Finding Acceptance in His Arms (18 page)

Read Finding Acceptance in His Arms Online

Authors: Thomas Briar

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #Romance

BOOK: Finding Acceptance in His Arms
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Chapter Eleven



Jennifer gave Kara’s thigh a
reassuring rub. They
both sat on the sofa awaiting Evan’s arrival.

“Maybe a little.
I think I’m just ready to get it over
with and then get my ass back to New York where I really belong. I was a fool
for ever thinking Evan would readily give
everything he knows to be with me. It’s the epitome of selfishness on my part.
I had no right to expect that.”

frowned. “Oh, sweetie, you can’t help that you’re used to getting what you
want. It’s just a perk of your profession. I’m sure he di
dn’t take it personally. He’s just a realist.”

am I going to get through the scene with him today knowing I’ll never see him
again afterward?”

a consummate professional. That’s how. So when he arrives, put on your smiley
face, and do what is e
xpected of you. It’s as simple
as that. Besides, this is what you originally wanted, remember? You should be

nodded, knowing Jennifer was right. Thus, she could only see this day to its
inevitable conclusion. And she knew she would, and in a
n exemplary fashion, if there was any humanly way possible for her to do
so. In the past she’d worked with co-stars she’d liked, as well as others she
loathed, but never had she worked with one that she loved. This fact alone made
her looming performance w
ith Evan the most difficult
of her career.

the doorbell chimed, she snatched her head around to stare at the door.

probably him.” Jennifer reached over to hug Kara. “Just remember to put all
your emotional bullshit aside and enjoy yourself. Yo
have a stellar script and a stellar partner. Make yourself proud and don’t let
your jumbled-up emotions cheat you out of an awesome experience.”

will and I won’t, I promise.” She returned the hug before standing up to walk
over and open the door.

appeared as handsome as ever in polished black wingtips,
black slacks, and a blue dress shirt. He greeted her with a smile. “You look
beautiful, Kara. I love your
hairdo and that pink sundress is the
prettiest one yet.”

you, Evan.” She retu
rned the smile. “You look very
nice as well.”

his hands quickly together in obvious excitement, he asked. “Are you ready to
go have some fun and get paid for it?”

But if I may ask, how’s Bethany doing this morning?”

smile stretched even l
arger. “She’s relieved beyond
words and looking forward to living a very long and happy life.”

are you?”

took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “It feels like a crushing weight has
been lifted off of my shoulders. I swear I’m standing at least t
wo inches taller today.”

was so happy for the both of you when you texted the news.”

smile faltered. “Yeah, I started to call but…”

completely understand.” Kara forced her mind to transition into actress mode.
In accomplishing this, she successfu
l pushed all of
her heartbreak into the recesses of her mind. She turned to wave goodbye to
Jennifer. “See you later, girly.”

fun.” Jennifer waved back. “And Evan, take care of her.”

know I will.” He extended an arm toward Kara.

walked to t
he elevator arm in arm. Neither of them
spoke a word on the ride down to the lobby or as they walked out to the waiting
cab. But once they were on their way to wherever they were going, Evan sighed
loudly. “I’m very sorry I didn’t make it by last night to
rehearse with you, and for texting instead of calling. I
should have at least called you. That was very insensitive of me.”

not a problem.” Kara waved his apology off. “I know my lines perfectly. So I’m
sure it’s all going go great without any
along the way. And please don’t worry about not calling. It’s not like we were
ever really dating.”

you’re okay this morning?” Evan stared at her with doubt in his eyes.

smiled her best actress’ smile. “Yes, I’m perfectly fine and looking f
orward to our one and only performance together. Afterward,
I’m going back to my career in New York and forget all about you just like
you’re going to forget all about me. That’s what we agreed to do last night,
wasn’t it?”

nodded, somewhat reluctantly
it seemed.

let’s not think about anything except having a good time today.” She made her
eyes twinkle to reassure him. “Besides, there’s a lot of pressure on you, if
you’re not aware?”

He furrowed his brows.

my one and only
chance to live out one of my sexual
fantasies in a safe environment. I’m counting on you to make a lasting
impression, in spite of the fact that I won’t remember your name a month from

really cold.” The corners of his lips curled upwards. “No
w I know how it’s going to be between us today. I’m going
to get acquainted with sugar-coated, passive-aggressive antagonism.”

know it.” Kara nodded for emphasis, all at once noticing the cabbie navigating
them toward the upscale side of town. It wasn
’t what
she had expected, so she asked, “We’re not slumming today?”

What do you mean?” Evan seemed bewildered.

told me the patrons like to slum in their voyeuristic delights. We’re headed
toward an upscale part of the city. I was expecting

shrugged. “After getting to know you, I didn’t want you to have to slum with
me. So I suggested a change of venue. To my immense surprise, it was approved
by the patrons without hesitation.”

endearing sentiment behind his wantin
g to keep her
out of the gutter tried its best to separate Kara from her blasé actress’

did he have to be such a gentleman? She bet he would even tenderly help her to
her feet following their performance before wishing her a long and prosperou
s life without him.

her resolve to not slip back into heartbreaking despair, she said, “Don’t be so
nice to me, Evan. I need to be a little pissed at you until after we finish the

one’s ever asked that of me before, but okay, whateve
suits you. I’m here to support you in any way that I can.”


cab slowed to park alongside the curb in front of a high-end coffee shop. The
glass windows and door were opaque, impossible to see through. Two hard-looking
men in black suits s
tood on either side of the front
door. A sign on the door read
Closed for private
Invitation only.

of the patrons owns it,” Evan explained as he opened the door to step out. He
extended a hand to Kara.

ignored his hand as she stepped out b
ehind him into
the warm morning sunshine. Glancing at his hand, she said, “That’s being nice,
Evan. So stop doing it.”

He dropped the arm to his side as a stony look settled onto his face. “Okay, go
inside and directly to the restroom. Your
clothes for
the scene, as well as a female assistant to help you get dressed, are waiting.
Once you come out of the restroom the scene has begun and isn’t over until it’s
over. Just stick to the script and you’ll do fine. Okay?”

She turned and wal
ked into the delicious aroma of
freshly-brewed coffee.

expected, the room was rather small with perhaps as many as ten smallish,
four-person tables in the dining area. A few two-person tables were situated
along the left wall and front windows of the st
Every table was vacant even though the service counter was a bustle of activity
as authentic-looking uniformed personnel served coffee and pastries to
well-dressed men and women of diverse ages. Several patrons, having already
been served, were ascend
ing a short staircase leading
to a second story loft.

kept her chin up as she ignored the curious stares on her way to the restroom.
Once inside, a pretty older lady with graying hair and motherly features met
her with critical eyes. “You’re my love i
nterest, I
presume. I’m Rhonda, your costume mistress.”

call me Kara.” She extended her hand, which Rhonda gave a quick shake.

here it is.” The woman indicated a skimpy pink dress on a hanger along the
wall. Draped over an additional hanger
were a dainty
white shelf bra, wispy white garter belt, and sheer white stockings. Beneath
the dress, standing upright on the floor, a pair of pink five-inch peep-toed
stilettos completed the outfit.

looks very nice.” And Kara really thought it did.

I agree, even though it’s not much to wear for your debut. But, with your
figure, I think it’s going to look really sexy on you. So please undress so we
can get started.”

quickly removed her shoes and sundress to stand there completely nude. She
stepped into each of the stockings with Rhonda’s
assistance. The garter belt was quickly cinched around her waist with the woman
attaching the four depending straps to the stretchy tops of the stockings. The
G-string panties came next, then the dress, and
shoes last of all.

at herself in the mirror, she loved the way the dress was low-cut to reveal her
ample cleavage and how the material clung to her every provocative curve. That
the hem barely reached low enough to cover the tops of her
stockings was especially titillating. Even she couldn’t
deny she looked like a piece of delicious candy wrapped in pink and white.

hair and makeup look spectacular.” Rhonda supervised the inspection. “And that
dress is a perfect fit. Now all we need
to add is the
princess-cut engagement ring and we’re done.”

becoming totally enamored with her sexy appearance, offered up her hand as she
smiled at her reflection. After the ring was slipped into place on her finger,
she glanced at it, saying, “Than
k you for helping me,

I didn’t really do much. Hair and makeup usually takes the longest. You saved
us some time by already doing it for me. So thank you for being conscientious
about your appearance and making my job a breeze today.”

go on out there now?”

you’re ready, sweetheart. Good luck.”

turned toward the door. She took several deep breaths to center her mind. Her
character’s name was the same as her own. Evan’s character was called Evan as
well. He hadn’t given a r
eason for this anomaly, but
thought it shouldn’t be a problem. She was only playing a character named Kara.
The storyline had nothing whatsoever to do with either of them. She grasped the
door handle to pull it open and reentered the coffee shop.

g area was now empty of everyone except for
Evan. He sat at a table directly in front of the counter, head down, looking
very much like the successful lawyer he was playing.

approached him sheepishly, twisting the engagement ring around on her finger b
efore clasping her hand into a tight fist to further hide
the stone. She glanced about the empty room, an uneasy expression settling into
her pretty face.
“Hi, Evan.
I came as you requested, but, if I may
first ask, where did everyone disappear to? This pl
was bustling with activity a few minutes ago. Why did they leave?”

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