Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2] (2 page)

BOOK: Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2]
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“On your hands
and knees now.”

resisting, she bit her lip and obeyed, kneeling onto the ground and then
putting down her hands, so her ass pointed directly at the wolf. Her favorite
position. She could live through this, she decided. She’d just think about Knox
and how this was going to keep him safe.


Growling low in
his throat, Mathis knelt behind her, aligning his hard cock at the crack
between her butt cheeks. Then, without further ado, he thrust forward, impaling
her fully. Dry and unprepared, she arched her neck back, squeezing her eyes
tight and sinking her teeth deeper into her bottom lip. He felt huge as he
invaded her, stroking the inner muscles of her vagina. He seemed to like it
dirty and hard, which always made her the horniest whenever Greydon took her.

But this wasn’t
her mate, and the differences stood out vividly, making her all too aware of
everything about him—from his delicious scent to the texture of his thick cock,
teasing her pussy, working in and out, making her mouth water.

“Fuck, yeah,”
Mathis grunted, slapping his body into hers, gripping her hips with both hands
to force her ass backward whenever he rammed forward. “Give it to me. Give it
to me hard, baby.”

His words made
her wet. Jesus, she loved dirty sex-talk, dirty sex period, and dirty wolves
treating her like a sexual equal and not some piece of delicate china they
needed to go easy with. A smell wafted off her, damp and womanly, and way too
strong to mask.

Sweet mercy, he
knew how to move. Clarissa’s skin prickled and her stomach churned. She wished
she could vomit, show him she didn’t want this. She needed to demonstrate some
kind of resistance because it didn’t hurt like she thought it would. In fact, it
didn’t hurt at all. Oh, God. It felt so good. The rougher he became, the more
her body grew alive.

“Could you
hurry it up?” she croaked. “I don’t know how long Knox will stay away.” He was
never one for following orders.

Knox. Think of

“Oh, we won’t
be rushing. I’m not coming until you do, sweetheart.”

She groaned as
he thrust even deeper inside her. “Then you won’t be coming,” she gritted out,
hoping she wasn’t making an empty promise because, shit, her pussy was already
tightening and loosening, then contracting again like it was preparing for the
orgasm of all orgasms. It made her want—

He laughed as
if he could read her mind. Leaning down, he tongued her back, lapping his way
up her spine. She arched her belly in, trying to evade the wet stroke. But he
only chuckled some more, reaching around to grab one of her tits. He kneaded
her skin without mercy, shooting electric zaps of intense pleasure through her
nervous system.

Licking her own
lips and wishing she could taste him, she flickered her eyelids open so she
could glance down and watch him cup and stroke her. She became fascinated,
studying his fingers as they pinched her nipple and rolled the hard bud between
his thumb and index finger. Her second erect nipple throbbed, wanting the same
attention. Oh, God, if he didn’t pinch the ignored nipple soon, she might have
to do it herself.

“If I was
facing you, I’d lick and nibble on your breasts right now, Clarissa. I’d suck
your ripe little berries into my mouth so hard and deep you’d beg me to do it forever.
I’d bury my face between your lovely tits and breathe in your heavenly scent.”

“Shut up,” she
moaned, even as she pushed her breast deeper into his palm.

“That’s it,
sweetheart. Just stay nice and wet for me.” Grinning, Mathis slowed the
movement of his dick. He pulled almost all the way out of her before easily
stroking back in. His cock glistened with moisture, coated with her damp, musky

As she began to
pant, Clarissa’s body quivered. “Stop,” she rasped, panicked and desperate.
“Please.” She was supposed to hate this. She was supposed to hate him for
blackmailing her.

“Why?” Mathis
goaded, only to glide effortlessly and slowly right back into her. “Because you
like the feel of me inside you? Because you want more?”

groaned and bucked back, her body demanding just that. “No,” she bit out from
between gritted teeth. But neither of them believed her. “Oh, God. Oh, God.

When he stopped
rutting, stopped moving entirely, she growled and pushed back against him,
repeatedly grinding her ass against his lap so she was the one forcing his cock
to vanish into her cunt, rubbing him against every ignited nerve ending inside
her. She closed her eyes, complete rapture filling her, and arched her head up
to keen out a sound of intense pleasure, all the while slapping her hips
backward before coming hard and fast. Her orgasm sprouted, grew, and took over
her entire frame, shaking her to her core.

She panted as
her body settled, but Marcus wasn’t finished yet.

Laughing, he
abandoned her breast to shift his hand down her stomach. “Damn, you’re
responsive.” He buried his fingers in the nest of hair between her thighs, and
her body lit up again.

She cried out
as he massaged her, swirling his finger through her pubes and making her grind
her ass back into his lap with a renewed fury, bucking and hissing, her pussy
swallowing his cock with a speed and rhythm that had her gritting her teeth and
digging her fingers deep into the ground.

“Do you like
that, Clarissa?” he demanded. “Tell me you like that.” Suddenly, he moved
again, thrusting into her hard just as she slammed backward.

“Yes,” she
hissed. “I love it. Oh, God. Don’t stop, please don’t stop. Rub my pussy. Rub
it. Faster.”

He stroked her
clit, pounded into her cunt, and she demanded more. “Harder,” she cried. “Fuck
me. Deeper, deeper. I need more.”

Mathis gave it.
He wedged himself inside her, sweat and determination coating his brow as his
hips jack-hammered and his dick repeatedly disappeared between her soaking wet,
swollen folds.

Carissa writhed,
moaning and crying out all sorts of things that shocked herself. But, dear
Lord, she meant every word. Her soul rattled out of her mouth as she told
Mathis he was the best she’d ever had. She loved the feel of his huge cock,
never wanted it out of her. She kept begging him to fuck her harder, longer,

“Greydon can’t
do it like this,” she gasped. “I can’t… Omigod, you feel so good. Fuck me
. I want you deep inside me until I can taste your cum.”

When she came,
she screamed out his name—the only name she ever wanted to scream again.
Greydon forgotten, Knox forgotten, there was only Mathis.

Roaring, Mathis
grabbed a handful of her hair, yanked her head back, and rammed into her once
more time before he followed, shouting out his own release. When their orgasms
finished, they both collapsed into the dirt, Mathis flopping on top of her and
crushing her body beneath his.

She loved that

They panted in
unison, curled together like the lovers they’d just become. Mates. He stroked
her hip before lifting his face to smooth her hair down her back. She hummed in
satisfaction and closed her eyes, a slight smile curving her lips.

“We’ll do this
again,” Mathis said. “Whenever I want it, you’ll come to me, and then you’ll
come when I’m inside you. For as long as I want you.”

nodded. “Yes.” Anything he wanted, he could have. She was his now.










Chapter One


Twenty years later


An enormous
gray wolf stood at the edge of the woods, glaring at her.

Nanny to the
Griffin family, Jaycee Roland froze with terror, even managing to stop the
oxygen from stirring in her lungs as she gawked right back at the beast. “Don’t
move,” she whispered, obeying her own command.

Its eyes were
brown, a dark chocolate, compelling brown, not the yellowish-green hue of the
wolves she usually saw in pictures. Of course, wolves didn’t walk right up to
humans like this in any of the pictures she’d ever seen either.

The intense
brown eyes watched her without blinking, making her breath hitch and air
stutter back through her chest cavity. She could actually see the wheels in its
head turning as its mind worked, its overly intelligent gaze studying her and
calculating her every move.

Was it sizing
her up, trying to figure out how many bites it’d take to reach her gooey
center? She didn’t particularly want to find out.

“Jaycee,” Dane
said from her right elbow, sounding way too logical and clever—and not at all
scared—for a mere six-year-old. “He’s not going to hurt us. He’s just—”

“Shh,” she
said, holding out her hand to keep the boy safely tucked behind her.

There was no
way to know the mind of a savage beast. And she wasn’t about to risk the lives
of her wards simply because a six-year-old thought something as untamed and
primal as the creature before her was harmless.

She might not
be Mary Poppins, but Jaycee Roland thought she came damn close in the nanny
department. Only moments before, Dane, Rhea, and Brynn had been screaming with
laughter as they scattered across the backyard away from her seeking fingers.
She wasn’t sure how she always ended up being “it” during their daily game of
tag, but the kids howled with delight whenever she bent her fingers like a
gnarled old hag and cackled, “I’m going to get you, my pretties.”

The Griffin’s
yard was open and spacious. Tall trees leading into a thick woods bordered the
property, providing just the right amount of privacy and making the perfect
playpen for three lively triplets. Their house was located at the edge of a
dead-end street. Only five other homes lined the block, so the neighborhood was
fairly quiet and peaceful. A great place to raise a family.

Except for the
occasional wolf that lingered in the area.

Okay, so this
was the first wolf sighting she’d experienced, or even heard about. The beast
had appeared out of nowhere, stepping into the edge of the yard and out of the
trees as if it had been summoned.

The children
actually noticed it first. Pausing and lifting their faces to the air as if
they smelled the damn thing, they spun around in unison, then lit into grins,
dashing toward the wolf.

Jaycee thought
she’d have a heart attack. She almost dislocated a hip sprinting to stop them
before grabbing two of their arms and shoving her babies behind her.

Swallowing, she
listened to her knees knock together as she hovered in front of the triplets.

“Hi,” Dane
spoke to the wild animal, once again trying to peek around Jaycee in order to
talk to it. “I’m Dane. What’s your name?”

“I’m Brynn,”
his sister was quick to put in just as Rhea asked, “Can I feel your coat? It
looks awful warm.”

The wolf
growled and hunkered its back, its fur bristling as it showed the children its

Afraid or not,
Jaycee had no plans of letting some mutt harm the Griffin family. She was their
nanny, damn it, and no one threatened her wards. It was time to kick ass.

Well, her
version of ass-kicking.

her back in her bravest show of annoyance, she set her fisted hands on her full
hips and snarled, “Don’t you dare growl at my babies. Go on now, you big bully.
. You don’t want these children anyway. You’d have to go through me
first, and I assure you there’s more fat than meat on these bones. I’d be a big
disappointment to your taste buds.”

She could’ve
sworn the wolf blinked in confusion, tilting its head sideways. It was almost
amusing save for the fact she was close to pissing her pants in fear. Then it
narrowed its eyes and loomed a step closer.

She stomped her
foot. “No,” she said in the harshest voice she could manage. “You were not invited.
You need to leave.”

The beast
showed its teeth, but no growl rumbled from its throat. If she didn’t know any
better, she would’ve sworn it was trying to intimidate her with a flashy show
when it really didn’t mean any harm. But she had no idea what its intentions
were, so she waved her fingers back toward the forest as if batting it away
with an invisible broom.

It snorted out
an indignant sniff, its brown eyes boring into her for another five seconds,
and then it swung away before disappearing back into the trees.

She wilted,
plopping down onto her knees with relief.

Dear Lord, talk
about heart-attack city. She was surprised she hadn’t expired on the spot. “Oh,
my God,” she uttered. “Did that really just happen?”

The triplets
scampered out from behind her. “Wait,” they called, darting toward the trees.
“We didn’t get your name.”

Jaycee boomed, thinking her babies had gone insane. But what were they
thinking, chasing after a wild beast like that? “Inside, now.” When none of
them listened, she added, “It’s snack time.”

sufficiently diverted, the three youth cheered and veered toward the house.

Taking a moment
to set her hand over her pounding heart, Jaycee watched them go, glad they were
still safe and un-chewed. Then she hurried after them, glancing once—okay,
twice—over her shoulder to make sure no big bad wolf followed, deciding it
wanted her for an afternoon snack after all.

Once safely
locked inside, she wasted a couple minutes arguing with the triplets about who
was going to sit where because they never agreed on seating arrangements. Ready
to strangle all three by the time she had their snack ready and laid out on a
serving tray, Jaycee stepped forward like a drill sergeant, pointing and
commanding until Dane, Rhea and Brynn finally settled and slumped into their
assigned chairs. Rolling her eyes, Jaycee fed them.

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