For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (22 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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“Well I want to give you something, but since I promised you that I would wait until Christmas Day, we have some time to waste. Plus my mom is still up.”

“I can’t believe your dad went to bed already.”

“He likes to read before he goes to sleep. He enjoys the quiet that you get in the mountains. Even when we were younger and vacationed on the lake, he’d call it a night early, and then in the morning he’d be sitting on the deck with a mug of coffee and the local paper. It’s how he unwinds, I guess.”

She turned to look at him and teased, “And is that what I should expect in the future? You going off to bed early to unwind without me?”

“Never.” He pulled Abby closer and gave her a light kiss on her lips.

“So a movie it is.” She pouted.

“Don’t look so sad. We’ll get to the good stuff soon.” He winked.

“You’re so corny.”

“Whatever.” He clicked the remote, and the movie started.

!” Abby decided his plan to watch a movie wasn’t so bad after all.

“And you call me corny.”

Abby rolled her eyes at him.

Greta returned to the room and sat across from them in the overstuffed chair.
was one of Abby’s favorite Christmas movies and soon she was in stitches laughing at the crazy antics.

*     *     *

“It’s midnight!” Abby
nearly shouted.

Greta had long ago gone to bed, and it was just Abby and Danny in the living room.

“I know. Merry Christmas, baby,” he said softly into her ear.

“Our first Christmas.” Abby wrapped her arms around Danny, and his arms encircled her waist. “I love you,” she said into the crook of his neck.

“I love you too.” He kissed the top of her head.

Abby squeezed him tight before letting go and pulling back to look Danny in the eyes. “I’m so thankful I have you.”

She leaned in to kiss him.

“Wait. Don’t move.”


“Trust me. Just don’t move. Actually, close your eyes.”

“Close my eyes?”

“Yes. Do it.”


“Do you trust me?”

“You know I do.”

“Then just do it.”


Abby closed her eyes. She felt Danny get up and heard him moving around the room.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Just sit there and wait.”

“You know I hate surprises.” She placed her feet on the wood floor and scooted to the edge of the sofa, listening for clues to what Danny was doing.

“Since when?”

She could hear the laughter in his voice.

“Since now.” She wanted to roll her eyes at him but couldn’t.

“Whatever. You need to have patience. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

“Fine.” She faked exasperation but couldn’t keep herself from smiling. After all, this was their first Christmas together. She wanted to give Danny his presents, but right now she was more curious than anything. And, if she was completely honest with herself, slightly nervous about what he was doing.

“Are you moving furniture?” She asked after hearing what sounded like the coffee table being pushed away from the sofa.

“Okay, open your eyes.”

Danny was in front of her, down on one knee with the most exquisite, brilliant round-cut diamond in his hand. It was set in an eternity band and reflected hints of sky blue back at Abby.

“Oh my God,” she said on a breathless whisper. Abby’s hands shot up to her mouth to cover her stunned expression. “Danny,” she whispered and lifted her eyes to meet his.

“When I see my future, I only see you. You make me so unbelievably happy, and I thank God everyday that we’re together. We’ve had such a crazy start, but I know with all my heart you’re the only woman for me. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you, being with you, making babies with you, and watching you soar in your career. Abby Murphy, will you be my wife?”

Abby was momentarily stunned speechless.


She jumped into Danny’s lap, knocking him off balance. His strong arms encircled her waist and rolled her onto the hardwood floor, protecting her. She held tight to him and squeezed her arms around his neck. He wanted to marry her. She was at a loss for words as so many things went through her mind. He had kept her safe on the road for nearly two years, and just a few months ago, they’d declared their love for one another. She’d been happy ever since.

“Well?” he asked.

Abby could see he was amused by her reaction, but she knew him well enough to realize he was eager to hear her response. She didn’t make him wait any longer.

“Yes! Of course, baby. I love you.” She peppered his face with kisses and couldn’t hold back her excitement and squealed with delight at the fact that she was going to marry her love. She was going to be Mrs. Danny Nucci.

Danny lifted her onto his lap, removed the ring from its box, and slipped it on her finger.

“Danny, it’s stunning.” Abby tore her gaze from her hand to look at him. He beamed with love.

“I love you so much, Abby.”

She closed the small gap between them and brushed her lips across his, her tongue tracing his. It didn’t take long before Danny took over, and she got lost in his skillful tongue and his expert hands. She moaned into his mouth.

Danny lifted Abby’s dress over her head, and she groaned appreciatively. The time she’d spent getting ready was well worth it. He pulled down the right cup of her bra and sucked on her nipple until it hardened and she cried out in pleasure. She reached back and unfastened her bra. The straps slid down her arms, and she let it fall to the ground.

She threw her head back in bliss, getting lost in his touch as Danny switched his attention to her other breast. She didn’t care that they were in his living room and his parents were upstairs. All she could think about was how Danny was making her feel.

“Mmm, baby, please,” she begged.

Danny guided Abby to her back and began to lick and suck his way down her stomach. She shivered beneath him.

“Always so soft,” he murmured.

Abby’s hips bucked, needing…no,
more friction. When he kissed her inner thigh, her eyes rolled back and her torso arched.

“Pleeease,” she cried.

“What do you want, baby?”

“You, always you.” The words slipped so easily from her lips. She’d wanted him since the first day he’d walked into her mother’s office.

Danny tortured her slowly, but it was a torture she happily endured. He slowly slipped off her panties and kissed his way back up her legs.

She opened for him, and his tongue dipped into her pussy.

“Ahhh,” she yelled as Danny continued to feast on her most sensitive spot. His fingers slid through her wetness, and she clamped down and began to ride them.

The familiar tingles started to spread from her core. Abby just needed a little more to take her over the edge.

“Mmmm, please.”

“You’re always so ready for me.”

Danny removed his fingers and his mouth from her, and she mewled from the loss of contact.

She lifted herself off the floor, leaning on her hands, and watched as Danny pushed up to a seated position and unbuttoned his jeans. Abby licked her lips as he pulled his pants down and his cock sprung free. She sat up, reached out to wrap her hand around his girth, and stroked. Danny’s head fell back as she gave him pleasure.

“I love you, baby,” she whispered.

“I love you, too.”

Abby kissed her way up Danny’s chest, continuing to stroke and tease him.

“I need you,” she confessed.

She lifted up and lined his cock up with her entrance and slowly slipped over him inch by fucking inch. She groaned as he filled her.

“Abby.” Danny wrapped one arm around her waist, lifted her, and then slammed her down on his cock. Abby buried her head into his shoulder to muffle her sounds of pleasure. Danny placed her back down on the floor and took over. He kissed along her jaw until his warm tongue invaded her mouth. She tasted herself on him, and it turned her on even more.

Danny was an exceptional lover, always so attentive, but tonight felt different. It was more. They both knew this—their relationship—was it for them. No more wondering. No more waiting. They were settled and in love. In just this short time he had brought her such happiness and joy that she couldn’t wait to see what the rest of their lives gave them.

“Close,” she said breathlessly.

“Come on, baby.” Danny continued to pound into her.

His thumb circled her clit and that was it. She fell over the edge. Abby shivered as waves of pleasure rolled through her body.

Danny covered his mouth with hers and muffled her moans. Her walls clenched tight onto his cock and squeezed his orgasm from him. Overwhelmed by her own release, Abby barely registered when Danny reached his climax.

After a few minutes, Danny kissed her temple before pulling out. He rolled over until she was resting on his chest. She snuggled into him and placed a chaste kiss over his heart. He covered them with the blanket Abby had used earlier.

She stared at the fireplace; the flames were nearly out as Danny’s hand tickled her back. This, right now, was heaven for Abby.

The outside world always thought she had everything. In reality Abby spent most of her life in hell—used for her talent by everyone around her. But now she had a career she truly loved and sang songs that were her own. Her best friend managed her career, and she had a man that loved her for her. Danny didn’t want a thing from Abby, except, of course, her love in return. Now, she was going to marry him and hopefully fill a house with lots of babies.

“You awake?” Danny asked.

“Just barely.” She was drifting toward sleep.

“We need to go upstairs. Otherwise Christmas morning might start off with a real surprise for my parents.” Danny laughed.

“Yeah that’s
a good thing…at all,” she agreed.

She pushed off Danny, covered herself with the blanket, and gathered their clothes. Danny smothered the fire so it wouldn’t cause a problem during the night.

“Ready?” he asked.


Abby crawled over to the tree and found the square box that she was looking for.

“You got to give me a surprise early, so now it’s my turn.” She handed Danny the present and watched in excitement as he looked at it questioningly.

“You know I didn’t want anything.” Danny held out his hand for Abby and helped her to her feet.

“I know, but that wasn’t going to stop me.” She walked to the sofa and sat down.

“True.” Danny smiled and sat next to her.

She watched as he ripped open the wrapping and stared at the contents.

“Baby, really?” He held up the Yankee baseball cap in his hand, looking completely confused. Obviously, Danny had a Yankee hat, probably way more than one, but that was just a hint of the real present.

Abby couldn’t hold back her laugh. He really looked puzzled and adorable.

“Thank you?” he said as a question.

“You’re welcome, but the hat really isn’t your present. It’s kinda hard to wrap a private suite.” She shrugged.

“A private suite?”

“Uh huh, for the season,” she explained.

“The entire season?”

“Yes,” she confirmed.

“Holy shit.” He starred down at the hat.

“I figured I just signed the contract to play Elphaba on Broadway, so we’ll be in one spot for a while.”

“This is amazing. Thank you.”

Danny reached over and hugged her, lifting her into his lap.

“So…you like it?”

“Like it? I love it, baby. This is badass.”


Danny kissed her, and she immediately opened her mouth for him. Soon she was lost in his kisses and turned on all over again.

need to get upstairs.” Danny’s stare was heated.

“Mmm hmm.” She absolutely agreed with that statement.

“Here.” Danny piled their clothes on Abby’s lap. “Hold these.” He lifted her up and walked them up the stairs toward their room.

“Our first Christmas,” Abby mused as he climbed the steps, and she tightened her hold on him.

“Merry Christmas, baby,” Danny whispered in her ear and shifted her to turn the knob on their bedroom door.

“Merry Christmas, Danny.” Abby’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “This has been the best Christmas ever.”

“And the sun isn’t even up yet.” He chuckled.

“I can’t see how it can get better than this.”

“Just wait and see.”

The End

Read more about Abby and Danny in Debra’s debut novel
Finding Us (A Nucci Securities Novel)

Connect with Debra Presley



Nina Lane


Liv and Dean face the possibility that their first Christmas together could also be their last.


was the night
before Christmas, and all through the house, Dean was feeling Liv up under her blouse.”

Dean’s deep voice rumbled over my skin as he slipped his arms around me from behind. I giggled, even though I knew I shouldn’t encourage him. I moved a few gingerbread men and women from the baking sheet onto the cooling rack and tried to ignore the fact that a gorgeous medieval history professor was starting to fondle my breasts. It was like trying to ignore fireworks exploding in the night sky.

“Mmm.” Dean nudged my ponytail aside and kissed my nape. “Can I have some?”

“When they’re cooled and decorated, yes.”

“I wasn’t talking about the cookies.”

“I was.” I gave him a half-hearted shove with my hips. “Don’t distract me.”

“I’m seducing you, not distracting you.” He rubbed my nipples through my shirt.

Delicious tingles rained through me. I picked up another baking sheet and slipped more gingerbread onto the cooling rack. The sweet, spicy aroma of ginger and molasses filled the apartment. Colorful lights, tinsel, and ornaments glowed from the ragged little tree we’d purchased from a Christmas tree lot, and a ribboned wreath decorated the front door. Fragrant pine garlands lined the fireplace mantel, above two plaid stockings with
written in somewhat uneven glitter paint.

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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