Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (67 page)

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Authors: Meka James

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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“Please,” I begged breathlessly. “I can
’t. Stop. You have to stop.”

“Hmm, I don
’t think so,” he said, standing to remove his pants.

I was too weak to move even when I saw his erection spring free from his pants. It seemed to get bigger as he lowered himself back on top of me.

“I don’t think your throat is quite raw enough,” he whispered just as he rammed forward.

I dug my nails into his back as he drew back then thrust forward again. I wrapped my legs around him, lifting my hips so I could draw him in deeper. Over and o
ver he moved in and out of me, making his claim and proving his point. He filled me to capacity with each stroke; I didn’t need to say his name to be reminded of who he was. He seemed to know me and my body better than I did, taking it to heights unimagined. I felt the building again, and I bit down on my finger as I tried to contain myself. Seth shifted pinning my arms above my head.

stared down at me as he leisurely pulled back. “I want to hear it!” he growled as he swiftly thrust forward again.

My entire body convulsed, and my throat was starting to burn from yelling his name so loudly. Tears sprung to my eyes,
and my arms went limp at my side. Seth withdrew from me, pulling me up then turned me towards the couch.

“Your mouth was unclaimed territory,” he said huskily, tracing his fingers down my back towards my ass. “What else might be unclaimed?”

I started shaking my head frantically. I was terrified of doing that, and luckily it was something Paul never brought up.

“Seth, no please,” I begged. My voice sounded scratchy, and I knew he had achieved his goal of making my throat raw. “I
’m scared of that,” I said, pushing back, attempting to turn around.

He grabbed my hair tightly
, yanking my head back. “You seem to be scared of a lot of things,” he said, running his hand down my face. “I think it’s time you faced your fears.”

Reaching between my legs, he used the wetness there as a lubricant. I whimpered when he pushed forward.

“Don’t fight it,” he whispered. “Push back towards me and relax.”

“I can
’t,” I whined.

“You can, and you will.”

Taking a deep breath, I rested my head on the sofa then pushed backwards slowly. The tight muscles relaxed a little, and he pushed forward more. It felt like an eternity, the agonizingly slow in and out as he worked his way into my body until I had accepted all of him. When he began to move, I could only whimper, but those whimpers turned into moans as the pain subsided and the pleasure started. Seth moved slowly, and it began to feel like the best kind of torture as my body tried to figure out how to react to this new sensation. I started to tremble as the need built, but the release seemed so far out of reach.


“Yes?” he responded, leaning forward, moving my hair so that he could pepper soft kisses on the back of my neck down to my shoulder.

His pace was slow and steady
, driving me insane with a need I couldn’t comprehend. He moved in and out of me like a well-oiled machine building this growing tension within me until I couldn’t take it anymore. 

“Please. I need. I need. Just please. Help me,” I begged softly.

He began to move faster. His hand snaked around, and slowly, he began to circle my already sensitive clit. I let out a sigh of relief when his hand made contact. I started moving my hips in rhythm, needing to move to get to that place that had been so far away. Just as I was on the brink, he pinched my clit hard, and I cried out. My body was hit with the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. There were no words to describe the feelings of ecstasy and euphoria that I felt at that moment. 

He pulled back, and with one last thrust forward
, he grunted as he reached his own release. We were both breathing heavily, and our bodies were covered in a soft sheen of perspiration. Seth lay resting against my back. After a few moments, he withdrew from me then got up. Grabbing my pills off the piano, he left the room. I sank to the floor, curled into a ball, and started to cry.

I had told him everything, apologized for lying, had the most intense sexual encounter ever, and still he was angry. A few minutes later
, I heard him come back. I didn’t have to look up; I could feel him staring at me. Taking me by the shoulders, he pulled me up off the floor, making me sit up.

“Drink,” h
e instructed, bringing a glass of ice water up to my lips.

I took a few sips
, grateful for the cold water to sooth my burning throat. Sitting the glass down, he tilted my chin up because I refused to look at him. I tried to turn my head to look away, knowing I looked horrible and because I didn’t want to see the anger in his eyes. He gripped my face tighter, forcing me to look at him.

“We are done with this issue. You are mine now, Calida. Every inch of you and I keep what
’s mine. All of it! Always! Do you understand?” His eyes roamed my face intently; I saw the seriousness of his words reflected in them when he spoke.

I started crying again and could only nod in response. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close. For the first time since that day, the shame of what I did didn
’t feel so heavy. It felt like a relief to no longer be hiding it, to have finally told someone.

“Seth,” I whispered.


Just enjoying the sound of your name.”

The sound of his laughter filled the room. I loved that sound, and it was one I needed to hear. I pulled b
ack so that I could look at him. Seeing his smile reach his eyes was a welcomed sight, causing me to smile back in return.

’s a good thing you don’t have neighbors.”

“Yes, a very good thing,” he replied
, laughing.

As I lay in his arms later that night, my mind continued to swirl thoughts around, refusing to let me sleep. Sex with Seth was sometimes just sex, us taking pleasure in each other
like any normal couple, but it was also something more at times, like tonight. Sex could be a punishment or a reward. It was a way he could express himself without using words like the night he made love to me for the first time. And like tonight and the night at the club, it was used as an exclamation point, a final ending to get his point across.

I had bared my soul to him, shown him my deepest shame then he took that and turned it into something different. Everything he
’d said and done finally became clear. He had told me more about who he was, I just didn’t understand it at the time.

“Act accordingly.”
The words he told me that night at the gazebo. He needed control, to control me. The car, the allowance that showed up in my bank account, hell even my job, was all due to him.
“Jealous and possessive.”
He didn’t like that I had a history, that there was someone before him. He couldn’t change that, but me doing things, making choices in our relationship because of that old one, that he could, and did change. Tonight he gave me what I needed, a way to accept and start to make peace with what I did.

As I felt myself finally succumbing to sleep, the image of the woman from the art show popped into my head. She
’d looked calm and at peace within her bonds as she sat at that man’s feet. I realized I was that woman. I was Seth’s, and I was okay with that. I snuggled closer to him, and his arms tightened around me on instinct, filling me with a sense of security.


Chapter 45


“Holy shit, Lee,” Macy said again for the third time as she walked around the car.

We were having breakfast when the guy showed up. I had no idea when the car was being delivered
, but I never imagined it would be dropped off at the house like a standard Fed Ex package. Well, not standard considering it was on one of those car hauling trucks wrapped in some sort of special car cover. Not much action went on at my house. In fact we’d very little interactions with our neighbors since moving in, but having that thing parked in front of my house at eight a.m. on a Tuesday morning brought them outside to see what was going on.

“He bought
as a birthday present?”

“Yeah,” I replied quietly. “I tried to tell him it was too much, but well, as you can see
, it did no good.”

“Holy shit!
This is more of an ‘I need to get out of the dog house’ present to me, but hey whatever.”

Macy opened the door, taking a seat on the passenger
’s side to look around the interior.

’m scared to drive it. What if I scratch it or something?” I said, chewing on my thumbnail.

I looked at the shiny, metallic red SUV parked in front of our house. The fact that he
’d bought me a car didn’t seem real until now. I looked at it, feeling very overwhelmed by everything. I played with my necklace, trying to ignore the feeling of being some sort of kept woman that was creeping up on me.

“Are you kidding? It
’s insured. We are taking this baby out now. Go get dressed!” she said, shoving me back towards the house.

“Okay, okay, but I need to call Seth first to let him know it
’s here.”

“Whatever, just hurry up,” she said, running off to her room to change.

I grabbed my phone up off the nightstand and punched in his number.

he said, answering on the fourth ring.

“Hey, good morning.”

“Good morning to you as well.”

“I, um, sorry for calling so early, but I wanted to let you know your car arrived a little bit ago.”

“My car? I’m pretty sure I bought that for you, so that makes it

I don
’t know why I was blushing, but I felt my face get hot when he said that.

“Oh, yeah, well Macy
wants to go out joyriding, but I didn’t know if you wanted to see it or something first.”

There was silence on his end for a moment, and I nervously chewed on the inside of my cheek while I waited for his answer.

“Calida, it’s your car. If you want to go joyriding, go joyriding. It’s fully insured. And I’ve already seen it. They called me when it arrived at the dealership so that I could inspect it, and more importantly, to pay for it.”


“Go enjoy your gift. Call me if there are any issues, and you can come pick me up later so that I can pick up my actual car.”

’s house was scary and old, but he was definitely a car man. The Jag he drove was his ‘everyday’ car. His four car garage also housed a nineteen-sixty-five red Ferrari convertible, a silver and black Audi R8 he’d bought for himself as a birthday present last year, and the car I was currently using the black Ford F-150. The cheapest car he owned by far and the only one that wasn’t a five speed.

“Okay,” I replied.

“You ready, Lee?” Macy asked, knocking once before walking in.

’ll call you later. I have to go now. Love you.”


I gave a little sigh as I hung up the phone. He still hadn’t said the words. Most times it didn’t bother me; I accepted it for what it was. He wasn’t that kind of guy, but even knowing that, I still longed to hear it. Just once.

“Five minutes and we can go,” I said, answering the scowl on her face. “Here,” I said, tossing her the keys. “Go play with some buttons or something to keep busy.”

Her face lit up as she took the keys and skipped out like a kid on Christmas morning. She was programming in stations on the XM radio when I finally joined her outside.

“Getting everything set to your liking?” I asked, climbing
into the car.

I inhaled deeply
, loving the new car smell. I’d never owned a brand new car before. Sitting behind the wheel, I started giggling uncontrollably. Macy looked at me and joined in on my laughing.

“Macy, we are sitting in a hundred thousand dollars,” I said, unable to stop laughing at the absurdity of that reality.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she asked, her eyes wide with disbelief.

“Nope,” I replied, shaking my head. “This…
costs more than our house, even with the renovations.”

“Well, put this baby in gear so we can see how a hundred thousand dollars drives,” she said, buckling up her seat belt.

We were out for about an hour before I told took her home so that I could go to the office. The place was still an active construction zone repurposing the rooms to make it more of an office location. We’d gotten the reception area set as well as my office since it sat in the front of the house. Even with things still a work in progress, we had jobs, mostly dealing with Patrick’s old clients who were left with half completed projects when his business went under. Kerrin had dealt with each of them on some level, so they were comfortable letting us take over. No one had seen or heard from him, it was like he had dropped off the planet.

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