Embrace Me (32 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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I’m not asking for that, Phillip!” my mother seethed. I could sense that she was struggling with all the niceties. “Shannon thinks we all need to work together to bring these criminals down. With both our resources pooled together, we may even be able to locate Maisy.”

I could feel my cheeks flush as all four of the Fields’ eyes turned to look at me.

Really?” Will asked. “After everything we did to you, Shannon, why would you want to help us?”

It’s not the reason you’re hoping for, Will,” Charlie spat from across the table. “I will not allow you to be alone with Shannon for a single second. I swear if you so much as look at her the wrong way…”

Charlie,” I whispered, touching his chest to relax him. “Breathe. Everything is fine.”

You two are so…moving,” Megan yawned.

What are we talking about here, Jennet?” Phillip asked, trying to regain control of the situation.

A truce until we bring the gang down. We share each other’s information and go after them together. We are the two largest companies in the world. We need to make sure everyone fears us so no attempts will ever be made on our children again.”

I don’t know what to say…” Sir Phillip was speechless for once. “I never thought this day would come.”

Mark my words…when this is over, the partnership will end.” My mother rose from her seat. “I will have Rachel meet with your PA. Once our security teams have conversed, we can arrange another meeting to decide our next move.” With that, she left the room. I knew it had to be difficult for her. I was trembling inside as I sat looking at my old life. My life that had been a complete, deceitful lie.

Well, this is like old times,” Megan smiled, looking between all of us. “Maybe you should sit next to me, Charlie. You might still like it.”

Megan, for once think about someone other than yourself!” Will bellowed, making me jump. “Shannon and Charlie have offered to help find Maisy. Do you know what that could mean?”

Will,” Veronica interrupted, “let’s not fight amongst ourselves anymore, please.”

I’m sick of this!” Megan screeched, getting up and storming out with Veronica chasing after her.

If you will excuse me,” Sir Phillip replied, getting up from the table, as well. “I’m sorry for all that has been done, Shannon.”

What do you mean by that?” Charlie asked.

I shouldn’t have taken your life and identity away, Miss Downing. It’s the one thing I regret the most in my life, other than losing my youngest child.” I knew my mouth had almost dropped to the floor as I watched Sir Phillip leave. What had happened to the Field family?

I was so busy watching Sir Phillip that I hadn’t noticed Charlie get out of his seat and storm over to Will.

I know what you did, you son of a bitch,” Charlie snarled, grabbing Will by the shirt. “If you come anywhere near Shannon, I swear to God…”

Charlie,” Will was trying to squirm away from Charlie’s hold. “I…I have no idea what you’re talking about. I haven’t laid eyes on Shannon for months,” Will stuttered.

Don’t try to talk your way out of it. You were never going to win. Nothing would have
kept us apart,” Charlie snarled, pushing Will harshly.

CHARLIE!” I yelled, rushing over.

You tried to force yourself on Shannon the night before the wedding you blackmailed her into. You bastard! How could you do that? You’re a Goddamn monster!”

Will’s eyes met with mine as I reached Charlie, grabbing his hand and pulling him away.

It was the biggest mistake of my life. I would happily let you hit me. I deserve worse.”

Really? You’d let me hit you?” Charlie asked, tilting his head. I could feel the anger still surging through his body.

Yes,” Will whispered. In the blink of an eye, Charlie hit him square in the face.

You keep your distance. I mean it, Will, or you’ll have Jennet
me to deal with.”

Do you think you’re the big man, now, Charlie?” Will gloated, rubbing his jaw. “It’s easy for you to hide behind Jennet. You wouldn’t have reached us the day of our wedding without her help.” I shuddered. I didn’t want to bring up these painful memories.

I was the one who found you on that Island, Will. Jennet only gave me the means to get there. Do
underestimate what I am capable of. I will do anything to keep Shannon safe from your insane family.”

And you certainly landed on your feet doing that. You’re dating the richest heir in the world. Are you sure it wasn’t all planned?” I flinched, grabbing Charlie’s arm as he made another attempt to hit Will.

I know what you’re trying to do,” he smirked, pulling me towards him as he scowled at Will. “I’m not falling for it, Will.” He began to guide me towards the door. “Just keep your distance, you son of a bitch. I mean it. I want your word.”

You have my word. You won. I get it,” Will laughed, stroking his jaw softly. “You have one hell of a punch, Charlie, I’ll give you that.”

Just keep your promise, Will. I’ll be watching you,” he called before we left the boardroom.

Is it wrong to find you really hot right now?” I smirked as we travelled down in the elevator.

No,” Charlie beamed. “You bring out things in me, Miss Downing. I swear, one day you will make me lose my mind.”

I can’t believe you punched him.”

He’s had that coming for a while, and he did ask for it.” Charlie smiled, leaning down to kiss my lips, softly at first, then with more vigor as he pushed me up against the lift wall.

I could hear a clearing of a throat and noticed the lift door was open with Frank smiling in at us.

Really, you two,” he tutted, shaking his head. “And you wonder why you are always making front page news.”

Sorry, Frank,” I giggled, hiding against Charlie’s shoulder.

Come on, Sweetheart,” Charlie grinned, unaffected by Frank at all.

Our mansion was full of people by the time we got back.

Will we ever get any time alone?” I whispered in Charlie’s ear before we greeted everyone. He smiled back reassuringly.

So, how did it go?” Lorna asked, sipping her wine in our front room. “You clearly didn’t kill each other…that’s a good start.”

It was bearable,” Charlie muttered, undoing his jacket. “Would you like a red wine, Sweetheart?” he asked me.

Please,” I smiled, watching him stroll off to our kitchen.

So…” Grace was wide-eyed. “Were all the Fields at the meeting?”

Yes,” I sighed, slumping down onto my sofa with a groan.

What did Charlie do when he saw William Field? Oh. My. God! What happened when you saw Megan?”

It was a little tense,” I winced, throwing my head back. “Megan was her usual bitchy self, and well, Charlie hit Will.”

He what?!” Lorna choked out just as Charlie wandered back in.

I hit Will,” he chuckled, handing me a glass of wine. “He had it coming. He actually
for it.”

Are you kidding?” Lorna laughed. “I would have paid any price to see that.”

It won’t be repeated again,” I scolded, looking at Charlie. “You’re lucky you didn’t get arrested.”

A night in a cell would have been worth it, Shan. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Charlie smirked, sipping his wine.

I don’t blame you,” Bradley added. “I would have done the same thing.”

You men always have to fight with your fists,” Lorna scolded. “So, what happens now?”

We try working together,” I sighed, looking at Charlie. It was going to be a long few

weeks. Charlie and I both knew that.

Just breathe, Shan,” he whispered, kissing my forehead.

I’m not sure I really want to hear all of this,” I replied as Charlie and I walked hand-in-hand into th
e hotel suite Sir Field and Veronica were staying in.

Your mother will already be there. I’m sure they have told her the worst parts.”

I can’t believe it’s the Russian mafia,” I exhaled, holding onto his hand as tight as I could.

I can’t believe Frank got such a big lead.”

Just imagine if we do find Maisy,” I muttered, somewhat hopeful.

I’m more concerned about keeping you safe, Shan,” Charlie smiled, pulling me into his loving arms. “I could never deal with losing you again—ever.” I smiled as I looked into his dreamy blue-green eyes. When his lips softly met with mine, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. I couldn’t help but groan as I felt his hands slide down my back.

Our lips parted to the sound of a female clearing her throat, and I couldn’t help my smirk as I saw Megan stood there with her mouth wide open, watching us. This was the first time she had seen Charlie and me kissing with such passion. It might have been too much for her.

Sorry to interrupt,” she scolded, throwing her long blonde hair behind her

shoulders, “but my mother and father are ready for you.”

Oh, you didn’t interrupt, Megan. Charlie and I have plenty of time for that later,” I grinned. I noticed Charlie shake his head, sniggering at me as he followed my lead.

Sir Phillip greeted me first. “Hello, Shannon.” His voice still sent shivers down my spine.

We haven’t come for niceties,” Charlie replied firmly. “We just want answers and a progress report.”

Of course, Mr. Collins.” I sensed a tone of surprise in his voice. Perhaps he was a little taken aback by Charlie’s abruptness.

Our lead has been confirmed. There has been a sighting of Maisy in Brazil.” Sir Phillip’s voice was emotionless. You wouldn’t have thought he was talking about his youngest daughter.

Is it the Russian Mafia?” I asked, desperate to know what we were up against.

Yes.” I heard my mother’s voice come from behind me. “Hello, my Lizzie,” she smiled warmly before embracing me.

Do you think our security will be able to infiltrate them and get to Maisy?” I asked as my mother pulled away.

That’s up to Sir Phillip. Our team is busy following the Russian Mafia. If they think they can scare me, they’re wrong.”

What did Frank uncover?” My voice was a whisper as my mother pulled me over to the large white sofa in the far corner of the suite.

They are planning another attack on you,” she said as she moved the hair away from my face. Charlie ran his hands through his hair, watching me closely. I knew this was hard for him. “We believe someone who works for our company is leaking information to the Russian mafia, telling them your schedule.”

Do we know who the leak is?” My mother shook her head sadly at me.

Shannon, we need to go with this lead. We know when the abductors are going to attack. As much as I hate this, you are the only chance we have of getting our hands on one of the abductors.”

Jennet!” Charlie’s voice was horrified. “Can you hear yourself? You cannot use Shannon as bait. What if something goes wrong?” He was losing it, so I stood up, taking his hands in mine.

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