Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2] (5 page)

BOOK: Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2]
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“Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Please…”

Pulling out of
her abruptly, the wolf-man sat up between her thighs to stare down at her.

Body screaming
in denial while her legs remained splayed open and pussy gleaming wet, Jaycee
sputtered, “Wha-what...why’d you stop?

“You were
wrong,” he murmured. “You’re not a disappointment to my taste buds at all.”

Mouth falling
open, Jaycee gaped a moment. Before she could even think up a rebuttal, he
leaned back down and set his mouth over her clit. Stunned speechless, she
continued to watch him, even as he drew enough pleasure from her to make her
vision blurry.

His brown eyes
grew darker, showing masculine accomplishment as he loved her pussy, licking
without mercy, tunneling deep inside her and then lapping up to slick moisture
over her clit. He worked her good. She let her head fall back as she rode his
mouth in cresting waves until…

“Yes,” she
cried, coming against his mouth, squirming to get closer and yet farther away.
He put a powerful orgasm on a girl; it was almost frightening. But he clutched
her hip with a strong grip, forcing her to experience every sensation.

She might’ve
already been lying on her back, but she still collapsed once she was through,
done, kaput. Time for a nap.

Nap was the
last thing on her lover’s mind, however, for once the second orgasm swept over
her, he attacked, ripping his mouth off her pussy and surging up her body.

“I can’t wait
any longer,” he panted. “Oh fuck, you look so good, coming apart under me. God
damn, I have to be inside—”

He broke off
with a guttural groan and sank into her.

Jaycee went
from utter relaxation to sticking her finger in a light socket. Her back arched
off the bed from the zap of pleasure.

Garbling out a
scream of surprise and desire, she clutched his arms while he pushed all the
way to her core, grinding himself against her, trying to bury himself deeper

Her womb
contracted around his cock.

“Don’t,” he
hissed, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes closed. “I can’t hold
out…much longer.”

The hell if he
couldn’t. This was Jaycee’s dream, and her lover would hold out as long as she
demanded. Cupping his hips between her thighs, she tightened her pussy and
listened to him choke on the groan that followed.

She moved under
him, swiveling her hips, driving him insane.

“God damn,
Jaycee,” he rasped, catching her hip with his hand as if he wanted to stop the
torture. But instead of stilling her, he urged her on. “You’re going on to kill

She grinned up
at him. “And here all I wanted to do was make you come.”

He laughed,
nuzzling his face against her throat in a cuddly puppy-dog kind of gesture.
“Are all humans so amazing?”

Glowing from
the compliment, Jaycee wrapped her arms around his shoulders and delighted in
the feel of his face tucked against her hair. “Of course not,” she said,
because this was her dream and she could be the best human lover if she wanted
to be. “No one’s like me, baby.”

“Got that
right,” he panted, his movements growing frantic as he pushed in and pulled
back out, grinding with each plunge of his cock.

Sloppy and wet
and raunchy, it was exactly the kind of sex she’d been craving. Jaycee
undulated against him and grew hotter, the pressure building inside her.

“You gotta be
kidding me,” she muttered, staring at the ceiling over his shoulder. “I’m gonna
come again.”

“That’s the
plan.” He picked up speed, the rhythm even more harried. “Just make it soon,
would you? I can’t wait much…longer.” Even as he said the words, he groaned and
began to quiver. “Fuck,” he gasped, holding her tight. “No. Wait, you’re not—”

But the orgasm
caught hold of him, and he went off, plunging into her, his cock flexing and
growing. The sensation was amazing. Jaycee threw her head back and screamed,
overcome by his orgasm until it fed her own, the two mixing together and
creating a maelstrom of desire.

Just as she
reached the absolute peak of pleasure, her world went black.

She had no idea
how long she was out, but when she came to, her dream lover was still there,
cupping her face with trembling fingers.

Jaycee, open your eyes and look at me.” Even his voice wavered, fear lacing
each word.

Her lashes
flickered open once but felt so very heavy. Head thick with fog, she licked dry
lips and tried to talk. “Wha-what happened?”

“Oh, thank
God,” he breathed out his relief. “Thank God. I thought I killed you. I’ve
never been with a human before. I thought… Holy shit, don’t ever do that to me

Finally, she
managed to open her eyes. The fringes of her vision blurred, framing him with
smudged edges. It took a moment for his words to rearrange themselves in her
head and make sense.

“First human,
huh?” she murmured, closing her eyes because the blackness seemed to drag her
back under. “Then I must say you did well, grasshopper.”

With that, she
passed out once more to the sound of his incredulous laugh.











Chapter Four


Jaycee felt
downright chipper the next morning as she strolled through the Griffin’s back
door. She’d woken that morning in the center of her bed, rejuvenated and so
utterly alive, she’d been damn near tempted to burst into song.

The triplets’
father, Shaw, didn’t seem to be experiencing the same jubilation. He rushed
around the kitchen, looking harried as he snagged toast from the toaster with
one hand, poured orange juice with another, and talked on his cell phone with
it tucked between his ear and shoulder.

“Yeah, we’ll
discuss it at work. I’ll talk to you in a few.”

At the table,
the children chattered above their father’s voice, arguing over who was going
to sit where.

As Jaycee shut
the door behind her and took in the chaotic scene, Shaw disconnected his call
and sent her a desperate look. “Welcome to the nuthouse.”

Grinning, she
set her purse on the counter, then faced the table and opened her arms. “Good
morning,” she called.

noticing her arrival, the triplets clambered from the table and hurried to her
to give her their morning group hug. As they pulled back, she took charge of
the situation and assigned seating, pointing each to his or her seat for the
day. After handing each kid a plate full of breakfast, she marched them back to
the table, and order reigned once more.

Shaking his
head, their father set his hand on his hip and eyed her with wonder. “Jaycee,
you’re a miracle worker.”

She preened.
“That’s what I keep telling you all.”

As he grinned
back at her, warmth spread through her system. Before last night, Shaw Griffin
had been the sexiest man she’d ever met. But her new dream lover made the
triplets’ father pale in comparison.

Shivering, she
recalled her dream again. Ever since waking up alone in bed, she kept replaying
each detail over and over in her head. She never remembered her dreams, but
thank God she remembered this one. Clearly.

Even as she
took her shower and glanced down at her body, completely changed, she felt as
if every minute with her wolf-boy had been real. Even the scent of sex
perfuming her bedroom this morning had made it all seem so genuine. Of course,
going to bed masturbating had caused that, but still. She liked to imagine

transforming from friendly to thoughtful, Shaw tilted his head and squinted his
eyes as he kept watching Jaycee. “You look…” His voice trailed off as a dark
flush stained his jaw. “…different today.”

Jaycee quirked
her brow at his unusual observation. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say
the man was blushing. But Shaw never blushed.

Glancing down
to find nothing was out of sorts—she wore the same comfortable shirt and jeans
she did most days—Jaycee turned back to Shaw, who continued to study her with a
slight crinkle of his brow as if he couldn’t figure out what had changed.

Before she knew
it, she was blushing too. Her dream last night had refreshed her, body and
soul. She woke up rested and sated with a confidence that amazed her. But could
that vibrancy inside her be shining outward as well?

“Did you change
your hair?” Shaw finally guessed.

Jaycee shook
her head. “No.”

“Hmm.” He
shrugged. “I don’t know what it is, but you look really good.” Then he did it
again. He blushed. Tough, back-down-to-no-one Shaw Griffin was actually
blushing; there was no doubt in her mind. “Not that you don’t always look
nice,” he rushed to say. “It’s just, this morning—” Coughing into his hand, he

Quirking a
brow, Jaycee studied him, interested to hear his thoughts. Never—not even once—had
he looked at her as anything other than his children’s nanny. He looked at his
wife, Riley, like he wanted to consume her whole, strip her naked and fuck her
without a thought or care who might be watching. Jaycee had long ago decided he
was blind to every other woman who crossed his path. She thought it was kind of

But to have him
so suddenly looking at her as a woman boggled her mind. Her dream really
must’ve boosted her confidence.

Still looking
stiff and uncomfortable, Shaw reached for his briefcase. “I need to get to
work,” he mumbled, ducking his head and refusing to make eye contact. “Riley
should be home at her usual time. Have a good day.”

After calling a
goodbye to his children, Shaw rushed out the door. Jaycee stared after him, a
huge smile lighting her face. She had caught the attention of a complete hunk
like Shaw. Maybe she wasn’t totally hopeless after all.

Beaming, Jaycee
accredited her joy to one totally amazing dream.


* * * *


miserable, Knox skulked the woods outside the jaguars’ house. He never stayed
long in one place, scavenging for food and moving on. He tempted fate
occasionally and broke into human homes when he knew no one was around. Human
food held some interesting flavors, so he liked to go through their kitchens
and come up with a snack before he was off again, disappearing into the woods
like a phantom.

But after last
night, he couldn’t make himself move on. He’d never crept into a human house to
fuck the lady of the manor before, never known what he was missing. After
sinking inside Jaycee, though, he didn’t see how he could ever lie with anyone
else, wolf or human.

Panicked by
what this meant, he growled low in his throat, glaring at the jaguar home that
continued his female. She was inside; he could hear her, smell her. He wanted
to break down the door and drag her out, taking her again and again.

His female.

Body quivering
with need, Knox nearly missed the scent of approaching humans—males—before he
jerked his attention to the left, focusing on their smell and voices. They were
following his trail, hunting him.

Eyes narrowing,
he glanced one last time at the house containing Jaycee, then whirled away,
dodging deeper into the forest, changing from wolf into stag as he moved. Deer
were more indigenous to the area, plus rare in the shifter world. If the
hunters were looking for a shapeshifter, they’d scan right past a deer. If they
were merely scouting out local game for sport, he might be in trouble.

His senses told
him these hunters were of the shifter variety, however, following his specific
trail and talking in code the shifter hunters he’d had close encounters with
before had used.

Fuck, he knew
he should’ve moved on. Shifter hunters were a blight on his existence; he had a
scar on the back of his thigh to prove it. They’d yet to get close enough to
finish him off, but he’d never been stupid enough to stick around an area after
raiding it either.

Slinking deeper
into the forest, he ran until he could no longer smell them on his trail or
hear their hushed voices. Pausing at a brook about five miles from where he
started his retreat, he ducked his head to sip at the cool water, wetting his
parched throat.

He knew he
should keep going, vacate the area completely. But as he glanced back in the
direction of the jaguar homestead, everything inside him rebelled. His female
was back there; he couldn’t abandon her.










Chapter Five


When Riley made
it home from work to relieve Jaycee from her nanny duties, Jaycee still felt
revived and energetic. She and the children had spent most of the day playing.

But the
triplets’ mother had barely knelt down inside the doorway to scoop up her three
children in a group hug when she paused, lifted her nose and then veered a
wide-eyed look Jaycee’s way. A startled expression plastered to her features,
she gawked until Jaycee squirmed under her intense inspection.

Finally, she
couldn’t take it any longer. “What?” she demanded.

Shaking her
head, Riley jerked her gaze away. “Nothing. Sorry for staring?”

“No,” Jaycee
said, setting her hand on her hip. “That was definitely something. What’s going

“She can smell
the wolf—”

Flinging out
her hand, Riley covered Brynn’s mouth in a smooth, motherly way. But Jaycee had
heard enough.

Crinkling her
brow, she frowned. “Wolf?”

Sighing, Riley
turned to her children and ushered them away. “To your rooms. Clean them. Now.
I’m going to come inspect them in half an hour, and the cleanest room’s owner
gets a surprise.”

As the three
scampered off, Jaycee moved closer to their mother. Riley watched her children
until they disappeared at the top of the stairs, and still she stared as if
purposely keeping her back to the nanny.

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