Dorthena (4 page)

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Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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grinned, “my pleasure sweets heart,” Seeker crawled out of bed and
walks over to Thena smiles down at her he took her in his arms,
kisses her and picks her up while still kissing her and walked her
over to his bed and laid her down. Then he lay down beside her ran
his hands up and down her side and deepened the kiss. Seeker had
scented that Thena was not far off from coming into heat and it
made him randy as hell. When Thena was breathless and her eyes were
dilated from being hot and bothered. Seeker moves his hand over one
of her breast and Thena quickly removes his hand, and pushed Seeker
away. “Please stop, don’t go any further! I do not get involved
with clients. Before you ask, no there is no one special in my
life. I can’t afford to have someone special in my line of work it
would be to dangerous for them and for me!”

Seeker frowned
at her then got up off the bed exposing the fact he was hard and
ready for her. He walks into the bathroom Dorthena hears the shower
start up and then hears, “Damn this water is cold.” Seeker knew it
would be just a matter of time and he would be screwing her five or
six times a day until her heat came to an end. Seeker smile widen
with the thought. Her heat was not far off.

Thena smiled
to herself realizing he was taking a cold shower and she also
needed one. When Seeker came out all wet, and a towel wrapped
around him she stepped into the bathroom turned the shower on, and
took a very cool shower, but not cold. After the refreshing shower
she slipped on her night grown and walked out into the hall way and
down to her room picked up her suit case opened it and slipped on a
pair of fresh panties, jeans and t-shirt then a blouse over

After pinning
up her hair she opened her door walked down the stair case and into
the kitchen. Coal and Telme were waiting for her. They had made
coffee, but were hoping she would make breakfast. Telme smiled,
“are you any good at breakfast like you are dinners?”

“Pancakes ok
with you guys?” Thena said with a smile.

Once the men
finished blueberry pancakes and a cup of coffee Thena cleaned up
the kitchen then realized wait a minute I am here to do a job and
it is not cooking and cleaning up after three he-men

breakfast Thena walked around the house checking the area out. Then
moved into the woods a ways and shifted down into a cougar. Thena
moved around in a circle always moving outward as she traveled in
the circle. The area was beautiful with its poplar trees and jack
pines. The ground was soft to walk on. In areas that small ponds
set in were diamond willows. Once she reached the main highway she
moved back towards the house. When she came to the lane she heard a
vehicle coming down and she stood in the middle of the lane and
didn’t move. When the vehicle came to a stop she shifted back into
human form and gave Seeker a dirty look. “Where the hell do you
think your going?”

Seeker saw
Thena on the road as a cougar and thought she was the most
beautiful cat he had ever seen. Her tail was long and sleek her
coat was shiny in the sun light. Her eyes were blue not brown like
the cat she appeared to be. “To work, where else would I be going
on a Friday?” Seeker said with a frown.

“Then I am
going with you. I need to protect you so come back to the house
while I get ready!” Thena said in anger.

“Like hell I
don’t take orders from a female I am the alpha of this pack.
Besides I have to get to work with that he put the vehicle in gear
and raced off down the highway! Shifting down into a black panther
Thena raced back to the alpha house, jumped into her SUV. When she
managed to catch up to Seeker a head of her in his vehicle, she was
angry she did not have a bullet proof vest on. She only had three
guns with her and no extra clips except for one nine mill. She had
one wig with her! She was angry beyond words. When she watched
Seeker pull into where he worked she smiled with relief. She sat in
her vehicle the entire day. She was reading a book when five
o’clock came and Seeker finally came out of the shop he worked in.
He was black and dirty and she smiled. Thena checked around the
area several times and was even ask by one of the men out on a
date. The problem was she was never asked to come, she was never
asked by him for her protection. And decided if he wanted to get
himself killed then she would not try to stop something he did not
want stopped.

Seeker had
been angry with Thena thinking he was not capable of taking care of
himself. Hell he was an alpha male. His anger stayed with him for a
while and even snapped at one of the men he worked with. Seeker had
to back and apologize to the man giving the excuse he had not slept

Thena drove
slower on the way home she did not keep up with Seeker he was
flying home at high speed. When she reached the drive way she
slowed down turned in and drove slowly up to the house. She sat in
her vehicle for a few moments and finally made up her mind on what
she was going to do and how to handle the situation. She stopped in
front of the door, walked to the door and opened it went up the
stairs to her room packed her bag and headed down the stair case.
Seeker came out of the kitchen looked at Thena, “Where the hell are
you going?”

“I am heading
out of here and back home where I belong. You made it very clear
today with your actions that you do not wish my protection. And I
realized also today you didn’t ask for my protection I just sort of
walked in and offered it. With that said, I am leaving right now
and heading home!”

Seeker frowned
then looked at her, “the choice is yours you can either stay or you
can leave. I can certainly take care of my self.” Seeker really did
not think she would leave.

Thena smiled,
“I’ll go you really don’t want my help, have a nice short

Thena walked
to the door opened it up, and went to walk out when a shot rang out
and Thena went down. Seeker hit the floor and worked his way behind
the door grabbed Thena’s hand and dragged her from the door way
shutting the door at the same time. “Thena are you alright?” Thena
didn’t answer his question he looked at her body and she was
bleeding from her left shoulder. The bullet had to have gone in
below her collar bone but went out through her shoulder blade.
“Damn,” Seeker swore, “she is hurt bad.” There were no more shots
fired. Coal and Telme rushed down from up stairs. When they saw
Thena on the floor bleeding and Seeker beside her, Telme sneaked
into the kitchen and got a couple of towels and put them in front
and behind on Thena shoulder. Telme moved around from window to
window checking but found nothing nor did he see anything.

Seeker rushed
her up stairs to his private bathroom placed Thena in the tub shut
the door. This did not leave the bedroom in total darkness. He
worked on stopping the bleeding. The bullet had gone straight threw
her shoulder. Once he picked out some of her cotton t-shirt out of
the wound, he added salve and bandaged her up tight. Thena had lost
a lot of blood this time and it would take time for her to replace
the blood she lost. He shut off the bathroom light removed the
towel, opened the door. Telme was standing there waiting for
orders. “Turn down my bed she will have to sleep in here where I
can keep watch over her.” Telme rushed to do what he was told to
do. Seeker was proud of Telme, he did what he was told and never
questioned an order. Once Thena was in bed Seeker removed her
clothes slipped on her night grown since Telme brought up her suit
case then covered her up.

While Seeker
took off Thena’s clothes and put on her night grown Telme could not
help but admire her beauty. She had the perfect shape! He felt his
shaft growing hard and discomfort began to become unbearable.

Telme looked
at his alpha and wondered if he was falling for Thena. “Darn, this
means she won’t be cooking tonight, and I was so looking forward to
her cooking, and not ours. Oh well it can’t be helped, once she
eats my cooking she will get well real soon, and want to do the
cooking.” Telme laughed, and walked out of the bedroom.

Seeker sat
down in a chair next to the bed he looked at Dorthena really close.
He thought to himself, “She is really pretty, not movie star
pretty, or model pretty, just pretty as can be, light blonde hair
with sandy dark strips in it that glistened in the sun. Her nose
was small and cute. She had a beautiful smile, when she smiled
which was often. She has a slim waste nice round hips her weight
would be around one hundred and fifteen pounds or one hundred and
twenty pounds. Her breasts were just right size for her shape. She
was a heart breaker that was a given.” Seeker decided he wanted her
and was going to do his best to make her understand his feelings
for her.

Seeker sat
there for two hours when Telme came up with a plate of food for
Seeker. He looked at the dish and smiled, “ok it is not bad he
thought macaroni and cheese, fried steak and bake potato, hot cup
of coffee. Certainly not the kind of fair that Thena would have
made, but it will work for me. “Thank you Telme, I appreciate the
meal more then you know.”

At around ten
that evening Seeker undressed down to his under wear, slipped into
the bed next to Thena pulled her into his arms, and fall into a
light sleep. During the night Thena moved so that her injured
shoulder was up, but quickly shifted back to her back when her
shoulder shot through her with pain in protest. Crying out in her
sleep, Seeker pulled her towards him, and whispered to her, “you
safe, sleep sweet cakes.” Thena quieted down, and slept deeper.

When the sun
came up Seeker awakened and looked at Thena she was pale in
appearance, she was not running any temperature, but she was
weakened by the blood lost. She was sound a sleep, and resting
peacefully. Seekers leaned over and kissed her lips. He could not
seem to resist kissing her full lips. Even with her pale she was
still beautiful especially to him. He decided he was going to take
advantage of her weakened state, he knew in his heart it was wrong,
but he could not stop him self. He placed his hand over one of her
breasts, and moved it around the beautiful soft globe. Thena’s lips
opened to Seekers tongue pressed against her lips. Thena kissed
Seeker back, then put her arm around him, and pulled him into her
body. Seekers lips softened against hers and his tongue gently
caressed the inside of her mouth. Thena moaned softly pressed her
breast into Seekers chest. Seeker pulled Thena in closer, but was
gentle not to hurt her shoulder. Seeker ran his hands up and down
her side around to her back as he kissed her breathless. He slipped
up her night grown to her neck. His mouth claimed one perk nipple,
then the other sucking them until they stood up and were hard.
Seeker rubbed his hard shaft against Thena to let her know of his
great desire for her. His shaft was hard and desired Thena like no
other female before her. Seeker moved his hand down to her panties,
and slipped his hand inside, and touched her core. Thena moaned and
spread her legs wide a part. Seeker moved one finger in side of
her. Then two and worked in and out of her working her G-spot until
he felt her orgasm. He removed his fingers and licked them and
smiled. Then he removed her panties slid off his boxer shorts, and
slid down her body and put his tongue on Thena’s clitoris. Seeker
nipped at her with his teeth it was sensitive and Thena lifted
herself to his mouth. When she began moving with him he moved up
her body licking, and kissing, and nipping his way up. Quickly
Seeker reached for a condom put it on. When Seekers shaft reached
her tunnel he drove himself fully in side of her, and she cried out
with a deep longing. Seeker was medium size and hard and she took
him in one long thrust. Seekers lips took over hers as he worked in
and out of her causing her to build once more, and when she came
all over his shaft he released his seed. Seeker quickly removed the
condom and tossed it into a waste paper basket near the bed. Then
he pulled Thena into his arms, and held her. She put a small smile
on her face.

Her heart
broke a little as she realized what she had done; she had been
dreaming of her old boy friend, she even at one point thought it
was him who wanted to make love to her. When she realized it was
not him it was to late to stop what was happening to her.

“I need a bath
if you don’t mind!” Thena said with a slight smile.

“Awe a bath
for the lady, be right back”. Thena watched as Seeker slipped out
of bed walked to the bathroom totally nude, he had a small ass. His
legs were not very muscular, not what she expected an alpha to
have, or not what she had seen in her past. Seeker was not much too
really be pleased about. She heard the water running, and he came
out. “Come sweet cakes and have a bath with me?” Seeker smiled

When Thena
went to get up she felt a little dizzy and sat back down. Seeker
moved quickly to the bed picked Thena up, and walked into the
bathroom with her. Seeker stepped into the tub set Thena’s feet
down, and then holding her he sat down, and placed her between his
legs. Carefully he washed her all over except the shoulder and
bandages, then rinsed her off. Helped her out of the bath tub dried
her down. Then he stepped back into the bath water heated it with
hot water, and took his bath. When he had finished he found Thena
lying across his bed she was fully covered with a sheet lying over
her body.

“You look
pretty laying across my bed covered with a sheet Thena, you belong
there!” Seeker said with a smile.

“I should have
a smile, don’t you think Seeker, or am I wrong?” Thena wasn’t sure
why she was lying to him, he was an ok lover.” Thena thought once
you have had the best every thing just isn’t worth bothering with
second best. Thena thought to herself, major alpha males usually
were better built then Seeker and also had larger male parts.
Seeker was not an alpha male by birth, he was a male trying to be
an alpha male, and he would fail. Suddenly she felt sorry for
Seeker. She had heard of such things before but never met a male
like this before. Well not to her knowledge any way. She knew why
Cue had not listened to his alpha and had done what he wanted. Cue
knew Seeker was not an alpha male. Worse yet Melrodger would have
known as well. That is why he blamed Seeker for his son’s

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