Trusting Sydney: The Temptation Saga: Book Six

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Trusting Sydney
The Temptation Saga: Book Six
Helen Hardt

This book is an original publication of Helen Hardt.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

Copyright © 2016 Waterhouse Press, LLC

Cover Design by Waterhouse Press, LLC

Cover Imagery: Shutterstock

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No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic format without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


his e-book
contains adult language and scenes. This story is meant only for adults as defined by the laws of the country where you made your purchase. Store your e-books carefully where they cannot be accessed by younger readers.

Praise for Trusting Sydney

! Helen brings it, AGAIN! Helen brings love, passion and the element of danger to each of her stories. There is a depth to each story that makes you want to keep turning the pages and dig deeper into these characters.

~Delightfully Dirty Reads

this installment of the Cowboy series. Helen is a wonderful writer, and I read all six parts with bated breath, waiting to see what was happening next each time. You should ride this roller coaster with tissues. Trust me.

~Brenda’s Book Beat

Praise for Helen Hardt

Flawlessly written and in my opinion a work of art…

~Girly Girl Book Reviews

Is it hot in here? I mean it’s July, the sun is blazing, but I’m sitting in an air conditioned house sweating bullets. Congratulations Ms. Hardt, you dropped me into the middle of a scorching hot story and let me burn.

~Seriously Reviewed

Ms. Hardt has a way of writing that makes me forget I'm reading a book. It's more like slipping into a world she created and getting lost for a while.

~Whipped Cream Reviews

I loved this book. The characters were wonderful. They each showed their vulnerable sides as well as their strengths. They are real people and have real problems but also some very loving solutions…

~Night Owl Reviews

Ms. Hardt creates magic…

~The Romance Studio

Helen Hardt writes as smooth as a hot knife cutting through butter. Her words take you away and you feel like you are watching the story play out right in front of you.

~Delightfully Dirty Reads

n memory
of the real Sydney and Sam


, Colorado, Five Years Earlier

“Hey, Sam…Chad.”

Sam O’Donovan looked up. His sister was on the arm of Zach McCray.

“Hey, Dust.” He turned to his companions. “This is my baby sister, Dusty. Dusty, meet Sydney Buchanan and Linda Rhine.”

“And this is my big brother Zach,” Chad said. “You all want to sit down?”

“We’d love to,” Dusty said.

“Sydney’s a barrel racer,” Sam said. “I’ve been telling her all about you.”

“Are you competing?” Dusty asked.

“Yeah. Day after tomorrow. You?”

“Day after tomorrow. Good luck to you.”

“You too. Though I doubt you’ll need it. Sam told me about your best time. Thirteen point nine seconds is awesome.”

“Sydney’s real good too,” Sam said. “Her personal best is fourteen point one.”

“That’s exceptional,” Dusty said. “I see you’ll be some real competition.”

“You want to dance, darlin’?” Zach asked Dusty. “They’re firing up the music.”


She and Zach left the table, and Sam focused his gaze on the black-haired beauty next to him. Sydney Buchanan’s dark eyes mesmerized him. He’d never been one to pick up a girl he hardly knew, but his old friend Chad was obviously a pro at it. He was charming the pants off Miss Linda Rhine this very minute in the Westminster Room at the Windsor Hotel. The Bay siblings did know how to throw a party.

Course, they had money to burn.

Chad took the last swill of his beer and set the empty bottle on the table. “You all want to get on outta here? Go for dinner somewhere?”

“Sounds great to me,” Linda said, shaking her blond curls.

Sam turned to Sydney. “How about it?”

She blinked slowly. “Sure, I suppose it’s okay.”

Damn, those eyes could hypnotize a grizzly.

“Great.” Chad stood. “I know a fantastic little Italian place not too far from here. They always have a table for me.”

They walked through the room. Zach and Dusty were sitting at a table, eating appetizers from the huge spread.

“We’re heading out,” Chad said to them. “We’re going for a late supper at Amici’s. You all want to come?”

Zach shook his head. “No thanks. We have plans.”

“Okay, see you guys later.” Sam followed Chad, who was already very cozy with his arm around Linda, out the door of the ballroom.

His own hand itched to touch beautiful Sydney. Her dark hair fell to her bottom. The nearly onyx waves glided as she walked, keeping time with her pace. She walked slightly ahead of Sam, and his gaze never left her. Should he touch her?

How I want to touch her.

He wasn’t a ladies’ man like Chad. He’d had experience, of course, but getting too friendly on a first date—and this wasn’t even a first date—wasn’t his style. They’d just met at the Bays’ party. Getting too friendly on a first
was definitely not his style. He prided himself on being a gentleman.

Besides, he hadn’t had much time for dating during the past several years. First Dusty’s illness, and then their father’s death, and then nearly losing the farm—not too many moments left for wooing the ladies.

He was totally out of practice. Hopefully he wouldn’t make a complete ass of himself.

Chad was right. Amici’s had a great table for them, private and out of the way, with a beautiful view of downtown Denver in lights.

His baked ziti was delicious. He didn’t say much, just watched Sydney eat her pasta—how could one woman be so sexy eating pasta?—while Chad and Linda rattled on about one thing and another.

“What about you, Syd?” Linda said.

Sam jerked toward the female voice. She was asking Sydney something, but damned if he knew what. He hadn’t been listening.

“I’ve got a fair shot, I guess,” Sydney replied. “But Sam’s sister is going to be tough to beat.”

Okay. They're talking about the barrel racing.
Sam nodded. “Dusty’s good, that’s for sure.”

“Why haven’t you all been down here to nationals before?” Chad asked.

Sam hesitated. He didn’t like talking about their financial situation, especially not to one of the McCray heirs. Chad could write his own ticket anywhere.

“Just haven’t had the time, I guess.”

Chad pushed his empty plate away from him. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m stuffed.”

“Couldn’t eat another bite.” Linda winked.

They’ve got somethin’ up their sleeves.

“We could go back to my suite,” Chad said. “Have a few drinks.”

Yep, I know what he has in mind. And three—or four—is a crowd.
Sydney’s gaze locked onto his, her dark eyes brooding.


He couldn’t take her back to his room at the Holiday Inn. Not only was it not up to the Windsor Hotel standards, but he shared it with Dusty. Not exactly fare for a romantic evening.

“I don’t know,” he said. “I’ve got lots to do tomorrow, and it’s getting late.”

“Don’t be a party pooper, Sam.” Chad guffawed. “The girls are stayin’ at the Windsor. Let’s go on back there. The night’s still young.”

Sydney reached toward him, and her small hand landed on his forearm. His groin tightened.

She blinked those dark eyes slowly and her lips curved into a shy smile.

“We could go to my room.”

Chapter One

, Colorado, Present Day

“Ladies and gentleman,” Mark, the rodeo emcee announced. “Welcome to the opening ceremonies of the Bakersville Rodeo! We’ve got a week full of fun and adventure planned for everyone. Zach and Dusty McCray have brought back their bull, El Diablo, and they're still offering that half-mil purse to anyone who can ride him for a full eight seconds. Maybe this is the year. Any of you cowboys up for the challenge?

“Our rodeo queen contest is underway, and we’ll have this year’s pretty ladies come out and strut their stuff in a minute. First, though, please welcome last year’s rodeo queen, Amber Cross. Miss Cross is escorted by her father, the one and only Thunder Morgan!”

Sam stood in the McCray brothers’ private box at the rodeo arena, taking care of his nephew, Sean. Deafening applause echoed from the stands. A platinum blond siren took the stage on his idol’s arm.

Thunder Morgan. The best bronc buster in history, in Sam’s humble opinion. He hadn’t always won, but he’d always given the audience a good show. The man had style. Too bad he’d retired a few years back.

“Amber won’t be single much longer. Next week, after she crowns our new rodeo queen, she’ll become Mrs. Harper Bay!”

More thundering applause.

“Congratulations, Amber,” Mark said.

“Thank you so much, Mark. I’ve enjoyed being your queen for a year, but I’m going to love being Mrs. Bay for the rest of my life.”

“Well said, Amber. Mr. Morgan, it’s an honor to have you here at our small-town rodeo. But I understand you’ve been here before.”

“Yup,” Thunder said. “Busted broncs here fifteen years ago and won a large purse. Thank you, Bakersville!”

Thundering applause again. Amber and her father left the stage as Mark introduced the grand marshal of this year’s parade, Sam’s brother-in-law, Zach McCray.

Sam stopped listening as Mark and Zach traded jibes. Zach was a good man. He took amazing care of Dusty and their son, Sean. Sam could never repay him for that, and the beauty was that Zach didn’t expect repayment. He adored his wife and son.

“Hey, Sam, look who I found.”

Zach turned to see his sister and a gorgeous black-haired beauty enter the box.

He gulped.

“You remember Sydney, don’t you?”

Sydney Buchanan

She hadn’t changed one bit in five years, except maybe she was more beautiful.

“Of course,” he said. “Hello.” He held out his hand.

When she took it, sparks sizzled up his arm. Those brooding dark eyes seared into his own.

“It’s wonderful to see you again, Sam.”

“Isn’t this great?” Dusty took Sean’s hand. “Thanks for watching him.”

“No problem. You know I love the little guy.”

“He’s adorable.” Sydney squatted down. “How old are you, sweetie?”

“I’m almost five,” Sean said.

“You’re almost a grown-up.” Sydney touched the little boy’s cheek and stood. “You must feel incredibly lucky.”

Dusty smiled. “Only every minute of every day.”

Was that a hint of sadness in Sydney’s dark eyes? Sam wasn’t sure. Did she know about Dusty’s cancer, and that little Sean was almost a miracle? It wasn’t common knowledge outside Bakersville. At least he didn’t think it was.

“Are you competing this year, Sydney?” Dusty asked.

“Sure am. That’s why we’re here. Are you?”

Dusty shook her head. “Nope. I haven’t competed since that ill-fated race against you back in Denver all those years ago. I ended up pregnant with Sean and never went back to racing.”

“You gave it all up? Even bull riding?”

Dusty laughed. “
bull riding. Zach wouldn’t hear of it, and I actually agreed with him. We were lucky to get Sean. It’s unlikely I’ll ever get pregnant again.”

“Oh.” Sydney looked down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up anything…well, you know.”

So she wasn’t aware of the situation. Then why did she look so sad?

“I know you didn’t.” Dusty smiled again. “It’s okay.”

Sam truly admired his baby sister. She was the strongest woman he knew. She’d been to hell and back, yet a genuine smile always graced her pretty face.

“You should have won that race, anyway,” Sydney said. “You were magnificent.”

Dusty let out a sigh and pulled Sean into her arms. “Things worked out for the best, believe me. Look what I got for my trouble. I’m a lucky woman.”

Sydney’s red lips curved into a half smile. “Yes, you sure are.”

“Sam, I’ve invited Syd and her family to the house tonight for our little get-together.”

Sam’s heart lurched. Was he happy or unhappy at the news? What exactly did one say to a woman he’d slept with once and never seen again?

The sex had been good. Freaking amazing, actually. None of his other experiences had come close. He shuddered as the image of her crimson lips wrapped around his cock sprang into his mind. She’d licked and teased him until he thought he’d burst.

He dismissed the thought.
Don’t need a boner right now.

Two days later, Sydney had won the barrel race with a time of 14.9 seconds—not a personal best, but damn good.

But her victory had been bittersweet for Sam. Dusty and her mare had out-performed Sydney until the last second, when they knocked over the third barrel. The five second penalty had cost Dusty the race.

Her last race.

Course as she’d said, things had worked out. She married Zach McCray a few months later and had Sean not long after.

“Sam’s psyched,” Dusty continued, “because Thunder Morgan will be there. He’s the father of one of my sister-in-law’s best friends.”

Great. Now he looked like a star struck little boy to Sydney

“Really? That’s awesome,” Sydney said.

“He’s been Sam’s idol for years.”

Shut up, Dusty!

“Do you still bust broncs, Sam?” Sydney asked.

“Yep. I’ve got a couple competitions this week. I’m thinking about giving El Diablo a try too.”

Dusty’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”

“You heard me.”

“Wow! I remember that bull,” Sydney said. “I didn’t know you rode bulls, Sam.”

“He doesn’t,” Dusty said.

“I’ve ridden a few in my day.”

“You don’t know Diablo.”

“You rode him, didn’t you?”

“And damn near killed myself and Zach too, if you recall.” Dusty put Sean down. “Go play with your Legos, sweetheart.”

Sam berated himself silently. He had no intention of riding that bull. He’d only said it to impress Sydney. At thirty-three, he didn’t need to be talking himself up to impress some babe. High school had been a long time ago, for God’s sake, yet here he was talking big for a girl.

“You two are both amazing,” Sydney said. “I’d never get on a bull.”

“You just have to understand them, “ Dusty said. “They’re really sweet, beautiful animals.”

“No offense, but every time I watch bull riding, I think those guys are insane.”

Dusty laughed. “Some of them are, that’s for sure. I know the whole town thought I was when I got on Diablo.”

Sam opened his mouth to agree but shut it quickly. Since he’d opened his trap to say he might ride the damn bull, he couldn’t very well agree that his sister had been crazy to attempt it.

And no doubt, she
been crazy.

Dusty was actually really good with bulls, with all animals. She had originally planned to study veterinary medicine, but her illness, and then her marriage and birth of her son, had changed that goal long ago. Still, she helped her sister-in-law Annie, who was the town vet, as often as she could.

“You guys are still offering that half-mil purse, huh? No one’s won it yet?”

“Not yet,” Dusty said. “We have a couple cowpokes try every year. Thankfully no one’s been seriously hurt.”

“Do you still work with him?”

“I take care of him. I haven’t tried to ride him again. Like I said, I gave all that up when I got pregnant.”

“Yeah, I understand.” Sydney’s gaze shot to Sean, who was sitting on the floor with his Legos. “Your little boy is beautiful.”

“Thank you. We think so.”

“So what time are you starting tonight?” Sydney fidgeted a little and played with her hair.

Did she not want to go to Dusty’s shindig? Why on earth not? His baby sister and her hubby threw a party like nobody’s business.

“Around six. Come on over any time. We’ll have a dinner buffet, but it’s a ‘serve yourself and eat when you want to’ kind of thing.”

Sam laughed. “Don’t listen to her. The McCrays don’t do anything halfway. Their ‘serve yourself’ buffet will be an open bar and a huge spread topped with a baron of McCray beef.”

Sydney blinked again. Clearly, the woman was a bit nervous. Because of him? Couldn’t be. Five years had passed since their clandestine liaison. No reason to be nervous.

Course his own belly was doing a series of somersaults.

He excused himself and left the box. He found an empty seat in the rafters and plunked down.

Sydney Buchanan.

She hadn’t changed a bit. In fact, if it were possible, she looked even sexier and more beautiful.

They had shared an amazing night all those years ago, still the most passionate night he’d ever spent. Bits and pieces of their crazy lovemaking still haunted him regularly, but a long time had passed since he’d relived the entire night.

Opening ceremonies were still going on, but soon Mark’s voice became unintelligible, and a vision appeared in Sam’s mind.

“We could go to my room.”

How had they gotten there? Sam wasn’t sure, but sure as day, here he was in Sydney Buchanan’s hotel room, kissing those beautiful red lips.

He stiffened as she sighed softly into his mouth. He traced his tongue around her luscious full lips and gently eased it into her sweet mouth.

The soft sigh again—it vibrated sweetly against his inner cheeks. He deepened the kiss.

Her response was immediate. Her soft tongue swept against his own. A girl who liked tongue as much as he did. Heaven on Earth. The kiss became more frantic, more urgent. Their tongues tangled together, and Sydney’s soft sighs turned into low moans.

She pressed her full breasts against his chest. More heaven. Sam couldn’t remember a time when he’d desired a woman this much. He urged her forward until they hit the wall next to the bathroom. He pushed her against the hard surface and ground his erection against her. He was so hard he thought he might burst.

Still they kissed, fully clothed, moaning into each other’s mouths. When she ripped away from him and inhaled, he rained wet kisses over her cheek and her neck, spurred by the frantic need that welled within him.

Her scent intoxicated him. Green apples or pears, fruity and inebriating, mixed with a feminine musk all her own. A deep hunger swelled in his groin, and his thoughts strayed to her hidden core. Would she be wet for him? Would she taste as good as she smelled?

He’d soon find out.

But first, the silky skin of her shoulders and the plump swell of her breasts beckoned him.

A few whispered words escaped her lips in a soft breathy caress against his neck. What had she said? He wasn’t sure, but they were a husky sound, a helpless sound. A sound of want and desire.

“Do you want me, Sydney?”

“God, yes.”

She wore a little black dress—sexy and classic—and right now he couldn’t wait to get it off her.

He slid one spaghetti strap off her milky shoulder and pressed his lips to the smooth skin. Fire blazed through his veins. He inhaled, drinking in her fruity, musky fragrance.

She sighed. “That feels so good.”

“Good, honey. I want to make you feel good. I want to take you to the stars.”

He moved to the other strap and eased it over her creamy flesh. This time he kept going, until he exposed her rosy bosom.

“My God, you’re beautiful.” He cupped both breasts.

“Yes. Touch me. Please.”

A chuckle left his throat. “Since you asked so nicely.”

He thumbed both nipples until they were hard and erect beneath his fingers. He tugged at them until he could resist no longer. Then he lowered his mouth to one peak and licked it lightly.

“Yes,” she said again. “Yes, suck my nipple.”

A girl who liked to talk during sex. Another plus. He clamped his lips over the hard bud. Her texture was satin against his tongue and oh so sweet. He’d never come across nipples that had a flavor before. Or maybe he just wanted this woman like he’d never wanted another.

Crazy. They’d just met. He wasn’t one to screw on the first date—if this was even a date. But damned if it didn’t feel like the rightest thing he’d done in years.

She sure wasn’t complaining either. To be on the safe side, he lifted his mouth from her nipple and met her dark gaze. “You sure about this, sweetheart?”

She nodded, and her smile lit her face like the lights on a country Christmas tree. “I’m very sure. I want you, Sam.”

His cock roared to life. “I want you too. God, I want you.”

He lowered his head and took the other nipple between his lips. He licked and nibbled, enjoying her moans as she writhed against him. He slid the dress down her side, over the hills of her hips, over her thighs, until it lay crumpled on the floor in a black puddle. He eased her panties down and she stepped out of them. A triangle of black pointed the way to ecstasy. He reached between her legs and smoothed his fingers through her folds. Slick. Moist. Wet.

So wet.

He groaned. “Wet, sweetheart.”

“For you,” she said, her voice a breathy whisper.

His erection strained harder against the confines of his black pants. They were a loose fit, but damned if they weren’t tight as a bowstring right now.

“Take me to bed, Sam.”

No need to ask twice. Naked except for her strappy silver sandals, she stood, ruby lips parted, dark hair cascading over silk skin, looking like a creamy dessert.

Still fully clothed, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her on the cool sheets, sat down, and started unbuttoning his shirt.

She sat up. “Let me,” she said and took over undressing him. With each button and newly exposed skin, she kissed him.

And with each kiss, his skin tightened, and blood rushed through his veins and settled in his already throbbing erection. He felt her kisses in every pore of his body, every pulse of his heart. Heat curled inside him, threatening his control.

When his shirt lay in a heap on the floor, she started on his pants. A drop of fluid darkened a hole-punch-size spot on his boxer briefs. She smiled, and he knew she had noticed.

He didn’t care. It was no secret how much he wanted her. His rock-hard cock was evidence enough of that.

She eased the boxers and pants over his legs, and her eyes widened.

“You’re so muscular. God, your legs are amazing.”

He smiled. “Thank you.”

“But this”—she slid her hands up his thighs to his cock—“is truly a work of art.” She kissed the head lightly, licking away another drop of fluid.

He jerked. Just one tiny touch from her lips on his cock and he was ready to explode. “God, sweetheart. Damn, that feels good.”

“Mmm, then this’ll feel even better.” She took his length between her lips.

Sweet God in heaven! He couldn’t come yet. Had to get inside her. But oh, how her mouth tantalized him. On top of the incredible feeling, the image of her full lips gliding over his cock was a major turn-on.

And he hadn’t thought it possible to get more turned on.

Oral sex was good no matter what, but Sydney Buchanan had elevated it to a fine art. She alternated swirling her tongue around the head and thrusting her mouth up and down his length. Every time he thought he’d burst, she eased up and brought him back down.

Good thing, too, because this night wasn’t ending before he tasted the treasure between those long, beautiful legs.

Gently he grabbed both her cheeks and pulled her toward him for a long, deep kiss. His own saltiness on her tongue drove him crazy, but before he got too frantic, he turned her over so she lay on her back. He broke the kiss and spread her lovely legs.

Between them, her glistening sex beckoned. He kissed each nipple, trailed his lips down her smooth belly to her vulva, and then to her moist folds.

Like silk beneath his tongue. She tasted of sweet pear, of morning dew. He flicked her hard clit with his tongue and then buried it in her wet channel.

She writhed beneath him. “Yes, just like that. Please.”

He continued, adding one finger, and then another, all the while licking her, until she clamped down on his hand.

“Yes! I’m coming.”

She didn’t have to say it. He knew by the pulsing within her against his fingers and tongue.

And God, he was thrilled.

He had to have her, and he had to have her now.

He gently eased his fingers from her and left the bed for a moment to grab his wallet out of his pants and the condom out of his wallet. He sheathed himself in record time and plowed into her tight depths.

“God!” So good, so very good. He pumped and pumped, her hips rising to meet him. He met her mouth with a sizzling kiss, all the while thrusting harder and faster.

When he’d almost reached the brink, he pulled out, turned her over gently, and entered her from behind.

Doggy style. He loved that position. Loved them all. He wanted her on top next, riding him like she rode her barrel racing mare. Only faster and stronger and never ending.

He thrust again. Her sweet ass cheeks wiggled against his hips—beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful, but Sam was a self-professed ass man.

Well, and a boob man.

Aw, hell, he loved it all.

Even her back was sexy—smooth and creamy and all her.


What a woman.

Finally, he could hold out no longer.

“Now, honey, now,” he said, and he reached underneath her and rubbed her swollen clit.

When her orgasm began, he let go. Tiny convulsions started at the base of his cock and spread through his length. As the orgasm erupted, the spasms darted through his body, spreading to his arms and legs. Nirvana. He went rigid and plunged into her as far as he could, letting the climax take him.

Shudders racked his body, and when the contractions finally died down, his legs shook. When he stood to dispose of the condom, they felt like jelly.

They rested a bit, shared a glass of wine.

Then they started again.

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