Frog (4 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Frog
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trained before we focus on
But Robert is a horny little bugger, and he just loves to break in our new fillies. So today you're going to get used,
you're going to get tortured. My question is, which do you want first?"

Jane stared at her, dumbfounded. How could she answer? Was this a trick, a test? Would she fail? But it didn't really matter, did it? They would do what they wanted to her and she would endure it because she had no choice. She might have protested. She might have begged, tried to bargain or plead her way out. But Jane was basically a fatalist. A pessimist born of years of setting herself up for failure, or reaching only as far as she dared and never further. As she had so often thought over her short life, "What good would it do anyway?"

Still, at least she could put off the pain a little while longer – the sting of the cane was fresh in her mind. Brenda was looking at her, waiting for an answer. Slowly Jane said, "Used, ma'am."

"Slut," Brenda hissed, feigning disgust. "I knew you were a slut. Robert thinks you're a virgin, but you're just a skanky snatch, aren't you, whore? Answer me!" Brenda sounded angry, though it was mostly an act. She could see that Jane was excruciatingly uncomfortable with her own body. Brenda critically noted her skinny frame and flat little butt with satisfaction. She compared her in her mind to her own voluptuous curves and smiled, her eyes narrowing. Still, there
a hint of jealousy behind the words. Robert took so much obvious pleasure from being with other women that sometimes Brenda, as self-confident as she was, felt left out. Fear was the driving force behind her insecurity, fear that her husband would one day leave her, though the lavish style of life she was able to provide for him did give her a sizable edge, she was sure.

Jane was flustered by Brenda's acid response, and not a little afraid. It seemed that this Brenda actually expected some kind of response. "Please, ma'am, I'm not a ... a slut." She stumbled over the word.

Brenda cut her off. "Oh yes you are, cunt. Don't contradict me. You're a slut and cunt whore who is trying to steal my husband. Well, it won't work. But it's good you picked sex first, because then I get

the pleasure of punishing you for being such a slut!" Brenda flounced out the door, leaving a horrified Jane to wonder what she had done wrong this time.

Robert came in some minutes later, unaware of the exchange between the two women. He knew Brenda got slightly jealous of his interactions with their toys, but he liked that – kept the old bitch on her toes. In fact he did love Brenda, and relied on her not just for her money, but for her direction. She was the 'leader' of the two of them, the plan maker, the organizer. She picked their targets and she set things up so Robert could use their toys till they were used up and disposed of.

Robert was excited and happy with their newest acquisition. She was young and terrified and probably not very experienced sexually. He would have the privilege of breaking her in to all sorts of nasty and exciting practices. He would turn her from cold frigid bitch to wanton sex slave. He would teach her not just to submit sexually, but to crave it, to live for it. And despite his very selfish use of their toys, Robert was in fact quite attuned to what drove women wild. He knew how to take them to the edge and pull them back, and then push them closer, closer, controlling their experience until he finally let them go, pushing them toward their own little deaths, leaving them completely spent and, in his mind, properly used.

Today would be frog's first taste of sexual pleasure at Robert's hand. She would have to earn it, of course. Without outwardly acknowledging Jane, who sat in a corner of the room, legs drawn up protectively around her, Robert moved a large but light metal frame into the center of the room. There were Velcro straps placed at intervals to properly secure a person to it.

He turned to her. "Get over here, frog," Robert said brusquely. Jane hated being called that, and felt the humiliation with especial keenness because she secretly agreed with him that her features were toad-like – the broad features, eyes slightly bugged, narrow hips and long skinny legs. That those eyes were an usually pretty hazel, that her breasts were beautifully shaped, that her face was almost pretty

when she truly smiled, which was rare, were of no consequence to a woman used to focusing on her faults.

Miserably she stood and came toward her tormentor. Her eyes were wide with terror. "Stop looking like I'm going to kill you, girl. I just want to get to know you better. See what you're made of. I like to learn your strengths and weaknesses, as it were."

Jane barely heard him, her heart thudding too loudly in her ears. She obeyed when he told her to raise her arms, and offered no protest as he Velcroed her wrists and ankles to the frame so that her body was open to him. He stretched her legs and arms just slightly past comfortable, leaving her completely vulnerable to his touch. He adjusted the frame so that her head was resting reasonably comfortably against the bars.

"Get ready now, you're going up," he said, though at first Jane didn't know what he meant. She found out as he tilted the frame back slightly, lifting Jane off her feet. This put her body at a 45 degree angle with the floor, so that her spread pussy was completely exposed to Robert's eye and hand. She gasped and struggled briefly, feeling a loss of balance and control as her feet left the ground. She felt she was going to fall, but in fact she was securely bound and totally at his mercy.

Robert tested her straps, making sure she was secure. Gently he leaned over her and kissed her mouth. Jane's eyes were squeezed shut, which he observed and which gave him an idea. Going to the toy chest he had carried in with him, he opened it and pulled out a long thick piece of black satin, which he tied around Jane's head, effectively blinding her. Some people got more frightened when you blindfolded them; they felt more out of control. Others were able to relax more, because they couldn't see what was happening, and were able to remove themselves from it; go with the flow more. He was curious to see which type Jane was. Not that it mattered. He would do what he liked no matter how she responded.

He took from the box a tube of bright cherry red lipstick. Jane was trembling as she turned her head away. "Hold still, frog. I'm going to make you a little more attractive. You're pale as death. You really

need to get out more." Unaware of the irony of his own statement, he took her chin in his hand, forcing her to turn back to him. Jane's head twitched and he ordered, "Hold still, stupid! You'll smear it!" Jane realized he was applying lipstick to her mouth. She felt the soft tip and smelled the particular scent of fine lipstick as he rubbed it against her lips. She jerked when she felt the makeup being applied to one nipple and then the other.

He stood back to admire the garish red of her mouth in her pale thin face, and the lovely contrast to the black satin that covered her eyes. The nipples, now blood red against lovely white skin, made her look like a painted whore, and he liked the effect. "Very nice," he murmured, deciding she wasn't quite so ugly after all. Every woman had something appealing about her; you just had to bring it out.

"Are you scared?" he whispered close to her ear. Jane jumped. "You don't have to answer; your breathing gives you away. Slow it down, frog. You're going to be here a long time. Slow it down and just relax. You might even enjoy this. It's not all suffering and pain here at our house, slave girl. There is some pleasure too. You would be wise to take it while you can, because my dear Brenda has very different ideas about how our toys are to be treated."

Jane shivered, believing him completely. She shuddered as he drew one finger down her side. And then his other hand was on her other side as he faced her, tracing sweeping circles across her body. She could feel his hot breath against her as he tickled and teased her flesh. It didn't hurt at least, thank God, she thought. Gently he cupped first one breast, then the other, enjoying the slight but solid heft of each one. They were firm and high and looked so pretty with the cherry red nipples. Slowly he bent and licked the left one and then the right.

Though still deeply afraid, her body began responding to something which actually felt nice, if circumstances were different. No one had ever put their mouths on her breasts, and she hadn't realized her nipples were so sensitive. Robert bit gently on one nubbin, and then on the other, pulling them out, making them harden. Jane moaned

slightly and Robert grinned with pleasure at her response. The cunt liked it! She had potential, this little pussy. He would explore it fully.

"Does it feel good, frog? Answer me truthfully."

Feeling heat in her face, knowing she was blushing, Jane nodded and stammered, "Yes, sir."

"Sir?" Robert was amused. "Ah, Brenda's been schooling you in the art of proper address, huh? She's our formal one,
Mistress Brenda
," he said derisively. Then he remembered she was probably watching and listening over the video camera, so he said a little louder, "She has a better sense of that sort of thing. So, yes, call me 'sir', pussy girl.

"Now, as I said, it's not
pain. But you can't fully appreciate pleasure unless you throw in a little pain, that's what I say." He slapped her face, suddenly. Jane, who couldn't see what was coming, cried out in shock and pain. Then his mouth was on hers, smearing her lipstick onto his own lips, not so much kissing her as raping her mouth with his tongue. His fingers found and twisted her nipples. She gasped against his mouth, which was still pressed against hers, as he bit and sucked her lips and pressed past her teeth with his tongue.

He pulled away, watching the girl, still gasping as she tried to catch her breath. She looked like such a tart, with her lipstick smeared on her mouth, and those bright red nipples erect and distended from his not so kind attentions. He loved the confusion he could render, mixing the pleasure and pain, reducing his subject to raw lust, and raw terror, a most potent combination in his twisted mind.

Robert trailed his hand down her belly to her curly pubic hair and just below to her spread open cunt. He massaged the folds, his face bent near her, his touch light as air. "You still smell like piss, dirty frog. You really should bathe more often." Jane flinched, again feeling the dull heat of humiliation at his degrading words. She longed to close her legs, but she couldn't move at all.

"You know, Brenda would smack this nasty cunt for stinking, just like
," Robert slapped her pussy suddenly, causing Jane to scream, though she couldn't move away. "But I forgive you, frog, since I know you're kind of tied up right now," he laughed. "Ah, poor baby, I

smacked your little pussy too hard, didn't I? It's all red. Let me smooth away the pain," he said, his voice gentle now. Slowly, with fingers light as feathers, he spread her folds, revealing the little hooded clit. Gently he touched it, and then moved away, lightly massaging and teasing her pussy. He lowered himself so that he could tongue her cunt, not really caring if it tasted a little like piss. That was just an act he put on to further degrade her.

She jumped when she felt the warm tongue against her flesh, not knowing at first what it was. When she realized, she was mortified, and tried in vain to shut her legs. She secretly believed her private parts were dirty, no matter how often she showered, and was horrified that he was putting his mouth
down there
! But again, she was restrained and had no choice but to submit to his attentions. Robert licked carefully, slowly, circling round her clit but never quite touching it. Without her even being aware of what he was doing, he was training her body to desire the kisses. After several minutes he licked directly on the clit, making Jane squirm and sigh slightly. At once he pulled away, aware of the desire he was building up in her.

Again and again he teased and suckled her, going just near, but not close enough, to the center of her desire. After a good 20 minutes of teasing, he stayed right at her clit, licking rough and fast, pulling a deep guttural moan from his captive, making her arch up into his mouth. He felt her body begin to shudder with impending orgasm and again pulled his mouth away. She slumped back, her breathing labored, and though she didn't speak, he could tell she was frustrated and beyond embarrassment at this point. She wanted to come, the little slut.

He laughed softly and began the sexual torture again. She was so sensitized to his touch that she again began to come as he neared her clit, and again he pulled away. Over and over he teased her until at last he didn't stop, and she began to shudder and whine, a high pitched keening that startled both him and herself as she came for the first time in her life at the hands of another.

Robert sat back, quite satisfied with her performance, though of course he didn't say so. He watched her breasts heave prettily as she

slowly regained her composure, as much as she could, being tied spread eagle and tilted off the ground. Her body was bathed in a sheen of sweat and was flushed pink from exertion and orgasm. As her breathing slowly returned to normal, he said, "Now, that was a gift, and you'll have to give me one in return. Have you ever sucked cock?"

She shook her head, her expression one of ill-disguised disgust. "No, I didn't think so. Dried up little prune, weren't you, back in your past life. Huh, frog? You just need a man to give you a good fucking and show you what's what, but you didn't find one, did you? No, I can just see you, hunched over your frozen dinner, watching
on T.V., reading your boring little novels and going to sleep, night after night, never even dreaming there was a prince charming out there to kiss the frog and set her free." In fact, he was very near the mark, which made his comments cut that much more.

"Well, don't worry anymore, sweetheart, because Robert's here to teach you to be a proper slut. You are going to learn to suck cock like a pro, free of charge. Now, for starters, I'm going to fit this little gag into your mouth, to teach you how to relax your throat." As Robert spoke, he untied the blindfold, leaving Jane to squint in the bright light of the room. As her eyes adjusted, she focused on what he was holding. It was a gag, the center of which was composed of a hard plastic phallus shaped like a small penis. Mercifully it was relatively small, only four inches or so long and not too thick. "A beginner model," Robert said, grinning, reading her mind. "Open wide."

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