For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (20 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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He directed me to face away from him and scoot back against his lap. I whimpered as my weight shifted onto the plug, pushing it deeper. The reminder of his erection against my ass made me ache to take him. All I had to do was shift back and lower myself onto him…

He tugged sharply on the chains connected to my nipple clamps. “Don’t even think about it,” he warned, sensing what I wanted.

He grabbed my thighs and pulled them apart so his legs were between mine, his knees bending slightly to trap me. My pussy was wide open, and I knew he wasn’t done toying with me yet.

“Master, please.”

He bit down on my shoulder. “Greedy girl,” he murmured against my neck.

A soft knock on the door made me jump, and I tensed. Master’s strong arm braced around my waist, holding me tightly against him.

“Stay calm, little sub.” He raised his voice slightly. “You can come in. She’s ready.”

I wasn’t ready at all. The door was opening. Someone other than Master would see me naked. It wasn’t the first time he’d shown me off, but I was feeling especially vulnerable today.

Dex’s massive body filled the doorway, and his questioning pale blue eyes found Master’s, waiting for permission to enter.

“Dex is going to join us,” Master told me.

A small tremor ran through me. Master stroked a calming hand through my hair, but his other arm remained firmly around my waist.

“I know you haven’t been with two men before,” he said evenly, “but I want you to know how desirable you are. See how he wants you?”

A large bulge was clearly visible against Dex’s leathers. Master’s cock nudged at my ass. For a horrible moment, panic beat at the inside of my chest.

Screams; begging; laughter.

“No,” Master growled, nipping at my ear to call me back to him. “You stay here with me.”

“But you know that’s not true,” I protested in a ragged whisper. I had been taken by two men before. “They—”

“I don’t want to hear a single word about
” Master commanded. “That doesn’t count. It wasn’t your choice. Don’t begin to compare me to them.”

My heart squeezed. “You’re nothing like them. I know that. I love you.”

He kissed my cheek. “I love you, too. You trust me, don’t you?”


“Then believe me when I say this is your choice. You have the freedom to say
I won’t be disappointed. I’ll be proud of you, either way you choose. Because you have the right to decide what to do with your own body.”

“I won’t hurt you, little one,” Dex supplied, his eyes kind. “I just want to make you feel good.” He still hadn’t come any farther into the room; he was waiting for my consent.

“It is intimidating, but that’s half the fun,”
Rose had said
. “Dex looks scary with all those muscles, but he’s really sweet.”

The tension in my chest eased, and I drew in a deep breath. Rose and Clayton trusted Dex, and so did Smith.

“Dex is just going to lend a hand,” Master told me. “No one claims your body but me. Who owns you?”

“You do, Master.” The fact comforted me.

His fingers traced the line of my collar. “That’s right. You belong to me. I’ll always take care of you. And I’ll always respect your desires. Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”

I bit my lip, considering. The men who had tormented me ravaged my body without my consent. To be given the power to choose… I could take back control. I could replace those dark memories with ones of my own making. And Master would be with me the whole time, protecting me, pleasuring me.

“I want this,” I admitted softly.

“Louder,” Master commanded. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want this,” I said with clear confidence. My eyes found Dex’s. “I want both of you.”

The huge Dom gave me a soft, approving smile and began to prowl toward me. His cock still strained against his leathers, but he made no move to free himself. Master had promised that only he would penetrate me, so I wasn’t afraid that Dex might push for more. Besides, Master would beat the shit out of him before he let Dex push me in any way that defied his wishes.

The massive blond’s muscles flexed as he moved to join us; now I knew why Master had chosen the huge bed. Both men took up so much room that we needed the extra space. I suddenly felt very small between them, but I no longer felt vulnerable. Master might be in control, but I had my own sense of power. These two god-like men desired me. They wanted to bring me pleasure, not to use my body to take their own pleasure from me.

Master grasped my waist and shifted me forward so my hips were angled up toward Dex while my shoulders rested against his chest. He looped his arms over mine, caging me in. I felt safe and secure in his hold.

Master’s hands dipped to my pussy, gently spreading my swollen folds so Dex could admire me. His blue eyes flared with desire, and a warm glow illuminated my heart.

“You have a very pretty pussy, little one,” he told me, never taking his gaze off my sex. He reached forward and fit two fingers between Master’s, exploring the wetness at my core.

I sucked in a breath at the shock of pleasure. To have both of them touching me, stimulating me… I’d never felt anything quite like it.

I watched in rapt fascination as Dex leaned in slowly, his mouth lowering to hover over me. Master kept me spread open for him, and his hot tongue traced a scorching line from my throbbing opening to my clit. My head dropped back, and I let out a low groan as decadent ecstasy rolled through me.

Master’s free hand caught my chin, redirecting my gaze to Dex.

“Watch,” he ordered. “See how he loves the way you taste?”

Dex hummed his wordless agreement against me, sending vibrations racing through my sex. My lips parted, and I drew in air in short, shallow pants. My clit pulsed madly, keeping time with my racing heart.

Dex pulled back slightly to blow a stream of cool air over my burning flesh. I cried out and writhed in Master’s arms, and Dex gave me a wicked grin.

I might hold power over them, but the Doms were taking back control.

“I’m going to make you come,” Dex told me. “I want you to grind your pussy against me. I want you to show me just how good I make you feel.”

His mouth hovered over me, that cocky smile still playing around his lips.

“Ask him nicely,” Master directed.

“Please, Sir,” I begged breathlessly. “Please go down on me.”

“So sweet,” he remarked. “How can I deny you?”

He sucked my pussy lips into his mouth, one after the other. Master moved his fingers out of the way, his hand coming up to toy with my breasts instead. As Dex’s tongue found my clit, Master gave a sharp tug on my nipple clamps. A strangled moan worked its way up my throat, and my eyes rolled back in my head.

Master tightened his grip on my chin. “Open your eyes and watch.”

I looked down to find Dex staring up at me. When he caught me in his intense gaze, he sucked harder on my sex. My hips rocked up into him as my back arched, seeking more stimulation. He growled his approval, and the sound rumbled into me, rolling through my inner walls. My muscles tightened, and my ass squeezed the plug, reminding me that it was still firmly seated within me. My eyelids fluttered at the nearly overwhelming pleasure, but I resolutely kept my gaze fixed on Dex.

“Good girl,” Master praised. He bit down on the sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder and pulled down on the nipple clamps at the same time. Pain clashed with pleasure, making my head spin. The world went hazy around me, until all I could see were Dex’s pale blue eyes, watching me watch him. My body moved of its own accord, my hips rotating against his mouth as I mindlessly sought more of the bliss he was sending coursing through my system. My thighs shook as all my muscles went taut. I was so close…

“Come for us,” Master’s voice drifted into my mind.

My body was conditioned to orgasm on his command, and I couldn’t hold out any longer. Ecstasy slammed into me, and I cried out. Master’s teeth grazed my neck, and Dex’s tongue found my clit. My inner walls fluttered, and I contracted around the plug. I rode out the pleasure, rocking against Dex’s mouth as bliss sang through my veins, emanating from my pussy all the way to my toes and fingertips. Sensation overwhelmed me, and I gave myself over to it.

Little aftershocks danced through my core, and Dex withdrew. I barely had time to suck in a shuddering breath before Master shifted me, lifting me up and positioning me on my knees. His hard body pressed against my back, and one arm closed around my waist while his free hand wrapped around my throat. He didn’t squeeze, but the blatant show of dominance made my insides quiver. His stiff cock drove into me, and he let out a low grunt of pleasure.

The force of his thrust jarred me, and my vision swam as renewed bliss sent my head spinning. Dex materialized before me, and I had a moment to register his sharp grin before he removed my nipple clamps. Pain seared through me as blood rushed back to my tormented breasts, but my sex clenched around Master even as I screamed out. I felt terribly, wonderfully
as his cock rocked the plug in my ass.

Dex’s mouth found my body again, his tongue swirling over my tormented nipples. Throbbing pain slowly turned to sweet pleasure, and my inner muscles rippled around Master. He snarled out his pleasure, and his fingers tightened around my throat. I could still breathe, but the primal act of dominance reinforced his power over me. The reminder of his ownership, of his love and protection, sent me over the edge for a second time. I came apart with a scream, and stars burst before my eyes. Master’s rough shout echoed around me as his heat lashed into me. The knowledge that I had brought him such ecstasy only heightened my own bliss, sending me rocketing impossibly higher. My vision went dark, and my body sagged in his harsh hold.

I was dimly aware of his arms softening around me, of gentle words of praise sinking into my consciousness. There was pressure at my asshole, and then a small popping sensation as Master pulled the plug free. I was suddenly, starkly empty, but I was too sated and spent to be remotely concerned about the loss.

I sighed at the familiar feel of Master’s strong arms closing around me, his large hand stroking slowly up and down my back as he continued to murmur words of love and warm approval. A soft smile curved my lips, and I snuggled closer, breathing in his familiar, heady scent as I floated in the peaceful afterglow of my orgasms.

After a while, I opened my eyes, blinking slowly as the world coalesced around me. Master brushed a kiss across my lips.

“Welcome back, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

I propped up on one elbow, distracted. My eyes scanned the room, only to find it empty. “Where’s Dex?”

“He left a while ago.”

I frowned. “But what about aftercare?”

“I’m taking care of you.”

I shook my head. “I mean, doesn’t he need it, too? That was a pretty extreme scene.”

Master’s smile took on a sad twist. “He doesn’t do aftercare. It was part of our agreement.”

“Oh.” I remembered what Rose had said about Dex’s heart being broken. I hated the thought of him isolating himself.

“Don’t worry about him,” Master said sternly. “He’ll be okay. I don’t want you worrying about anything. I asked you a question. How are you feeling?”

I considered for a moment, taking inventory of my emotions. The experience had been intense, but the decision to be with both Doms had been my own. Even as they controlled my pleasure, I’d taken back control over my body.

A wide, silly grin split my features. “Wonderful. Thank you, Master.”

“You are more than welcome, little sub.”

His lips took mine, his tongue branding me as his. I opened for him, giving him everything: my body, my soul, my love. He gave back everything in kind, his strong arms and domineering kiss a silent promise to cherish and protect me.

That night, I dreamed only of Master.

The End

Want more Smith and Lydia? Check out their dark love story in
Knight (Impossible #4)

My captor tormented me until I forgot my own name. Then my new Master came and saved me. He tries to make me see him as FBI agent Smith James, but I can only think of him as Master.

He is obsessed with putting the pieces of my shattered soul back together. He wants to heal me, but I’m scared. If I’m not a slave, he won’t be my Master anymore. I might be a shadow of the woman I was, but without him I would cease to exist altogether.

I’ve found my salvation in his obsession, my freedom in his captivity. If I can make him love me, he’ll never let me go.

Connect with Julia Sykes


A Lake George Christmas

Debra Presley


Abby is looking forward to spending time with Danny’s family as they settle in to celebrate their first Christmas together. Little does she know, Danny has something up his sleeve for this holiday.


bby helped Danny
into the house with the last bag of groceries. It was perfect timing too, since the snow, that had been a light sprinkle, had started to pick up. The news said they were only getting a dusting, but from the looks of it, the forecasters had been wrong. She didn’t mind though. It was beautiful and being snowed in at Christmas with Danny and his family at his cabin overlooking Lake George wasn’t a struggle. Abby loved his parents and enjoyed when they all spent time together.

“I’m glad you’re back. I was getting worried.” Abby confessed. The back roads can be scary with nice weather, but if you mix those twists and turns with snow and ice, it could be deadly. To say Abby was relieved was an understatement.

“The roads are okay until you get higher up the mountain. But we’re covered for a week with all the food I bought.” Danny pulled her into his arms, and she went willingly. There was no other place she ever wanted to be. After all the heartache and stress they endured together, they deserved to be happy and madly in love and she cherished time spent in Danny’s company.

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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