Getting Close to the Omega (20 page)

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Authors: Lisa Oliver

Tags: #gay erotic romance, #gay erotica, #wolf shifters, #gay shifters

BOOK: Getting Close to the Omega
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his refrigerator. Sausages, ham, tomatoes, cheese and plenty

of eggs. Yes. The makings of a perfect savory omelet. Pulling

out his required ingredients, Dean set them on the bench,

before setting up the coffee machine. He chose a blend of

cinnamon and hazelnut, purely and simply because it reminded

him of his mate. As he moved around the kitchen he could

catch wafts of Matthew’s cinnamon and vanilla scent coming

from his own body.

As he pottered about doing familiar tasks, Dean was thinking

about how wonderful it was for him to feel so normal. So much

of his life had been tainted by the abuse he went through as a

teenager and the self-abuse he felt compelled to go through,

when he finally made his escape from his home pack. Even

after he was found by Kane and brought back to Cloverleah,

Dean spent a lot of his time living in fear. Fear of other people,

fear of shifters seeing his scars, and a huge fear of intimacy. To

wake up, after being claimed during a bout of amazing sex was

a dream come true.

Yes, there had been times during their lovemaking, because

Dean refused to call it anything else, when his old memories

had risen up and tried to sabotage the whole thing. But Dean

had been determined. He wanted to have a normal life with his

mate – one that involved sex, and intimacy and affection. One

day soon, hopefully love. He refused to let what had happened

to him in the past impact his future. He just wouldn’t let it


Matthew was so amazingly sensitive, that Dean knew he

probably couldn’t have got through the anal penetration part,

without his mate’s help. When Matthew had settled behind

him, Dean had felt himself tense up – nothing good had ever

come from being in
position before. But it was his choice,

and he had damned good reasons for choosing to have sex that

way. He meant what he said about Matthew purging the

negative memories, and while he wasn’t silly enough to think

that one night of good sex was going to cure him, he knew that

with Matthew’s continued support, he was going to be okay.

Breaking the eggs into a bowl and hunting for his egg whisk,

Dean heard a loud banging at the back door.

“Fucking hell,” Dean swore under his breath. He knew it

wouldn’t be any of his pack members. Kane would have let the

other guys know he was safe, and that he and Matthew needed

time alone and all of the men would have respected that. If

there had been an emergency then someone would have

phoned him or Matthew, and his phone had been silent. So

whoever was at the door was probably out to cause trouble,

and that was something Dean just didn’t need or want to deal


When the pounding at the door got more insistent, Dean made

what he considered to be a sensible choice. He yelled, through

their mind link, for his mate.
Matthew, back door, quickly!

What was the point of having a huge Alpha mate if he couldn’t

take advantage of his mate’s strength and size? He knew he

had made the right decision when he heard Matthew come

running into the kitchen, still naked, and go flying past Dean

and flinging open the back door.

Kyron. Again. What the fuck?

Matthew didn’t even stop to question the man. Grabbing hold

of Kyron by the throat, he lifted the squirming man off of his

feet, and shook him hard.

“What the fuck do you want?” Matthew growled.

“The Omega,” Kyron yelled. “I have to have the Omega.

Please. You have to let me see him. He’s the only one who can

fix things. I’ve got to get to the Omega!”

“You’re not getting anywhere near my mate!” Matthew growled

again, appearing to get bigger as his Alpha power radiated

across the porch, reducing Kyron to a whimpering mess.

Stepping to the side of his mate, Dean caught a glimpse of

Kyron’s face and what he saw shocked him.

Where Kyron had been still classically handsome, if not a little

manic looking, just a few days before, now his head resembled

a skull covered in sallow skin. His lips were cracked and

bleeding, and his blue eyes that appeared to be bulging from

his eye sockets, were red rimmed and wild. Kyron’s normally

curly long brown hair was matted and stood out from his head

in a desperate array. Dean’s heart wept at the sight and he

knew he had to help the man, no matter how dangerous Kyron

might be.

Moving close to Matthew, Dean laid a hand on his back, and

gently, said, “You need to let him go, Matthew. He’s sick and

he can’t handle your Alpha power. Please, let him stand on his

own two feet.”

“I should fucking kill him for daring to come back here.”

Matthew clearly wasn’t in the mood to be agreeable, not even

to Dean.

“Let me phone Kane then, and get him and Shawn to come.

Shawn can put Kyron in a stasis spell and we can find out what

he wants. You can keep me safe, I know you can. I just want

you to let go of his throat.”

“I want to rip his fucking throat
,” Matthew said stubbornly.

“I know, lover, but please, let me phone the Alpha?”

Matthew nodded his head, but he shook Kyron again violently,

when the man dared to look at Dean. Dean could tell that

Kyron wanted desperately to say something, but figured that

the rough hand Matthew had around his throat, might make

speech a bit difficult. Hurrying into the house he grabbed his

phone from the lounge and flicked a quick text to Kane –

Kyron’s at my place, Matthew wants to kill him. Come quick.

Seconds later a rather disheveled Kane and Shawn arrived,

dressed only in jeans. Guessing that he had disturbed them in

the middle of a major make out session, Dean blushed, and

said, “Sorry Kane, Shawn. You need to come out back,


Dashing through to the back porch, Dean held up his hand to

stop Kane and Shawn from getting any closer to Matthew.

Although it didn’t affect him, Dean could feel Matthew’s power

bouncing off the walls, the floor of the porch and even in the

air. Matthew was angry and the focus of his anger was right at

his fingertips. But Kyron had clearly been too close, and

Matthew was just so damn powerful, that Kyron had slipped

into unconsciousness and his face was a horrible red color.

Hurrying to Matthew’s side, Dean said quietly, “Kane and

Shawn are here, Matthew. You can put Kyron down now and

Shawn will contain him in a stasis spell.”

“I want to kill him,” Matthew persisted. “He hurt you. He took

you from me. He dared to come back so he can take you again.

He has to die. It’s the only way this will stop.”

“He’s sick, Matthew. You can see that. He’s a sick man, with a

dying wolf and he needs our help. Please put him down.”

Matthew had partially shifted in his rage against Kyron, and

Dean could see that his mate’s claws were puncturing Kyron’s

neck. If Matthew didn’t let go soon, the man would be dead,

whether it was intentional or not. Quickly realizing that

Matthew wasn’t going to listen to any soothing speeches, Dean

strode around to stand on the other side of Kyron and glared at


“The man is sick Matthew. Now you put him down right this

minute or you will spend the next three nights sleeping on the

couch. By yourself. Do you understand me? Put. Him. Down.


Matthew reared back, shock written all over his face, although

he didn’t release his grasp on Kyron’s neck. “You wouldn’t,” he

growled, but he wasn’t as aggressive as he was the moment


Dean figured that no one had ever spoken to him that way

before, but Dean was determined. Knowing that Matthew’s

Alpha power was still hitting everything in sight, and yet being

unaffected by it himself, Dean was just as sure that Matthew

would never hurt him. No matter how angry his mate got. But

threatening to withhold sex was virtually unheard of between

mates, which is why it had caught Matthew’s attention.

“I mean it Matthew. Put him down now, or it’s the couch for

you. For three long days and nights.”

Not looking too happy about it, Matthew gave Kyron one last

shake before dropping him in a heap on the ground, and out of

the corner of his eye, Dean saw Kane and Shawn hurry over to

the prone man. But Matthew hadn’t even acknowledged their

existence. Stepping over the body, he stalked towards Dean

moving closer and closer until he towered over Dean, looking

downright menacing as he did so.

Tilting his head up, because damn it, Matthew was so tall,

Dean plastered a cheery grin on his face and said, “thank you,

sweetie,” in a bright voice. As Dean watched, all of the anger

dropped off Matthew’s face, and suddenly Dean found himself

airborne as Matthew swept him off his feet, clutching him to his

chest, and kissing the living daylights out of his mouth, his

chin, his neck and across his mating mark.

Curling his hands into Matthew’s hair, and wrapping his legs

around his mate’s waist, Dean gave as good as he got. Kissing

Matthew was an orgasmic experience all by itself, and the

speed at which Dean’s cock had hardened, and was now

leaking in his jeans, made him ache to feel Matthew inside of

him again. Matthew wasn’t in a much better state, if the hard

cock, Dean could feel tapping his jean clad ass was any

indication. Wanting to drown in the bliss of his mate’s mouth,

Dean hung on tight and suckled at Matthew’s neck, loving the

taste and texture of the skin under his tongue.

A brusque, definitely fake cough, reminded Dean that they

weren’t alone. But that didn’t seem to be bothering Matthew

so Dean didn’t let it bother him either. He had walked in on

Kane and Shawn in exactly the same position more than once.

They could handle it.

“So,” Kane said loudly, when the cough didn’t work, the

amusement dripping from his tone. “Have you guys had lunch

yet? I think it might be a good idea to get over to the pack

house and have a meeting about this latest development. We’ll

provide the food. If you can pry yourself away from each other,

of course.”

Peering over Matthew’s shoulder, Dean met an amused grin,

with his own embarrassed smile. “Do you think Shawn could

perhaps zap us up in about ten minutes? Matthew needs some

clothes, and then we can pick up our bikes and bring them

back here later.”

“Ten minutes?” Kane raised an eyebrow.

“If that’s okay, Kane,” Dean said quickly. “I’m hungry and I’m

sure Matthew is too, so lunch would be awesome. But he does

need some clothes and I’ve got to straighten stuff up in my

own kitchen.”

“No probs,” Shawn said. “Be ready in ten. I’d better get this

mess back to the pack house.” Touching Kyron’s arm with one

hand and holding hands with Kane with the other, the three

men disappeared.

“You could have got them to give us twenty minutes,” Matthew

grumbled as he walked, with Dean in his arms, back inside the

house and to their bedroom. Once safely inside, Dean slid

down his mate’s body reluctantly – he was fast becoming a fan

of being held. He glanced at the clock on his dresser and kept

sliding down until he was on his knees.

“I don’t need ten minutes,” he said with a grin before he

stretched his mouth wide, and slid it down Matthew’s cock. A

loud groan, two hands gently cupping the back of his head, and

a gentle thrust let Dean know he was doing something right.

Dean sucked hard, licking and nibbling on the down strokes

before Matthew took over. Letting Matthew gently fuck his

face, Dean fumbled with the buttons on his own jeans, eager to

get his cock free. Gripping his shaft in a solid grasp, Dean

pumped himself in time to Matthew’s thrusts to his mouth, his

other hand gripping Matthew’s hip so he could keep his


All too soon, Dean could feel the tingle in his balls that let him

know he was close. Matthew must have sensed it, because he

picked up speed. Dean groaned long and loud around

Matthew’s cock as he spurted all over his hand and the floor

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