Embrace Me (22 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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I beamed, taking the roses and letter from her before settling down in front the log fire. Grace disappeared into the other room as I impatiently tore open the envelope.



The White Rose

The red rose whispers of passion,

And the white rose breathes of love

O the red rose is a falcon

And the white rose is a dove

But I send you a cream-white rosebud

With a flush on its petal tips,

For the love that is purest and sweetest

Has a kiss of desire on the lips

By John Boyle O’Reilly

I am missing you already.

Notice Me



I breathed in the sweet scent of the roses and noticed the slight red flush on every single petal tip. It mus
t have taken Charlie ages to find these exact roses. Would there ever be a day that he didn’t show me just how much he loved me?

Shannon, I have the reports you asked for. Lorna has just scanned over the last figures.”

Great,” I smiled, looking at her over the mountain of paperwork on my desk.

How is it all looking?”

Really healthy.”

Lorna will be pleased.”

I knew she had it in her to run things while I was here.”

Shannon?” Grace looked troubled as she sat down in front of me. “Would you hate me if I told you I can’t go back to New York with you?”

Does this have something to do with Danny?” I smirked.

He has asked me to marry him.”

I choked when I heard her words. Grace was younger than me. “Marriage…” I finally replied

I love him, Shannon. I want to be with him.”

Who am I to stand in the way of love?”

I’m sorry,” Grace replied. “I will work my notice. I mean, you are here for another two months, so I will help you find a replacement.”

Grace, it’s okay,” I soothed her panic attack by placing my hand on hers. “I understand, but trust me, you will be hard to replace.”

Thank you, Shannon,” she sighed as I looked at her face. I was envious of the happiness in her eyes. Grace had made her choice and would never have to let her love go. Wasn’t it about time I made that choice? Charlie was all I would ever want, so what was I waiting for?

Chapter Sixteen

The weeks drifted by and I was slowly going insane. Rachel’s huge secret was crushing me more with each moment I spent with Charlie. How could I lie to him so easily when he loved me the way he did?

Charlie managed to visit Texas a few times in my last eight weeks, but towards the end, things got too busy for him. Each time he left, he took a tiny piece of me with him. I wasn’t sure how much of me was left anymore.

Rachel had agreed to keep to her promise and tell him once he got back to New York. Mac was apparently happy with that, and promised not to tell Charlie himself.

As for my own life, my mother was happy that I was ready to take some of the pressure off her. My doomsday was looming. I would soon be thrown into a world I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready for, but would I ever truly be ready? Would
be ready to take over half of a multi-billion dollar company? I had to take comfort in the fact that it was in my blood. This was my birthright—I just had to find a thirst for it. How else would I succeed and make my mother proud?

You seem lost in your thoughts, Miss Downing,” Frank stated as he came up behind me while I was sitting on the wooden fence.

Have you ever been married, Frank?” I asked, watching the midday sun ripple across the Black Mountains.

I can’t say that I have, Miss Downing,” he choked, startled by my question. “I’m not sure I am the person you should be talking to about these matters, either.” As he spoke, one person entered my head and I leapt off the fence to go find her telephone number.

I hadn’t seen Mrs. Gray since that fateful day over a year and a half ago. Everything had happened so fast, and truthfully, I never got the chance to thank her. She saved me by sending my letter to Charlie, and for that, I would forever be in her debt.

Shannon, my dear,” Mrs. Gray pulled me into a tight embrace as she stood on my doorstep a few days later, “just look at you. You are glowing.”

It’s so good to see you!” I was actually sobbing. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed her until now.

Oh, my dear, no tears. You got your Prince, remember?” she cooed, touching my cheek.

I never got the chance to thank you,” I whispered. “You saved me. I will
be able to thank you enough.”

Don’t be silly. Mr. Collins would have come without that letter. I’m sure of it.”

We sat like old friends as I explained everything that had happened so far.

You really have some life, Shannon Downing.
—I’m not sure I will ever get used to that,” she laughed.

I know. It was a shock for me, too, when Charlie first told me.”

And here you are, ready to step into your mother’s shoes. I am so proud of you, Shannon. I can see what a strong woman you have turned into.”

I don’t always feel so strong,” I admitted as moisture filled my eyes. “It’s been so much to take in, and I…” Unchecked, the tears began running down my cheeks. Nothing was easy for me anymore, and all I really wanted, was to just be with Charlie.

My dear, what’s wrong?”

I feel like my life isn’t my own anymore, and all I want is…Charlie.”

Shannon, you have Charlie,” Mrs. Gray smiled, shaking her head. “The rest will come with time. It can’t be easy adjusting to all of this.”

I want to marry Charlie, but I’m afraid it’s too soon,” I sobbed. I knew it wasn’t the real reason I was crying, but it felt good as Mrs. Gray comforted me.

Oh…is that why I’m here—to plan your wedding?”

I was hoping you would give me some advice,” I begged.

Shannon, I think you already know the answer.” She sipped her tea while looking at me. “You didn’t need to drag me to Texas to tell you whether you should marry Mr. Collins or not. You have
known the answer to that.”

I should marry him if it feels right,” I beamed.

Only you know your own heart, my dear. If you feel ready for that step, take it. Life is too short sometimes,” Mrs. Gray smiled, and I couldn’t help but beam in agreement. She was right.

Have you heard much from the Field family recently?” I asked as I gazed out of the window a while later.

Not after I left the island. I hate that family…knowing what they did to you. I have refused to ever work for them again. I don’t care how much money they offer me.” Mrs. Gray touched my hand softly. “That last night when you ran out from your beach hut, what had Mr. Field done?”

I…I…” I was stunned as the memories came flooding back and I began to shake uncontrollably. “He tried to…force…himself on me.”

Shannon, my dear, I am so sorry! I had my suspicions, but I never…” Mrs. Gray stroked my arm, lost for words.

It’s alright. Will didn’t touch me. I wouldn’t have given him the satisfaction of having me.”

William Field is an evil creature, but I cannot believe he tried to force himself on you. If I had known, I would have…” Mrs. Gray stopped suddenly, looking towards the doorway.

He did what?!” A thunderous voice came from the doorway behind. Of all the times Charlie wanted to surprise me, of course it would be now.

Oh…Mr. Collins. What a lovely surprise! It’s wonderful to finally meet you. I’m Mrs. Gray.” She was trying to calm the situation.

Charlie looked straight through her, glaring at me. “Shannon, why didn’t you tell me?”

Charlie, don’t be rude. Mrs. Gray is talking to you. You remember me telling you about her, don’t you? She was the one who sent my letter to you,” I replied, a little embarrassed by his outburst.

I’m sorry, Mrs. Gray. It’s lovely to finally meet you, but I am alarmed at the words I just heard.
William Field tried to force himself on Shannon.

I think I will just leave the two of you alone for a moment.” Mrs. Gray touched my cheek softly and smiled. “We can finish our catch up later.”

Charlie was in front of me in an instant. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me, Shannon? When did this happen? Was it while Will was blackmailing you?”

Charlie, relax. It was the night before the wedding. I hit him in the crotch and ran—nothing happened.”

Shannon, it isn’t okay. He could have hurt you.”

But he didn’t,” I smiled, kissing his lips. “You saved me, remember?”

I don’t like secrets between us,” Charlie muttered, resting his forehead against mine. “Promise me no more secrets.”

I promise.” My heart ached from the deceit. How could I lie to him like this? I should have just told him right then, but the timing was all wrong.

I guess surprising you wasn’t the best idea.” Charlie’s face softened as he kissed my lips tenderly.

No, it’s the best surprise…and now you can meet Mrs. Gray,” I replied excitedly. “She is the most amazing person and is
as romantic as you. You’ll love her.” I gripped his hand, dragging him outside to meet the wonderful Mrs. Gray properly.

They did get on like a house on fire. Mrs. Gray managed to stay until the late afternoon, and even Charlie was sad to see her leave.

I’m so glad you got your fairy tale ending, Shannon,” she whispered as she hugged me tight. “Call me when you need my services. I’ll be waiting.” I smiled, nodding at her. Charlie was sat on the chair nearest the open fire when I walked back in.

She really is wonderful, Shan,” he beamed, opening his arms to me. I walked over to him, sliding onto his lap. “But one thing is confusing me.”

Go on,” I asked, interested to see what he had to say.

Why do you need a wedding planner? Is there something you’re not telling me?” He smirked, looking deep into my eyes.

Damn him. Why did he have to be such a smart ass? “She is my
before she’s a wedding planner.”

Okay, if that’s what you say.” He didn’t believe me; I could tell.

I’m not going to ask you to marry me, Charlie,” I giggled. “You know that’s the man’s job.”

I would ask if I knew you were ready. I don’t want a repeat of the last time.”

Maybe I am ready,” I whispered into his neck.

You are?” Charlie questioned, looking up at me in shock.

I know that I only want to be with you for the rest of my life,” I beamed.

Charlie studied my face before he finally answered. “Well, that’s good to know.” I sat on his lap waiting for the question, but it never came.

You’re not going to ask tonight, are you?” I finally inquired.

Shannon, when I do ask you, I want to take your breath away. I need time to plan,” he grinned.

But you will ask me?”

He kissed my lips. “I have thought about nothing else the entire year, Sweetheart. Trust me, there is no doubt that I will ask you.” My heart beat frantically. Those words would be enough until he finally proposed.

Charlie was only able to stay one night, but it was enough. There were only three weeks left until we would be reunited in New York, and I was already counting down the days and hours.

The last weeks dragged, which was strange considering all the preparations that were involved concerning my return. Frank was actually scrambling my brain with all his security plans.

Charlie and I had to move out of our apartment and into a more secure house on the outskirts of New York. It was a small price to pay to be together, but I would miss the memories from our apartment.

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