Frog (13 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Frog
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She focused on the task at hand, making dominant but tender love to this slave girl, and giving her benefactors a good show. Having stimulated and aroused Jane's breasts, building up a pleasure in her belly that was evidenced by her erect, straining nipples and the suffusion of color on her cheeks, Suzette did her classic switch, and slapped one breast hard, drawing a cry from Jane. Then the other breast got the same treatment. A true masochistic submissive, such as Suzette was used to dealing with, and such as she had been led to believe Jane was, would have been further aroused by this rough treatment.

She bent down to kiss Jane, expecting an ardent kiss in return. Instead she was greeted with a closed mouth. Hm, perhaps this girl

was not 'into girls' as it were. No matter, Suzette would bring her around. She tried kissing her a little more and then slid down to Jane's pussy. Slowly she forced Jane's legs apart, kneeling between them, her own ass raised prettily in the air. She licked the sensitive folds delicately, like a cat tasting cream. She felt Robert come up behind her, his large hands on her ass. Normally Suzette didn't allow anyone watching to touch her; it threw her off, but he had paid her well for her time, so she decided to let him make the rules for now.

She licked, kissed and suckled Jane's pussy until Jane began to writhe on the bed, trying to close her legs. Of course Suzette wouldn't let her, and she kept on kissing and teasing her, now inserting a slim finger into her vagina, feeling the hot wet walls clamp around it. She smiled; even the shyest girls were no match for her skilled tongue. Robert's erection was pressing hard against her through his pants. When she felt him stand back and heard him unzip himself, Suzette shifted position. She didn't want to be fucked by this guy, however much he was paying. He had bought a girl/girl show and that's what he would get.

She moved up to straddle the blindfolded girl's face. Jane's nostrils were assailed with her sex. She felt Suzette's soft labia brush her lips and nose. They were smooth as a baby's, freshly shaven. The scent was not heavy like Brenda's musky folds, but a lighter, more delicate fragrance, like fresh rainwater with a hint of apricots. Jane knew what was expected, and oddly, she almost wanted to lick this woman's pussy. She had been right on the edge of an intense orgasm, something she rarely experienced either before or during her captivity. She had wanted it, even if it was in front of the captors; she had wanted to slip over that lovely edge, to experience something pleasurable after so much torture and pain.

Maybe if she returned the favor, this Suzette, who was at once so gentle and so rough, would do it again. So she opened her mouth without being ordered to do so, and snaked out her tongue. Suzette settled her weight, holding herself up slightly so Jane could reach her inner folds with her tongue. Jane began to lick and tease her, mimicking what Suzette had done to her. She found herself

wondering for a second if this made her 'gay' in that she didn't absolutely abhor what she was doing; she even kind of liked it. She didn't dwell on these thoughts; there would be ample time to think later when she was locked back in her prison.

Something of the old spirit started to seep back into her soul as she realized the lesson again which she had been just beginning to learn – we have to live for the moment, because in the end, that's all there is. If this were her last night on this earth, she would take what she could from it. She focused on kissing Suzette's pussy, noticing when she moaned or shifted to give Jane a better angle to do what pleased her.

Jane felt Suzette's fingers reach down and begin to caress her sex. She let her thighs fall open, oblivious to Brenda and Robert's leering eyes, wanting Suzette's touch again. Suzette's fingers tapped out a sweet dance on Jane's pussy, matching her own tongue's rhythm against hot moist flesh. They moaned together, moving inexorably down a path toward intense release. All of Jane's defenses were down, due to exhaustion and the constant underlay of fear, yes, but also due to something else. This skillful lover on top of her was not only bringing Jane to orgasm, but also using Jane's lips and tongue for her own pleasure. Again Jane felt the thrill of power over another person's pleasure, but more than that, an actual joy and pride that she could draw those cries and mews of pleasure from another. They came together, with Suzette's fingers never stopping, even as she ground her face against Jane's mouth, shuddering and shivering against her.

Ever the dominatrix, she slapped Jane's cunt with a flat hard palm just as Jane's spasms of pleasure were subsiding. Jane cried out in confusion, the pleasure blending into pain once again, leaving her completely undone.


The next day found Jane bound, naked of course, to a high bar stool. She was bent over it, with her wrists and ankles secured to the legs with white nylon rope. The rope burned her skin if she pulled against it. The blood had rushed to her head and her ass was raised up, splayed and inviting the torture that was about to be visited upon

her. Robert and Brenda were both dressed in tight black leather pants. Brenda wore stiletto heels and Robert sported soft leather boots. They were both topless.

"You know you're going to get punished, don't you, frog?" Brenda glared at the girl, clearly expecting a response.

"Yes, ma'am," Jane managed to answer, her mouth dry with fear.

"I had much worse in mind, but Robert here convinced me that if we use you up too quickly, there won't be anything left. Then we'd have to find a new cunt to torture. Which would suit me fine, if you want to know."

Jane believed her, absolutely. She also believed that that was the time they would kill her. She felt panic rising like a tidal wave in her and a little cry escaped her lips.

"Shut her up, Robert! I don't want to hear her whining tonight. We should have gagged her before we let Suzette near her. I told you that! Now, gag the bitch." It wasn't a request. Robert did as she demanded, buckling the bright red ball gag into Jane's mouth, his expression almost apologetic. He knew what was coming, though Jane did not.

They stood on each side of Jane with long tapering red candles in their hands. Robert lit Brenda's and then his own. "Ever had a hot wax treatment, frog?" Robert asked, of course knowing the answer. Jane was in no position to respond. She jerked when the first hot splash landed on her ass. They both held their candles over her, watching her jerk as the hot wax elicited muffled moans and cries from behind her ball gag. They covered her back, ass and thighs in burning little blobs of red wax.

Brenda looked grim. This girl could have really blown things for them and she was still angry. She was no where near finished with this little bitch. "Take out her gag; I want to hear her scream."

Robert unbuckled the contraption and Jane drew grateful shuddering breaths, barely registering what Brenda had just said. Her back and ass were literally on fire, covered in a myriad of tiny burns from the melted wax.

Robert blew out his candle and set it down. He had participated in this punishment before and knew what Brenda expected of him. A large hand on either ass cheek, Robert spread poor Jane's buttocks, giving Brenda a perfect target of her puckered tight asshole. Brenda let the first drop fall against the tender opening. Jane screamed, her cry shrill and high. She jerked hard against the tight ropes and rocked the stool. Robert put a hand on her back to steady her.

"Take it," hissed Brenda, and she dropped another molten red drop of liquid on her asshole. She covered Jane's anus with wax, which hardened into a covering. Jane was screaming all the while. Then, with a nod from Brenda, Robert untied the tortured woman and lay her down on the floor.

"Now listen, bitch. I'm going to burn your cunt. And I want
to hold it open for me. And I want you to beg for it. Come on, girl, let's hear you beg for me to drop this wax on your nasty twat."

Jane was crying softly, and struggling with the dizziness caused by the blood rushing back to her head from being released. With trembling fingers, but knowing she had no recourse, Jane spread her pussy lips, gulped and whispered, "Please, Mistress, please burn my pussy with the wax."

"My nasty pussy," Brenda amended.

"My nasty pussy," Jane confirmed, her voice cracking.

Robert held her legs wide while Brenda straddled Jane's waist and let the hot wax sear her tender sex, drop after drop of hot wax burning her pussy till she passed out from the pain.

But still Brenda wasn't satisfied. A spray of cold water brought Jane to, and then Brenda told the dazed girl, "Now, it's your big mouth that got you in this trouble, so I'm going to give you one final wax treatment. I'm gonna seal your mouth with wax. And next time, maybe you'll think twice before you open your trap."


When Jane next awoke from a swoon, she was where they had left her on the floor. Her hand flew to her mouth, fingers pulling at the cold wax that covered her lips and chin. Wax had hardened into small scabs all over her body. She spent the next several hours trying to

peel it off her tender burned flesh. It would be weeks before all traces were removed.

Chapter 8 – Jealous Lover

Brenda was gone for the day clothes shopping and Robert had the little frog all to himself. He had found himself thinking of Jane more and more lately. Of being with her alone, without Brenda's watchful and jealous eye on them. He did love the torture, the humiliation, the control they exerted over their prisoners, but, as odd it might seem, he was a romantic at heart. He secretly found Brenda overbearing at times, with her constant need for his attentions. She
to be into his playing with other women, as long as he didn't show too much actual interest in them as anything more than pieces of ass. If he slipped up in the slightest, she would get her panties all in a bunch and it would take days to allay the jealousy.

He put up with a lot from her, and admitted to himself that it had more than a little to do with money – hers – which was all bound up in trust funds that would dry up completely for him if he were to leave her. Not that he wanted to
her. He really did love her. And where the hell else could he find someone as twisted and perverted as he was? Someone who lived for the thrill of the abduction and torture of their prisoners? And who took care of all the messy details like getting rid of them when it was time.

But something about little Jane. He realized to his own surprise that he had just used her name in his mind, instead of his usual derisive 'frog.' He liked to watch her blush with shame when he taunted her. But at this particular moment, he was feeling tender. She really wasn't that ugly; she just kept herself all closed up. She made ugly faces. Maybe if she were treated with love, she would respond, like a real frog in a fairytale, and he would be the one to 'free' her. No, that was stupid. He wasn't going to free her. But he could make love to her. Especially today, when the cat was away…

He entered her room, not seeing her at first, just a little bundle hidden in her blankets, safe in her cage. He came closer and knelt down. She jumped up, sleep blurring her features. It was rare to catch her sleeping; she was usually as wakeful as a ferret, ready for their approach any time of day or night. She tried to scramble out of

the cage and stand naked and at attention, as he had taught her, but he stopped her.

"Hey, cool it. It's ok. I don't need you at attention right now, little frog. I think I want to take you to my room. Just you and me."

Jane stood up, hugging her thin body protectively. He led her out of the prison and down the hall on the carpet which was so thick her feet sank several inches at each step. She could sleep there on that rug and be in heaven.

He led her to the bedroom where he had fucked her while Brenda masturbated on her face. She was nervous and afraid, her body tensing for whatever new torture they had devised for today. As they entered the room, she looked quickly around. Where was Brenda? As if reading her mind, Robert volunteered, "Brenda's gone shopping. We have the whole day to ourselves. Just you and me, Janie girl."

Janie? He never called her by her name. It was always 'frog' or 'cunt' or 'slut' or some other derisive and insulting term designed to degrade and humiliate her. But instead of comforting her, his use of her name, of a diminutive of her name, somehow made her even more nervous. This man was crazy and she was totally at his mercy.

He led her past the bed to the large master bath. It was huge, larger than her bedroom in her former life. He led her to the large marble Jacuzzi which was already filled with foamy hot water. Steam was rising from it and it smelled wonderful, like freesia and sandalwood. He climbed in first, after stripping naked in front of her, completely unselfconscious. He held out his hand and Jane took it, climbing into the fragrant glorious water.

It swirled around her, warming and easing her always taut muscles and aching bones. The rushing water stung the myriad of abrasions and welts from the constant beatings, but it was a good sting, and ultimately soothed her flesh. She felt as if she could melt it into it. She fantasized for a moment of just slipping under, breathing in and never coming up. But of course, even if she were the suicidal type, which she was not (being too stubborn), her captor would never allow it.

She was drawn out of her reverie by his question. "Champagne?" Robert was turned from her, opening a small refrigerator that was neatly placed in the wooden panels that surrounded the Jacuzzi. Such luxury was beyond anything Jane had experienced, or even thought about. She nodded, though she rarely drank. Still, she knew she liked champagne, having had it at various weddings and other festive occasions back in that distant life before now.

Robert popped the cork with a flourish and poured the champagne into two beautiful crystal flutes. Jane took the glass, which felt so delicate she was afraid it would break in her hand. She brought the bubbly liquid to her mouth and sipped. Ambrosia. It was delicious. Without meaning to, she drained the glass in a gulp. Robert laughed and poured her another.

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