For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (21 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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Abby was a big-time pop star, with millions of adoring fans, but her personal life had taken a blow that put everything on hold. Her mother and ex-boyfriend had set out to ruin her music career, but now the ex was in jail for his crimes and her mother had ceased to exist as far as Abby was concerned. Although Vivien had tried to reach out to her, Danny firmly put Vivien in her place, and Abby was thankful for it.

“Where are my parents?” he asked.

“Your Dad is in the den and your Mom is upstairs getting ready,” she said.

Danny nodded in acknowledgement.

“I’ve been stirring the sauce while you were out. I’m pretty sure it’s done.” She pointed over to the stove, trying to contain her excitement at their upcoming meal. Danny was an excellent cook, taught by his mother and Nonna when he was a teenager. Tonight, he was going all out with some traditional fish dishes, and Abby was eager to try them. Her mother wasn’t big on family traditions, so in the past Christmas had been spent on the road, eating at whatever restaurant was open. Tonight was special because she was getting a glimpse into how a
family celebrated the holiday together.

“And it doesn’t smell burnt. Good job, baby.” Danny gave her his best panty-melting smile, but she still slapped him good-naturedly on the arm, making him laugh.

“Whatever. I’m glad I amuse you.” She lifted up on her tiptoes and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

Danny pulled her close, and she felt his bulge through his jeans. He squeezed her ass. “Baby, I’m more than amused right now.”

“You’re so bad. Your parents are roaming around the house,” she warned.

“And your point?” He looked down at her with a cheesy smile.

“That you shouldn’t paw me in the kitchen,” she explained, even though to her it seemed quite obvious.

Instead of answering, Danny bent down and captured her mouth with his. She allowed him entrance despite her hesitation. When his tongue brushed hers slowly, she moaned into his mouth and momentarily forgot all about the possibility of his parents walking in on them. Her hands found their way into his hair, and she pulled him even closer. Their relationship was still fairly new even though they’d known each other for nearly two years. Danny had been Abby’s bodyguard. He protected her while she was on tour, and they quickly developed a friendship that recently turned into more.

Abby loved Danny in a soul-deep, skin-burning kind of way. He’d saved her, taken care of her when her ex attacked her, and gave her the space she needed to learn how to live life without a watch dog at her back. She recently released her first album that was completely hers. Her lyrics. Her music. And it had been hugely successful, but that was nothing compared to having him by her side. Danny understood and loved her. Abby didn’t have to worry that he was with her for what she could give to him or the recognition he could get from having Abby on his arm. This was something she’d never had before; even her own mother had used her.

Danny broke the kiss first. “Baby, I need to get these groceries away and start the rest of dinner. I have plans for us tonight, and although I’d love to take you upstairs right now, I really want to stick to my plan.”

“You started it,” she teased. “Wait, you have plans?” She looked at him quizzically. What kind of plan could he have with his parents in the house? But she had to admit her interest was piqued. And, as if she couldn’t help herself, Abby blushed thinking about a few plans of her own.

“You’ll have to wait and see. Why don’t you go relax? I got this.”

“I don’t mind helping.”

“No, no. Not a chance. No snooping either. Go chill out or go in your studio and make magic happen.” He released her from his hold.


“Go.” He patted her playfully on her ass and pushed Abby out of the kitchen.

“This only makes me want to know more. You know that, right?” Abby loved surprises but didn’t love waiting for them. The next few hours were going to drive her insane.

“I know but too bad. You’re banned from the first level until I call you.”

“Fine.” She pouted and Danny laughed at her.

Abby headed upstairs to the back bedroom that was now her recording studio but paused on the staircase, to admire the seven-foot-tall Christmas tree that was nestled in the corner of the living room next to the stone fireplace. It really was picture perfect. Last night she’d brought down her wrapped presents for Danny and his parents, and placed them under the tree. This would be their first Christmas together, and she was excited to see his reaction to what she picked out for him. Danny had nearly everything and finding something she thought he’d enjoy had been difficult. Especially since he’d surprised her the other day, when they arrived at the cabin, with a recording studio. Really, how could you top that?

*     *     *

Abby spent the
next several hours in the studio exploring new melodies and lyrics, but she couldn’t completely focus on her music when she was wondering what Danny was doing and why she couldn’t be involved. It had to be something special, and because of that, she wanted to do something special for him in return.

She assumed he was trying to make her first Christmas Eve dinner with him and his parents special. She’d heard endless stories about his family’s traditions during the holidays. Thanksgiving had been an awesome event. The dining room table at Danny’s parents house was filled with so much food it was impossible to try everything, but Abby gave it her best shot.

In addition to the traditional Thanksgiving meal, Danny’s family started things off at noon with a full spread of Italian dishes that included homemade lasagna, meatballs, and sausage and peppers. As if that wasn’t enough, they also featured finger foods like olives, cheeses, and assorted breads. She’d needed a nap after that meal, but then a few hours later, the turkey was brought out with all the trimmings, and it started all over again.

Abby walked into their bedroom, crossed to the large closet, and searched through her clothes. She hadn’t brought anything too fancy with her, but she loved fashion so a little black dress was a staple for any trip she made.

She grabbed her dress, a pair of black leather boots and thigh-high stocking, and her sexy, red-lace bra and panty set. An hour later, she was dressed and ready for whatever Danny had planned. Her dress was perfect length for family, but still sexy enough for her man.

She was straightening up in the bathroom when she heard a quiet knock at the door. She stuck her head out to find Danny’s mom, Greta. When Danny first introduced her to his parents, his mom grabbed Abby into her arms and gave her the warmest hug she’d ever received. It’d nearly brought her to tears. Since then Abby and Greta had grown close. They talked almost daily on the phone and had been on several shopping trips together.

“Hey. Hi, Greta. What’s up?” Abby waved her inside the room.

“Dinner’s nearly ready.” She gave Abby a loving smile.

“Excellent. I’m just cleaning up in here.” Abby put away her makeup and hair products and continued her conversation. “So, any idea what your son has planned?” She tried to act indifferent, but when Greta laughed at her question, Abby knew she hadn’t succeeded. “What?” Abby smiled over at Greta.

“You’re not getting anything from me. I’ve been sworn to secrecy.” She continued to laugh.

“Not fair.” She laughed along with Greta. “He’s so annoying.”

“Not my son,” Greta teased.

“I have no comment.” She smiled. “Okay, let’s go stuff ourselves with all that goodness I smell.”

She glanced one last time at herself in the mirror. Her little black dress was actually a sweater dress that clung in all the right places. Her high-heeled boots ended right above her knees and would make her almost as tall as Danny. She loved that he was over six feet so she could wear whatever she liked without overshadowing him.

For some reason, Abby was nervous. She laid her hand over her stomach to calm the butterflies that had set up camp. It was just dinner, right? Danny often cooked for her, but there was just something in his tone of voice that made it sound like there was more, that tonight was important.

She slowly made her descent down the stairs with Greta next to her.

“I’m going to tell Albert dinner’s ready,” Greta said as they walked into the living room. She broke off from Abby and moved toward the den to get Danny’s dad.

Abby nodded and strolled into the kitchen, but Danny wasn’t there. She scanned the area and heard a noise coming from the dining room. When she walked through the doorway, she stopped. Danny was lighting a candle on the table. The expression on his face when he looked up froze her in place. It was intense and hungry, and it stole the breath right from her.

“You look stunning.”

A warm blush stained Abby’s cheeks. She was no stranger to compliments, but when they came from Danny, she knew they were sincere.

“Thank you,” she said shyly and took in the dining room. The table was filled with white and red candles, and a vase full of roses sat in the middle of the table. Soft white Christmas lights twinkled from the windows. Abby took a tentative step inside toward Danny, and he met her halfway around the dining table.

“What do you think?” He actually sounded a bit nervous as well.

“It’s beautiful, Danny. Thank you.” She looked up into his deep, brown eyes.

“Come, sit down.” He took her hand, guided her to a chair, and poured her a glass of her favorite white wine. “I’ll be right back.”

She heard Danny in the kitchen with his parents, and took the moment she had by herself to look around the room, overcome with emotion. Danny really put some effort into tonight, and it just made her love him even more—something she hadn’t known was possible. She quickly wiped away the stray tear that rolled down her cheek. Abby didn’t want to think about the last year, but it was hard not to. Her ex had been such a user—typical of the men in her life before Danny. Growing up, she’d seen how her father treated her mother and then she’d recently learned the truth about her past. Abby had spent a lot of time reflecting this holiday season. It was natural, she was sure, but boy did it make her a blubbering mess.

“Hey, you okay?” Danny placed the tray of stuffed shells next to the array of fish that was the traditional Christmas Eve dinner for most Italians and knelt by her side.

“I’m fine. Just…” She looked around the room once again before turning back to Danny. “It’s hard not to think about everything that happened this year and not be overwhelmed by how lucky I am to have you here with me. That I’m safe and loved by someone as wonderful as you.”

Danny took Abby’s hands in his, “Abby, I’m in awe of you. Instead of retreating and letting them get the best of you, you stood up for yourself and grew stronger. You didn’t let them win and, somewhere in all that, you let me in.” Danny wiped the tears from Abby’s cheek and continued. “So I’m the one that’s lucky. I wake up everyday with you by my side. I get to love you, and for some strange reason, you love me back. You allow me to be overprotective and overbearing. You don’t take my shit, and you stand up to me when you want to do something I think is unsafe. You don’t just do what everyone wants. You’re generous when you have every reason not to be with the way so many have used you in the past. You’re amazing.”

Abby smiled at Danny, and her tears fell freely. She leaned over and lightly kissed his lips. “I love you. More than I could ever say in words. You’re it for me, you know.”

“I hope so.” He smiled and stood. “All right, enough of this sappy shit. I didn’t slave away in the kitchen for everything to get cold. Time to eat.” He handed her a napkin, and she took it to dab at the tears that remained on her face, but his comment made Abby laugh because she knew just how much Danny loved to cook. Anytime he could find the time, he’d prepare dinner for them. Today, though, he had his mom’s help, so Abby was sure everything would taste even better than usual.

She took a deep, steadying breath and quickly shook off her maudlin to enjoy the evening with Danny and his family.

Everything was, of course, delicious.

*     *     *

Abby placed the
last plate in the dishwasher and turned it on. She loved moments like these where she felt “normal.” There were no cameras or reporters around. Just Danny and his parents—family—and they did simple things like clearing the table and cleaning the pots from dinner. It was way more exciting for Abby than it should have been, but when a person lived her life in the spotlight and had things handed to her, times like these were easy to cherish. As she wiped her wet hands on a towel, she smiled, and then went to find Danny.

“Whatcha watchin’?” Abby found him in the living room.

“There’s a Christmas movie starting in a few. I know you’ll love it.” Danny was stretched out on the sofa. She licked her lips thinking about all the ways they could spend the rest of the evening and then blushed because Greta strolled into the living room behind her.

Danny chuckled, and she rolled her eyes; obviously he was keen to Abby’s dirty thoughts.

“I’m going to grab a slice of apple pie. Does anyone else want one?” Greta asked.

“No thank you, Greta. I couldn’t eat another thing right now. I’m so stuffed I feel like a beached whale.”

Greta laughed. “Danny?”

“No, Ma, I’m good right now.”

“Well, don’t mind me. I’m going to get myself a nice piece with vanilla ice cream on it. It’ll be January first before you know it, and then I’m cutting back on sweets.”

“You say that every year, Ma.” Danny laughed.

“And I mean it every year I say it. Now I just need to apply it.” She smiled and headed toward the kitchen.

Abby curled up into Danny’s side on the sofa and rested a blanket over her legs. She’d removed her boots earlier when she was cleaning the dishes. Those suckers were not meant for standing.

“So a movie?” she asked. It was definitely not how she wanted to spend the rest of the night.

“Yeah, although from the looks you’re giving me, I’m thinking that wasn’t what you had in mind,” he teased.

“Not exactly,” she admitted.

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