Finding Acceptance in His Arms (13 page)

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Authors: Thomas Briar

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #Romance

BOOK: Finding Acceptance in His Arms
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mistaken. That wasn’t me,” Kara stated, determined to defuse this situation
before it got out of hand. She didn’t dare to look at Evan for support because
she feared he might be regarding her with a doubtful countenance.

ongue is pierced, dear. I remember that clearly. And
how could I ever forget those luscious lips. They were stretched so thin around
my fat cock.”

this assertion, Kara glanced at Evan to see relief cascading over his face. He
began chuckling. She smiled
beautifully and waited
for the other foot to drop.

the fuck is so funny, Evan?” Lance glanced back and forth between the two of

just proven that you’re mistaken.”

warning, Lance’s large right hand shot outward toward Kara in an
apparent attempt to grasp her by the chin.

Thankfully, Evan was not to be outdone.
His left hand darted up to intercept Lance’s wrist and stop his hand mere
inches from achieving its goal. A silent stare-down between the two men ensued.
The tension in th
e air became palpable.

broke it by saying, “Stick out your tongue, Kara, and show him the truth.”

quickly obeyed while the shame of her exhibition seeped over her. It wasn’t
arousing, this shame, only interesting in an ‘I’ve never been ordered to
show off my tongue in public before’ type of scenario.

smiled. “Do you see a piercing or any type of hole or scarring, Lance?”

shook his head. A reddish coloring infused his face. He inclined his head.
“Please accept my sincerest apologies, Ms.
Kara. I
obviously made an incorrect observation. We must have only shaken hands like
you said.”

released the man’s wrist. “No harm
Lance. I’m sure anyone could have made
the same mistake. We all have twins walking around out there somewhere.”

f course, I’ll leave you two now to enjoy the evening. It
was a great pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kara. And Evan, I’ll be looking forward
to seeing you two again this coming Saturday.” Without delay Lance stalked off
into the crowd.

escorted Kara to the
bar. He rapped his knuckles the
top of the bar to get the bartender’s attention. “We’ll have a shot of whiskey
and a glass of champagne.”

bartender poured the drinks and slid them across the bar.

Evan said. He handed Kara her champagne and t
tossed back his shot of whiskey in a single gulp. He didn’t order another.
Winking at her, he weaved her through the crowd, offering polite greetings in
passing to the various men and women who made eye contact with him. She
followed his lead and did t
he same. They ended up
standing directly in front of the stage, several yards away from any of the
other guests.

leaned down to whisper into her ear. “You certainly have poise, girl. You
didn’t even flinch when Lance made his grab for you.”

took a s
ip of her champagne. “I trusted you to stop
him. If you remember, you once said that you wouldn’t ever let anything happen
to me in your presence. I took you at your word.”

smiled with admiration filling his eyes. “You look beautiful tonight. And I
the way your figure fills out all the right
places in that dress. The color yellow really suits you. Plus, your perfume is

you.” Kara smiled up at him, noticing again for perhaps the fiftieth time how
great he looked and also
tonight. She categorized the latter as
clean soap combined with a hint of musk. As afterthought, she added, “You look
and smell really nice too.”

transitioned into holding her free hand. “I’m starting
really like you, do you know that?”

took a s
ip of champagne, enjoying the intimacy they
shared. “Please remember to tell me that again some other time when we have a
bit more privacy.”

tempt me,” he warned. “I might surprise you.”

don’t you tempt me with a good time.” She giggled. “I’ll
climb right on board every time.”

chuckled. “I’m sure you would.”

me later tonight and I’ll prove it to you.”

comfortable silence engulfed them as the lighting in the room dimmed. The
curtains opened up to reveal the stage. A lithe woman in a for
m-fitting black latex bodysuit stood in the center of a
spotlight. She appeared twentyish and very attractive with short blonde hair
and a slim face.

woman held her arms out as she addressed the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, can
I have your attention
please? We’ve got a great
exhibition in store for you. Her name is Isabella, and she has agreed to queen
for us this evening. She revealed to me earlier in private that queening in
front of an audience is her number one unfulfilled sexual fantasy.”

few c
heers from the audience echoed around the room
and the blonde bobbed her head in deference. More cheers followed.

blonde motioned her hands for silence. “Now, we’ve all been there, haven’t we?
We’ve struggled at some point to find the right person or p
ersons to help us achieve our heart’s greatest sexual
desire. And so, all of you know as well as I that unfulfilled sexual desires
can affect a person much like an untreated illness does. It twists us all up
inside and gnaws away at us until we are only a
of our former selves. The only cure to keep from finally succumbing to despair
and then sheer madness is the achievement of said fantasy. Thankfully, in this
house we can all be as we were meant to be. Beautiful, desirable, and
uninhibited! Please pu
t your hands together for Queen
Isabella and her loyal subjects!”

the cursory applause, the orator took a deep bow and walked off stage as the
truth conveyed in her words seeped into Kara’s heart. She inadvertently glanced
up at Evan. She could tell
by the approbation
displayed in his face that he also identified with the declaration. She
squeezed his hand tightly to let him know she now understood why he continually
urged her to never give up her strange sexuality under the pressure of other
s negative opinions. His reasons seemed
transparent to her now. He’d always had her best interest at heart.

this moment of clarity she let herself embrace her great love for him, wholly
and completely. She forced her gaze back onto the stage to keep him
from discovering her ascension into love.

spotlight shifted toward the left side of the stage where a fortyish brunette
with a pale white face and an
hairdo was being attended by two young,
attractive female attendants. One of the attendants w
platinum blonde and other dishwater blonde. They both wore knee-length, sheer
white chemises that wafted about their supple bodies and teased of their
nakedness underneath.

object of the attendants’ attentions—a very shy Queen Isabella—wore an elega
nt Victorian bodice gown. The attendants made a sensual
affair out of undressing their queen. Every accoutrement of the woman’s
Victorian Era garb was slowly removed and then placed into the hands of another
set of female attendants who never once stepped
the light. The queen eventually stood naked before the audience.

at least to Kara, the woman’s confidence seemed to grow exponentially. She
stood proud and unashamed of her nakedness. And no, she didn’t have the perfect
body. There were
definite signs of age in the way her
full breasts sagged and her lower stomach pooched out slightly over her pubis.
A C-section scar stood out in relief above a well-groomed landing strip of
pubic hair. Beneath this landing strip her pussy was shaven clean

Kara whispered to Evan. “I’m so envious of her. She’s so confident. Just look
at her!”

made no reply, only kept his eyes focused on the stage. But he did squeeze her
hand in response.

continued to stare as the blondes escorted Queen
over to a claw-foot tub set up on the opposite side of the stage. The spotlight
revealed her every curve, even the speckles of cellulite appearing and
disappearing on her buttocks as she moved. The blondes held onto Queen
Isabella’s arms as they d
irected her into the tub.

this accomplished, the attendants knelt down on either side of the tub to reach
over the rim and start bathing their queen with bars of soap held in their bare
hands. The queen’s face revealed her delight at the slippery hand
s moving so sensually over her body.

time, the hands began lingering on the supple flesh of her breasts and taut
nipples. The queen’s expression became wanton. She stared at her breast’s
manipulation while periodically licking her lips.

the blondes
’ hands and fingers abandoned the nipples
to drift beneath the rim of the tub so Kara couldn’t see what was going on. She
had to rely only on the queen’s facial expression for hints.

imagination kept an even pace with the queen’s expressions. When the
queen opened her mouth in the semblance of a big ‘O’ while
panting loudly, she determined the blondes were touching her pussy and possibly
rubbing it extra good to make sure it was properly cleaned.

one point Kara was certain from the surprised way the
suddenly gasped that one of the blondes must have inserted a soapy finger into
her rectum. With this supposition, her own face flushed hot and her internal
temperature spiked. She swallowed the profusion of saliva permeating her mouth
as her clitoris
swelled with arousal.

instinctively knew what the soapy finger must portend for the queen, surely as
she knew the definition of queening. Her palms became moist and her heart
thudded so hard it felt as if it might thump out of her chest any second now

couldn’t help wondering if Evan was conscious of her state of arousal when he
turned to envelop her in his arms and bend his head down to kiss her. His lips
were pleasantly warm and his tongue tasted of alcohol. Both moved sensually
over hers. She qu
ickly lost all sense of reserve and
returned his kiss with all the passion coursing through her.

broke the kiss, whispering huskily, “I’ve never wanted anyone more and here we
are in a place where I can’t have you.”

want you too,” Kara whispered back

electrical storm crackled in his eyes. “We can’t. Not here. But I’ll do
something special just for you. Now let’s watch the rest of the show before we
forget our reason for being here and do something really foolish that we’ll
both regret later.”

let out a ragged breath. Her clitoris teemed with sexual
desire. “Sure, whatever you say. But you have to fuck me sometime tonight. I’m
not taking no for an answer.”

made no promises, only twisted Kara’s body so he held her from behind with his
draped around her. He turned them toward the

had she been so conscious of any man. She loved the way his chin rested
perfectly on top of her head, the strength of his strong arms embracing her,
the feel of his hard chest and stomach against he
shoulders and back, but most of all she loved the sensation of his hard cock
straining against his slacks to press against the cleft of her ass.

declared he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She gasped loudly the moment
his fingers began tracing
out the contours of her
breasts through her dress.

stage performance took a back seat in Kara’s glazed eyes when Evan’s fingers
started unclasping the buttons along the front of her dress. She was only
vaguely aware of the attendants helping the queen
from the tub to dry her off. Now they were leading her over to a throne set up
in the center of the stage. Positioning the queen before the throne, the
blondes sandwiched her between their bodies to start kissing either sides of
the queen’s neck.

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