For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (17 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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I hear him mumble, “Yes, sir,” as I walk through the entrance.

“Took you long enough.”

I hear Charles’s voice and turn around to see him standing just to the right of the entrance. I want to rip out his throat, but I’ll do it later. Right now I need my woman. “Where is she?”

“She’s about to go on stage.”

About to go on stage? I don’t fucking think so. Fine, if she wants to keep dancing I’ll just buy out every one of her shows and sit in the audience alone for every single one of them.

Charles holds up his hand, and I stop what was going to be a tirade.

“I’ve already canceled the show but she doesn’t know it. I thought maybe you’d like to see her in action one last time.”

“One last time?” I ask.

He gives me a cocky smile and tilts his head to the side. “I’ve decided to release her from her contract. Her understudy can take over.”

I should feel guilty, but all I feel is relief. I can’t stomach the idea of her onstage every day in front of men who think about nothing but fucking what’s mine. I nod slightly and unclench my fists. “Thank you.”

“I’ve been where you’re at. I know what it’s like to have the one you want run from you.”

I make a move toward the stage, and Charles reaches out to stop me. “I’ll have them tell her the show is empty before she goes out because I wasn’t sure she’d be here today after what went down last night. She’ll think it’s just a rehearsal. She won’t see you because of the lights.” I nod my thanks but before I can go, he smiles at me. “A bit of advice. Use rope next time. Worked for me.”

He lets go of my arm, and I can’t help but smile back. It’s not a bad idea. Tying Tiffany up would definitely keep her right where I wanted her.

When I get to the empty theater, I close the door behind me and make my way down to the front. I sit a couple of rows back and in the middle so I can get the best view. After just a few moments of waiting, the curtains pull back, and the spotlight hits her.

My beautiful woman is illuminated onstage like a diamond goddess. The crystals on her bodysuit sparkle in the light and highlight her lush hourglass shape, exaggerating her curves. I’m hard as a rock and she hasn’t even started moving. She’s wearing four-inch heels, which make her ass look even more perfect, and as the music starts, she begins to move to the beat.

The music is simple at first with just the sound of fingers snapping. The beat flows into the song
by Peggy Lee, and my dick hardens. Tiffany starts to slowly swing her hips as Peggy sings about being on fire and needing to be held.

Tiffany flips her blonde waves over her shoulder and looks out to the audience of one, winking in my direction. I know she can’t see me from here, but it feels as if she’s dancing just for me. I feel her energy from the stage, and I rub my hand over my jean-covered cock as I watch her move across the stage. I remember the way she moved against me last night. She’s pure sex on the stage, and I’m thanking God that Charles released her from her contract. No way could I stand by and let her do this for anyone but me. If she wants to keep dancing, I’ll build her a fucking stage in our house.

She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I have to hold my chest to keep my heart from escaping. It goes without saying that I have to keep my tongue in my mouth because damn, my woman can move.

After the song ends, she comes to the front of the stage and bows her head. The spotlight goes out, and I stand, clapping and whistling as loud as any crowd of five hundred could.

She pops her head up and makes eye contact with me before looking around in confusion.

“Ethan? What are you doing here?”

I run up and jump on the stage like I did so easily last night. Only this time, instead of throwing her over my shoulder, I take her hand and pull her backstage to her dressing room. It’s not hard to find. I saw it yesterday when I tore through here. I pull her inside and lock the door behind us.

Looking around the room, I see dozens of vases of flowers, and I want to get mad, but I need to focus. “We need to talk, Bunny.”

Chapter Seven


e came for

Ethan pulls me over to my dressing room vanity, and with one sweep of his powerful arms he sends two vases of roses and most of my make-up crashing to the floor. Not missing a beat, he grabs the front of my costume, easily ripping it from my body. The thin material is no match for him.

He pushes me toward the vanity. I brace my hands on the counter as he comes up behind me. I see him reach down to his waist, and I hear the sound of his belt being undone. Suddenly, I feel his cock nudge me from behind as he slowly pushes inside me, up to the hilt. Once he’s inside me fully, he leans over my back, his big body engulfing me. I look up at the mirror and see his dark intense eyes locked on mine. His fierce expression sends a chill of desire down my spine.

One hand comes around and lies on top of mine as he locks our fingers together. The other hand brushes my hip, then slides over to my stomach, where he rubs me.

I try to push my ass back against him, wanting him to move, but he has me pinned in place, just holding himself inside me. I’m unable to wiggle even an inch because he has me held so securely, something that seems to be so easy for him.

“This isn’t you, and I don’t fucking like it,
.” The name trips off his tongue with utter distaste. “No one knows you like I do, Bunny. We may have been apart for ten years, but if you’ve felt for me even a tenth of what I’ve felt for you over the years, then we were never really apart. You’ve been with me every second of every day.”

I just nod my head. It’s all I can manage to do with the knot that’s forming in my throat. He’s always been with me in everything I do.

“You hide behind your make-up and costumes, pretending to be someone else because, like me, you’re living in an empty home, keeping everyone at arm’s length. We’re not being ourselves because we can’t be ourselves. We’ve both had to be someone different because without each other we aren’t whole. The people we truly are aren’t really there unless we’re together.”

Tears roll down my cheeks as we stare at each other in the mirror, connected in the most intimate way. He’s right. I have no idea who I am without him, and I don’t care if that makes me sound weak. I don’t want to stand on my own two feet. I want to need him, and I want him to need me just as much.

Leaning in, Ethan places a soft kiss on my neck.

“Don’t cry, Bunny. We have no reason for tears anymore. I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile and giving you anything and everything you’ve ever wanted.” His voice is filled with so much certainty, I know he’ll make this happen for us.

“I’ve missed you so much. I swear, every day I was apart from you my love grew stronger and the hole inside me grew bigger,” I choke out, trying to stop the tears because he’s right. I don’t have anything to cry about. The only thing I’ve ever wanted in life is him.

“Now I’ll give us what we’ve been dreaming about.” His hand starts moving on my stomach again, slowly stroking as he starts to slide himself in and out of me. “Our own little family.”

My pussy clenches around his cock at his words, and I’m speechless.

“You’re not on anything, are you, Bunny? Your womb isn’t protected from me, is it?”

“No. I’ve never needed it,” I whisper. He should know that already after feeling the barrier of my virginity last night.

I watch as satisfaction crosses his face, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth.

“Do you know I waited for you too, Bunny? I’ve never so much as touched another woman. You’ve owned me since we were kids. Since the first time I saw you standing there in that little yellow sundress with hearts all over it and your sneakers covered in mud.”

“You remember.” I can’t believe he remembers the first time he ever saw me. We were so young, and it was so long ago.

“How do you think I’ve made it through all these years? I replay every moment we’ve ever had together over and over in my head. Just the memory of you was worth living for.”

“I love you so much, Ethan.”

“I love you too, Tiffany. No more running out or disappearing. You don’t go more than two feet from me without my knowing. You’ll never be apart from me ever again. I thought I died when I woke up this morning and you weren’t there. I thought that maybe I’d finally gone insane from missing you and had imagined the whole day.”

For a brief second I see the misery of the last ten years flash across his eyes.

“I’ll never leave you,” I promise him.

“You don’t really have a choice.” Ethan pushes back into me, his movements becoming faster. The hand on my stomach moves down between my legs, stroking my clit. The touch makes me moan out his name as pleasure spreads through my body.

Ethan whispers in my ear how much he’s missed me, that he’s spent years waiting for me, how much he loves me, and that he’ll never let me go. He pours out his love to me until we both scream out our orgasms and he fills me with his cum.

“It’s time to go home, Bunny. Tell this place goodbye.” He pulls his still-hard cock from me and tucks it away. “Next time I take you, it will be in our bed.”

I turn to look at him and cup his face in my hands. He leans down into me, pressing his lips to mine.

“Is the Blue Diamond your home?” I question, remembering the cold penthouse he’d taken me to the night before. I didn’t think it was.

“No, Bunny. I own the Blue Diamond, but that’s not where home is. I’m going to take you there, to the house I built for us. The house you dreamed up that night when we lay under the stars together.”

“You built the house?” I hear the wonder in my voice, the shock that he may have actually built it, and I’m completely indifferent about the casino he owns.

He smiles against my lips and nods his head. “I knew if I ever found you again I had to be ready. I wouldn’t waste a second.”

Chapter Eight


e pull up
to the house and I get out, running around to the other side of the car and opening the door for Tiffany. She’s wearing a light blue wrap dress that makes her eyes sparkle even more. Her long, white-blonde hair is in soft waves down her back, and I can’t help but tuck a strand behind her ear when she stands in front of me. She looks more like herself without all the make-up covering her.

“This is it,” I say, holding her face, not ready for her to look.

She has tears in her eyes as she brings her hands up to my face. “Show me, baby.”

I let go of her face and take her hand, pulling her to the house. It’s exactly what she described but with a few tweaks. It’s a gated house, nestled in the Vegas hills. It’s far enough away from the strip to give us a nice view at night but close enough that if we want to go there, we can.

We walk through the main entrance, and I let Tiffany stand there, taking it all in. “The glass doors open right onto the patio. There’s a pool outside with a waterfall and a hot tub, just like you always said you wanted. Upstairs, there are five rooms for the kids, and our room is down here to the right.” I point down the hall, and she takes a step in that direction.

She pushes open the door and reveals a large master suite with a king-size bed. When she sees the picture above the bed, she gasps and puts her hands over her mouth.

“I had the artist draw it from memory. I had a basic sketch made of you when I hired detectives and tried to find you. But then I realized I wanted one for myself and had an artist do this one. It was the first thing I put in this house after it was finished. Sometimes, when missing you was too much, I would come here and just lie in the bed and stare at your picture. It was the closest I could get to you.” It’s just a sketch of her, but it’s identical to the first time I saw her. The artist did an amazing job of capturing her eyes, and I would just lie here for hours and stare at her.

“Ethan,” she mumbles from behind her hands and turns to run into my arms. I sweep her up, pulling her to me, and start kissing her. I feel her tears on my cheeks, and I’m so happy to have her again that I feel like I might cry too. I feel her pull away and I look down at her. “Did you really say there were five rooms upstairs for the kids? You’re kidding me, right?”

I laugh and carry her over to the bed. “You said five. I distinctly remember.” I climb on top of her, untying her dress and removing it from her body. I kiss my way down her chest and stomach, taking off her underwear and heels as I go.

“I never said five! I said three! How can you remember every single detail except that?”

When I get to the end of the bed and remove my clothes, I grab her foot and kiss each of her toes. “Wishful thinking?” I raise an eyebrow and start to climb onto the bed.

“There’s no way my body can carry five children.” She smiles at me as I move up her body, kissing and licking my way to her mouth.

Once I’m fully on top of her, she parts her legs and wraps them around my waist. “We’ll start nice and slow and build up to it.”

Tiffany laughs and pulls my lips to hers. “It sounds like you’re talking about something else.”

“I could think of a few things I could mean.” I push the tip of my thick cock against her small opening. When I feel her relax, I gently push in, not wanting to hurt her. I was rough on her earlier at the casino, but I felt like I needed to claim what’s always been mine.

“Will we live here all the time or go back and forth between your casino?” I thrust a little harder this time, and she moans around her words. “I guess I need to get my stuff from my condo.”

“We’ll stay here every night. I’ve got enough people to manage the casino, and I’ve been preparing to step down for some time. I was just waiting on you.”

I lean down, taking her lips, and I feel her warm tongue against mine. I thrust in and out of her, her slick desire coating my cock. I nibble my way down her neck and run my tongue along her collarbone.

“We’ll make our babies in this bed, Tiffany. We’ll raise our family in this house, and it will be so full of love it will be disgusting.” I smile against her skin, thinking of how utterly in love I am.

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