For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (19 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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Rose’s brilliant smile returned. “Good. I don’t like when my girlfriends are pissed at me.” She eyed the men where they gathered around the bar and let out a wistful sigh. “I
like when Clayton and Dex are conspiring, though. That means it’s probably going to be a great night.”

My cheeks heated at her implication, and I shifted in my seat. The two Doms had shared Rose on several occasions, and she seemed to love it.

“I don’t think I could handle that,” I admitted. “I don’t know how you do it.”

“It’s not all that complicated. Insert tabs A and B into slots C and D.” She laughed when my jaw dropped. “You don’t have to look so scandalized,” she teased. “We’re in a freaking BDSM club.”

I shook my head ruefully. “Sorry. I just can’t imagine being with two Doms. One can be intimidating enough.” Not to mention, I would have trouble trusting my scarred body to anyone but Master.

I didn’t share that fact with Rose, though. It was too private, and I didn’t like bringing up that dark time in my life. I’d rather stay in the present and enjoy the company of people who loved me. Smith had helped me find this new life, and I owed it to him to live in it.

“It is intimidating, but that’s half the fun,” Rose said. “Besides, Clayton always takes the lead. If Dex tried to challenge him, they’d just end up getting in a fight, and then my fun would be ruined.” She eyed the giant blond Dom who topped Smith and Clayton by several inches. “Dex looks scary with all those muscles, but he’s really sweet. And he’s not interested in a relationship, so Clayton never feels threatened.”

“Why is that?” I asked. “He’s been around for months, and I’ve never seen him with the same woman more than a few times.” I was beginning to think he was a bit of a callous playboy, but that didn’t jive with his serious demeanor.

Rose dropped her tone, as though worried the men might overhear. “I think some woman smashed his heart to pieces. He doesn’t talk about it, but I think he transferred to the New York unit of the FBI because he needed to get away from her. Clayton’s hinted at it, but they have some sort of Dom-pact where they won’t share each other’s secrets.”

I glanced at Dex, regarding him in a new light. He wasn’t callous; he was hurting.

“I didn’t know,” I said.

Rose nodded. “I think feeling in control helps him deal with it. He needs the BDSM lifestyle. I wish he could find a sub who’s good for him, but for now I don’t mind keeping him company occasionally. He’s a good friend, and I trust him.”

“Smith trusts him, too. He only has good things to say about Dex. I think he approves of his boss’s choice to add another Dom to the team.”

A decidedly un-feminine snort sounded beside me. “He definitely does,” the mocha-skinned woman said as she settled down in the chair across from us. “The testosterone in the office is getting stifling,” she grumbled.

“I’m sorry, Sharon,” Rose told her sympathetically. “I can’t imagine being the only sub in a unit full of Doms. It must be really overwhelming.”

“More like irritating,” she scoffed, tossing her mass of glossy black curls. “Although, it’s immensely satisfying sparring with them during training. I might be small, but I’m fast. They think they’re so badass, but I can knock them on their asses,” she smirked. “It’s good for them.”

“Cocky,” a new, masculine voice shook with mirth. Sharon’s Dom, Derek, appeared behind her and sank his fingers into her hair. Her eyes closed briefly as he tugged her head back so she was looking up at him. He grinned at her. “I don’t mind you knocking the other guys down a few pegs, so long as you don’t try it with me.”

She gave him a sly smile. “I wouldn’t embarrass you in your own club.”

His smile sharpened. “So you think you could take me?”

Her eyes narrowed. “You know I could.”

“Wrong answer, little sub.” Derek’s hands closed around her corseted waist, and a heartbeat later her slight body was slung over his shoulder.

“Hey!” she protested, squirming against him. “I was talking to my friends.”

His dancing caramel eyes turned on Rose and me. “Will you excuse us, ladies?”

“Of course,” Rose giggled.

“I wouldn’t dream of keeping you,” I added.

“Traitors,” Sharon accused. “What happened to subbie union?”

“No such thing,” Rose said in a singsong voice. “You’re welcome!”

Derek saluted us before carrying off our friend, caveman-style. She cursed him, and he spanked her hard enough for the
of his hand against her ass to resound through the bar. She went limp across his shoulder, giving in. Rose and I knew what she truly desired; she just liked being sassy. The owner of Decadence had picked the worst brat as his fiancé, but he seemed to relish the constant challenge she posed.

“Are you going to cuss at me when I pick you up?” Smith asked me as he approached.

“I wouldn’t dare.” My Master was far too fierce to disrespect.

He hooked his arms beneath my shoulders and knees and lifted me up so I was cradled against his chest. His low, pleased chuckle rumbled through me. “That’s my good girl.”

I glowed at the praise. After horrific abuse at the hands of a man who was never satisfied with my forced obedience, Smith’s approval always warmed my insides. I leaned into him, pressing my cheek against his chest so I could enjoy the sound of his strong, steady heartbeat. I breathed him in, and my heart slowed to match his.

“Bye, Lydia!” Rose called out as Master carried me away.

I gave her a vague wave, barely aware of what she said. I was too absorbed in the feel of his arms around me. I stared up at him, studying the perfection of his strong jaw, roughened with his perpetual five o’clock shadow. I thought about how that stubble felt scraping gently against my inner thighs, and I shivered pleasantly.

He smiled down at me, enjoying my reaction to him.

“Feeling better?” he asked.

“Much,” I sighed happily. The darkness that had haunted me ever since I’d awoken from my nightmare had mostly receded once he’d placed my collar around my neck. Its reassuring weight made me feel lighter.

“I’m about to make you feel a whole lot better,” he promised, his white teeth flashing in a wicked smile.

My breath stuttered. “What are you going to do to me?”

His expression dropped to something more serious. “I’m going to remind you how beautiful you are.”

The allusion to my scars deflated some of my happiness. “Please, Master. I’d rather not talk about it. I just want to have fun and forget about what happened.”

His jaw firmed in a forbidding line. “I won’t allow you to ignore it. I won’t allow
to have any hold over you. You’re mine, and you’re perfect. You’ll never forget that after tonight.”

My lips turned down in a small frown, but I didn’t argue further. Once Master’s eyes took on that determined glow, I knew there was no changing his mind. The only thing that would make him stop was a safe word, and I didn’t want to use one. Because I wanted what he promised to give me: I wanted to belong to him and only him.

We crossed the dance floor and headed back into the corridor that led to the locker room. We stopped about halfway down, and Master stepped into one of the private rooms. He kicked the door closed behind us, and I breathed out a sigh of relief; no one else would see my scars. I would be alone with Master, who I trusted more than anyone else in the world. He’d seen all of me, and his eyes never darkened with disgust when he looked at my naked body.

He carried me to the foot of the huge bed that took up most of the space in the room. It was built for bondage, with four black-painted metal posts and matching metal beams across the canopy. Eyebolts dotted the whole thing at strategic points where a sub could be bound. Master had a smaller version in our bedroom, and I wondered why he’d chosen this particular play space for us when we could have a similar scene at home.

His calloused fingertips smoothed away the furrow in my brow. “No questions,” he anticipated my remark. “I’m in charge.”

I pressed my lips together, demonstrating my capitulation. If Master wanted to surprise me, I knew I would enjoy whatever he had planned. I always did.

He kissed my forehead before carefully setting me on my feet. His hands slid down my sides, skimming over the soft flare of my waist before lowering to my thighs. His fingers dipped under the hem of my dress to find the slick heat at my core. He growled his satisfaction at finding me wet and ready for him, and his touch played through my soft folds, working his way up to brush over my pulsing clit. I gasped as a small bolt of pleasure crackled through my belly, but he didn’t linger there. He continued his upward progress, his large hands sliding up my abdomen. The stretchy fabric of my dress bunched up, revealing my body to him.

I arched into his touch as he neared my breasts, but he teased around them, refusing to stimulate my hard nipples. A low whine of protest sounded in the back of my throat, and he chuckled darkly. He loved controlling my pleasure. And as frustrating as that could be, it always got me hot for him. I reveled in my submission, in the freedom I found in surrender. My head dropped back against his shoulder as I sank into his power over me, and he nipped at the shell of my ear to convey his pleasure with my response. I shivered at the small bite of pain, and my core fluttered in anticipation of the moment when he would finally take me.

But he was nowhere near ready to show me that mercy. He’d said he wasn’t going to punish me, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tease me until he was satisfied that I’d begged enough. Master loved when I begged. He also loved making me wait until my orgasm would rock through my body hard enough to make me see stars.

He tugged up on my dress, and I compliantly raised my arms over my head so he could pull it off, baring me completely. He tossed it aside, and his tongue traced a scorching line down the column of my neck. My skin pebbled in response, all my nerve endings jumping to life as he skillfully manipulated my body.

“Get on your hands and knees,” his warm breath fanned over my sensitized skin as he spoke.

His hands closed around my waist, guiding me to get into position at the foot of the bed so my raised ass was situated just in front of him, ready for his use.

His heat disappeared for a moment. My eyes strained to follow his movements, but I knew better than to look at him. He wouldn’t be pleased if I ruined his surprise.

I was rewarded with a tender caress, his fingers trailing down my back before teasing across the sensitive spot at the base of my spine. I gasped and arched back into him, craving more.

Pain flared when his palm slapped against my upper thigh.

“Stay still.”

I shuddered and sighed, absorbing the pain until it turned to heat. It sank through my flesh to stoke the fire inside me. His fingers resumed their stroking.

“Spread your legs.”

I eased my knees apart, further opening myself up for him. I registered a wet squelching sound just before something cold hit my asshole. Even though I recognized the sensation, I couldn’t hold in a shocked yelp at the feel of the frigid liquid.

His low laugh rolled over me. He enjoyed toying with me, playing with my body. And I relished every second of his control as I fell more thoroughly under his thrall.

He touched his fingers against my back entrance, warming the lubricant he had applied. I let out a shuddering sigh, and my eyelids grew heavy as I became intoxicated by his power over every inch of my body.

When he was satisfied that I was fully relaxed, he pressed something harder than his fingers against me: a plug. The tip penetrated me, and he eased it in with a slow slide. It widened, stretching me to an almost uncomfortable degree. His free hand reached around to tweak my clit, and the surge of bliss allowed the plug to slip all the way in, my tight ring of muscles closing around the slender base. It wouldn’t come out until Master chose to remove it. He gave it a gentle tug, and deliciously forbidden pleasure shot through my core.

He grasped my shoulders and pulled me upright. The plug shifted inside me, and a small whimper worked its way through my clenched teeth. The darkly erotic sensation was almost more than I could bear.

He swept my hair over one shoulder so my neck was exposed. His lips pressed feather-light kisses along my throat, and his hands wrapped around me so he could palm my breasts. They teased across my nipples, making them ache for more. He obliged me, pinching them firmly before rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. A hot line of ecstasy shot straight from my nipples to my clit, making it pulse. My eyes drifted closed as I leaned back against his chest, inviting more.

They flew open almost immediately when sharper pain bit into my right nipple. I cried out in shock and looked down to find that he had closed a rubber-tipped alligator clamp around the hardened bud. I sucked in a fortifying breath as he trapped my other nipple in the same fashion. They weren’t as painful as the metal clover clamps we sometimes used, and after a moment, the pain turned to burning pleasure. It went to my head, and I fell a little deeper into him, my mind floating into the peaceful state only he could bring me.

Short chains decorated with blue-green gems dangled from the clamps, and sensation crackled through my chest when he flicked them. His fingernails trailed along the undersides of my breasts, eliciting a moan from my throat.

His heat left me for a second time, but I resolutely held my pose, denying the impulse to look back at him, to drink in his dark beauty. I recognized the sound of his leathers falling to the floor, and I licked my lips in anticipation of seeing his perfectly sculpted muscles.

He circled around me and settled down at the head of the bed, his back resting against the headboard. His long, hard cock jutted before him, and my tongue darted out to wet my lips again. His mouth spread in a slow, cocky grin, and he waved me forward to join him.

I crawled to him, dipping my head down to take his perfect cock into my mouth. His hand fisted in my hair, stopping me short.

“Not now, sweetheart,” he said, his voice roughened with suppressed lust. “Come sit with me.”

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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