

“All the better,” the female sounded pleased, but Matthew

couldn’t get over how the seductive voice was coming from a

very sick looking Kyron. It was almost as though the wolf

shifter was possessed, and that was virtually impossible.

“The Omega has come into his powers, then. That makes him

even more special and that is all the more reason for him to

come to us. Let him come willingly and I will leave your pack

alone. I give you my word.”

“We don’t even know who you are,” Kane growled. “Why

should we trust anything you say?”

“The Omega knows,” the voice continued. “Ask him where his

home is, and he will know where to find us.”

“My home is here,” Dean yelled, coming in front of Matthew,

before he could stop him. “These are my friends, my family and

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