Frog (10 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Frog
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"Well, what would you give for it?" Ah, the trap was being sprung. What would she give? As if she had a choice in the matter. She would 'give' whatever they took. That was how life was, her life. There had been a life before, but it was dim now in the constant blaze of fear and survival which had become her world. She waited for the shoe to drop.

"No, I'm serious," Brenda said, as if she really wanted an answer.

"I don't understand," Jane said, her voice hoarse with disuse and thirst, remembering belatedly to add, "ma'am."

Brenda let the slip pass. "I was thinking you might like a shower, and a good meal. And I know Robert wants you to kiss me," Brenda's euphemism for pussy eating. "See, the thing is..." Brenda paused, as if thinking how to phrase it. "The thing is, I know you're straight, and scared of pussy. I know you don't want to do it. I know you will, of course, because you have no choice. It's just that, well, I want you to..." She paused, trailing off, looking away, and Jane realized with a shock that Brenda was embarrassed! How could that be? And yet, there it was. "I want you to want me," she whispered softly.

Jane didn't respond. She was confused and didn't really understand what Brenda was asking. Her own sexual experience was so limited, it didn't occur to her, not on any intuitive level, that a woman could desire another woman. Brenda waited another moment, and the sudden vulnerability in her face was replaced by a hardening anger. She mistakenly thought Jane was rejecting her offer, rejecting her. Jane had no clue of what Brenda might be feeling, but she saw the change in expression and knew she had lost whatever chance she had had.

"Fuck you, bitch," Brenda spit out. "Robert warned me not to expect anything from a frigid idiot like you. Fuck you!" She flounced out, taking the fleeting dream of a hot shower and food with her.


The spray was cold and would sting against recently whipped skin. Robert attached the long green hose to the spigot in the wall near her pee drain. He attached a spray nozzle and ordered Jane to stand over the drain, hands behind her head. Jane stood as ordered, shivering in anticipation of the cold spray. When it hit her body, she gasped at the force of it, at the coldness of the hard water.

Robert soaked her, spraying her body, her legs, her head, leaving her spluttering and spitting as the water dripped from her hair into her eyes. Brenda, standing nearby, was ready with a bucket of soapy water. She took a rough cloth from the water and scrubbed on Jane's body, rubbing methodically, leaving Jane's skin pink and soapy. "Spread 'em," she said, pushing against Jane's thigh. The heat of a blush licked at Jane's neck and face as Brenda roughly scrubbed at Jane's pussy and asshole. She dipped the washcloth and washed under her arms, then squirted shampoo into her hand and massaged it into Jane's scalp.

"Do it yourself," she ordered, allowing Jane to massage her own head and hair. Despite how cold she felt, Jane was so glad of this chance to wash. Her head was itchy with oils and dirt from not having been allowed to clean herself.

Gratefully she massaged her scalp, even as her body shivered uncontrollably from the dripping water. A final rinse and Robert tossed her a towel. Jane dried herself quickly, careful on the various bruises and welts which always marked her body from recent beatings.

Brenda left the room as Robert stood watching Jane dry herself. As she tried to comb her hair with her fingers he said, "That's good enough. Let's go. And remember, I want you to enjoy this. Brenda's pussy is some of the finest around. I want you to lick it and suck it just like I do to you. And you'd better make her come, frog, or you'll still get the needles. And that, baby, is a promise."

Jane entered their bedroom in front of Robert, who gestured toward the bed where Brenda was reclining. She was dressed in a lovely dark green silk nightgown that had a long slit up the front. She was propped on many pillows, and her legs were lewdly spread. "Come to mama, little slut." Brenda smiled in a way that was meant to be sexy, but which held nothing but menace to Jane.

She was being ordered to 'make love' to another woman. She could do this, she told herself. It was easier than taking a beating or being fucked in the ass! And it had to be worth it to avoid the dreaded needles. Still, she found herself feeling squeamish. Brenda was a large woman, and her large hairy pussy looked ominous to Jane. Robert gave her a push and Jane crawled forward on the bed, marveling silently anew at the softness of the sheets and the inviting give of the mattress.

Hesitantly Jane knelt between Brenda's ample thighs, not sure what to do. Brenda gazed down at her and looked to Robert. He smiled back at his wife and pressed Jane's head down toward her pussy. Brenda hiked her nightgown and shifted herself so that her pussy was now directly in Jane's face. Jane held her breath and bent down. She was trying to get up the nerve to 'kiss' Brenda when she felt her head jerked roughly back by the hair.

"Got a problem, frog?" Robert said harshly. "My wife not good enough for you, huh? Now do it like you mean it, and don't forget my needles!" He let go of her head suddenly and she fell forward, losing

her balance for a moment, her cheek brushing Brenda's thigh. Flustered, Jane righted herself and again leaned between Brenda's spread legs. This time she gingerly stuck out her tongue and touched Brenda's pussy.

The scent of musk and sex assailed her nostrils. Holding her breath, Jane closed her eyes, moving slowly closer. She licked the outer folds and Brenda sighed happily. "That's it, froggy, that's it." It wasn't so bad; a little salty but not bitter like Robert's semen.

With surprising gentleness Brenda guided Jane's head, positioning her and pressing against her to encourage her kisses in just the right spots. Jane began to lick and suck in earnest, as Brenda responded with her moans and movements. Encouraged by her fear of the needles and also emboldened by Brenda's response, Jane put a hand on either thigh to get better access to her sex.

She remembered the movements and techniques Robert had employed on her and tried to imitate them on Brenda. It seemed to be working, as Brenda sighed and her breathing quickened to a pant. Robert sat near them, his huge cock in his hand as he watched his naked prisoner lick his wife's cunt.

Something strange began happening to Jane. She wasn't crazy about licking another woman's pussy, but she found that she got a little thrill from the responses she was drawing from Brenda. This woman who had tortured and abused her for so many weeks was now writhing and moaning under her tongue and hands. Jane was the one in control! Jane had the power to make this woman respond and she liked it!

She continued to kiss and lick her, even daring to press one finger into her sticky entrance. Brenda bucked into her hand when Jane did this, crying out, "Yes! Yes!" And then she shuddered, holding Jane's head tightly against her, fucking herself against Jane's tongue and mouth, her vaginal walls clamping on Jane's finger as she reached her climax.

At last she let go of Jane's head and Jane drew back a little, feeling a secret triumph, though not quite daring to wipe her wet mouth and face. "Good froggy." Robert patted her head in a gesture which

secretly infuriated Jane, but she only bowed her head, keeping her eyes down. "Now you can sit quietly on the floor. Don't move. You can watch me fuck my wife. She seemed to like what you did. So no needles
Not yet." He laughed cruelly, pulling Jane to the floor and ordering her to stay still as he climbed onto his wife and rutted with her in front of their slave.


"Hold yourself open. And don't move. And don't whimper. Not a sound." Jane was on her hands and knees on the floor. Robert was crouching behind her, cock poised at her pussy. When she didn't instantly obey, he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head up sharply. "I said hold yourself open! Reach around and spread your pussy for me. You know you want it, slut. Now
do it
." He accented the words by pushing her head roughly forward.

Now that she had been introduced to the supposed wonder of his cock, with all the fanfare in his bed, fucking Jane was a daily event.

A vasectomy several years back prevented that annoying inconvenience of getting his sluts pregnant. Not that he bothered to inform them; why tell an object anything at all? Except when you wanted something from them. They existed solely for his pleasure. It was that simple in Robert's terribly twisted mind.

Leaning with her shoulders against the hard wood for balance, Jane reached back with trembling hands to open herself for Robert's rape. "Look at you," he sneered, pretending disgust though he was deeply excited by her display. Her dark pink pussy looked so pretty all spread and open for him. "You're just dying for me to rape your little cunt, aren't you? You're just dying to feel my cock in your twat. Now remember. I'm going to fuck you now, and I don't want you to move. I don't want to hear a sound out of you. You move or cry out, and you'll be punished, don't think you won't," he said, guiding his penis into the pussy held spread by the slave's own fingers. It felt so good; she was so hot! She may be ugly, but her pussy was so tight!

He wanted it to last. He moved slowly, letting her adjust, noting with satisfaction that she was staying still and staying quiet. She probably liked this, the little whore. What woman wouldn't love his

huge dick inside them? He didn't care how much these little cunts protested; he knew deep down they all wanted the same thing – a big dick buried in their nasty snatches. He began to thrust more savagely, irrationally almost angry with Jane for pretending to be such a frightened virgin, when they both knew she really wanted it. Voicing his thoughts Robert grunted, "You
this, don't you, frog? You
my cock in your nasty slit." He thrust hard, punctuating his words with his cock as he slammed into her. Jane jerked forward, crying out as he hurt her, hands flailing as she tried to keep her balance.

She failed, falling to the floor, and Robert landed on top of her in an ungainly heap. "Bitch!" he shouted. "I told you not to move! Get up!" Miserably, Jane tried to get up, but he still lay on top of her. Wrapping his powerful arms around her, he rolled them both over so that she was straddled on her back on top of him, his cock still inside of her. He lifted and lowered her for a moment, like he was doing exercises, and her body was the dumbbell. Then he lifted her off and said, "You blew it. Your cunt isn't good enough for me now. I'm going to take your ass. Get back on your knees."

"Please, please, no," Jane started to beg. He had placed her on her hands and knees. Now he crouched behind her and wrapped an arm around her neck, pulling back hard. The pressure was tight against her throat and Jane couldn't breathe.

He hissed in her ear, "Don't you
say 'no' to me again. Do you understand?
His cock was pulsing with need now. Jane's face was red and her eyes were bugging out. She looked hideous. He let her go, and as she gratefully gulped in air, he spit on his cock to lube it up. That's all she was getting today, the little bitch. Holding her tightly by her hips, he guided himself into her ass, ignoring her cries for mercy. If anything, they made him harder. It was over too soon, and he came with a loud moan into her, grabbing her tits, twisting and pulling her nipples as he slammed his body into hers, causing them both to fall again to the floor. This time he didn't berate her, but simply pulled out of her and left her in a tangled heap.


Her ankles ached and her head throbbed from the pressure of being upside down. She kept wanting to reach her arms out to steady herself, but of course she couldn't. They were bound tightly to her sides. Today Brenda was using something she had had made especially for her binding games. Heavy strips of fine cotton had been dyed a deep, blood red. She kept these strips, great mounds of them, in a large sewing basket, pulling out varying lengths as it suited her needs and perverted pleasure. The strips were soft but strong. At least they didn't rub and burn Jane's skin the way the nylon rope did when it was tied tightly.

The young woman presented quite a picture, hanging upside down from the ceiling, her entire body trussed in vivid red, except for her ass, pussy and tits, which were conspicuously bare. She hung by her ankles, which were secured in thick leather straps that were attached to short sturdy chains hanging from the ceiling. Robert had cleverly designed the pulley mechanism so that Brenda could secure Jane in the straps while she was lying on the floor, and then slowly ratchet the chains up until Jane was suspended, just by turning a large wheel on the wall.

Brenda had wisely tied the girl first, so that she wouldn't flail and make it too difficult to get her into proper position. The frightened little bird had offered barely a protest as Brenda had knelt, lovingly tying the knots that bound Jane's arms completely to her sides. She wrapped the red strips around and around, starting at her feet and not stopping until even Jane's face was covered in red, only nostrils and lips showing.

Now she hung like a painted mummy, her sexual parts exposed and waiting for whatever fiendish tortures they had devised. As Brenda turned the wheel, spreading poor Jane's legs even further apart, she asked, "Comfortable?"

Jane could hear her, though from her position, sound was obscured by the rumble of blood rushing in her head; it actually reminded her of the seashore when she was a child. She would find shells and hold them to her ear, and then take as many home as she could fit in her sandy lap, squished between her brothers in the sticky backseat. She

tried to let her mind go there now – to the seashore, where the waves lapped peacefully against the sand.

A long low whistle interrupted her brief reverie. Robert had entered. "Wow, Bren, she looks like those Japanese chicks who get off on the rope thing! I
how you left her cunt and tits like that. Yum, they look like candies that have just been unwrapped! And I've got a sweet tooth!"

Brenda smiled, also quite pleased with the effect. She sat back now, hiking her denim skirt so she could get a hand on her own bare pussy. "Come here, baby. I need you." Brenda's voice was husky with arousal. Bondage always got her especially wet, and the frog looked so hot with her cunt and ass exposed and her whole body tethered in the beautiful red rope. Brenda wasn't looking at Robert as she spoke to him; her eyes were fixed on the slave girl. Robert approached her and she pressed him down till he was kneeling in front of her. She hiked her skirt so her bare cunt was exposed and commanded, "Lick me."

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