Getting Close to the Omega (29 page)

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Authors: Lisa Oliver

Tags: #gay erotic romance, #gay erotica, #wolf shifters, #gay shifters

BOOK: Getting Close to the Omega
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and snapping his teeth, just looking. Finally Kyron stopped and

laid down, his head on his paws. Then he whined and Dean


“That is the power of the Omega,” he said softly, but every

man in the room could hear him. Resting his hand on Kyron’s

head, Dean said to Kane and Shawn, “I think he needs to stay

as a wolf for a while – remind himself of his place and what is

truly important.”

Kane nodded, and Shawn looked at Damien who nodded too.

“Send him to my holding cells,” Damien said. “I’ll phone

Malacai and Elijah and get them to keep an eye on him.” A

quick flick of Shawn’s fingers, and Kyron was gone. It was as

though the whole room breathed a huge sigh of relief.

“Thank you all for your support. Meeting’s over,” Kane called

out. “Dinner in ten minutes in the dining room.”

It took a moment for Matthew to get through to Dean, who was

being congratulated and simply patted on the back for the

strength he had shown. When he finally stood in front of his

little mate, Matthew couldn’t help but smile. The confident

man of just moments ago was gone, and Dean’s face was

bright red. He really did hate being the center of attention.

“Hungry little one?” Matthew asked, bending down so Dean

could wind his arms around his neck. Dean shook his head.

“Ready to get out of here?” Matthew cupped Dean around his

thighs and lifted him up so Dean could wrap his legs around

Matthew’s waist. Dean nodded in answer to his question.

Flashing a wicked grin at the bear shifters who were standing

close by, because fuck yes, the cute little Omega was all his,

Matthew strode out of the room and headed up the stairs.

“Hey, what about dinner?” Kane called out from the bottom of

the stairs.

“Later,” Matthew called back.

Chapter Twenty

Dean felt as though he was at breaking point. Every cell in his

body was disconnected, his nerve endings were too sharp, and

his head was pounding. He was convinced the only safe place

in his whole fucked up world, was in Matthew’s arms. When

Matthew closed the door, shutting out the rest of the pack and

all of their problems, Dean couldn’t hold back the tears stinging

his eyes, he was so relieved. Having to prove his worth,

hearing everyone be so nice to him, standing his ground in

front of Kyron. It was all too much for his system to handle,

and he didn’t think the Fates would blame him for wanting to

lose himself in his mate’s body.

Matthew had surprised him yet again. Trusting Dean to not

only speak up for himself against Kyron in the bedroom, but

also letting Dean prove a power, that up to that moment in the

living room, Dean wasn’t sure he had. No other mate in the

history of shifters would ever let their loved one offer

themselves up to be killed – then Dean had to rethink that,

because Kane had done exactly that, and it had worked out for

him and Shawn. And now it had worked for him and Matthew.

Matthew had laid him down on the bed and was now lying on

his side, watching Dean’s face. Dean stared back, trying to

convey what he wanted through the power of his eyes. It was

times like this that he wished that he hadn’t gone through all of

that shit in his past. That he could just launch himself onto his

mate’s body, or at least beg Matthew to fuck him. But years of

being literally afraid of the act of sex, couldn’t be overcome in

a matter of weeks. He knew what he needed – he just didn’t

know if he could ask for it.

It seemed that Matthew understood. He was getting good at

Show me what you want little one.

Thank goodness for the mating mind link. What Dean couldn’t

say, he could definitely think about, and if Matthew’s deep,

heartfelt moan and the way he rolled until he was laying over

Dean’s body was any indication, there was nothing wrong with

Dean’s ability to project his desires.

This was what Dean wanted. To be completely surrounded by

his mate. Everywhere Matthew’s solid body touched Dean’s,

and that was damn near everywhere, Dean felt the tension

ease. That is what he had been craving –the strength of his

mate anchoring him to the real world, and yet protecting him

from it as well. It was something that Dean could never

verbalize, but Matthew had understood from the images he

could project.

Matthew’s hands never settled in the one place, although

everywhere he touched was divine torment for Dean. His mate

made quick work of stripping them both of clothes, before

settling between Dean’s legs, his looming body over Dean’s

chest both a comfort and a promise. Fingers, slick with lube,

probed between his legs, finding the hole that Dean ached to

have filled.

“I want you,” Dean managed to say and he was rewarded with

Matthew’s feral grin.

“You have me,” Matthew low voice assured him, his fingers

never letting up on the preparation that Dean actually resented

he needed in that moment. When Matthew finally pushed his

cock deep inside, Dean cries were ripped from his body. He

wasn’t in pain, he just craved that connection – something

solid, something real, a tangible something to hold onto. To

have his mate understand, and meet his needs was beyond

Dean’s wildest expectations.

Pushing hard and fast, Matthew drove every negative thought

out of Dean’s head with each deep thrust. His hands caressed

every part of Dean’s body that he could reach. His thrusts

claimed Dean from the inside out. As Matthew kept driving

forward, Dean felt there was no part of him that wasn’t

connected in some way to his mate. He had never felt

anything so fucking marvelous ever.

“You want to come, little one?” Matthew growled, his body so

huge against Dean, that Dean couldn’t see anything but his

mate. Having lost the power of speech, all Dean could do was

nod frantically as Matthew tilted to one side, leaning all of his

weight on one hand, so that he could grasp Dean’s cock with

the other.

Dean lost himself in the sensations – Matthew’s cock pounding

his insides, his mate’s body rubbing against his, the heat, the

sweat and the smells. Reveled in the surge of sexual tension

that tightened his balls, and had him riding the edge, desperate

to come. But his orgasm proved elusive – a flame just out of

reach and Dean couldn’t stand the frustration of it.

“Matthew,” he begged and without a word Matthew dipped his

head and bit Dean hard, reclaiming him all over again.

“Yes. Yes. Yes,” Dean cried out as his climax hit him. His

senses shattered, his tension drained with every stream of

come pulsing from his cock. All he was left with was the intense

feeling of satisfaction as Matthew grunted, his teeth still in

Dean’s neck, his come filling Dean’s insides. This. This

moment. This was what life was all about.

Dean didn’t move as Matthew carefully eased his cock out of

Dean’s body. He didn’t say anything when Matthew went and

got a washcloth and carefully wiped Dean’s abs, chest and

asshole. When Dean tried to think, there was just nothing in

his head, and once again his sweet mate totally understood.

Settling himself on the bed, Matthew cradled Dean in his arms,

against his chest, and simply whispered, “Sleep.”

And Dean did.


Matthew was still half awake when a quick knock sounded at

their bedroom door. He carefully eased Dean onto the

mattress, covering him with a blanket, and swiping his jeans

up off of the floor, he cautiously opened the door. One of

Claude’s enforcers was standing in the hallway.

“Alpha Kane needs you to come. He’s out the back,” said the

enforcer, whose name totally escaped Matthew’s memory in

that moment. “I’ve been sent to watch the Omega.” Throwing

a quick glance over at his sleeping mate, Matthew nodded and

headed down the stairs. Going through the kitchen, he headed

for the back porch, listening for any signs of trouble. The house

was quiet for once, presumably because everyone except those

on watch were trying to sleep.

Slipping out the back door, Matthew headed to where he saw

Kane standing on the porch with Shawn. They were both

looking at the forest area.

“What’s the matter?”

“We’ve got intruders in the forest. Most of the men are out

there, tracking them,” Kane said tightly, looking around

Matthew. “Where’s Dean?”

“I left him with that enforcer, like you told me to,” Matthew

said. “He’s asleep.”

“I told Sam you were both to come down,” Kane growled,

sprinting back into the house.

Hurrying into the house, Matthew almost ploughed into Kane as

the man stopped short. There, in the living room was the

enforcer Sam, with three other men, Dean held between them.

To the side was a tall, red-headed woman who was beautiful in

a statuesque type of way. Her face, which was as arrogant as it

was classically perfect, was marred only by her attitude and

Matthew hated her on sight.

“Aw,” the woman purred. “The Alpha, the Shifter Guardian and

the Omega’s mate. How sweet of you to come and see us off.”

“You are not taking Dean anywhere,” Kane growled, preparing

to shift. Shawn raised his hands ready to do – whatever it was

he did, but Matthew moved faster, running towards Dean, his

only thought to get his mate out of Sam’s hands.

The red-head didn’t flinch. Holding up a finger she shook her

head. “Oh no, mate of the Omega. Heed my words. If he

doesn’t leave with us now, then every man currently in the

forest will be dead in the next ten minutes. I have called in the

Brennus – if I’m not out of here in five minutes, they will

attack, and there will be no survivors.”

Matthew sagged to his knees, staring at the red-head in horror.

The Brennus were magical beings, almost mythical in that

barely anyone had ever seen one. They were huge birds,

similar to ravens, which were said to be the creation of some

demon from centuries past. Only an elaborate ritual could call

them, and only the person who called them could get them to

return from wherever they came from. They couldn’t be killed

by any physical means, could only be banished through a spell

and they would kill and feed on anything that breathed.

I’ll be all right,
Dean’s voice whispered through Matthew’s

You can’t let them kill the others. I know you will find me

again, but for the moment you have to let me go.

I can’t
Matthew begged in his mind.
You mean too much to me,

you are my life, my love, I can’t let you go. Not with her. Not

to where I know you will be going.

You have too. She has given us no choice. I love you too, but

you have to let me go. Tell Kane and Shawn, they won’t act

without your agreement.

I can’t lose you.

It’s not for long. Stay strong. Come find me,
Dean whispered

once more, before saying out loud. “I’ll go with you. You have

my word. Call off those, whatever they are, and I’ll come

quietly. But you have to promise me that every man in that

forest will come home safely, and that you won’t ever raise a

hand against them.”

“Look for yourself,” the redhead said, pointing to Shawn.

Glaring at her, Shawn opened his hands and brought up a

picture of the men in the forest. In the trees above the wolves,

were huge birds, all sitting silently as though waiting for a

signal. The redhead chanted some words in Latin and the birds

all took to the air, and disappeared, totally unheard by the

wolves below.

“I trust you are a wolf of honor, Omega,” the redhead said

cheekily. “I can get the Brennus to return any time I like.”

“I gave you my word I would come with you,” Dean said firmly.

“Let’s go.”

“Little One,” Matthew said, brokenly as the men herded Dean

out of the door.

I love you.
Dean’s voice came back, as he went out of sight,

and then Matthew felt nothing. His little mate was either

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