Enchanted and Desired (18 page)

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Authors: Eva Simone

BOOK: Enchanted and Desired
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“I told her I loved her yesterday.”

“That’s great Si. I’m happy for you.” I can’t help but laugh.

“Don’t be. She did a runner on me. LITERALLY. She fucking ran away when I said it and I had to go after her.” I glance in his direction to confirm the shocked look I know is there.

“Seriously? What happened when you caught up to her? It can’t have been that bad, you’re still together.”

“Brandon…I have never known anyone like her. She has some serious shit to deal with. I can see it in her eyes – it’s the same look I’ve seen in Sofia’s eyes all these years.” He comes to an abrupt halt, grabbing my arm to get my attention. I turn to see the recognition in his eyes.

“I’m so fucking sorry Si. I had no idea. Lily never mentioned anything.” He knows what I’m talking about. He was at my 14
birthday party, and he’s the only friend I have that knows what happened to Sofia.

“I don’t think Lily knows. Fuck…I don’t know exactly what happened to her, but I know it must be pretty bad. She just fucking shuts me out as soon as shit gets real. It tears me up to see her so fucking broken. I swore I would never get seriously involved with a woman for this very reason, but I can’t walk away from her. I fucking love her, but I can’t help her if she won’t tell me what happened. It’s so fucking frustrating.”

“You know she’s crazy about you. It’s obvious to anyone that is in the same room as you two. The chemistry between you guys is off the fucking charts. She’ll come around, you just need to hang in there.” He doesn’t realize how fucked up last night was, but I’m not going to go into the details with him. I don’t fucking understand it myself, so I wouldn’t know where to start.

“It is what it is. I’ve told her I won’t let her run again and I fucking meant it. Anyway…are we here to shoot the shit or are we going to run?” Brandon knows me better than anyone, and he gets the message. He takes off running and when I catch up to him we clock up the miles in silence, at a good pace; it’s exactly what I needed before going back to the city.



One month later


Our crazy night in the Hamptons was almost a month ago now, and things with Jess are better than ever. She still plays her cards close to her chest, but I feel like she’s opening up little by little. I haven’t used the ‘L’ word since in case she freaks out…again. I need her to feel safe enough with me to let me in. I’ve tried talking to her, but she’s a master at evading the question and changing the subject. She’s told me little snippets here and there about Gavin and how he cheated on her. She thought he was the one, he said he loved her, and she gave herself to him body and soul, and he fucking crushed her; sleeping around behind her back until she walked in on him with another girl, and that was the end for her. She obviously suspected he was playing away, but until she saw it with her own eyes she gave him the benefit of the doubt. Listening to her talk about him makes me want to find him and beat the shit out of him. He fucking broke her, and for what, to get some extra pussy. If I ever met this guy I would fucking kill him, without blinking an eye.

Work has returned to the usual, endless mayhem. Jess is working all the hours under the sun, and I’ve just acquired a new club on the Upper East Side. I now own and run six of the hottest clubs in Manhattan. I’m fucking ecstatic that business is going through the roof. I’ve always lived and breathed my clubs; but lately I’m beginning to think it might be a good idea to take a step back. I would like to hire someone to oversee my growing empire, so that I can actually enjoy the money I make, and have some fun! First thing’s first though – tonight is opening night of the new club, Vortex. All of my clubs are high-end, expensive and plush with the best quality VIP lounges in the city, but Vortex is a different breed altogether. The entire club is one big VIP lounge. A playground for Manhattan’s rich and famous. The staff have all signed NDAs so that whatever happens in Vortex, stays in Vortex. When people pay this much to have a good time, they expect to be able to let loose in a way they can’t anywhere else.

I’ve been at the club all day, making sure everything runs smoothly and according to plan. All that’s left for me to do now is grab a quick shower and get changed. I’m going to head over to Jess’s apartment, get ready and bring her back with me. Brandon, Lily, Nate and his latest arm candy, will be joining us later for the celebrations. I can’t wait to show them around this place. The private rooms are off the charts luxurious, with a little kink for those that so desire it. It’s probably right up Nate’s alley. I’m certain he’s a deviant of some sort…dirty bastard! He’s such a fucking smooth talker when it comes to women, they just lap it up. They probably beg him to take them to the dark side!!! I guess I shouldn’t really judge…I’m not exactly a saint myself. A lot of the shit I’ve done with women could be considered deviant behavior, and I loved every fucking minute of it, and there are some things that I miss. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jess, and the sex is…HOT, but I would love to explore anal play with her. I’m getting hard just thinking about it; slipping my fingers inside her, readying her for my cock driving between her perfect cheeks, all the while pounding her pussy with a vibrator. The screams I could elicit from her would be fucking sublime, but shit…I need to stop torturing myself with this fantasy. I think about baseball for a few minutes, letting my raging hard on subside before I leave the club and make my way to Jess’s place.



The club is a living organism tonight, alive, pulsing with the rhythm of the music. The DJ is on fire, the staff are working together perfectly to provide an impeccable service to our clientele, drinks are flowing and everyone is enjoying the party. I manage to check in with Jess and the guys a couple of hours into the night, but Jess is such a fucking distraction when I’m supposed to be working. She had to drag me from her apartment earlier because she looked so goddamn hot I would have sold every club I own to stay in with her and fuck her until neither of us could see straight.

She’s wearing a short, black, one shouldered dress; simple and sexy, with a killer pair of heels that make me want to strip her and fuck her while she digs them into my back. She’s sexy in a pair of jeans, but when she really goes all out for a night on the town…FUCK ME! I want to rip her fucking clothes off right now.

I can sense her, wherever she moves, whatever she’s doing, I can
her. It’s been tough watching an endless stream of guys obviously trying to impress her while I do my due diligence with the really high profile guests. There are a few A-list actors and actresses in tonight, some big names in the music business and plenty of Manhattan’s socialites. I feel like I’ve been manhandled by hundreds of women by the time I make my way over to spend some time with Jess. I pull her tight to my chest, letting the smell of cherries wash over me for a moment before I let her go.

“Nice to see you too sailor. Your henchmen here have been keeping the men away with their death stares. Did you give them that instruction?” She cracks me up.

“No I didn’t, but they know me well enough by now to keep the pricks away from you so that I don’t get arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. You’re mine baby, and no one touches what’s mine.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Under normal circumstances I would cuss you out for referring to me as an object…BUT…” She runs her hand down my chest. “You look so goddamn sexy tonight I might let it slide…as long as you
into me later.” She leans in, close to my ear; her breath a sensual caress. “And I can assure you – I am
than ready for you.”

“Holy shit Jess. I have a massive hard-on now.” Her hand slips between us, grabbing my cock through my pants.

“You really…are…MASSIVE…Mr. Mantovani.” Fuck I need to get her home.

“Baby, you
to stop doing that or I will take you into one of the private rooms and ravish you for the rest of the night.”

“Is that supposed to deter me? I would say that’s an incentive to keep rubbing your cock. Maybe it’s like a magic lamp…if I rub it enough I’ll be granted three wishes!”

I’m laughing as I respond to her. “Rub my cock like that Tesoro and I will give you anything your heart desires.” She takes great delight in pushing me away with a smirk on her face.

“Now come and say hello to your friends before you go back to schmoozing the elite, and later I might grant
a wish or two.” She takes my hand and leads me over to where everyone’s sitting.

Brandon and Lily are cuddled up as close as two people can possibly get without fucking; laughing and drinking and just…enjoying each other. Nate is here with a new girl, I didn’t even bother remembering her name; I’m sure she’ll be history by the next time we all get together. She’s gorgeous, slim, and petite, and behaves exactly the same way as the rest of the women I’ve ever seen him with – compliant. The way they hang on his every word and do whatever he asks – he must be hung like a fucking horse. As soon as they see me I’m met with a round of applause before they all stand up to congratulate me on my new venture.

Brandon is first to comment. “You’ve outdone yourself with this place Si. It’s perfect for those of us with more money than sense! Seriously though, fantastic job. Can’t wait to get Lily alone in one of those plush private rooms.” I laugh as he steps aside to let her give me a hug and her congrats.

“This place is amazing Simon. I love it. Congratulations.” I thank her and turn my attention to Nate who already has a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Si…those private rooms are fucking amazing. I’ve already spent a little time in one with Cheryl-ann. She particularly liked the chaise in there.” The look on his face tells me it wasn’t so much the chaise, as whatever they were doing on it.

“Do I need to disinfect that room already?”

He throws his head back and laughs. “What can I say man? There’s a reason her nickname is Cat. She purrs like a fucking kitten when I’m licking her…”

“STOP! I don’t want to know. That’s a $10,000 piece of furniture you just defiled!” I try to say it with a straight face, but I can’t help laughing.

He doesn’t seem like himself tonight; he is definitely a little drunk. He’s not normally so forthcoming with information regarding his conquests, and he tends to hold his liquor pretty well. I pull Jess aside. “What’s going on with Nate tonight?”

“Nothing that I know of. We were all having a laugh earlier, I was telling Lily how Sofia is getting on with her latest tour. I showed them all some pictures on Facebook of her with the dance company, and her with her new man candy. We had some drinks and then Nate disappeared with Cat for a while. He’s just a little drunk Si; I’m sure he’s fine.” The look in her eyes tells me she knows more than she’s letting on, but a tap on my shoulder from one of the staff means I have business to attend to.

The rest of my night is spent taking care the A-List guests, and it’s not until the club is closed and the last of the revelers have left that I catch a glimpse of my girl; carefree and dancing with her best friend, laughing and joking. Brandon has the same fucking goofy look on his face that I’m sure I have on mine. I just love seeing her happy, without a care in the world, and it makes my fucking night to see the smile on her face right now.

She doesn’t notice me until I move in behind her, snaking my arms around her waist, letting her grind her perfect little ass into my groin.

“Ready to go home now?” She nods her head as she continues to grind against me.

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