Embrace Me (19 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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God, I might as well have stayed in Texas.” I rolled my eyes at Grace, slumping back into my chair.

Try and relax, Shan,” she said before she pulled her laptop out and started checking her emails.

Yeah, you try holding a board meeting for a company who hasn’t seen you in months.”

Do you want to go over the notes again?”

No. I think I have it covered.”

As the plane hit the tarmac at the airport, I felt as if I had returned home. For once when I breathed in the dirty air of the city, I loved it.

I want to get you into the car quickly,” Frank stated, ushering me quickly through the people. I was in the car within minutes, and as we pulled out of the airport, cameras flashed, engulfing us as hundreds of people surrounded the car.

I think the press have missed you,” Grace giggled as I sat with my mouth wide open. All these people couldn’t have been here for me.

As we pulled up outside Headcom, there were even more members of the press. I took a deep breath as I got out of the car, and was pushed and pulled as Frank and his men practically dragged me to safety.

That was a little bit scary,” I replied as I straightened my suit out in the elevator.

This might just be the beginning,” Frank replied firmly. “People seem to relate to you because you were once an ordinary girl. The press has used your likability to sell papers.”

But I have been hiding away. How can people still be talking about me?”

It’s Charlie, as well. You two are like gold dust to the press—a modern day Romeo and Juliet. They eat it up.”

Wonderful,” I whispered as the lift doors opened.

All eyes were on me as I strolled down the corridor. It was strange to take in some of their scared faces;
was the boss they feared now…the one able to make or break them. I had been working under some of these people when I first started here, so of course it was a little awkward.

Miss Downing, it’s wonderful to see you.” Mr. Caldecott almost bowed as he greeted me. Did he think I was royalty or something? “I must say, you’re looking extremely well. How is your mother?”

Good, thank you, Mr. Caldecott. Is everyone ready in the boardroom?”

Yes, please walk this way.” He really was bowing this time, and I had to hide my snigger as I looked at Grace.

I could hear the soft chatter before I reached the boardroom, but as soon as I entered, there was complete silence. All eyes fell on me as I glided over towards the chair at the head of the table. Lorna did a little wave as I took in all the faces, and I couldn’t help but smirk at her.

I stood there looking at my staff, feeling the power seep into my body. “Firstly, I want to congratulate you on a successful year.” I could feel some of them relax in their seats. “The growth has been remarkable, and I am in talks with my mother to get you all a generous Christmas bonus.” I could hear a few claps and mutters of appreciation, so I continued. “We, however, cannot allow ourselves to become complacent. We market everything that Downing International has to offer. We are the frontline to the success of this business, and I will take nothing but the exceptional. Do I make myself clear?” Everyone nodded in agreement. “Just because I am no longer permanently located here, it does not mean that I am unaware of what is going on and where we are taking losses.” I looked around at all the scared faces. They were like putty in my hands. Was it wrong to be getting off on this kind of power? “I hope you all plan to attend the conference at the Four Seasons Hotel on Saturday. It will be a good experience for everyone. I will be taking a good look at each department over the next few months, as well. If I’m not happy, some major changes will be taking place. Does everyone understand?” The heads nodded woodenly as I got up. “Thank you and have a good afternoon,” I stated firmly before I walked out.

How good did it feel—to have control of my own company? I loved it. The power was still rushing through my body when Lorna and Grace walked into my office a few minutes later, closing the door behind them.

How was I?” I beamed.

Jesus Christ, you were just like your mother. It scared me,” Lorna giggled.

I was actually shaking, Shannon,” Grace smiled. “That was some scary tone you used.”

I have no idea where it came from but I liked it,” I chuckled, leaning back in my chair. “God, I’ve missed this office.”

Maybe your mother will let you come back early,” Lorna replied hopefully.

Lorna, did you see all the press out there waiting for Shannon?” Grace commented, hanging up my coat for me. “I think Jennet might keep her in Texas longer rather than let her come back early.”

It’s you hiding away that’s causing it. Why can’t she see that?”

Lorna, Shannon’s safety has to come first. It’s easier for Frank to protect her in Texas at the moment. In New York, he has to make a lot of arrangements. Did you read in the paper about the price on her head?” Grace walked over the coffee maker and turned it on.

No, but Frank mentioned it to me a while back,” I responded.

You didn’t read it?” Grace questioned. “I left the paper out for you to read last week.”

I had been a little preoccupied worrying about Charlie and his long lost brother to read the paper. Perhaps I had been a little hasty. “What is the price now?” I questioned.

One hundred fifty million,” Lorna all but whispered.

Are we talking a bounty?” I asked in bewilderment as everything clicked into place.

Yes,” Lorna replied sadly.

Can you see now why Frank gets a little stressed?” Grace added.

One hundred fifty million…that’s a hell of a lot of money,” I replied, more to myself than them.

It is when you think poor Maisy Field was only ransomed for twenty million.”

Has there been any further news on her?” I asked, changing the subject.

No. There were rumors she had been seen in Brazil, but I don’t think the Fields are any closer to finding her than they were before,” Lorna said solemnly, which wasn’t like her when it came to discussing the Field family.

How many months has she been missing now?” Grace asked.

It’s got to be at least three.” Lorna looked at me sadly. “I know I hate them, but it must be so difficult.”

Bloody hell, Lorna,
feeling sorry for the Field family. Are you feeling alright?” I smiled.

I know how I would feel if it was you,” Lorna smiled. “Anyway, I have work to do. My boss can be a right bitch if I start to slack off.” Lorna winked before she left my office.

I really wanted to stay at my apartment while I was in town, and eventually, I got my way with Frank. He ordered an extra ten guys to patrol the area, but at least he let me stay there. It felt strange walking in to find it empty. Charlie’s guitar was leaning in the far corner of the room and some of his photographs were scattered across the dining room table, but that was pretty much it aside from the large furniture. I ran my hands across the couch, just soaking in the memories from this place. I missed Charlie so much, but in a peculiar way, I was glad he wasn’t here to see the fear in my eyes.

I was happy to be working this weekend. It was the first time I could push everything to the back of my mind for a little while.

My phone rang just as I was about to go to bed. I smiled when I saw Charlie’s name on the ID.

Hello,” I sang over the phone.

Hi, Beautiful,” he breathed. “I didn’t wake you, did I? I know it’s late over there.”

I was just about to go to sleep, so no, you didn’t wake me.”

Are you staying at the hotel?”

No, I am wrapped up in our bed as we speak.” I smiled into the phone, imagining his face.

Shannon, don’t tease me like that.”

It’s true. I couldn’t stay in New York and sleep anywhere else,” I whispered.

God, I miss you. It’s driving me crazy.”

Then get on a plane and get your sexy ass over here,” I challenged.

I would if I could, Sweetheart, believe me.”

I can’t wait to see you. How’s it going in London?”

Lonely,” he sighed. “Without you, nothing seems as exciting—not even a job I have longed for ever since I picked up a camera. Do you have any idea what you have done to me, Miss Downing?”

Yes, because you have done the same to me.” My body was yearning for him and he was halfway across the world.

I will be with you as soon as I can, Sweetheart, I promise. I’ll try and get some time off next weekend.”

It’s fine, Charlie. I understand. It’s not forever.”

I have to go. I love you, Shan. Sweet dreams.”

Bye. I love you, too,” I whispered before we hung up. I snuggled into Charlie’s side of the bed, breathed in his calm, sensual scent, and fell into a deep sleep, wishing he was there with me. Why did it feel as if my world was slipping away so uncontrollably that I could hardly hold on to it?

I had to tell Charlie about Mac; otherwise the secret would begin to burn a bottomless hole in our relationship.

Chapter Fourteen

I thought all the charity events and social nights I had attended with Megan and her family might have prepared me for my new life; I was wrong.

People were everywhere, and it wasn’t just the members of the press. I actually had my own fan club. I was named the lost Anastasia of the billionaire world. The press made my life sound like a fairy tale, and in the beginning, I would have agreed with them. Now, it felt more like hell with every step I took.

Will you please stop pushing? Mark, hold the side. Do
let anyone through!” Frank was yelling as the crowd bombarded me even before I was completely out of the car. “Shannon, keep in the middle. We will lead you in quickly. I don’t like the size of this crowd.” I nodded, keeping my eyes on the ground and trying to ignore the commotion around me. People were actually
my name. What had happened while I was in Texas?

Boss, the line is breaking!” one of Frank’s men shouted from my left.

DO NOT LET IT BREAK!” Frank shrieked as I was yanked from side to side. I looked up and could make out the hotel a few feet away. “Damn it, David! Hold that Goddamn line or you won’t have a job tomorrow!”

It seemed to take forever to reach the hotel entrance, but even once we got inside people surrounded me again. Frank was bellowing at the hotel manager as his men almost carried me into a side room near the reception desk.

Your mother will go crazy when she finds out about this!” Frank stormed in like an angry bull.

Where did all the people come from?” I asked, not grasping how scared I was until I heard my shaking voice.

The press has a lot to answer for,” he glared. “Are you okay, Shannon? Are you hurt at all? I’m sorry it got so rough back there. I had no idea we would get a turn out like that.”

What have the press been saying while I’ve been in Texas? I thought this was meant to die down while I was there, not flare up?”

People are just fascinated with you, Shannon. Everyone wants to see how you adapt to your new life. They can relate to you because you were just like them once.”

This is a nightmare. What is the point of me returning to Texas? By the time I make it back here, things will be even worse.”

It will be fine. We just need to be careful not to leak as much information to the press.”

Where is my mother? Is she here yet?” Frank nodded towards one of his men to go and find out. “She is going to love the crowds,” I laughed. “I bet she’ll be able to scare them off.”

I have no doubt about that. Your mother is the only woman who scares me.”

She scares
?” I giggled.

Every day,” he replied before walking off. That didn’t surprise me; my mother
use the fear factor with all her employees.

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