Two Times the Trouble

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Authors: Mellanie Szereto

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Two Times the Trouble
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Bewitching Desires 5

Two Times the Trouble

Under constant attack from her family's sworn enemy, Jolán Macska has all but given up hope of finding her mates when the day of her twenty-first birthday arrives. Now a full-fledged witch, her fertility cycle has begun and she must find her mates soon or wait seven years to try again. Security is tight, and no one dares leave the safety of the estate. How will she meet any eligible men?

Liam Pattison and Ivan Janokov have been hired to build a new wing onto the Macska mansion to accommodate the growing family. Both men are drawn to Jolán, and the stepbrothers are at odds when they begin the job.

When the enemy attacks, the three of them are trapped in the basement beneath a massive maze of tangled lumber. While there, Jolán, Liam, and Ivan must discover a way to work together to build a strong and lasting love.

Contemporary, Fantasy, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
30,985 words



Bewitching Desires 5






Mellanie Szereto










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour




Copyright © 2012 by Mellanie Szereto

E-book ISBN:


First E-book Publication: April 2012


Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Two Times the Trouble
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




Many thanks to my fabulous critique partners, my family, and my readers. Your support means the world to me.


Bewitching Desires 5



Copyright © 2012






Chapter 1


“Happy birthday to me. Whoop-dee-doo.” Jolán Macska kicked at the dry grass as she marched toward the herb garden to gather parsley for the night’s evening meal. The sun still hung low in the eastern sky, and already she dreaded the next fourteen hours. “A day like any other.”

What a way to celebrate her twenty-first birthday and the first of her fertility cycles. Her hormones were going crazy, but without a man around, the sex education lessons of the last year were worthless. Instead of searching for a mate, she’d have to resort to orgasms via her collection of sex toys for the next week. When it was over, she’d still technically be a virgin. How humiliating. Even worse, she’d have to wait seven years before she could begin the hunt again—and she’d have to spend the entire day listening to false words of encouragement from grandmothers, aunts, and cousins.

“If I ever get my hands on that shifty old Kazmer, I’m going to make him pay for messing up my—” She kicked again. “Ow! Ow, ow, ow!”

She hopped on one foot to inspect her throbbing toe, but her skirt slipped down her leg every time she let go of it to grasp her heel. A bumblebee buzzed around her head. “Arghh! I bet you’re one of his nasty minions.”

“What happened? Are you hurt?” A male voice had her turning toward the barn. Long, lean legs carried an upper body sculpted from marble and a handsome chiseled face that sent her uterus into a spasm.

“Oh, Goddess, thank you!” Every nerve ending in her pussy jumped to attention. The Fates had given her a gorgeous hunk of a man for her birthday. Sky blue eyes and light brown hair. Muscles galore. Her ankle gave way as she lost her balance on the uneven path. She swung her arms out and prepared for a painful collision with the ground.

Strong arms caught and lifted her as she fell sideways. “Careful. Did you step on something? You probably shouldn’t be walking around barefoot out here with the construction going on.”

Heat flooded the juncture of her thighs, and a rush of lightheadedness took her by surprise. “Mm, bee sting. I feel strange.”

“Are you allergic?” His forearms cradled her legs and back.

“No, I don’t think so.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. His clean-shaven chin brushed her forehead.

He strode away from the gardens. “Is there fresh water in the barn? If we wash your foot, maybe I can find the stinger and take it out.”

“Hm? Yes, water.” Tightening her hold around his neck, she inhaled the woodsy scent of her savior. “You smell wonderful, like the woods in the spring.”

One side of his mouth quirked upward. “Are you sure you’re not hallucinating? Sounds a little poetic for a guy smell.”

The light dimmed as they entered the stable, but he didn’t slow. One of the mares nickered from her stall down the center aisle from them. Would the horses mind a bit of moaning and screaming while she had a romp in the hay with tall, built, and sexy?

“Can you tell me where to find a spigot?” He took a quick left turn. “A bathroom. Good. And a cot. Maybe there’s a first aid kit. Are you sure you’re not allergic? You seem a little out of it.”

Not out of it—more like
into him
. She giggled. “What’s your name?”

He settled her on the wide cot, loosening her arms from his neck. “Liam. Liam Pattison. I’ll be right back.”

His perfectly rounded ass flexed as he stepped toward the sink. He bent to open the lower cabinet and pulled out a bottle of witch hazel, a box of bandages, and a bag of cotton balls. With his every movement, lust coursed through her veins. She couldn’t stop a wicked smile from forming.

“I don’t see any antihistamines. Maybe we should go to the house, um, mansion.” He shifted, looking at her over his shoulder.

“No.” A shudder raced up her spine. “Kata’s and Rebeka’s concoctions might work, but they almost always taste and smell terrible. A kiss will probably do the trick.”

His lips twitched and curved upward. He chuckled. “You’re not shy, are you? Let’s see about that bee sting first.”

Snagging a washcloth from the shelf above the sink, he wet it and carried it to the cot. When he lifted her foot onto his lap, her long skirt slid up her calf, and she tugged it past her knee. The gentle stroking along her arch made her pulse jump and her clit contract. Wetness dampened her panties, and she spread her thighs in the hope that he’d catch the musky scent of her arousal.

He moved to her toes, his touch light enough to tickle. She focused on the caress of his fingers and bit her lower lip to keep from jerking her foot from his grasp.

“I’m not sure how you managed to step on a bee with such tiny feet. I don’t see any—”


He held up his hands. “Oops, sorry. Looks like I found the stinger. Some redness. Not much swelling, so you probably aren’t allergic. Hold still while I get it out.”

Squeezing her eyes shut, Jolán waited for the inevitable stab of pain. A squeak escaped when he scraped across the sore spot, and she willed away the tears pooling behind her eyelids.

“Got it.”

Something cool dribbled between her toes, and she flinched at the burn of antiseptic on the injury.

“You okay?”

She shook her head, taking a slow inhale then exhale before opening her eyes.
method beat a stinky poultice, hands down. She sat up and clutched the front of his T-shirt in her fist. “I could really use that kiss.”

Tugging him closer, she pressed her lips to his mouth and teased the seam with the tip of her tongue. The sex manual had given instructions for kisses for various occasions, but it hadn’t prepared her for the powerful zings of desire streaming from her face to her breasts to her cunt. Pushing past his lips, she made a circuit around the moist interior of his mouth, tracing his teeth and gliding against his tongue. He tasted of mint toothpaste and something she could only describe as horny male.

He groaned and eased her backward to lie on the cot. With every swipe, he became the aggressor, but she refused to let him overpower her. She nipped at his lip when he tried to push their sparring to his advantage. Her blood heated, and her heart hammered in her chest. She needed more.

Yanking his shirt from the waistband of his jeans, she skimmed the contours of the muscles beneath the silky skin on his back. His spine made a shallow valley up its length, and his shoulder blades formed two smooth plateaus on either side. She raked her fingernails up and down, the need to mark him nearly annihilating her thoughts.

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