Embrace Me (15 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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How old were you?” I smiled as images of a tiny Charlie filled my head.

Five,” he beamed. “They were good memories.”

We can keep looking for them. I never mind watching a sunrise with you, either,” I grinned before he turned to pull me into his arms again.

Charlie stayed the whole weekend, and I somehow managed to make him realise that London was the right choice without him feeling guilty about leaving me.

I’ll see you next weekend,” Charlie breathed against my neck as I held him close.

We will have to make the most of the next few weekends,” I smiled, kissing his lips. “Have a safe journey back.”

I love you, Shannon Downing.”

I love you more,” I teased as I watched him get into the car.

I doubt that,” he smirked. “Be good.”

What trouble could I get into here?” I rolled my eyes at him. Charlie laughed as he got in the car, and I blew him a kiss before he closed the door. The car slowly began to pull away, and Charlie mouthed he loved me before it disappeared into the distance.

Are you okay, Miss Downing?” one of Frank’s security men asked as I walked back to the barn.

I’m fine.” I smiled weakly as I passed him. Was the pain on my face that easy to see?

My life was slowly slipping from my hands, but I knew I could get through this. After all, I had been through so much worse.

Love—no matter what the distance—would keep me strong.

Chapter Eleven

I couldn’t even begin to explain how much my life had changed since my true identity had been revealed. I had only tasted a small part of it before being hidden away in Texas, but I coped better than I ever thought I would. The flashing cameras only reminded me of Megan. A small part of me pretended I was still there in London with her…that the press weren’t there for me—it was Megan Field they wanted. It was bizarre that even after what Megan and her family had done to me, I still found a small amount of comfort in the years I had spent with them.

The girl I had once been was slowly disappearing while Shannon Downing was starting to rise from the ashes—just as my mother had hoped. I was feeling stronger and more in control of certain aspects of my life, and although that was mostly a good thing, the power was getting to me a little. Not that I would admit it to anyone, but I was definitely changing.

So, my darling Lizzie, how are you finding life on our ranch?” my mother asked over the table.

It’s pretty quiet,” I smiled, “but I am enjoying the fresh air.”

I will need you to come to London with me next month. I have a major deal going down, so Harry Mac will be joining us, too. Did Grace send you all the details?”

Yes.” I was surprised that my mother wanted any part of the company that Headcom was now after, considering most of it had been owned by the Fields in the past.

You think I’m going after it because of the Field family, don’t you?” she smirked.

Aren’t you?”

No, not this time,” she laughed. “Harry thinks we’ll have the upper hand if we take over Rendell Limited. We will own one third of the stock market and be able to set the rates to our advantage.”

Good old Harry,” Rachel muttered to herself while she typed on her laptop.

Look, Rachel, I know you have some issue with Harry Mac, but I would appreciate your best behaviour at this meeting,” my mother glared.

He is a slimeball just like his father was,” she replied in anger, “but I will do my best.” She forced a smile. “After all, it’s just business.”

I wondered where the hatred for Mac came from with regards to Rachel. I had the feeling there was a little bit of history involved.

What is this I hear about Charlie going to London for six months?” my mother asked, changing the subject while briefly glancing at Rachel.

It’s an amazing opportunity for him,” I smiled weakly.

I can’t keep up with that boy. One moment he wants to steal you from under my nose, and the next he abandons you for six months.”

He is doing nothing of the sort!” Rachel yelled. My mother and I both looked at her in shock.

Rachel is right,” I added, trying to calm the situation. “Charlie didn’t want to go—I made him. Straton really wanted his help, and I wasn’t going to stand in his way.”

I think if Charlie loved you the way he makes out that he does, he would have stood by you, that’s all,” my mother added. Rachel had clearly heard enough, as she placed her laptop down and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

I should go and make sure Rachel is okay,” I told my mother. “That was uncalled for. You how much Charlie loves me. I can’t believe you just said that!”

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to sound that way.” She didn’t look that sorry if I was being honest.

I thought you and Charlie had gotten over all this?” I questioned. “I will be marrying him one day. He is the one I want.”

I wouldn’t stand in the way of that. I can see how head over heels you are for that man. I’m just disappointed that he would take this job right when you need him the most.”

I told him to go!” I snapped. “I’m not prepared to stand in the way of his career!”

You need to start putting yourself first, Shannon.” That was never going to happen; I wasn’t that kind of person.

I’m going to go and check on Rachel,” I muttered. I’d had enough for now.

Oh, let her mope. She’s been like this for months now.”

She has?” I asked, somewhat confused.

Ever since Harry Mac came on board, to be honest,” my mother added. “She hates him as much as I hate the Fields.” Those were strong words coming from her.

It’s probably not easy to hear you bad mouthing her son, either. You seem to forget what Charlie did for us,” I scolded, irate at her smugness.

Rachel knows I didn’t mean it. I say things without thinking all the time. I would never get in the way of you and Charlie, even if he
annoy me from time to time.”

Really?” I raised an eyebrow at her. That wasn’t the case when Charlie had asked her for my hand in marriage a few months ago.

Yes. I know people say I am being too overprotective by keeping you locked up here, but when it comes to Charlie, I know I could never keep you from him.”

You would want to keep me away from him?” I asked, completely shocked. After everything he had done for her, how could my mother say that? Without Charlie and Lorna, I would be a member of the Field family by now!

Not so much from him, Darling,” she said as she smiled sadly. “Just from love. It rarely ends happily…especially in

Thanks, Mom,” I huffed as I rolled my eyes at her, “but for your information, Charlie and I have already had our happy ending.” I stood up, not wanting to carry on with this conversation anymore. My mother never made sense when she rambled on like this.

Your happy ending might just the beginning of your story, Lizzie,” she called before I walked out into the warm night air.

I knew she had her heart shattered into a million pieces when she was younger, but why did she have to make me feel guilty because I had love in my life? I never thought my mother could be the jealous type, but was this really because I had love and she didn’t? Or could it be something even worse? Was this about Charlie being everything I had ever wanted?

My mother had lost me for so many years. I knew it was difficult having to share me when my whole heart belonged to Charlie, but
she would never stoop that low.
Would she?
The problem was that I didn’t know her well enough to answer that question, but I knew one person who did.

Rachel was leaning against the fence, watching the sun slowly set over the Black Mountains. As I approached her, I noticed her wipe her eyes quickly. It was obvious she had been crying.

Rachel, are you okay?” I asked, placing my hand on her shoulder.

I’ve been better,” she half heartedly smiled, “but you don’t want to listen to my problems.”

Is this to do with my mother? Has she done or said something?”

No,” Rachel smiled, touching my face. “It’s just my past catching up with me.” I looked at her in confusion. “Ignore me, Shannon. I ramble from time to time,” she chuckled.

I have never seen you cry before.”

We all have our weakness.”

You know you can talk to me about anything. We’re family, after all,” I beamed.

You are such a wonderful girl, Shannon. No wonder my boy fell so hard for you.” Rachel was thoughtful as she looked at me.

Is it anything to do with…Charlie?” I could hardly get my words out.

No, I just have had a lot on my mind lately.”

I could help unburden the load,” I offered.

I’m fine,” Rachel insisted as she nudged me playfully. “Have you heard from my boy?”

Every day,” I beamed. “He is hoping to fly over next week if Straton will let him.”

I can’t believe he is in London photographing some of the most influential people of our time.” Rachel sounded so proud of her son and I couldn’t blame her. Charlie had managed all of it out of sheer talent.

I wouldn’t want to guess how much profit he will make from this. I think Straton is even issuing a book.”

I can’t believe that out of all the photographers in the world, Straton wanted Charlie to take
pictures. I mean…what an honour.”

Charlie is amazing behind the lens. I think he’s the new Straton in the making.” I sighed. “He is just as amazing behind the camera, too, though,” I teased, making Rachel chuckled. “Do you think my mother could be jealous of the relationship I have with Charlie?” I couldn’t think of any other way to approach the subject, so I just blurted it out.

Rachel looked at me in shock. “I wouldn’t like to say, Shannon,” she finally replied, looking away.

Rachel, you know my mother better than anyone. Please, I just want to know.”

Well…Jennet has never been one for showing her feelings, but finding you has softened her somewhat. I know she is scared of losing you again, and might see my boy as a threat—in a protective way. She is genuinely grateful for what he and Lorna did, though.” Rachel studied me for a minute. “Why are you asking?”

No reason, really. It’s just that my mother is so against love. I wasn’t sure why. It can’t be all about my father.”

Rachel laughed to herself. “Trust me, Shannon, when it comes to love, there are no rules. Some people spend their whole lives mourning their lost love, and I’m not just talking about your mother.”

Are you talking about yourself?” I whispered.

Of course not,” she laughed, but I could see that she was lying; it was there in her eyes. I was going to press the matter, but I heard Frank calling me.

Shannon, Charlie is on the phone for you. He said it’s urgent,” Frank called from the house. I smiled at Rachel before practically skipping to the phone. The power that man had over me was scary at times.

Hello,” I breathed, clutching the phone.

Hi, Sweetheart. How’s your day going so far?” Charlie replied.

Well, you know, I have just gotten a herd of cattle in. Then I am going to go and chew some grass against the trunk of a tree,” I teased. Charlie laughed at me. “What about you? How is London?”

Strange. Everywhere I look, it reminds me of you. I went to Reds last night. The bar hasn’t changed one bit.”

Really? I wish I could have gone with you. In a funny little way I miss London. It was the first time I laid my eyes on you.” I sighed, remembering the way he glided across the dance floor in the night club the first time I saw him. “I miss you so much.”

I miss you like crazy, too. But Shan, I called to tell you something before you read it in the papers.” My heart began to hammer against my chest as I waited to hear what he was about to say. “Megan was in Reds last night, and Straton wants her in the folio of photographs we are working on. I don’t want to do it, Shan, but I have no choice. Straton thought it would be good PR to have a few shots of us in Reds, so please don’t freak when you see the photos. I hated every moment of it.”

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