Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2] (8 page)

BOOK: Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2]
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Not expecting
visitors, Jaycee frowned and sat down her bowl of diced boiled eggs before she
hurried to the living room. She barely glanced at the nightgown she’d changed
into as soon as she’d arrived home; like there would actually be anyone she
needed to impress on the other side of the door.

When she saw
Donald standing on her front porch, smoothing his sleek blond hair back before
breathing into his hand and sniffing to check his breath, she blinked. What the
hell? Looked like he was ready to pick up some woman for a date. So why was he
standing on

getting the best of her, she opened the door and stared out at him.

His gaze
gobbled her whole as if he could see straight through her nightgown. “God,” he
hummed out the word. “You really do look good. Have you lost weight?”

Ire rising in
her chest, Jaycee folded her arms and cocked a hip. “No. In fact, I’ve gained.
About twenty pounds.”

He frowned as
if he wanted to disagree but checked himself at the last moment. Finally
managing to tear his stare from her breasts, he made eye contact and offered a
rueful grin. “Can I come in?”

Jaycee didn’t
budge. “Why?”

“God, Jaycee.
You always gotta make a man beg, don’t you? I haven’t seen you for six fucking
months. When you opened the door today, I…I don’t know. I suddenly realized how
much I’ve missed you.”

unmoved, she cocked an eyebrow to tell him how lame he sounded.

“Please,” he
added, his voice cracking with the humble request, his eyes filling with
sadness. “At least give me a chance to explain myself.”

Jaycee sighed
and rolled her eyes but stepped aside. “Five minutes,” she grumbled, thinking
how sweet it would be to throw him out on his ass when his explanation failed
to sway her in the least.










Chapter Eight


Knox fidgeted,
his wolf whining, as he watched the male enter Jaycee’s house.
his beast sneered, showing a row full of savagely sharp teeth. After listening
to the male talk with the cubs’ father this afternoon outside the jaguars’
house, he now had a second reason to hate Jaycee’s ex. The douche was a shifter

Not only had he
broken Jaycee’s heart, but now he was after Knox to boot. Growling, Knox itched
to tear inside the house and rip the fucker’s worthless hide from his equally
worthless body.

He couldn’t
believe she’d actually let that pathetic excuse for a male inside her house.
Creeping closer in his stag form, he listened to what Donald had to say.

“I was going
through a bad point in my life six months ago. Things at work, and…and other

“What other
stuff?” Jaycee demanded, making Knox grin at her unwavering tone of voice.

“I can’t…one of
my friends was killed, okay.”

Knox ground his
teeth when Jaycee’s sympathetic gasp reached him. “Oh my God, Donald. Why
didn’t you tell me?”

“I…I couldn’t,
all right. We both belonged to an organization I can’t talk about. And—”

“Okay, stop
right there. If you try to tell me you’re some kind of super-secret espionage
spy for the government, you can just leave right now.”

“I’m not—”

“And besides,
even if you
, I fail to see how any of this induced you to stick
your cock into another woman.”

Grinning, Knox
edged even closer, cheering his female on. That a way, baby—tear the douche bag
to pieces.

“For Christ’s
sake,” Donald boomed, “will you just shut up and listen to me? I was out of my
mind with grief when Daria showed up that day. When she came on to me—and yes,
came on to me—I wasn’t in my right frame of mind. I needed all the comfort I
could get.”

Knox had heard
enough of this bullshit. Before he could stop himself, he made the decision. No
male was going to sniff around his mate without being put in his place.

Shifting into
his human, he streaked to her bedroom window and pushed it open. After crawling
inside, he raced for the door to the hall. He entered the living room seconds
later, still butt-ass naked, where good ol’ Donald looked like he was about
ready to fall to his knees and do the whole begging bit.

“Baby?” Knox
said just before he hit the opening. “What’s keeping you— Oh. I didn’t hear
anyone knock.”

Both Jaycee and
the human male stood frozen, their jaws coming loose and falling as they each
ogled him, skimming their gazes down his body. Even limp, his cock hung an
impressive length as it brushed the inside of his thigh. As Jaycee’s ex gawked,
the scent of intimidation radiated off him, clashing with self-conscious

Knox smirked as
he continued to stand there, letting them both see all.


* * * *


Jaycee barely
managed to close her mouth. But what the—

She lifted her
eyes from Knox’s junk and finally noticed the victorious smirk in his gaze. Oh,
he was loving this.

She had to
admit, so was she. Though, honestly, she didn’t remember going to sleep
tonight. This was the first time someone else had been in one of her
Knox-dreams. These dreams were really beginning to take over her life. Maybe if
she was lucky, they would consume her entirely and she could sleep forever,
just being with him.

“You’re coming
back to bed soon. Right?” he asked, his voice smoky and seductive, making her
legs tingle.

As if he could
smell her go wet, Knock reached down to clutch his cock, which she noticed
lengthened the more he looked at her.

Next to her,
Donald made a choking sound. He spun to her even as he pointed to the naked
dark Adonis. “Who the fuck is he?
?” he sneered the name she’d given
him early in the day.

Jaycee blushed,
mostly from glee. “As a matter of fact, yes it is. Knox, this is Donald.
Donald, Knox.”

“Hey,” Knox
greeted with a lazy drawl to his voice, looking completely comfortable in his
skin. But what was better, his hungry gaze never left her body.

Donald pinched
his eyebrows together. “Do you mind covering yourself?”

Knox wrinkled
his brow. “Why? Feeling insecure?” Donald flushed and blustered, but Knox
merely shrugged. “
the one who interrupted

“Fine. I’m out
of here,” Donald muttered, spinning away. He stomped toward the door, only to
pause at the last moment, like he suddenly remembered what he’d been doing here
in the first place. “Jaycee,” he said, spinning back around, his eyes imploring
and pathetic.


She gasped when
Knox came up so suddenly behind her, pressing his chest against her back and
his erection against her ass. With Donald still watching, he moved her hair to
the side so he could bend his head and kiss her neck. Inside her clothing, her
nipples pearled and her soaked cunt quivered. Eyes fluttering shut, she moaned
as his teeth and tongue lavished her.

She barely
heard Donald mumble, “Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’m out of here,” followed by the
sound of the front door opening and banging shut.

“Thank God,”
Knox muttered in her ear even as his hard dick pressed the cloth of her silky
nightgown deeper between the crack of her ass.

“What?” she
asked, rolling her hips and grinding backward.

“He’s finally
gone.” He bent her forward. “I have to have you. Now.”

“Wha—” Her eyes
flew open wide as he lifted her nightgown and cool air brushed the backs of her
legs. Snapping her panties in half as he ripped them off, Knox pressed himself
at the opening of her vagina. “Oh, my God.”

She gasped and
began to pant, growing even wetter, soaking to the point that the head of his
cock slipped inside her without either of them pushing.

This was the
first time they’d done anything outside the bedroom. Everything felt different,
in fact. She didn’t remember going to sleep.

He was in a
frenzy to master her, show her and the entire world whom she belonged to.

“You’re mine,”
he growled and thrust deep into her body. “That male is never to talk to you
again. He had his chance. Now it’s past.”

His penis
seemed to push deeper and deeper into her with each plunge. “Knox,” she cried

He looped a
hand around her waist, and without breaking rhythm, he took her to the floor
until she was propped on all fours on the carpet; then he mounted her from
behind. His chest covered her back, and the fronts of his thighs lay along the
backs of hers. His penis tunneled deeper.

“This is how
wolves do it,” he growled just before biting the back of her neck and holding
her in place with the light grip of his teeth as he pounded into her from the

For some
reason, it felt unbearably erotic, and Jaycee came, heaving back against him
and screaming his name.

“Again,” he
demanded even before she’d completely settled from her high. He continued to
thrust into her, no mercy, just whiplash after whiplash of pleasure.

Jaycee bowed
her face down, her hair sliding over her shoulders as she shook her head. She
tried to sink her fingers into the carpet and hold on for dear life. Her knees
were already stinging from rug burn. And yet the pressure on her pussy, the amazing
sensation of Knox filling her, had her rearing backward every time he shoved
himself home.

“Oh my God, I

“Take it.” His
growl was pure wolf. His pumping became frantic, without style, and all about
pure need. Just before he latched his teeth back around her shoulder, he
commanded, “Don’t you fucking pass out on me again.”

Then he came,
roaring as he poured into her. The flex and grind of his dick, expanding as it
spent its passion, ignited her cunt into contracting and squeezing him tighter,
tearing an orgasm from her in the most pleasurable pain she’d ever experienced.
Her vision went blurry and gray, her head went light, and her body felt
strangely muzzy, but she remained conscious in a hazy kind of realm.

Time stretched
on. Either that or Knox’s orgasm lasted particularly long, as in minute after
minute, he pulled taut and groaned, bucking in that turbulent climaxing sort of

“Jaycee?” he
finally rasped when the ripples from him came every couple of seconds.


He growled out
a canine sound of pleasure. “Good.” He smoothed his hand over her hip. “You’re
still with me. There’s hope for you after all.” Then he kissed her shoulder
where he’d left a distinct love bite and slowly pulled out of her. “Sorry.”

“For what?”
Confused, she shook her head and let out an amused laugh as she rolled around
and plopped onto her back to stare up at the ceiling of her living room.

He nestled
himself beside her, tucking his cheek next to hers so they could study the
ceiling together. “You only came twice.”

She snorted.
“Oh, you poor wolf, you. Here. You can make it up to me now.” Rolling on top of
him until they were lying belly to belly on the floor, she kissed him once,
then grinned and crawled up his body until she sat on his face.

His chuckle
vibrated against her thigh. “Yes, ma’am,” he mumbled back and then licked her.
She arched her back and sucked in a surprised breath. Dear Lord, the wolf had
one talented tongue.

The sofa was
only a foot in front of her, so she reached out and clung to a couch cushion as
Knox separated her pussy folds and lapped at her clit. She bit her lip and
squeezed her legs around the sides of his head.

He latched a
hand around her thigh and tugged her loose. Worried she might’ve been
suffocating him, she glanced down and apologized. But he merely grinned. “This
is for you, baby. Spread ’em wide for me.”

She tried. He
helped her, lifting her legs in his hands so she sat suspended above him,
resting solely on his forearms, nearly doing the splits above him as he ate her
pussy, humming his approval and diving his tongue deep into her vagina before
coming out to bat at her clit.

She strained,
feeling a mighty orgasm mount. “Oh, God, Knox. It’s coming. It’s coming. Oh…”

She screamed.
She simply opened her lungs and let it all out. Restless yet unable to move her
legs to alleviate any of the pressure, she felt the entire release flood out of
her cunt, so strong she could only wail as she swamped his tongue with her

Once she
finished, she collapsed her face into a fluffy cushion and concentrated on
breathing. Knox set her on the carpet next to his shoulder and sat up so he
could cuddle his chest to her vertebrae and kiss her hair. Smoothing his
fingers around her waist, he softly stroked the womanly swell of her belly
until he moved north to cup her weighty breasts.

“You’re mine
now. You realize that, don’t you?”

Jaycee closed
her eyes and pressed her cheek deeper into the cushion. “If only I could be
yours in reality.”

For a moment he
was quiet, silently petting her. When he said, “You can. All you have to do is
wake up,” his voice was hoarse and almost afraid.

Jaycee lifted
her head from the couch and turned to look at him. His large, brown doe eyes
were full of uncertainty. Cupping his cheek, she smiled. “Then take me to bed,
lover. The faster I wake up, the sooner my dreams can come true and we can
really be together.”

He grinned and
pressed his forehead to hers. “
dreams; not just yours.”

He pulled back,
slipped his arms around her, and lifted her off her feet. Jaycee yelped and
latched her arms around his neck. She wanted to warn him that she wasn’t a
feather pillow. But he carried her with such ease to her bedroom, she figured
her weight wasn’t a problem.

After laying
her on her mattress, he covered her with his hot body instead of a blanket.
Settling on top of her, he sighed and buried his face in her throat. “For
twenty years,” he murmured, “I’ve searched for a place to belong. And finally,
here in your arms, I feel as if I’ve come home.”

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