Gena/Finn (21 page)

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Authors: Kat Helgeson

BOOK: Gena/Finn
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Hiatus Schmiatus

We are a mere TWO WEEKS AWAY from the premiere!! Glory and hallelujah to all above and of course ESPECIALLY below. I don't know about you guys, but I definitely don't think I could go a SINGLE EXTRA BLESSED DAY without my Jake and Tyler fix. My life is so empty of unconditional support and unspoken love! Where are the small bickering matches the show tries to turn into big dramas? Where are the plot holes that will never be filled in? Where is the case of the week no one cares about? MY LIFE NEEDS THESE LITTLE THINGS, INTERNET.

No but seriously I could not possibly be more excited about the show coming back. I'd say it's the thing in my life I'm excited about more than anything...EXCEPT OH YEAH THERE'S ONE OTHER THING.

I'm going to be in episode six!!!!! I leave for filming in three days!

Before you call me a liar and a skank and whatnot, there are a few things you should know:

--I'm just a cameo. I'm not in the plot. I'm not going to be a returning character. I don't make out with anyone.

--it's total pure nepotism, so go RAGE AGAINST THE SYSTEM.

So obviously this is me being a little more forthright about
the Girl Behind the Curtain than I usually am, but I decided I'd probably fucking die if I tried to keep this to myself any longer and YOU ARE MY BESTEST FRIENDS, INTERNET. So there you go. Pathetic and lonely, yes. But pathetic and lonely and UNDOCUMENTED ON NETWORK TV?

Not on your life.



oh my god what??? this is AMAZING tell us EVERYTHING


heehee all in good time


so does this mean you've read a script? DOES THIS MEAN YOU KNOW SPOILERS


I am not at liberty to say, but trust me that it's gonna be a goooood season...


oh god you tease why do I like you


so you slept with him, right?




you slept with zack, thats how come.




god, this is so cool. There better be pics!



from: Eleanor Marriot
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Friday, September 19 4:16 PM
subject: Attendance


You've now missed four discussion sections out of a total of twelve for the semester. Please see me to discuss if there might be a way for you to make up the work somehow and be able to pass this course. Landleman's strict. This is going to take a lot of work.

Eleanor Marriot
Teacher's Assistant for Dr. Patricia Landleman, HIST314G

from: Student Health Center

to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Friday, September 19 4:42 PM
subject: Missed appointment

Genevieve Goldman:

This notice serves to alert you that you missed your appointment at the Health Center scheduled for September 13. As this appointment was not cancelled with 24 hours' notice, your student account has been charged for the full amount.

Text with Alanah

hey gurrrrl

Sept 19, 10:21 PM


still having fun?

fuck yeah, college forever.

best years of our life

preach. when are you

whenever, my profs dont care
about attendance

next week??


awesome bring ritalin


from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 7:02 PM
subject: missed call?

hey there! i had a missed call from you, did i get pocket dialed?

anyway i thought you might want to see some pictures from set! check 'em out...doesn't zack look gorgeous?

having a great time here. they're trying to talk me into coming back for a future episode or two and i have to say, i'm considering it! it's just been so much fun. hope everything's cool with you! tell charlie i say hey!


from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 6:15 PM
subject: RE: missed call?


Not a pocket dial. It wasn't anything important, though.

Thanks for the pics. Glad you're having fun. Are things better on the school front?

Everything's fine here. Still at my job, thank god. Charlie's good.

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 9:34 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

school's okay. i might be dropping out.

work's okay?

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 6:47 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

Dropping out?? Why? Are you sure you're okay?

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 9:55 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

i got a shitty grade on my scene performance in my acting class and then i come here on set and they tell me i'm doing a great job and i believe them. so why would i go back?

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 7:02 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

So don't quit school, quit acting class.

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 10:14 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

too late in the semester to drop a class.

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 7:16 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

You know, there are resources on campus to help you out if you're unhappy. Is Joanne still giving you hell?

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 10:20 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

she has a boyfriend, she's never around.

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 7:31 PM
subject: RE: missed call?

Okay...can we talk? Your first email seemed really happy, and your journals have been so upbeat lately, but now you're talking about dropping out of school and it's making me worry.

Are you okay, really?

Because the truth is, I'm kind of not.

Charlie and I are doing great, and he's fucking everything I need him to be, and he watches Up Below reruns with me and asks about my art in a nice, not judgmental way (not that I'm drawing lately), and I'm even thinking getting married someday might not be so bad.

But I just miss you. I just fucking do.

Just tell me you're okay? I'm worried, kid.

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 10:37 PM
subject: stop

don't do this.

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 7:40 PM
subject: RE: stop

I've been TRYING not to do this.
Just tell me you're okay and I'll leave you alone.

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 10:43 PM
subject: RE: stop

don't ask me that. don't act like I can tell you.

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 7:44 PM
subject: RE: stop

I still care, you know.

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 10:45 PM
subject: RE: stop


from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 7:49 PM
subject: RE: stop

Damn it, Evie.

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 10:53 PM
subject: RE: stop

that's not my name.

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 8:25 PM
subject: RE: stop

Okay, you know what? This wasn't what I wanted. I never fucking wanted this. I was doing fucking fine. And you had to go and be all wonderful and weird and make me love you when you KNEW I had a boyfriend, and instead of putting a goddamn label on things so I could point to us and say we're fucking FRIENDS, you made sure I knew how COMPLICATED it all was so I couldn't explain it away. You left me no fucking WAY to be around you without my boyfriend feeling threatened, and now I have to prioritize him and you just don't want to know me anymore. Fine.

I just hope you know that I fall asleep worried about you and I wake up worried about you and there's not a fucking thing I can do about it and my life is a mess and I don't think I can ever stop loving you.

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Saturday, September 20 11:42 PM
subject: RE: stop

you know what would be nice?

if people would stop equating worrying about me with loving me.

you're worried about me. awesome. john's worried about me. everyone's SO CONCERNED, gena. but you know what happens when people are WORRIED? they decide you're too much fucking work, or too, i don't know, COMPLICATED, and you're always going to be the thing that ruined their fucking life, and they resent you for existing and then they resent you for trying to leave, so maybe i'm being normal and bubbly and like i'm supposed to be and maybe there's a chance that people will go back to living their lives and leave me alone and stop making me their excuse for being miserable and needing to go and then blaming me for LETTING them go. i'm just the chick you're supposed to text when you're drunk and that's IT, i didn't ask to be anyone's weird and wonderful or anyone's fucking REASON.

i'm fucking fine, okay? so you can have your life and your boyfriend get married and have babies and i'll be all right. okay?

from: Finn Bartlett
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Saturday, September 20 8:49 PM
subject: RE: stop

Okay, Gena. I'll leave you alone. I'm glad you're fine.

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