Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2] (7 page)

BOOK: Dreams of Wolf [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 2]
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When Bob was
sufficiently lubed, she slid it from her mouth and trailed its wet tip down her
body, between her breasts and over her belly. Her lover gawked, a hoarse groan
exiting his lungs.

She reached the
apex of her thighs and skimmed the surface of her clit. The vibration hummed
through her, making her arch her back.


The wolf-man
surged upright, repositioning himself to sit at her thigh, where he could see
her work between her legs, caressing her pussy with Bob’s cool, wet length.

“Holy fuck.
This is hot.” Hand going to his cock, he stroked himself, each pump of his
wrist stretching his penis longer and bigger until he was fully erect, the head
glistening with pre-cum. “I love watching your cunt bloom open.”

She definitely
bloomed. Jaycee’s body, suffused with heat, felt like it was going to ignite at
any moment. No one had ever watched her play with Bob before. She had no idea
it would be so erotic.

Getting into
her voyeuristic teasing, she slid Bob’s tip to the opening of her vagina. Her
lover groaned and jerked on his cock with a renewed fury.

“Do it,” he
grunted, the pupils of his eyes turning into vertical slits.

She pushed the
vibrator inside her, the buzz muting as her pussy muffled its sound. An
electric current traveled down her legs and out the ends of her toes, tickling
the heels of her feet.

Jaycee met the
gaze of the man watching her, and she came. She tried to keep eye contact, but
the sensation was so strong, his face wavered in her vision.

His groan was
as loud and clear as his ripe curse.

“Fuck. Oh,
shit. I have to be inside you.”

Her hand was
batted to the side and Bob ripped from her so suddenly, she gasped at the loss.
Blinking her sight back to normal, she merely watched as her lover hopped
between her thighs, cupped her ass in his hands, and lifted her hips to align
her still throbbing pussy with his fully aroused cock.

Sweat beaded on
his brow as he met her gaze. “Ready?” he choked out the word.

For some
reason, she knew this was going to be a rough ride. Reaching above her, she
latched a firm grip on the bedpost and nodded.

He pushed home,
sure and quick, a massive, hot invasion compared to the cold, lifeless prodding
from Bob. She gritted her teeth and clung to the headboard for dear life.

Filling her
repeatedly, her lover threw his head back and groaned as his body pumped like a
well-oiled machine. Transfixed by the beauty of his all-consuming arousal,
Jaycee could only watch as he gritted his teeth, his lips pulling back to show
a row of pearly whites. She blinked, wondering why his incisors suddenly looked
so jagged and the canine cuspids seemed particularly long. My, what big teeth
he had.

As he groaned
again, his head fell forward so he could look at her. She was almost certain
his eyes were dilated like a cat’s…or a werewolf’s. His fingernails felt
sharp—claw-like—as they dug deeper into her hips. He held her tight, plunging
into her body with complete abandon.

Jaycee figured
she’d be scared out of her wits if she wasn’t so damn turned on. But watching
him lose his center and try to reign in his animal blew her away. To know she
had so much power over him was her undoing.

She threw open
her body, giving it all to him, and came in a rush of pleasure.

His eyes lit
up, the single black slits of his pupils the only things not glowing as he
roared and climaxed as well.

Once again, at
the very epitome of bliss, she blacked out, coming to with her lover leaning
over her and repeating her name and shaking her shoulders.

“’M okay,” she
mumbled, ready to pass out some more. Not that he would let her by the way he
sat her upright and shook her shoulders.

godammit. Open your eyes.”

She did with a
pained groan. “What?”

deflating, he pressed his forehead to hers. “Seriously. You need to stop
passing out whenever I come inside you.”

“Total buzz
kill, huh?” she asked, her head muzzy and thick, but she was still able to see
his smile through her gray vision.

“Something like
that,” he murmured. With a relieved sigh, he pulled from her body and collapsed
on his back next to her, where he swiped his hand over his glistening face.
“Though technically, you’re gracious enough to wait until I’ve hit my high
before you swoon.”

Lips spreading,
Jaycee let out a big yawn and stretched her overworked muscles. “That’s it.
We’re going to have to give you a name.” Dream man or not, she couldn’t keep
thinking of him as simply that-sex-god-wolf-guy.

Next to her, he
murmured, “My name is Knox.”

She blinked,
then frowned. “Hey. This is my dream. Shouldn’t I be the one who gets to name

His brow
crinkled. “My name is Knox,” he repeated, not leaving any room for negotiation.

She sighed.
“Fine. But I had a couple of doozies in mind. I mean, how can you go wrong with
a name like, oh, say Philip the friendly Phallus?”

He growled and
sat up. She laughed at his irritated expression. Feeling the need to tease him
mercilessly, she added. “Or Ben Dover or Dick Long or—”

“Knox,” he
muttered. “I’ve always been Knox. I stay Knox.” As if he thought she might
argue, he loomed over her, crowding her backward until she was forced to lie on
the bed, where he could hover above her.

Instead of
being overwhelmed, she was tickled by his prickly attitude. “Okay, okay,” she
gave in on a happy chuckle, feeling more and more alive with every second. “I
guess you can stay Knox if you’re going to be a big baby about it.”

“Thank you,” he
murmured, yet instead of pulling away, he continued to loom. “For that, I
suppose I’ll allow you remain Jaycee.”

She snickered.
“Oh, that’s so kind and generous of you, my lord. I’m honored you would allow
me to—”

He clamped his
hand over her mouth, muffling her. “You have no control over that smart mouth,
do you?”

Her eyes
glittered with amusement. Shaking his head, he bent down and replaced his hand
with his mouth. Kissing her, he thrust his tongue between her teeth.

“God, you taste
so good,” he groaned. “Why can’t I get enough of you?”

Well, that had
a simple answer. “Because it’s my dream. I don’t want you to grow tired of me.”

He pulled back
and stared at her. “I have a really bad feeling you just doomed me for the rest
of my life.”










Chapter Seven


It was
midafternoon the next day before a knock sounded on the Griffins’ front door.
Shaw had been home for over an hour, buried in his office. When he’d come
through the back door, he’d still been awkward around Jaycee, refusing to make
eye contact. Head ducked, he told her he still had some work to do in his
office and asked her to stay until Riley made it home. Then he’d hurried past,
even forgetting to greet his children.

Leaving the
triplets in the rec room to continue playing video games, Jaycee strolled
through the house and slipped aside a curtain to peek out the front window
before unbolting the door’s lock. When she saw Donald, her breath stilled in
her lungs. Dear Lord, what was
doing here?

She hadn’t
spoken or talked to her ex since he’d come back the night after being caught
cheating on her, when he’d packed his things and moved out.

Not sure if she
could open the door to receive this man, Jaycee bit her lip until the bell rang

“Oh, this is
ridiculous.” If she couldn’t face the douche who broke her heart, she was going
to disappoint herself big time.

Slipping off
the chain, she glanced down, then let out a moan of misery. God, if only she’d
worn a skirt and heels to work today.

Pasting on a
friendly expression, she pulled open the door. Donald lifted his head, opening
his mouth to speak, when he froze. For a moment, his eyes widened before he
glanced down her body and back up again.

“Jaycee,” he
said, sounding surprised. “I…I didn’t know you’d be here. Shaw said he’d be
home this afternoon, but I thought…”

“He’s working
in his office,” she cut him off, disappointment swirling through her belly.
Donald had to be the last person she wanted to see, but the thought that he
hadn’t even come here to talk to her stung even more.

She’d met
Donald here. He and Shaw had been Elks Lodge members or some such buddies.
Donald had knocked on this very door, a complete stranger to her, one day. And
she’d opened it for him, just like now. He’d scanned her body then too,
grinned, and immediately begun to flirt. He’d chatted with her for nearly half
an hour before he’d remembered he’d come by to see her employer.

Stepping to the
side, she opened the door to let him in. “I assume he knows you’re coming.”

Eyeing her up
and done one more time, Donald nodded. “Yeah, I, uh…I texted him.”

Jaycee nodded
and shut the door. Donald didn’t move as he continued to stare at her. “You
look good,” he finally said.

She arched him
a nasty sneer. “Good enough to cheat on, huh?”

He flushed, his
Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he gulped down his own shame. “Jaycee—”

She lifted her
hand with a sigh. “Look, save it. Okay. If you’re here to see Shaw, then go see
him and leave me alone.”

His face filled
with misery. “I’m really sorry about…about everything, you know. You never gave
me a chance to tell you that.”

She rolled her
eyes. “Yeah, well I’ve moved on. It’s all water under the bridge.”

“You have?”
Brows burrowing with irritation, Donald asked, “What’s his name?”

She opened her
mouth, then paused. When she’d said she’d moved on, she’d meant with her life,
not with another man. Great, now he was going to think she was a pathetic loser
if she didn’t give him a name.

“Knox,” she
said before she could stop herself. No need to add that Knox was a complete
fabrication from her own dream.

Donald nodded,
but his eyes remained narrowed. “Huh.”

Shaw’s voice came from behind them, making Jaycee jump and whirl around. She’d
never seen her employee look so steamed as he glared past her to the man
standing at her elbow. “I thought I told you to come later.”

Donald brushed
past Jaycee, forgetting her. “This can’t wait.”

Shaw’s jaw
remained hard and uncompromising, but after a second of glaring, he gave a
stiff nod. Motioning his guest toward the back of the house, he said, “We can
talk in the kitchen over a cup of coffee.”

After waiting
for Donald to move past him and disappear around a corner, Shaw slid an
apologetic look Jaycee’s way. “I’m sorry. I told him to wait until after
supper, when you’d be gone, before he came.”

Forcing an
uneasy smile, Jaycee waved his apology aside. “Don’t worry about it. This is
your house, Shaw. You can have whatever guest here you like.”

He opened his
mouth as if he wanted to disagree and keep groveling. But he clamped his lips
and gave a brief nod before pivoting on his heel and following Donald to the

Too curious to
let this slid, Jaycee wandered back that way herself, keeping in the hallway
and out of sight. Male voices floated toward her as she drew closer; she didn’t
stop until she could distinguish their muffled words.

“We tracked it
backyard, Griffin. This monster is stalking you. If you’d just
let us set up a couple traps—”

“No!” Shaw’s
voice was firm and almost angry. “No traps will be set up so close to my


“I said no. I
can take care of my own family. A single wolf doesn’t intimidate me.”

Jaycee’s lips
parted at the mention of her wolf. Flushing as she realized she’d just thought
of it as hers, she pressed her hand to her mouth, embarrassed by her own
thoughts. For a second, she’d felt worried and protective of the wolf she’d
seen in the Griffin yard a mere two days ago. Her dreams about Knox were
starting to get the best of her.

But seriously,
did Donald think Knox—er, the wolf—was dangerous?

Obviously, for
his next words were, “How can you say that, after what they did to your
parents? Your sister—”

“Donald,” Shaw
boomed in a threatening voice. “That’s enough. I thank you for the warning, but
I’m retired from hunting. Keep your traps away from my home. If something
threatens my family, I’ll handle it. Alone.”

Tension oozed
into the hallway from the kitchen as a brief silence followed. Then a chair
scraped across the floor. “Fine,” Donald muttered. “Have it your way. But don’t
say we never offered you our help when you come home to find your triplets
bloody and slaughtered across your backyard by that monster.”

“Don’t worry; I

As footsteps
approached the entrance of the hall, Jaycee scurried into a nearby doorway and
ducked out of sight. She held her breath as she listened to Donald storm toward
the front door, then slam it shut.

Wondering what
that had been about, she bit her lip as she waited for a more-quiet Shaw to
pass through the hall and return to his office. She’d had no idea her employer
had ever been into hunting. There were no pictures of him with a gun and some
wild game he’d killed, no stuffed animals hanging on the walls. Donald had
always been off “hunting” when they’d lived together. Deer, bear, squirrel—you
name it, he shot it. But Shaw had never shown such tendencies.

Humph. Strange.


* * * *


Jaycee still
wondered about the odd conversation she’d overheard that evening as she whipped
up a salad for supper, bypassing dressing. Seeing the ex again made her realize
just how much she’d been slipping on her diet. Sprinkling crumbled egg over the
top, she jumped when a knock came on her front door.

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