Frog (7 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Frog
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Brenda withdrew the plug with a sudden jerk, but the relief was momentary, as she was preparing a larger, thicker plug for another invasion. "Oh, God, please!" Jane cried out as Brenda pressed this one mercilessly home. She was breathing hard, and all her muscles were clenched, making the presence of the plug that much harder to take. Her wrists were loosely tied together in front of her, her thighs strapped with leather belts to the low stool, knees resting on the floor.

"You look like such a slut pig, frog. I'm gonna leave you for a while like that. Get you good and ready for Robert. You really should thank me for this; I'm getting you nice and stretched so you won't bleed like that first time. A little advice, sugar. Relax. You're so rigid you're gonna break that thing off!" Brenda bent down and patted Jane's bottom, giving the plug a little tap, pressing it in just a little further. She left the room, not even bothering to lock it; Jane wasn't going anywhere right now.

Jane realized, despite the flippant manner in which it had been offered, that Brenda's advice was sound. She needed to relax her body. Even her jaw was clenched so tightly she could feel the dull throb of pain in her temples. With a conscious effort, she began to relax her muscles, starting with her jaw and tongue, moving slowly down her body till she got to her poor ass. Slowly her body adjusted to the fat phallus lodged inside of her.

When Robert came in about 20 minutes later, Jane's breathing had slowed and she was not exactly resting comfortably, but at least she wasn't in panic mode. Robert was wearing a jock strap and nothing else. His burly, heavily muscled frame came into view in front of Jane, as thickly muscled thighs matted with dark hair came into her line of vision.

"Bren's got you all ready for me, eh? Well, I hope she didn't open you up too much! I like 'em tight! Nice tight little virgin assholes for me to fuck. That's what I like. Right, Bren?" Jane realized then that Brenda was in the room. Somehow that made it much worse. She knew she was going to be anally raped again, but having Brenda there as a witness made it that much more shameful and harder to bear for poor Jane.

"Don't worry, Robbie. One little butt plug for half an hour isn't going to ruin your little virgin asshole here. Let's pull it out and see." She withdrew the plug, eliciting a grunt from Jane. How she longed to close her legs. She could only imagine the picture she must present now, bound with her ass raised in the air, asshole still stretched from the offending plug. Flames of heat moved through her chest and face. But they weren't looking at her face.

"Suck me, baby," Robert said to his wife, who knelt in front of him, eagerly pulling his cock from its jock strap. Brenda was dressed only in yellow silk panties and a matching bra. She wore several bejeweled bracelets that clanked as she moved her hands slowly up and down Robert's shaft, and gently cupped his heavy, hairy balls. Long golden earrings glittered through her auburn hair. She took his penis expertly back deep into her throat. "Oh, yeah," Robert moaned, letting his head fall back and closing his eyes. "No one can do that like you can, baby." Brenda smiled behind the big erection stuffed in her mouth. She was smugly certain that he was right; no one could give head like she could. No matter how many 'lessons' the bastard gave to these slave girls. Now she put all of her subtle skill into arousing him to his hardest possible. Even though it sometimes made her a teeny bit jealous, Brenda did like to watch the show when he fucked these virgin girls.

"You're ready, baby," she murmured, "Oh boy, are you ready." She stood, wiping her mouth with the back of one hand. Let's see what you can do now to this little whore. Don't be too gentle, either. She can take it." Robert eagerly positioned himself behind the hapless girl, his penis bobbing at her still gaping asshole. He pressed it slowly at first, just lodging the thick head into her. Then he thrust himself into her in one hard motion. Jane's muscles contracted against his penis, and any thoughts of relaxation were obliterated as panic rose like a gorge inside of her. The ironic result of her body's resistance was extra pleasure for Robert as her muscles clenched and milked his rock hard cock.

Brenda moved in front of Jane. She sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the poor woman and smoothed her tangled blonde hair from her brow. Jane was sweating and her eyes were clenched shut. Her mouth was open in a little 'o' of pain. Brenda felt a lovely pull in her loins. There was nothing as erotic to her as watching her charges suffer at her and her husband's hands. She loved to see them, naked, bound, contorting and writhing in helpless pain and terror. She slipped a hand into her silk panties and felt her own sweet wetness. She should make this bitch lick her while she was being butt fucked.

But that would be too much work right now. Jane was such a frigid little bitch and she'd have to forcibly direct her every move. No, for right now she'd do herself. Just sit back and watch the fun.

Robert was in a rhythm now, thrusting hard and then pulling back slowly. He would pause a moment or two and then
, hard, into Jane's tortured asshole. His head was back, the veins distended in his thick neck. The skinny little woman tied down beneath him looked like a rag doll as he held her still with his strong hands spread on her hips.

"Does it hurt, Janie?" Brenda leaned down, whispering to the girl. Jane nodding, eyes still squeezed shut, wondering if Brenda would somehow take pity, though knowing at the same time that of course she would not.

"Good," Brenda responded, an evil grin on her face. She began to rub her pussy, pulling the silk aside. Robert looked down, seeing his wife with her hand buried in her panties, the dark auburn pubic hair peeking through the fabric. He thrust harder, making Jane scream. As he picked up his tempo, Brenda picked up hers. They were both using Jane to make themselves come. She truly was no more than an object for them to debase. Brenda came first, panting and undulating on the floor, licking her lips and flashing her green eyes at Robert. Jane witnessed none of this; her eyes squeezed shut in pain and self-protection.

Brenda's attempt at a sensual display was mostly wasted on Robert, whose eyes were closed now as he rutted into Jane, slamming himself against her, balls slapping her small bottom. He grunted low and gutturally, shooting his seed into her and then holding her still, forcing her to bear his considerable weight for a moment or two before rolling off of her, his cock slipping out of her with a little pop.

Jane was whimpering quietly when the two of them noticed her again. Brenda wanted to leave her bound, but Robert convinced her it would be better to release her so she could clean up herself and save them the trouble later. "You can use the spigot, frog. Clean yourself up; you're a mess." They left the room together and Jane slowly rolled off the low stool. She lay still for several moments, and then

gingerly touched her bottom. It was wet with semen and bits of feces, her own. Thoroughly horrified by this discovery, her humiliation hardened into a rage that these fiends could do something like this!

Slowly she crawled to the spigot and turned on the water. It was cold but it would clean off her own filth and his nasty gooey deposit. At least there was no blood this time. It had been painful, but not as bad as a caning. And it was over. They were gone, for now.

Chapter 4 – Degradation

Brenda liked the verbal humiliation almost as much as the physical. She loved to tie them up and whip them, yes. She loved to watch Robert defile them with his cock and cum all over them. But she also loved to control them, to make them behave like the slaves they were, and all because she ordered them to. She loved power. Today she had Jane on the floor, kneeling with her hands behind her head.

"What are you, Jane?" she asked, her voice nonchalant, belying the iron will beneath it. She had just spent the last half hour training Jane in the expected responses and now Jane would be tested.

Jane mumbled something and Brenda said sharply, "Speak up, frog.

I can't hear you!"

Louder this time, with eyes shifting away, Jane said, "I am a worthless cunt, Mistress."

"That's right," Brenda nodded, smiling slightly. "And what else are you?"

"A piece of ass made for your pleasure and my pain." "Very good." Brenda liked that one. "And what else?"

Jane paused. She was trying to remember, and then she did remember, but didn't want to say it aloud. How she hated this woman. Brenda moved toward her menacingly and Jane sputtered, "A piece of shit. A nasty piece of shit." She bit her lips, bitterly ashamed and angry.

"That's right. A piece of shit not worth being on the bottom of my shoe. And yet we put up with you. At least for now. And you owe us thanks, because you know we could have killed you, but instead we keep you around, feeding you, housing you. You're lucky you're alive, you know that, don't you?"

Jane closed her eyes. She wanted to drop her arms, which were so tired, as she held them up behind her head, fingers locked to keep them from falling. She wanted to crawl back to her cage and curl up, losing herself in sleep. Lately she no longer thought in broader terms about escape. Just to get through this ordeal and be left alone. Her

time was measured by surviving each dreadful test they set for her, and being left alone for an hour, a day, a night.

She almost agreed now with Brenda; she was a worthless piece of shit. She had given up hope of ever being freed. She belonged to these people; they were her world. They controlled her every move. They decided when she ate, when she would be beaten, when she slept, if she lived or died.

She didn't know if anyone in the outside world even knew she was gone. They had certainly replaced her at work. She often went months without contacting anyone in her family so they probably didn't even know she was missing. The landlord would figure it out when he didn't get his rent. And maybe the police had traced her car. For all the good it did her. They would never find her. Who would ever think to look here?

No doubt Robert and Brenda were pillars of their community. Money bought you respectability. If she ever did get away, who would believe her story against theirs? She had never felt worthwhile, even before the abduction. And now this tall, statuesque woman standing imperiously before her, drilling it into her, "You are scum; you are a cunt; you are a whore; you deserve all that you get." Maybe she was right.

Anger was replaced with resignation as a tear slipped down Jane's cheek. Brenda, like any skilled predator, knew when the prey was weakening. Her voice now deceptively gentle, she moved in for the kill. "You are my little cunt, aren't you, Jane? My ugly, skinny little slave. But don't you worry, sugar. Brenda will make it all better. Brenda will keep you safe. I won't let nasty Robert fuck your ass anymore, I promise. I'll feed you and take care of you. All you have to do right now is tell me again what a nasty little bitch you are, and that you deserve everything you get. And then I want you to crawl over here and kiss my feet. That's all you have to do. Then you can go to sleep. And when you wake up, there'll be a nice lunch for you."

Actually grateful for the kind tone in Brenda's words, actually grateful that she was going to be allowed to sleep after she did those few simple things, Jane dutifully parroted, "I'm your little cunt. Your

ugly little slave. I'm a nasty little bitch and I deserve whatever I get." She looked over toward Brenda to see if she approved. Brenda nodded regally and Jane slipped gratefully down, crawling over to lick Brenda's bare toes, her spirit subjugated, all anger seeped away, replaced by an awful resignation that was much more dangerous.


Robert had made much of his promises to fuck their frog, and Jane knew it would be soon. She found herself almost wanting it; at least it wasn't a beating. And it would certainly be better than the constant anal penetration he forced upon her.

Sex had been all right with her boyfriend Brian, though of course she knew there was no comparison – Brian had asked her permission; Robert would take what he regarded as his. His property, his toy, his piece of ass, his

As Jane lay in her cage, she thought about her past life; something she rarely did these days. She was quiet by nature, and quieter still from having shared her childhood home with four loud and obnoxious brothers who overwhelmed her delicate sensibilities and caused her to retreat into her own world. Her job as a data entry clerk for a hospital suited her because she didn't have to interact with others. She stayed in her own cubicle, working with her head down, eating her home packed lunch at her desk.

She had never had many friends, and she frankly preferred her own solitude; it was safer. At 24, she wasn't technically a virgin, but in spirit she remained unopened; sexually immature. Brian from work had been the one to 'take' her virginity. They dated for only a few months. There was never any love, and very little passion. He was a decent fellow, though rather short, which Jane didn't like. In her mind, her 'real' lover would be tall, as he looked down lovingly at her. But that was fantasy and Jane was a practical girl. She would take Brian, since he was one of only a few men or boys who had ever noticed her in the slightest.

Brian was very eager to 'consummate' their relationship by having sex. He couldn't understand Jane's reluctance, it never occurring to him that he would be her 'first.' Jane sensed that Brian was growing

tired of her protestations, and she knew he would probably break up with her soon if she didn't let him have sex with her. Her instincts told her to let him go. She knew she didn't love him and was even more certain that he didn't love her. They were a convenience for each other – something to do. But a part of her was curious; she wanted to find out what all the hoopla was about.

And so, one Saturday evening when he made his overtures yet again after they returned to her small apartment from the movies, she didn't push away and say, "No, don't," when he tried to grab her breasts.

Emboldened, he had slipped his hands into her bra, roughly tweaking and pulling at her nipples. She didn't stop him, though she wasn't especially forthcoming in her response. When he leaned down to unzip her jeans, she only closed her eyes, arching her hips slightly to allow him to pull them down. White cotton panties were eagerly pulled at by sweaty hands as Brian maneuvered himself over her.

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