Embrace Me (14 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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I was wandering around the ranch when I saw Frank and a few of his men throwing stones at some old steel cans.

Are you that bored, Frank?” I laughed, walking over to them.

No, just getting into the Texas way,” he laughed, handing me a stone. “Why don’t you give it a go?”

I bet I’ll miss,” I smiled, taking the stone and trying to aim it at the steel can a few meters away. I threw it and missed totally. “Damn,” I muttered.

It’s all about practice,” Frank chuckled.

Well, at least I will have plenty of time for that,” I laughed.

That’s very true, Miss Downing,” he replied. “I have my men doing regular patrols, but Jennet has told me that I’m not to let you out of my sight. If you are going anywhere, you need to let me know. I already have a copy of your schedule, but if anything changes, be sure to inform me right away.”

Frank, do I really need this many people protecting me?”

Shannon, Maisy Field still hasn’t been found yet.” Frank was suddenly very serious. I couldn’t believe she was still missing. I wanted to feel sorry for the Field family, but I just couldn’t—not after what they had done. My heart did go out for poor Maisy Field, though. “Underground crime is really shifting, and unfortunately, heirs like you are an easy mark. Your mother put a huge target on your back when you became public and she knows it.”

What do you mean a target”

Shannon, the price on your head is already over one hundred million dollars. You must realise criminals are probably already plotting how to get their hands on you.” I froze, scared at that thought. “Don’t worry,” Frank chuckled, “that’s what I’m here for, remember?”

Do you think they will ever find Maisy?” I whispered, feeling completely numb.

Truthfully?” Frank asked. I nodded as my throat became dry. “I wouldn’t hold out much hope. Chances are they will keep hold of her just to demand more money. Once they have done that, they will go underground with her.”

Underground?” I asked, confused about what that meant.

Human trafficking. You would be amazed at the price you can get for someone like Maisy Field.” I didn’t realise I was trembling until Frank nudged me. “I’m sorry, Miss Downing. I wasn’t thinking. Me and my stupid mouth.”

No, it’s fine. I need to know these things,” I quivered.

Maybe I should get you back and find Grace.” I nodded woodenly as he helped me back to the barn.

Are you alright, Shan?” Grace asked, rushing in few moments later.

Yes,” I smiled, sitting on the multi-coloured couch in the front room. Frank had put some logs on the open fire and the smell of the burning wood was quite relaxing. “I was just talking to Frank about Maisy Field.”

Megan’s sister?” Grace asked as she sat down next to me.

Yeah. Frank was telling me that they might never find her,” I muttered. “Did you want a coffee?”

I’ll get it,” Grace replied, getting up. I followed her into the homely kitchen. “You still care about the Field family, don’t you? Even after what they did to you,” Grace commented as she made the drink.

If it had been any other member of that family I wouldn’t have cared, but Maisy, she is the baby…and so innocent. She doesn’t deserve this.”

Lorna was right about you,” Grace beamed.

What do you mean?”

You are a pure soul. You always put others first and see the best in them.”

I don’t know about that,” I smiled as Grace passed me a cup of coffee.

Are you scared that the same thing might happen to you?”

A little, but I can’t spend my life in fear, can I?”

No. Plus, you do have about a hundred bodyguards,” she chuckled. “I don’t think even a tank could get through them.”

True. Frank is pretty scary.” Grace nodded, laughing. “Even if he is hitting steel cans with stones.”

Oh, trust me—it’s really fun once you get the hang of it,” she bounced, obviously excited. “I’ll teach you.”

Thanks,” I replied, shaking my head at her. “Does this mean I will have to round up cattle, too?”

Of course! You
in Texas now,” Grace laughed. I rolled my eyes at her, but at least it would pass the time.

The days did seem to pass quickly, but in so many ways, I felt as if I was in a prison. I wasn’t free to walk off on my own anymore. My every step was being watched and followed, and I had no control over it.

Charlie called almost every day, and each time, I never wanted the phone call to end.

How is Canada?” I asked him.

It’s good. Straton came to see me yesterday,” he replied on the phone.

He did? What for?”

Well, he has a major project he wants me to partner with him for.” He sounded wary for some reason.

That’s great. What sort of project?” Charlie was a huge name in the world of A-list photography now, as well as all the freelancing he was doing. I had never been so proud of him.

That’s the problem. Shan, it’s in London.”

London?” I replied, suddenly feeling dejected. It was so far away from Texas.

Look, Sweetheart, don’t worry. We will talk about it when I see you.” He was trying to soothe me over on the phone but it wasn’t really working.

How long will it be for?”

He isn’t too sure but it’s a huge project. It’s basically his whole life’s work leading up to this one assignment. Some of the people who have agreed to be photographed are mind blowing names.” Charlie sounded so excited; I couldn’t stand in his way.

You should take it, Charlie. This is an amazing opportunity.”

Shannon, we will talk about it. You always come first.”

Charlie, this is your career!” I snapped. “You can’t put me before that.”

I think you’ll find that I can,” he chuckled.

Stop being stubborn,” I moaned.

Are we really going to fight over the phone about this?”

No, I just don’t want you giving up anything for me.”

That’s it. I’m flying to Texas right now,” Charlie replied a little irately.

NO! You can’t do that. You’re working!”

Shannon, you seem to have forgotten what you mean to me. I think I need to get to Texas and show you.” I could hardly contain the butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of his touch. It had been almost three weeks since I last saw him.

Don’t be silly,” I laughed. “You have to work.”

I can just imagine you there in your room, all alone.” I froze, looking around. How did he know I was in my bedroom?

Charlie, how do you know that?”

Look outside your window,” Charlie laughed. I raced towards the window, almost flinging myself out of it in anticipation. There he was, looking like Romeo as I gazed down at him.

You bloody tease!” I shouted. “You were there the whole time.”

Of course,” he laughed. “Now, get your beautiful body down here so I can say hello.”

I raced down the stairs two at a time and flew into Charlie’s open arms as I crashed my lips against his urgently. My body shivered when I felt his hands caress the small of my back. Our lips didn’t part as he lifted me up, carrying me into the barn towards my bedroom. I didn’t even realise I was unconsciously taking his clothes off until I felt his bare shoulders at my fingertips. Charlie muttered my name in worship as we lay down on my huge four-poster bed and became overtaken by our desire.

Wow,” Charlie breathed, caressing me as we fell down from our own personal heaven. “That was something else.”

I can’t believe you’re here,” I beamed, rolling on top of him.

Well, when Straton offered me the contract, I got on the plane straight away. At the end of the day, it concerns the both of us,” Charlie breathed, putting his hand through my hair.

It’s a long placement, isn’t it?” I whispered. I could see it in his eyes—the anguish. He wanted to go but was too fearful to leave me.

Yes,” he whispered.

How long?”

Six months.”

SIX MONTHS!?” I didn’t mean to yell, but it was a big shock.

I won’t go, Shan. It’s okay.” He smiled weakly, pulling me closer.

You have to go, Charlie. This is huge! You
turn this down.”

But you need me.”

It’s only six months.” I winced, trying to have faith in my words.

Shannon, no…this is too much for you. I can’t leave when you need me most.”

Don’t be silly. I am here. What could possibly happen? Plus, I might even be able to visit you in London,” I beamed, running my fingertips against his lips.

Shannon, are you sure? You don’t even want to think about this?”

Charlie, we have our whole lives to be together. I will miss you like crazy, but we have to take these chances when we get them or we may end up resenting each other one day.”

Shan, I…”

Don’t,” I interrupted. “You know I’m right.” Charlie nodded solemnly. “What’s wrong?” I asked, watching his face closely.

I was hoping you would make me stay. I don’t like the idea of being away from you for that long.”

It’s only six months, and I expect I’ll be here the whole time with the way my mother has been.”

Maybe she will let you come with me.” I looked at him and smirked. “Okay, maybe not,” Charlie chuckled.

All I am saying is that if you want this, go for it. I will be here waiting for you when you get back.”

I love you, Shannon.”

I love you, too,” I smiled, kissing him as we lost ourselves again.

Charlie had saved me in every way possible. I
him this. I couldn’t let him see my fear.

My life was spiralling out of control so fast that I was finding it difficult to hold on to the parts that kept me grounded.

This place really is incredible,” Charlie mused, snapping pictures of the sunrise.

It gets a little tedious day after day, though,” I yawned. Charlie had an obsession with sunrises, and I’d been dying to show him the Black Mountains sunrise. We’d taken two of the horses and chased the dawn before it began to break.

It can’t be that bad.”

Tell me more about London?” I asked, slipping onto his lap. The horses were busy eating grass, tied to the nearest tree.

It’s Straton’s life work. I still can’t believe he has asked me to help him.”

Is it for a showcase?”

And a memoir book,” he replied proudly.

You have to do this, Charlie. Please don’t worry about me here. What could possibly go wrong?”

You could fall off a horse, for one,” he teased.

That would never happen.”

Are you sure about this?”

This is your career, Charlie. Please don’t let me hold you back from that.”

You are more important.”

I’m going to be stuck here, anyway. Please don’t worry.” He nodded before capturing my lips with his.

I would watch sunrises with you every morning if I could,” he whispered.

What is this fascination with sunrises?”

It was the first picture I ever took when I was younger. My grandfather gave me my first camera, and we walked onto the beach in England. You should have seen it, Shan. It was the most glorious sunrise I’d ever seen. I still keep looking for those shades of red and orange now—nothing has ever compared.”

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