Enchanted and Desired (39 page)

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Authors: Eva Simone

BOOK: Enchanted and Desired
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It feels amazing to just enjoy being together again. I’m not second guessing everything she does, or worrying about whether she’s going to run out on me. To have that reciprocated and see that Jess finally gets how I feel about her…is great, and life is good.



Today is Jess’s birthday. I wanted to take her away for the weekend, and she wanted to have a party at Cube. I had to put my foot down on that idea, because I would definitely end up in prison for beating up anyone that so much as brushed up against her belly. I managed to convince her that a ridiculously packed club was not the place to spend your birthday when you’re almost seven months pregnant.

Eventually we agreed on a dinner at Paul’s restaurant. What she doesn’t know is that I’ve arranged for a small dance floor and one of my DJs to come and give her a private club for the evening. She gets to dance the night away with Lily, and I don’t have to murder anyone. It’s a win/win.

I’m picking her up at 7pm which gives me just enough time to shower and change after spending the day setting up at the restaurant and getting her present. I ordered it weeks ago, but I picked it up this afternoon – a Cartier platinum locket. I got them to insert a picture of Jess and I in Verona on one side, and a tiny ultrasound picture of the baby on the other side. I figure we can get a picture of the baby put in after he or she arrives. The front of the locket has a ruby in the center, with our initials engraved on either side. I really hope she likes it. I wanted to get her something personal that lets her know what a sentimental schmuck she’s turned me into!

When I arrive at her apartment, she is a complete knock out, in a sexy black dress that hugs every one of her curves, accentuating her beautiful pregnant belly. I can’t get enough of her like this.

“Tesoro. You are a vision tonight.” She sashays over to me, putting a little extra sway in her hips.

“Why thank you Mr. Mantovani. You look quite dashing yourself.”

“Pregnancy definitely agrees with you. You are sexy as hell, and all mine.” Her sly grin lets me know she enjoys the compliment, even if she seems a little shy about it.

“Let’s go and celebrate the birth of the most amazing woman I have ever met.”

“Oh – I didn’t realize it was a joint party.”

“Don’t be coy Jessica. You know I’m talking about you and that I mean every word. Get used to it.”

“Okay then. Let’s go celebrate the awesomeness that is me!”

“That’s better. Come on birthday girl.”

We grab a taxi and arrive at Paul’s ten minutes later – Jess a little flustered, and I have a raging hard on after getting a sneak peek at the black satin panties she’s wearing under her dress. I say peek, but I really mean a sneak feel. I fucking love to feel how wet she is for me. Ready and waiting for me to take her. I need to take a minute to think about baseball and laundry; anything to get my mind off of all the dirty things I want to do to her right now.

Everyone is here. Brandon and Lily, my parents, Lily’s mom and sisters, Jess’s parents, and some of her friends from college. Nate and Sofia are both travelling for work right now, which is probably for the best. We haven’t spoken since my outburst at dinner. I know I need to apologize to both of them, but it doesn’t mean I want him seeing my sister. I’ve had bigger things on my mind though, like the woman I can’t take my eyes off.

Dinner is delicious as usual. Paul has made a real name for himself with Manhattan’s elite. La
has become a new hotspot. Jess seems to be having a great time, chatting with everyone, and eating enough food to feed a small village, but I think it’s cute. When the last plates are cleared and everyone is ready for drinks, the DJ starts playing Treasure by Bruno Mars and Jess jumps up from her seat and throws her arms around my neck.

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome baby. I knew you wanted to go to the club, so I thought I would bring the club to you.” Lily is over dragging Jess onto the dance floor in seconds. I don’t even get the chance to steal a kiss.

I stand back with a smile on my face and a beer in my hand, watching my girl dancing and enjoying herself. Everyone is having a great time, and I’m just happy to sit back and soak up the atmosphere. I get up to dance with Jess a few times, spend some time chatting with Brandon and Paul, but Jess – she’s determined to dance till she drops.

Around 11 o’clock my phone starts ringing in my pocket - it’s my new manager. I head down the corridor towards the restrooms to get away from the music. I spend about ten minutes talking through some problems at Spyder and Cube tonight, nothing that can’t be fixed, but he’s new, and I’d rather talk him through how I like things to be handled.

I was so deep in conversation that I didn’t notice one of the waitresses standing right next to me until I ended the call.

“Sorry, am I blocking the door?” She gets a look in her eye that I’ve seen before.

“No. I was waiting to talk to you.” I don’t want to be rude, but I can’t be bothered with this shit.

“Is everything ok with the party? Is there something I need to do?” She places her hand on my chest, which I quickly remove.

“Actually, I’m thinking, there’s something I can do for you.” She makes a move to kiss me, but I move out of the way before she gets the chance.

“What the fuck are you doing? You
know this is my girlfriend’s birthday party…my pregnant girlfriend?”

“So? We can still have some fun. She doesn’t need to find out.” She tries to touch me again and I can’t fucking stand it.

“Nothing is going to happen between us. I’m
interested.” I turn to walk away, but as I do, she grabs my arm and slides her number into my pants pocket.

I rip her hand out of my pocket, annoyed by her persistence and her lack of respect for the fucking guest of honor. I lean in close so she can hear every word.

“Don’t touch me again, or I’ll have you fired. Why don’t you try NOT being so fucking desperate and maybe, just maybe, you won’t get labeled a whore for the rest of your sad little life.”

As I turn to rejoin to the party, that’s when I see Jess. She’s just standing watching this play out. I quickly make my way over to her.

“Sorry you had to see that baby. She’s a stupid little bitch who can’t take no for an answer apparently.” The waitress storms by, flashing Jess a smug grin as she passes by.

“Doesn’t look like she got a NO! It looks like she got exactly what she was after.”

“You ARE kidding, right?” You don’t seriously think anything happened with her?”

“Don’t insult my intelligence Simon.”

“Nothing happened! I would NEVER cheat on you Jess.”

“Yeah, that’s what Gavin used to say too. I believed him like a chump and look where that got me.”

“Don’t you dare fucking compare me to that piece of shit.”

“If the shoe fits!! You’re a player Simon, and once a player, always a player.” I can’t believe she’s comparing me to him.

“Are you kidding me with this bullshit? Let’s talk about a leopard changing its spots then shall we?? When we were first together, you purposely pushed me away, then brought another guy to my club, and then took him home and let him fuck you, just to spite me.”

“That’s not true.”

“It fucking
! Okay, so you didn’t know it was my club, but when you were beneath me in my office, I knew you wanted me, I could see the desire in your eyes, I could feel your heart hammering against my chest. You wanted ME and you let some douche bag, random guy fuck you. By your standards, should I be worried about you doing that now?”

“I would never do that to you.” Her eyes fill with tears.

“But you think I’m heartless enough to do it to you, and do it when you’re pregnant with my child? Wow. You have a really high opinion of me Jess. Thank you for the vote of confidence.”

“What do you want me to think? You disappear for fifteen minutes and when I find you, some waitress has her hand down your pants.”

“I want you to BELIEVE me. I was on the phone dealing with work, and when I ended the call she was there, trying to get me to notice her. I told her I wasn’t interested Jess. I tried to walk away and she didn’t fucking listen and shoved her number in my pocket. How is any of that my fault?”

Her angry exterior softens.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m just not feeling very sexy right now, and hot girls throwing themselves at you makes me crazy. I believe you.”

I pull her into my arms, but I can feel her reluctance.

“Thank you. You know I love you Jess. Only you. And you are the sexiest woman on the planet to me.”

Her body relaxes as she snakes her arms around my waist, allowing me to comfort her.

“Now can we get back to your party, and celebrate what a lucky son of a bitch I am to have you?” She nods against my chest but refuses to look up at me. I lift her chin, forcing her to make eye contact with me, and when she does, I’m upset to see tears in her eyes. I wipe them away with my thumbs.

“Don’t cry cara mia. C’è solo te, sarà sempre voi.”
[There is only you, it will always be you.]

I claim her mouth in a fierce kiss, entreating her to keep faith in me, to

We make our way back to the party, but Jess never really gets back into the spirit of things, and by 1am she’s asking me to take her home.



The ride back to her apartment is tense and painfully quiet; I hate it when things are like this between us, and the deafening silence continues until I close the door behind us. Jess is on me in a second, clawing at me, kissing me, begging me to make her feel better.

“Please Si. I need to feel you. I need to know that I’m yours, only me.” I fist my hands in her hair as she pushes my back against the door.

“You’re it for me Jess. There is
no one
else.” I ravage her mouth as she grinds her body against mine, moving her hand down to rub my already rock hard cock, so turned on by her desperate need for me. I savor every touch of her hands as she starts to unbutton my pants and push them down my legs, along with my boxers, letting my erection spring free. I am so ready for her, ready to claim her as mine, again and again and again.

As my pants hit the floor, my keys fall out of the pocket, crashing onto the hardwood floor. We both startle at the sound, looking to see what caused it, and that’s when my stomach lurches at the sight before me.

Along with my keys, there’s a napkin on the floor with a bright red lipstick mark, and a crude message on it:

I want to taste your big hard cock. Call me 555-6981 Angel x

You have got to be fucking kidding me. How could I forget to take that out of my pocket? Jess quickly swipes it off the floor, before waving it in my face; a look of fury marring her flawless features.

“Thought you’d just hang onto this did you? What are you waiting for? Angel is obviously ready and waiting to ‘taste your big hard cock’ Simon.” She throws it at my chest and storms off, leaving me with my pants at my ankles.

I pull up my pants, not even bothering to zip them, before striding over to her. “What the fuck Jess? I forgot to take it out of my pocket. It’s not a big deal. Do NOT read into it. I was busy with you, and I just forgot.”

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