Frog (3 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Frog
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Jane jumped when Brenda came up quietly behind her and cupped her naked, welted ass. She moaned slightly behind the gag. "Poor baby," Brenda crooned. "You must be awful tired chained up there, huh girlie? If I let you down, are you gonna be a good little girl?" Jane didn't move and Brenda was concerned for a second they'd overdone it for her first day. It didn't do to scare them so bad they lost their minds. More fun to keep them lucid; aware of what was happening to them. For Brenda it wasn't just about physical thrills. She liked to take a person and slowly break them down. Take an independent functioning adult and reduce them to a docile, totally submissive and obedient slave. Robert could use her, but ultimately it was Brenda who would own her.

"Jane," she whispered, close to the young woman's ear. "Can you hear me? Nod if you can hear me, and I'll let you down. You've done very well for your first day, and I'm going to let you have some water now, if you behave. Would you like that?" Jane was in fact conscious, though her body felt paralyzed from being bound for so long. She stayed very still, like a cornered animal. Perhaps if she didn't move, she wouldn't be caught, her subconscious mind told her. But the mention of water made Jane realize she was gaspingly, achingly thirsty. Her tongue was stuck to the damp fabric of her panties and her throat felt filled with bitter sawdust. Slowly she nodded her head, desperate for water.

"Good girl." Brenda smiled behind her, relieved. Jane could take it. That was good. They would find just how much she could take and give it to her good. She released the catches on the manacles and was ready when Jane slumped down. Brenda caught her and eased

her to the floor. She untied the scarf and pulled the panties from Jane's stiff jaws. Gently she slipped a straw between Jane's lips. Jane gratefully sipped the cool liquid. Nothing had ever tasted so good to her. Brenda allowed her to finish the glass. Then she cradled Jane's head in her lap.

"I know you haven't taken it all in, but don't worry, you have plenty of time. This is your new home. See that newspaper over there? That's your toilet. You'll relieve yourself there. You can pee in the drain there. You'll get a shower when we feel like hosing you down. Slaves don't use bathrooms in this house. As you may have noticed, Robert likes sex, and his tastes are eccentric." Brenda smiled at her own understatement. "I like control. I will teach you how to behave. How to submit. How to suffer. You start at the bottom. You are nothing more than an animal. A little piggy. Or frog as Robert seems to like to refer to you. I don't want to hear you complaining. I don't want to hear you begging to be set free or any of that shit. You start whining or trying any of that, and I'll make you wish you'd never been born. Is that clear?"

Jane nodded, trying to stay still, too exhausted to even consider protest.

"Good," Brenda said. "Now let's take off that ugly little blouse." As she spoke, she pulled the useless garment from Jane's thin shoulders. Jane's B cup bra, once white, was an old gray, stained from too many washings. Brenda pulled the torn pieces and tossed them aside. Jane was totally naked now. Brenda held her thin wrists easily in one hand.

A dull red blush suffused Jane's features as Brenda critically examined her small but pretty breasts. They were high and firm and the nipples were a dusty pink. "Pretty," Brenda admitted grudgingly. "Really the only pretty thing about you. You are one plain Jane, aren't you?" she remarked with casual cruelty. Jane turned her head, the remark stinging, a sharp familiar slap that took her back to high school when heartless popular girls had made much the same comments behind their hands in the lunchroom, in the locker room, or

at the occasional dance Jane was stupid enough to attend, just loud enough for her to overhear.

Brenda stood up and left Jane lying on the floor. "I like rope," she said cryptically. Jane closed her eyes and thought she must have misheard as Brenda then said, "Want some ice cream, baby?" The woman was insane, Jane decided. She didn't make sense. But Brenda asked again. "I've got mango sherbet or chocolate fudge ripple. You can pick. I'll tie you up and then I'll feed you. I like to do that. Make my slave all helpless and then feed her. Like a baby. You wanna be my baby, sugar?" Brenda was speaking in a high singsong voice; the voice of a mother to her child. Jane's blood curdled with fear. This was worse than someone just killing her outright.

Jane choked back her rising desire to scream. She felt it welling up inside of her like a bubble, ready to burst from her. But maybe if she played the game, appeared to be cooperating, maybe that would at least buy her some time till she could figure a way out of this nightmarish ordeal.

"Mango, please," she managed to whisper. Brenda grinned. "Excellent choice, froggy. I'll just get you all snug-like and then I'll

bring your dessert." Brenda hummed tunelessly under her breath as she busied herself with the ropes. She unwound the white thin cording and rolled Jane onto her side. Pulling Jane's arms behind her, Brenda bound her at the elbows, wrapping the rope down to the wrists, forcing her to arch her back. She pulled her to her feet, so that Jane's breasts were thrust up and out, like a pretty offering.

"Very nice." She stood back a moment, admiring the trussed young woman. Robert!" she called. "Your frog isn't a total loss. Come check out these tits!" A minute later Robert came lumbering into the room, yawning. He had pulled on his jeans, but remained shirtless, his massive hairy chest exposed. He eyed the young girl appreciatively.

"Nice boobs," he said. "Boy am I gonna have some fun with those!" Jane's head was down, her eyes closed. Brenda pushed her down to her knees, and then caught her as she lost her balance, falling again to her side. Robert knelt down beside her, bringing his mouth

down to one succulent breast. He bit the nipple gently, causing Jane to gasp. His long tongue swirled against her, and the nipple went erect. "That's it," he said, and bent forward to bite and lick the other nipple.

Jane felt faint. Her ass was stinging from the beating and her asshole was sore and tender. Her arms hurt from being pulled back so far behind her. In spite of all this, somehow his mouth on her nipples awoke some tiny breath of desire in her loins. She would never have admitted it, but what he did felt good. Not that she could focus on it very well, as uncomfortable as she was. "Tie her tits, Brenda." Brenda nodded. Expertly she wound loops of rope around the base of each breast, cutting off the blood flow, pushing them up hard, with pointed tips.

Jane was mewling, little plaintive cries of fear. Robert leaned toward her and slapped one breast, hard. Jane screamed and tried in vain to wriggle away. He slapped the other one, eliciting another cry of pain and fear from the bound woman, as she jerked hard.

"Ok, ok, Robbie. That's enough. I promised our little girl some sherbet for her reward. You can wait here, but ease up a little. Don't forget it's her first day. We have plenty of time to teach her the ropes." She grinned at her own pun and left the room.

Jane was alone with Robert. He sat down on the floor next to her and idly stroked her distended nipples. She couldn't move and didn't dare protest. She closed her eyes instinctively, as if this would somehow protect her from him. Each breast was bunched at the base, making it hard and forcing the nipples out. Robert circled each nipple with his large fingers. Twisting each one until Jane winced, he said, "You look good enough to eat, baby. Just put a bag over that sour face of yours and you ain't half bad."

He bent down over her and gently bit her right nipple. His teeth closed tighter and Jane gave a frightened squeal. He released her, the nipple now red and shining with his saliva. Taking the other one between his teeth, he bit again, this time harder, and Jane screamed.

When Brenda returned with a large crystal goblet filled with rich yellow sherbet, Robert sat back suddenly, like a child caught with his

hand in the cookie jar. Jane continued to whimper quietly but Brenda didn't seem to notice. She took the long handled silver spoon and dipped into the cup. Holding it to Jane's mouth she said, "Here you go, sweetie. Open wide."

Jane felt the cold ice cream against her lips and opened her eyes. Brenda pressed gently and Jane parted her lips. The sherbet was homemade, with bits of orange mango and tiny pieces of crushed ice. Jane had never tasted anything so sweet and tart; so absolutely delicious. Somehow pain and fear had heightened all her sensibilities, including her sense of taste. She licked the spoon and felt a second's regret when it was withdrawn.

But it was returned, freshly heaped with another delicious bite. Jane's breasts ached from the tight ropes wound around them. She tried to focus instead on the sherbet, savoring each bite.

"What a good baby you are," Brenda crooned. As she continued to feed Jane, Robert leaned down, licking and suckling at her nipples. A confusion of pain and pleasure flooded through the exhausted woman. She was on the edge of collapse. Brenda fed her the last of the sherbet and then said, "Let's let this poor baby get some rest. She's done pretty good for the first day, don't you agree?

Robert nodded, watching as Brenda untied Jane's breasts. As the blood flowed back, the nerve endings in Jane's breasts zinged with pain. Tears sprang to her eyes. Robert massaged his cock through his pants. Brenda finished untying the complex knots that held their captive.

"Get in your cage, frog," Brenda commanded, her voice no longer soft and sweet, but hard and brooking no disobedience. "Don't stand up; crawl like the cunt you are." Jane obeyed, frightened anew by the sudden dark change in Brenda's demeanor. They left her there, terrified and alone. At least that, she thought. Alone. And still alive. Still alive! They had left the light on, but Jane was so exhausted that she barely noticed. She moved slightly on the old blankets, seeing the camera in the corner for the first time. She turned her back to it and tried to cover herself with the blankets. Before she could further

contemplate the horror of her situation, Jane fell into a troubled sleep. Exhaustion had overcome fear.


In the morning Robert came in with a tray of food. There was a bagel, some bacon and a cup of coffee, black. The smell was heavenly and Jane was instantly awake, though she didn't move, afraid to draw his attention. Robert set the tray down and moved toward her cage, unlatching it. "Morning, frog. Here's some food. You'll need your strength today. Eat up and do your business, because you're gonna be awful busy after that." He laughed and then mercifully turned and left the room.

Jane slipped out of her cage. All her muscles ached from sleeping in the uncomfortably close quarters. Her ass was sore but she wasn't really hurt, she realized with relief. And she was still alive. Maybe they didn't plan to kill her. At least not right away. Her heart began thumping with fear again, and Jane made a concerted effort to calm herself. There had to be some way out of this, if she could just think straight. Meanwhile, that food! The mango sherbet was just a distant memory to her empty belly. This food smelled so wonderful; Jane never remembered any food ever smelling so good.

Taking one of her blankets, Jane wrapped herself in it like it was a bath towel. She hurried to the tray, determined to eat before they changed their minds and took it away from her.

The coffee was hot and she scalded her mouth a little sipping it too fast. Though she preferred cream and sugar, this coffee was delicious and she savored it. The bagel was fresh and lightly buttered, and Jane reveled in the soft chewy dough, trying to make it last, but ending by stuffing it into her mouth. The bacon was perfectly cooked, not too floppy, not too crispy. Jane had never tasted anything so delicious in her life. All too quickly, the food and coffee were gone, and Jane became aware that she needed to pee.

She looked around the room, staring for a minute at the camera, toying briefly with the idea of trying to cover it up with one of her blankets. Pulling her blanket tighter around her, she knew that she didn't dare.

Instead, she walked over to the drain and squatted tentatively over it, holding the edges of the blanket up as best she could and turning her back to the camera as much as possible. It took a few moments for her body to relax sufficiently for her to pee, but eventually she did, feeling the relief of emptying her bladder. Thank God she didn't have to move her bowels yet. She wouldn't even think about that now. Jane looked around for something to wipe herself with, but there was only old newspaper. Reluctantly, she ripped a piece of it and used it, not with great success, to wipe the remaining droplets of urine away. She crumpled the soiled paper and set it in a corner.

Returning to her tray, she inspected it for any remaining crumbs. As she was draining the last drops hiding in the coffee cup, she heard the key and jumped slightly, her heart at once beginning a pounding rhythm in her chest and throat. The door opened and Brenda came in. "Hi Jane. How'd you sleep? Breakfast all right?"

"Fine," Jane managed to croak, nodding. She hunched down, hugging herself, still wrapped in her blanket. It seemed so incongruous the way they talked to her like she was some kind of guest and then treated her so viciously.

"Let's get something clear from the start here. Slaves and animals don't wear clothes. Drop it. Now!" Jane held the blanket tightly against herself for a few seconds longer. Then she let it go, watching it fall to the floor as she clutched her naked form, the blush moving in a heat down her chest.

"Oh, by the way, I like a little formality, though Robert doesn't care a whit. But you will call me ma'am, or mistress, or Miss Brenda. Never answer, 'fine,' like you did just now, or I'll punish you. Consider yourself warned. Got it, missy?"

"Yes, ma'am," Jane whispered.

"Much better. Now listen, Jane. Today you get a choice. Do you want to be tortured or used?" She paused, looking at Jane. When the girl didn't answer, Brenda went on. "You look confused. I'll clarify. Actually both things are going to happen, but today I'm giving you a choice of which you want first. By used I mean sexually, stupid. By Robert. I'll use you too, but not yet. I'll wait till you're at least a little

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